High Speed Rail: Harry Davis interview on RochesterSubway.com
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RochesterSubway.com has been keeping an eye on the race for Rochester City Council. As we've watched the Ren Square debacle unfold and the lobby for high speed rail upstate, one candidate has stood out. So we interviewed him. From sustainable city planning to commuter rail, Harry Davis seems to be on the right track.
RochesterSubway.com has been keeping an eye on the race for Rochester City Council. As we've watched the Ren Square debacle unfold and the lobby for high speed rail upstate, one candidate has stood out. So we interviewed him. From sustainable city planning to commuter rail, Harry Davis seems to be on the right track.
Vote For Trains… Uh, err, I mean Change!
On September 15, 2009, there’ll be a gentleman on the Democratic primary ballot for Rochester City Council. Harry Davis is a big advocate for Rochester, sustainable urban planning, and rail transit …That’s all it took for us to take notice. Mr. Davis doesn’t have a long political resume or a lot of connections with big names. He’s a graduate of Brighton High School, owned an antique store on Park Avenue, ran a small alternative Rochester newspaper called The Journal, and traveled around a bit while working as a video producer for Greenpeace. From my brief conversation with Mr. Davis, I’d say whatever he lacks in political experience he more than makes up for with heart and enthusiasm. Take this self-produced anti-RenSquare ad for instance…
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