9/11, Who Benefited Versus Gulag Gitmo?
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9/11, Who Benefited Versus Gulag Gitmo? “The most dangerous person is the fearful; he is the most to be feared.†Dick Cheney more or less admitted his group’s guilt in his desperate attempt to take on Barack Obama’s sane and necessary policy of closing Guantanamo. To argue that a military machine that spends up to a half trillion dollars a year doesn’t have the where-with-all to guard prisoners already in handcuffs is to argue an extremely weak case. Equally the U.S. has the largest prisoner population in the world and somehow criminals with various motives of malice manage to remain behind bars—their wills and wits are no less agile than are those huddled away where Americans can’t know their real situation. How did the Romans manage to keep dangerous lions under control—but then they did not have the same technologies and material sciences. To think that the Republican party would have the jaded audacity to use the NIMBY excuse as a wedge issue is beyond the pale—given the enormous harm their public relations of Guantanomo and Gulag has already affected the world’s perception of Americans and U.S. foreign policy. Obviously they are counting on the continuously manipulated fear of the naïve and cowardly, as well as the spoiled American presumption that if one “feels†bad about something then that is a good enough reason to get one’s way. This is just further denial of the forms of torture and the exaggerated fears that have been spoon-fed to the politically retarded by such listeners of demagogues like Michael Savage and his hydra dragon-minded. But it is not really their escape he fears—rather it is that people will more likely find out that this is a whole sham—that these peoples’ stories are far more realistic and believable than are the military’s game plan to deny rights and deny fair trials. Still Cheney’s neocon “fear-mongering†hysteria at the American Enterprise Institute Thursday, May 21st, denouncing President Obama’s plan to close gulag gitmo, connotes that the mainstream media’s “emotional debate†is about something far deeper and more frightening than whether it is safe to place political prisoners in U.S. After all it was Cheney who was in command at the White House when 9/11 occurred while Bush was learning how to read many a mile away in his brother’s state of Florida. But what if the main theories regarding a kind of insider conspiracy job by rogue elements within and without the West did 9/11 (private and semi-private organizations)? And what if all the ill-gotten intelligence from random incarceration and torture was, or mostly, false, meant to deceive the world, but especially Americans, into continuing to believe that it was bin Laden as Arabs and Muslims groups that carried out the war act of 9/11 on the American people and the U.S. economy? What if hardly none of the confessions are true—that there is zero worth-while intelligence gained, but that the ploy was still used to conceal and fabricate more mythology? Certainly that would inspire a need to hide the case? Maybe their hiding of an actual conspiracy meant to motivate Americans into believing that America’s enemies are primarily Muslims and Arabs, and that one major motive for 9/11 was really to begin a new Christian crusade of 50 years of conflict against all things Muslim? Who benefited from the terrorist acts of 9/11? 1) Investors who invest into profitable corporations connected to the military industrial complex. War has usually been profitable to some class of people. Prior to 9/11 there was little in the way of war material inventories being depleted. But after 9/11 it all changed as many stood to profit. Equally support system corporations and private contracting firms gained immensely. 2) Industry leaders and think tank politicos who believed it was necessary for certain companies to control various strategic resources and international territories were likely convinced that control in the Middle East was necessary for the continuing maintenance of a high standard of living for the West. Gas and oil reserves are coveted by every industrial civilization. Having a ready reason to enter and fight in the Middle East gave such people their illusion of future prosperity. Is it be coincidence there is a strong coincidence that the propaganda War on Terrorism juxtaposes nicely with a need to control third world countries that either have oil and gas reserves or territories in which pipelines are needed with stable pro-western protection? 3) Advocates for extreme laissez faire economic policies that rewrote an Iraqi constitution that promoted the free market system of neo-liberal economic principles and made it especially easy for foreign nations to own a part of Iraq and its resources. 4) Equally the heroin industry of Afghanistan came back to life after. Bin Laden and the Taliban, because of their religious fanaticism, pretty much closed down the trade. Any people, and loose or tight organizations, connected with the heroin trade in Central Asia reaped billion dollars rewards—including all money laundering groups of financiers. 5) Israel benefited by having one of their neighboring enemies, namely Saddam Hussein and his standing army weakened and preoccupied. It is not a coincidence that the advocates and newspaper pundits most defensive about our invasion happen to be strong advocates of Israel’s right-wing will. 6) Those who believe in a two class system benefited because the wealth investor class, including most of the Congress and Senate, are not sending their kids to die—rather they rely on a volunteer military of lower and middle class kids that can’t find jobs or have few prospects to go to school. 7) Some right-wing politicos also benefited by having more Americans afraid of Muslims and Arabs thought as America’s enemies. Apparently some people felt that Muslims and Arabs should not be on friendly terms with Americans here in the U.S. and that it was necessary to spy and harass them in this country. Meanwhile this event was used to persuade Americans that Israel is America’s “natural†ally and partner against the forces of Islamist extremism—yet Israel is not willing to separate Church and State and adamantly discriminates against those not Jewish. Meanwhile Israel’s enemies have been Muslim and Arab elements and continues their huge “neocon†propaganda campaign that harps on “Islamo-fascism,†“Islamo-extremism,†and “Islamo-fanaticism†but never consider the possibility of any Christians, Jews, or other secular fanatics being capable of extremism. 8) Politically motivated people with the desire to use a historically tried and true and ready-made “fear†mechanism, namely terrorism, as an excuse to curtail and destroy civil liberties and freedoms normally honored in democratic countries. This curtailment is similar to those who continue to try to censor free speech such as stolen election Lieberman’s attempt to control the Internet. Recently JINSA or the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs put out a new report authored by retired U.S. Army Colonel Ralph Peters that advocates censorship and on the partisan media (the non-embedded media). Given how much some military officers have already engaged in distorting truth for politicos can they be expected to be honest with Americans? Such mentality has allowed spying on citizens by “privatized†corporations not accountable to the tax paying public who pay organizations to secretly spy and keep records on its own citizenry. 9) Politically motivated people and groups who have a desire to destroy the political strength and good will of the American people by weakening the economic viability of this culture to other corrupt forces who are willing to sacrifice real national security to their greedy and self-interested ends. It doesn’t seem to bother them that America goes broke invading foreign countries—irrespective of what the rest of the world thinks—and what is sure to be a disaster in Afghanistan. It almost seems like a deliberate foil to destroy military preparedness to weaken our security this way. This country has lost real face-value prestige and economic power quickly due to the corrupt nature of events. America has become a culture held in world contempt as an enemy of human rights. What was once or calling card to something estimable—the belief in the dignity of all peoples—has become destroyed as we become more and more the roguish and criminal nation. Nancy Pelosi’s denial of what she knew is a red herring and a ploy to intimidate Congress—why has not the controlled media not reported their knowledge of torture to death of the Cheney enterprise? Why did the mainstream media focus so much on water boarding when worst things happened? The U.S. Congress, like most pseudo-liberal chicken-shit lefties, who have not had the guts to look seriously at what likely happened on 9/11, and why, have succumbed to the cowardliness of voting to not close the U.S. gulag. They are more afraid of their own lost of stature than they are of honoring the rights of law and justice. The U.S. is being strangulated by individuals who are destroying our political climate and values. It is a form of slavery to be manipulated into doing things under false assumptions because you are not really working for your own self-interests or that of your nation. Slavery is something the founders of America fought against—and not just physical slavery but all forms of psychological slavery—including all forms manipulated by religious and political vulnerabilities. But it should be especially noted that it is not in peoples’ interest to “over-generalize†classes of people who carried out the psychological terrorism on Americans. It was not the government since 99+% of government employees had nothing to do with it. It was not Jews since 99+% of them had nothing to do with it. Neither did 99+ of capitalists or people who believe in markets. Therefore it was not strictly an “inside†job since so much of what happens effects many variables and can have a multitude of motivations. Imagine how these “secular†people hade behind and manipulate those that are religious. Nevertheless it was the work of individuals and groups who had something to gain. It is time to confront truth however ugly and bleak. Otherwise we will all lose in the long run as authoritarian forces again rule over a relatively short history of freedom and enlightenment as we slip back into the Byzantine times of arbitrary evil. What’s at stake is the future history of civil rights versus tyranny in this country and the rest of the world. The terror and criminality must be stopped now before more political tragedy and before a right-wing goons completely take over. These bums are trying to isolate Obama and convince Americas that he has already bought into much of the Bush doctrine—don’t have it. This is a critical historical juncture in the vicious world of Washington D.C. politics. Furthermore how much longer will phony Osama Bin Laden Nancy Pelosi videos, and phony websites, and phony confessions, and phony intelligence be swallowed before it is too late and people start disappearing and being killed here on our country? 9/11, Who Benefited Versus Gulag Gitmo? Dick Cheney more or less admitted his group’s guilt in his desperate attempt to take on Barack Obama’s sane and necessary policy of closing Guantanamo. To argue that a military machine that spends up to a half trillion dollars a year doesn’t have the where-with-all to guard prisoners already in handcuffs is to argue an extremely weak case. To think that the Republican party would have the jaded audacity to use the NIMBY excuse as a wedge issue is beyond the pale—given the enormous harm their public relations of Guantanomo and Gulag has already affected the world’s perception of Americans and U.S. foreign policy. <!--break--> 9/11, Who Benefited Versus Gulag Gitmo? “The most dangerous person is the fearful; he is the most to be feared.†Dick Cheney more or less admitted his group’s guilt in his desperate attempt to take on Barack Obama’s sane and necessary policy of closing Guantanamo. To argue that a military machine that spends up to a half trillion dollars a year doesn’t have the where-with-all to guard prisoners already in handcuffs is to argue an extremely weak case. Equally the U.S. has the largest prisoner population in the world and somehow criminals with various motives of malice manage to remain behind bars—their wills and wits are no less agile than are those huddled away where Americans can’t know their real situation. How did the Romans manage to keep dangerous lions under control—but then they did not have the same technologies and material sciences. To think that the Republican party would have the jaded audacity to use the NIMBY excuse as a wedge issue is beyond the pale—given the enormous harm their public relations of Guantanomo and Gulag has already affected the world’s perception of Americans and U.S. foreign policy. Obviously they are counting on the continuously manipulated fear of the naïve and cowardly, as well as the spoiled American presumption that if one “feels†bad about something then that is a good enough reason to get one’s way. This is just further denial of the forms of torture and the exaggerated fears that have been spoon-fed to the politically retarded by such listeners of demagogues like Michael Savage and his hydra dragon-minded. But it is not really their escape he fears—rather it is that people will more likely find out that this is a whole sham—that these peoples’ stories are far more realistic and believable than are the military’s game plan to deny rights and deny fair trials. Still Cheney’s neocon “fear-mongering†hysteria at the American Enterprise Institute Thursday, May 21st, denouncing President Obama’s plan to close gulag gitmo, connotes that the mainstream media’s “emotional debate†is about something far deeper and more frightening than whether it is safe to place political prisoners in U.S. After all it was Cheney who was in command at the White House when 9/11 occurred while Bush was learning how to read many a mile away in his brother’s state of Florida. But what if the main theories regarding a kind of insider conspiracy job by rogue elements within and without the West did 9/11 (private and semi-private organizations)? And what if all the ill-gotten intelligence from random incarceration and torture was, or mostly, false, meant to deceive the world, but especially Americans, into continuing to believe that it was bin Laden as Arabs and Muslims groups that carried out the war act of 9/11 on the American people and the U.S. economy? What if hardly none of the confessions are true—that there is zero worth-while intelligence gained, but that the ploy was still used to conceal and fabricate more mythology? Certainly that would inspire a need to hide the case? Maybe their hiding of an actual conspiracy meant to motivate Americans into believing that America’s enemies are primarily Muslims and Arabs, and that one major motive for 9/11 was really to begin a new Christian crusade of 50 years of conflict against all things Muslim? Who benefited from the terrorist acts of 9/11? 1) Investors who invest into profitable corporations connected to the military industrial complex. War has usually been profitable to some class of people. Prior to 9/11 there was little in the way of war material inventories being depleted. But after 9/11 it all changed as many stood to profit. Equally support system corporations and private contracting firms gained immensely. 2) Industry leaders and think tank politicos who believed it was necessary for certain companies to control various strategic resources and international territories were likely convinced that control in the Middle East was necessary for the continuing maintenance of a high standard of living for the West. Gas and oil reserves are coveted by every industrial civilization. Having a ready reason to enter and fight in the Middle East gave such people their illusion of future prosperity. Is it be coincidence there is a strong coincidence that the propaganda War on Terrorism juxtaposes nicely with a need to control third world countries that either have oil and gas reserves or territories in which pipelines are needed with stable pro-western protection? 3) Advocates for extreme laissez faire economic policies that rewrote an Iraqi constitution that promoted the free market system of neo-liberal economic principles and made it especially easy for foreign nations to own a part of Iraq and its resources. 4) Equally the heroin industry of Afghanistan came back to life after. Bin Laden and the Taliban, because of their religious fanaticism, pretty much closed down the trade. Any people, and loose or tight organizations, connected with the heroin trade in Central Asia reaped billion dollars rewards—including all money laundering groups of financiers. 5) Israel benefited by having one of their neighboring enemies, namely Saddam Hussein and his standing army weakened and preoccupied. It is not a coincidence that the advocates and newspaper pundits most defensive about our invasion happen to be strong advocates of Israel’s right-wing will. 6) Those who believe in a two class system benefited because the wealth investor class, including most of the Congress and Senate, are not sending their kids to die—rather they rely on a volunteer military of lower and middle class kids that can’t find jobs or have few prospects to go to school. 7) Some right-wing politicos also benefited by having more Americans afraid of Muslims and Arabs thought as America’s enemies. Apparently some people felt that Muslims and Arabs should not be on friendly terms with Americans here in the U.S. and that it was necessary to spy and harass them in this country. Meanwhile this event was used to persuade Americans that Israel is America’s “natural†ally and partner against the forces of Islamist extremism—yet Israel is not willing to separate Church and State and adamantly discriminates against those not Jewish. Meanwhile Israel’s enemies have been Muslim and Arab elements and continues their huge “neocon†propaganda campaign that harps on “Islamo-fascism,†“Islamo-extremism,†and “Islamo-fanaticism†but never consider the possibility of any Christians, Jews, or other secular fanatics being capable of extremism. 8) Politically motivated people with the desire to use a historically tried and true and ready-made “fear†mechanism, namely terrorism, as an excuse to curtail and destroy civil liberties and freedoms normally honored in democratic countries. This curtailment is similar to those who continue to try to censor free speech such as stolen election Lieberman’s attempt to control the Internet. Recently JINSA or the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs put out a new report authored by retired U.S. Army Colonel Ralph Peters that advocates censorship and on the partisan media (the non-embedded media). Given how much some military officers have already engaged in distorting truth for politicos can they be expected to be honest with Americans? Such mentality has allowed spying on citizens by “privatized†corporations not accountable to the tax paying public who pay organizations to secretly spy and keep records on its own citizenry. 9) Politically motivated people and groups who have a desire to destroy the political strength and good will of the American people by weakening the economic viability of this culture to other corrupt forces who are willing to sacrifice real national security to their greedy and self-interested ends. It doesn’t seem to bother them that America goes broke invading foreign countries—irrespective of what the rest of the world thinks—and what is sure to be a disaster in Afghanistan. It almost seems like a deliberate foil to destroy military preparedness to weaken our security this way. This country has lost real face-value prestige and economic power quickly due to the corrupt nature of events. America has become a culture held in world contempt as an enemy of human rights. What was once or calling card to something estimable—the belief in the dignity of all peoples—has become destroyed as we become more and more the roguish and criminal nation. Nancy Pelosi’s denial of what she knew is a red herring and a ploy to intimidate Congress—why has not the controlled media not reported their knowledge of torture to death of the Cheney enterprise? Why did the mainstream media focus so much on water boarding when worst things happened? The U.S. Congress, like most pseudo-liberal chicken-shit lefties, who have not had the guts to look seriously at what likely happened on 9/11, and why, have succumbed to the cowardliness of voting to not close the U.S. gulag. They are more afraid of their own lost of stature than they are of honoring the rights of law and justice. The U.S. is being strangulated by individuals who are destroying our political climate and values. It is a form of slavery to be manipulated into doing things under false assumptions because you are not really working for your own self-interests or that of your nation. Slavery is something the founders of America fought against—and not just physical slavery but all forms of psychological slavery—including all forms manipulated by religious and political vulnerabilities. But it should be especially noted that it is not in peoples’ interest to “over-generalize†classes of people who carried out the psychological terrorism on Americans. It was not the government since 99+% of government employees had nothing to do with it. It was not Jews since 99+% of them had nothing to do with it. Neither did 99+ of capitalists or people who believe in markets. Therefore it was not strictly an “inside†job since so much of what happens effects many variables and can have a multitude of motivations. Imagine how these “secular†people hade behind and manipulate those that are religious. Nevertheless it was the work of individuals and groups who had something to gain. It is time to confront truth however ugly and bleak. Otherwise we will all lose in the long run as authoritarian forces again rule over a relatively short history of freedom and enlightenment as we slip back into the Byzantine times of arbitrary evil. What’s at stake is the future history of civil rights versus tyranny in this country and the rest of the world. The terror and criminality must be stopped now before more political tragedy and before a right-wing goons completely take over. These bums are trying to isolate Obama and convince Americas that he has already bought into much of the Bush doctrine—don’t have it. This is a critical historical juncture in the vicious world of Washington D.C. politics. Furthermore how much longer will phony Osama Bin Laden Nancy Pelosi videos, and phony websites, and phony confessions, and phony intelligence be swallowed before it is too late and people start disappearing and being killed here on our country? Dick Cheney more or less admitted his group’s guilt in his desperate attempt to take on Barack Obama’s sane and necessary policy of closing Guantanamo. To argue that a military machine that spends up to a half trillion dollars a year doesn’t have the where-with-all to guard prisoners already in handcuffs is to argue an extremely weak case. To think that the Republican party would have the jaded audacity to use the NIMBY excuse as a wedge issue is beyond the pale—given the enormous harm their public relations of Guantanomo and Gulag has already affected the world’s perception of Americans and U.S. foreign policy.
summary (NULL)
format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 25177 characters ) <p>9/11, Who Benefited Versus Gulag Gitmo?</p> ...
<p>9/11, Who Benefited Versus Gulag Gitmo?</p> <p>“The most dangerous person is the fearful; he is the most to be feared.†</p> <p>Dick Cheney more or less admitted his group’s guilt in his desperate attempt to take on Barack Obama’s sane and necessary policy of closing Guantanamo. To argue that a military machine that spends up to a half trillion dollars a year doesn’t have the where-with-all to guard prisoners already in handcuffs is to argue an extremely weak case. </p> <p>Equally the U.S. has the largest prisoner population in the world and somehow criminals with various motives of malice manage to remain behind bars—their wills and wits are no less agile than are those huddled away where Americans can’t know their real situation. How did the Romans manage to keep dangerous lions under control—but then they did not have the same technologies and material sciences.</p> <p>To think that the Republican party would have the jaded audacity to use the NIMBY excuse as a wedge issue is beyond the pale—given the enormous harm their public relations of Guantanomo and Gulag has already affected the world’s perception of Americans and U.S. foreign policy. </p> <p>Obviously they are counting on the continuously manipulated fear of the naïve and cowardly, as well as the spoiled American presumption that if one “feels†bad about something then that is a good enough reason to get one’s way. This is just further denial of the forms of torture and the exaggerated fears that have been spoon-fed to the politically retarded by such listeners of demagogues like Michael Savage and his hydra dragon-minded. </p> <p>But it is not really their escape he fears—rather it is that people will more likely find out that this is a whole sham—that these peoples’ stories are far more realistic and believable than are the military’s game plan to deny rights and deny fair trials. </p> <p>Still Cheney’s neocon “fear-mongering†hysteria at the American Enterprise Institute Thursday, May 21st, denouncing President Obama’s plan to close gulag gitmo, connotes that the mainstream media’s “emotional debate†is about something far deeper and more frightening than whether it is safe to place political prisoners in U.S.</p> <p>After all it was Cheney who was in command at the White House when 9/11 occurred while Bush was learning how to read many a mile away in his brother’s state of Florida. </p> <p>But what if the main theories regarding a kind of insider conspiracy job by rogue elements within and without the West did 9/11 (private and semi-private organizations)? And what if all the ill-gotten intelligence from random incarceration and torture was, or mostly, false, meant to deceive the world, but especially Americans, into continuing to believe that it was bin Laden as Arabs and Muslims groups that carried out the war act of 9/11 on the American people and the U.S. economy? What if hardly none of the confessions are true—that there is zero worth-while intelligence gained, but that the ploy was still used to conceal and fabricate more mythology? Certainly that would inspire a need to hide the case?</p> <p>Maybe their hiding of an actual conspiracy meant to motivate Americans into believing that America’s enemies are primarily Muslims and Arabs, and that one major motive for 9/11 was really to begin a new Christian crusade of 50 years of conflict against all things Muslim? </p> <p>Who benefited from the terrorist acts of 9/11?</p> <p>1) Investors who invest into profitable corporations connected to the military industrial complex. War has usually been profitable to some class of people. Prior to 9/11 there was little in the way of war material inventories being depleted. But after 9/11 it all changed as many stood to profit. Equally support system corporations and private contracting firms gained immensely. </p> <p>2) Industry leaders and think tank politicos who believed it was necessary for certain companies to control various strategic resources and international territories were likely convinced that control in the Middle East was necessary for the continuing maintenance of a high standard of living for the West. Gas and oil reserves are coveted by every industrial civilization. Having a ready reason to enter and fight in the Middle East gave such people their illusion of future prosperity. Is it be coincidence there is a strong coincidence that the propaganda War on Terrorism juxtaposes nicely with a need to control third world countries that either have oil and gas reserves or territories in which pipelines are needed with stable pro-western protection?</p> <p>3) Advocates for extreme laissez faire economic policies that rewrote an Iraqi constitution that promoted the free market system of neo-liberal economic principles and made it especially easy for foreign nations to own a part of Iraq and its resources. </p> <p>4) Equally the heroin industry of Afghanistan came back to life after. Bin Laden and the Taliban, because of their religious fanaticism, pretty much closed down the trade. Any people, and loose or tight organizations, connected with the heroin trade in Central Asia reaped billion dollars rewards—including all money laundering groups of financiers.</p> <p>5) Israel benefited by having one of their neighboring enemies, namely Saddam Hussein and his standing army weakened and preoccupied. It is not a coincidence that the advocates and newspaper pundits most defensive about our invasion happen to be strong advocates of Israel’s right-wing will.</p> <p>6) Those who believe in a two class system benefited because the wealth investor class, including most of the Congress and Senate, are not sending their kids to die—rather they rely on a volunteer military of lower and middle class kids that can’t find jobs or have few prospects to go to school.</p> <p>7) Some right-wing politicos also benefited by having more Americans afraid of Muslims and Arabs thought as America’s enemies. Apparently some people felt that Muslims and Arabs should not be on friendly terms with Americans here in the U.S. and that it was necessary to spy and harass them in this country. Meanwhile this event was used to persuade Americans that Israel is America’s “natural†ally and partner against the forces of Islamist extremism—yet Israel is not willing to separate Church and State and adamantly discriminates against those not Jewish. Meanwhile Israel’s enemies have been Muslim and Arab elements and continues their huge “neocon†propaganda campaign that harps on “Islamo-fascism,†“Islamo-extremism,†and “Islamo-fanaticism†but never consider the possibility of any Christians, Jews, or other secular fanatics being capable of extremism. </p> <p>8) Politically motivated people with the desire to use a historically tried and true and ready-made “fear†mechanism, namely terrorism, as an excuse to curtail and destroy civil liberties and freedoms normally honored in democratic countries. This curtailment is similar to those who continue to try to censor free speech such as stolen election Lieberman’s attempt to control the Internet. Recently JINSA or the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs put out a new report authored by retired U.S. Army Colonel Ralph Peters that advocates censorship and on the partisan media (the non-embedded media). Given how much some military officers have already engaged in distorting truth for politicos can they be expected to be honest with Americans? Such mentality has allowed spying on citizens by “privatized†corporations not accountable to the tax paying public who pay organizations to secretly spy and keep records on its own citizenry.</p> <p>9) Politically motivated people and groups who have a desire to destroy the political strength and good will of the American people by weakening the economic viability of this culture to other corrupt forces who are willing to sacrifice real national security to their greedy and self-interested ends. It doesn’t seem to bother them that America goes broke invading foreign countries—irrespective of what the rest of the world thinks—and what is sure to be a disaster in Afghanistan. It almost seems like a deliberate foil to destroy military preparedness to weaken our security this way.</p> <p>This country has lost real face-value prestige and economic power quickly due to the corrupt nature of events. America has become a culture held in world contempt as an enemy of human rights. What was once or calling card to something estimable—the belief in the dignity of all peoples—has become destroyed as we become more and more the roguish and criminal nation.</p> <p>Nancy Pelosi’s denial of what she knew is a red herring and a ploy to intimidate Congress—why has not the controlled media not reported their knowledge of torture to death of the Cheney enterprise? Why did the mainstream media focus so much on water boarding when worst things happened? </p> <p>The U.S. Congress, like most pseudo-liberal chicken-shit lefties, who have not had the guts to look seriously at what likely happened on 9/11, and why, have succumbed to the cowardliness of voting to not close the U.S. gulag. They are more afraid of their own lost of stature than they are of honoring the rights of law and justice. </p> <p>The U.S. is being strangulated by individuals who are destroying our political climate and values. It is a form of slavery to be manipulated into doing things under false assumptions because you are not really working for your own self-interests or that of your nation. Slavery is something the founders of America fought against—and not just physical slavery but all forms of psychological slavery—including all forms manipulated by religious and political vulnerabilities.</p> <p>But it should be especially noted that it is not in peoples’ interest to “over-generalize†classes of people who carried out the psychological terrorism on Americans. It was not the government since 99+% of government employees had nothing to do with it. It was not Jews since 99+% of them had nothing to do with it. Neither did 99+ of capitalists or people who believe in markets. Therefore it was not strictly an “inside†job since so much of what happens effects many variables and can have a multitude of motivations. </p> <p>Imagine how these “secular†people hade behind and manipulate those that are religious. Nevertheless it was the work of individuals and groups who had something to gain. </p> <p>It is time to confront truth however ugly and bleak. Otherwise we will all lose in the long run as authoritarian forces again rule over a relatively short history of freedom and enlightenment as we slip back into the Byzantine times of arbitrary evil. </p> <p>What’s at stake is the future history of civil rights versus tyranny in this country and the rest of the world. The terror and criminality must be stopped now before more political tragedy and before a right-wing goons completely take over. These bums are trying to isolate Obama and convince Americas that he has already bought into much of the Bush doctrine—don’t have it. This is a critical historical juncture in the vicious world of Washington D.C. politics.</p> <p>Furthermore how much longer will phony Osama Bin Laden Nancy Pelosi videos, and phony websites, and phony confessions, and phony intelligence be swallowed before it is too late and people start disappearing and being killed here on our country? </p> <p>9/11, Who Benefited Versus Gulag Gitmo?</p> <p>Dick Cheney more or less admitted his group’s guilt in his desperate attempt to take on Barack Obama’s sane and necessary policy of closing Guantanamo. To argue that a military machine that spends up to a half trillion dollars a year doesn’t have the where-with-all to guard prisoners already in handcuffs is to argue an extremely weak case. To think that the Republican party would have the jaded audacity to use the NIMBY excuse as a wedge issue is beyond the pale—given the enormous harm their public relations of Guantanomo and Gulag has already affected the world’s perception of Americans and U.S. foreign policy.</p> <!--break--><p>9/11, Who Benefited Versus Gulag Gitmo?</p> <p>“The most dangerous person is the fearful; he is the most to be feared.†</p> <p>Dick Cheney more or less admitted his group’s guilt in his desperate attempt to take on Barack Obama’s sane and necessary policy of closing Guantanamo. To argue that a military machine that spends up to a half trillion dollars a year doesn’t have the where-with-all to guard prisoners already in handcuffs is to argue an extremely weak case. </p> <p>Equally the U.S. has the largest prisoner population in the world and somehow criminals with various motives of malice manage to remain behind bars—their wills and wits are no less agile than are those huddled away where Americans can’t know their real situation. How did the Romans manage to keep dangerous lions under control—but then they did not have the same technologies and material sciences.</p> <p>To think that the Republican party would have the jaded audacity to use the NIMBY excuse as a wedge issue is beyond the pale—given the enormous harm their public relations of Guantanomo and Gulag has already affected the world’s perception of Americans and U.S. foreign policy. </p> <p>Obviously they are counting on the continuously manipulated fear of the naïve and cowardly, as well as the spoiled American presumption that if one “feels†bad about something then that is a good enough reason to get one’s way. This is just further denial of the forms of torture and the exaggerated fears that have been spoon-fed to the politically retarded by such listeners of demagogues like Michael Savage and his hydra dragon-minded. </p> <p>But it is not really their escape he fears—rather it is that people will more likely find out that this is a whole sham—that these peoples’ stories are far more realistic and believable than are the military’s game plan to deny rights and deny fair trials. </p> <p>Still Cheney’s neocon “fear-mongering†hysteria at the American Enterprise Institute Thursday, May 21st, denouncing President Obama’s plan to close gulag gitmo, connotes that the mainstream media’s “emotional debate†is about something far deeper and more frightening than whether it is safe to place political prisoners in U.S.</p> <p>After all it was Cheney who was in command at the White House when 9/11 occurred while Bush was learning how to read many a mile away in his brother’s state of Florida. </p> <p>But what if the main theories regarding a kind of insider conspiracy job by rogue elements within and without the West did 9/11 (private and semi-private organizations)? And what if all the ill-gotten intelligence from random incarceration and torture was, or mostly, false, meant to deceive the world, but especially Americans, into continuing to believe that it was bin Laden as Arabs and Muslims groups that carried out the war act of 9/11 on the American people and the U.S. economy? What if hardly none of the confessions are true—that there is zero worth-while intelligence gained, but that the ploy was still used to conceal and fabricate more mythology? Certainly that would inspire a need to hide the case?</p> <p>Maybe their hiding of an actual conspiracy meant to motivate Americans into believing that America’s enemies are primarily Muslims and Arabs, and that one major motive for 9/11 was really to begin a new Christian crusade of 50 years of conflict against all things Muslim? </p> <p>Who benefited from the terrorist acts of 9/11?</p> <p>1) Investors who invest into profitable corporations connected to the military industrial complex. War has usually been profitable to some class of people. Prior to 9/11 there was little in the way of war material inventories being depleted. But after 9/11 it all changed as many stood to profit. Equally support system corporations and private contracting firms gained immensely. </p> <p>2) Industry leaders and think tank politicos who believed it was necessary for certain companies to control various strategic resources and international territories were likely convinced that control in the Middle East was necessary for the continuing maintenance of a high standard of living for the West. Gas and oil reserves are coveted by every industrial civilization. Having a ready reason to enter and fight in the Middle East gave such people their illusion of future prosperity. Is it be coincidence there is a strong coincidence that the propaganda War on Terrorism juxtaposes nicely with a need to control third world countries that either have oil and gas reserves or territories in which pipelines are needed with stable pro-western protection?</p> <p>3) Advocates for extreme laissez faire economic policies that rewrote an Iraqi constitution that promoted the free market system of neo-liberal economic principles and made it especially easy for foreign nations to own a part of Iraq and its resources. </p> <p>4) Equally the heroin industry of Afghanistan came back to life after. Bin Laden and the Taliban, because of their religious fanaticism, pretty much closed down the trade. Any people, and loose or tight organizations, connected with the heroin trade in Central Asia reaped billion dollars rewards—including all money laundering groups of financiers.</p> <p>5) Israel benefited by having one of their neighboring enemies, namely Saddam Hussein and his standing army weakened and preoccupied. It is not a coincidence that the advocates and newspaper pundits most defensive about our invasion happen to be strong advocates of Israel’s right-wing will.</p> <p>6) Those who believe in a two class system benefited because the wealth investor class, including most of the Congress and Senate, are not sending their kids to die—rather they rely on a volunteer military of lower and middle class kids that can’t find jobs or have few prospects to go to school.</p> <p>7) Some right-wing politicos also benefited by having more Americans afraid of Muslims and Arabs thought as America’s enemies. Apparently some people felt that Muslims and Arabs should not be on friendly terms with Americans here in the U.S. and that it was necessary to spy and harass them in this country. Meanwhile this event was used to persuade Americans that Israel is America’s “natural†ally and partner against the forces of Islamist extremism—yet Israel is not willing to separate Church and State and adamantly discriminates against those not Jewish. Meanwhile Israel’s enemies have been Muslim and Arab elements and continues their huge “neocon†propaganda campaign that harps on “Islamo-fascism,†“Islamo-extremism,†and “Islamo-fanaticism†but never consider the possibility of any Christians, Jews, or other secular fanatics being capable of extremism. </p> <p>8) Politically motivated people with the desire to use a historically tried and true and ready-made “fear†mechanism, namely terrorism, as an excuse to curtail and destroy civil liberties and freedoms normally honored in democratic countries. This curtailment is similar to those who continue to try to censor free speech such as stolen election Lieberman’s attempt to control the Internet. Recently JINSA or the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs put out a new report authored by retired U.S. Army Colonel Ralph Peters that advocates censorship and on the partisan media (the non-embedded media). Given how much some military officers have already engaged in distorting truth for politicos can they be expected to be honest with Americans? Such mentality has allowed spying on citizens by “privatized†corporations not accountable to the tax paying public who pay organizations to secretly spy and keep records on its own citizenry.</p> <p>9) Politically motivated people and groups who have a desire to destroy the political strength and good will of the American people by weakening the economic viability of this culture to other corrupt forces who are willing to sacrifice real national security to their greedy and self-interested ends. It doesn’t seem to bother them that America goes broke invading foreign countries—irrespective of what the rest of the world thinks—and what is sure to be a disaster in Afghanistan. It almost seems like a deliberate foil to destroy military preparedness to weaken our security this way.</p> <p>This country has lost real face-value prestige and economic power quickly due to the corrupt nature of events. America has become a culture held in world contempt as an enemy of human rights. What was once or calling card to something estimable—the belief in the dignity of all peoples—has become destroyed as we become more and more the roguish and criminal nation.</p> <p>Nancy Pelosi’s denial of what she knew is a red herring and a ploy to intimidate Congress—why has not the controlled media not reported their knowledge of torture to death of the Cheney enterprise? Why did the mainstream media focus so much on water boarding when worst things happened? </p> <p>The U.S. Congress, like most pseudo-liberal chicken-shit lefties, who have not had the guts to look seriously at what likely happened on 9/11, and why, have succumbed to the cowardliness of voting to not close the U.S. gulag. They are more afraid of their own lost of stature than they are of honoring the rights of law and justice. </p> <p>The U.S. is being strangulated by individuals who are destroying our political climate and values. It is a form of slavery to be manipulated into doing things under false assumptions because you are not really working for your own self-interests or that of your nation. Slavery is something the founders of America fought against—and not just physical slavery but all forms of psychological slavery—including all forms manipulated by religious and political vulnerabilities.</p> <p>But it should be especially noted that it is not in peoples’ interest to “over-generalize†classes of people who carried out the psychological terrorism on Americans. It was not the government since 99+% of government employees had nothing to do with it. It was not Jews since 99+% of them had nothing to do with it. Neither did 99+ of capitalists or people who believe in markets. Therefore it was not strictly an “inside†job since so much of what happens effects many variables and can have a multitude of motivations. </p> <p>Imagine how these “secular†people hade behind and manipulate those that are religious. Nevertheless it was the work of individuals and groups who had something to gain. </p> <p>It is time to confront truth however ugly and bleak. Otherwise we will all lose in the long run as authoritarian forces again rule over a relatively short history of freedom and enlightenment as we slip back into the Byzantine times of arbitrary evil. </p> <p>What’s at stake is the future history of civil rights versus tyranny in this country and the rest of the world. The terror and criminality must be stopped now before more political tragedy and before a right-wing goons completely take over. These bums are trying to isolate Obama and convince Americas that he has already bought into much of the Bush doctrine—don’t have it. This is a critical historical juncture in the vicious world of Washington D.C. politics.</p> <p>Furthermore how much longer will phony Osama Bin Laden Nancy Pelosi videos, and phony websites, and phony confessions, and phony intelligence be swallowed before it is too late and people start disappearing and being killed here on our country? </p> <p>Dick Cheney more or less admitted his group’s guilt in his desperate attempt to take on Barack Obama’s sane and necessary policy of closing Guantanamo. To argue that a military machine that spends up to a half trillion dollars a year doesn’t have the where-with-all to guard prisoners already in handcuffs is to argue an extremely weak case. To think that the Republican party would have the jaded audacity to use the NIMBY excuse as a wedge issue is beyond the pale—given the enormous harm their public relations of Guantanomo and Gulag has already affected the world’s perception of Americans and U.S. foreign policy.</p>
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9/11, Who Benefited Versus Gulag Gitmo? “The most dangerous person is the fearful; he is the most to be feared.†Dick Cheney more or less admitted his group’s guilt in his desperate attempt to take on Barack Obama’s sane and necessary policy of closing Guantanamo. To argue that a military machine that spends up to a half trillion dollars a year doesn’t have the where-with-all to guard prisoners already in handcuffs is to argue an extremely weak case. Equally the U.S. has the largest prisoner population in the world and somehow criminals with various motives of malice manage to remain behind bars—their wills and wits are no less agile than are those huddled away where Americans can’t know their real situation. How did the Romans manage to keep dangerous lions under control—but then they did not have the same technologies and material sciences. To think that the Republican party would have the jaded audacity to use the NIMBY excuse as a wedge issue is beyond the pale—given the enormous harm their public relations of Guantanomo and Gulag has already affected the world’s perception of Americans and U.S. foreign policy. Obviously they are counting on the continuously manipulated fear of the naïve and cowardly, as well as the spoiled American presumption that if one “feels†bad about something then that is a good enough reason to get one’s way. This is just further denial of the forms of torture and the exaggerated fears that have been spoon-fed to the politically retarded by such listeners of demagogues like Michael Savage and his hydra dragon-minded. But it is not really their escape he fears—rather it is that people will more likely find out that this is a whole sham—that these peoples’ stories are far more realistic and believable than are the military’s game plan to deny rights and deny fair trials. Still Cheney’s neocon “fear-mongering†hysteria at the American Enterprise Institute Thursday, May 21st, denouncing President Obama’s plan to close gulag gitmo, connotes that the mainstream media’s “emotional debate†is about something far deeper and more frightening than whether it is safe to place political prisoners in U.S. After all it was Cheney who was in command at the White House when 9/11 occurred while Bush was learning how to read many a mile away in his brother’s state of Florida. But what if the main theories regarding a kind of insider conspiracy job by rogue elements within and without the West did 9/11 (private and semi-private organizations)? And what if all the ill-gotten intelligence from random incarceration and torture was, or mostly, false, meant to deceive the world, but especially Americans, into continuing to believe that it was bin Laden as Arabs and Muslims groups that carried out the war act of 9/11 on the American people and the U.S. economy? What if hardly none of the confessions are true—that there is zero worth-while intelligence gained, but that the ploy was still used to conceal and fabricate more mythology? Certainly that would inspire a need to hide the case? Maybe their hiding of an actual conspiracy meant to motivate Americans into believing that America’s enemies are primarily Muslims and Arabs, and that one major motive for 9/11 was really to begin a new Christian crusade of 50 years of conflict against all things Muslim? Who benefited from the terrorist acts of 9/11? 1) Investors who invest into profitable corporations connected to the military industrial complex. War has usually been profitable to some class of people. Prior to 9/11 there was little in the way of war material inventories being depleted. But after 9/11 it all changed as many stood to profit. Equally support system corporations and private contracting firms gained immensely. 2) Industry leaders and think tank politicos who believed it was necessary for certain companies to control various strategic resources and international territories were likely convinced that control in the Middle East was necessary for the continuing maintenance of a high standard of living for the West. Gas and oil reserves are coveted by every industrial civilization. Having a ready reason to enter and fight in the Middle East gave such people their illusion of future prosperity. Is it be coincidence there is a strong coincidence that the propaganda War on Terrorism juxtaposes nicely with a need to control third world countries that either have oil and gas reserves or territories in which pipelines are needed with stable pro-western protection? 3) Advocates for extreme laissez faire economic policies that rewrote an Iraqi constitution that promoted the free market system of neo-liberal economic principles and made it especially easy for foreign nations to own a part of Iraq and its resources. 4) Equally the heroin industry of Afghanistan came back to life after. Bin Laden and the Taliban, because of their religious fanaticism, pretty much closed down the trade. Any people, and loose or tight organizations, connected with the heroin trade in Central Asia reaped billion dollars rewards—including all money laundering groups of financiers. 5) Israel benefited by having one of their neighboring enemies, namely Saddam Hussein and his standing army weakened and preoccupied. It is not a coincidence that the advocates and newspaper pundits most defensive about our invasion happen to be strong advocates of Israel’s right-wing will. 6) Those who believe in a two class system benefited because the wealth investor class, including most of the Congress and Senate, are not sending their kids to die—rather they rely on a volunteer military of lower and middle class kids that can’t find jobs or have few prospects to go to school. 7) Some right-wing politicos also benefited by having more Americans afraid of Muslims and Arabs thought as America’s enemies. Apparently some people felt that Muslims and Arabs should not be on friendly terms with Americans here in the U.S. and that it was necessary to spy and harass them in this country. Meanwhile this event was used to persuade Americans that Israel is America’s “natural†ally and partner against the forces of Islamist extremism—yet Israel is not willing to separate Church and State and adamantly discriminates against those not Jewish. Meanwhile Israel’s enemies have been Muslim and Arab elements and continues their huge “neocon†propaganda campaign that harps on “Islamo-fascism,†“Islamo-extremism,†and “Islamo-fanaticism†but never consider the possibility of any Christians, Jews, or other secular fanatics being capable of extremism. 8) Politically motivated people with the desire to use a historically tried and true and ready-made “fear†mechanism, namely terrorism, as an excuse to curtail and destroy civil liberties and freedoms normally honored in democratic countries. This curtailment is similar to those who continue to try to censor free speech such as stolen election Lieberman’s attempt to control the Internet. Recently JINSA or the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs put out a new report authored by retired U.S. Army Colonel Ralph Peters that advocates censorship and on the partisan media (the non-embedded media). Given how much some military officers have already engaged in distorting truth for politicos can they be expected to be honest with Americans? Such mentality has allowed spying on citizens by “privatized†corporations not accountable to the tax paying public who pay organizations to secretly spy and keep records on its own citizenry. 9) Politically motivated people and groups who have a desire to destroy the political strength and good will of the American people by weakening the economic viability of this culture to other corrupt forces who are willing to sacrifice real national security to their greedy and self-interested ends. It doesn’t seem to bother them that America goes broke invading foreign countries—irrespective of what the rest of the world thinks—and what is sure to be a disaster in Afghanistan. It almost seems like a deliberate foil to destroy military preparedness to weaken our security this way. This country has lost real face-value prestige and economic power quickly due to the corrupt nature of events. America has become a culture held in world contempt as an enemy of human rights. What was once or calling card to something estimable—the belief in the dignity of all peoples—has become destroyed as we become more and more the roguish and criminal nation. Nancy Pelosi’s denial of what she knew is a red herring and a ploy to intimidate Congress—why has not the controlled media not reported their knowledge of torture to death of the Cheney enterprise? Why did the mainstream media focus so much on water boarding when worst things happened? The U.S. Congress, like most pseudo-liberal chicken-shit lefties, who have not had the guts to look seriously at what likely happened on 9/11, and why, have succumbed to the cowardliness of voting to not close the U.S. gulag. They are more afraid of their own lost of stature than they are of honoring the rights of law and justice. The U.S. is being strangulated by individuals who are destroying our political climate and values. It is a form of slavery to be manipulated into doing things under false assumptions because you are not really working for your own self-interests or that of your nation. Slavery is something the founders of America fought against—and not just physical slavery but all forms of psychological slavery—including all forms manipulated by religious and political vulnerabilities. But it should be especially noted that it is not in peoples’ interest to “over-generalize†classes of people who carried out the psychological terrorism on Americans. It was not the government since 99+% of government employees had nothing to do with it. It was not Jews since 99+% of them had nothing to do with it. Neither did 99+ of capitalists or people who believe in markets. Therefore it was not strictly an “inside†job since so much of what happens effects many variables and can have a multitude of motivations. Imagine how these “secular†people hade behind and manipulate those that are religious. Nevertheless it was the work of individuals and groups who had something to gain. It is time to confront truth however ugly and bleak. Otherwise we will all lose in the long run as authoritarian forces again rule over a relatively short history of freedom and enlightenment as we slip back into the Byzantine times of arbitrary evil. What’s at stake is the future history of civil rights versus tyranny in this country and the rest of the world. The terror and criminality must be stopped now before more political tragedy and before a right-wing goons completely take over. These bums are trying to isolate Obama and convince Americas that he has already bought into much of the Bush doctrine—don’t have it. This is a critical historical juncture in the vicious world of Washington D.C. politics. Furthermore how much longer will phony Osama Bin Laden Nancy Pelosi videos, and phony websites, and phony confessions, and phony intelligence be swallowed before it is too late and people start disappearing and being killed here on our country? 9/11, Who Benefited Versus Gulag Gitmo? Dick Cheney more or less admitted his group’s guilt in his desperate attempt to take on Barack Obama’s sane and necessary policy of closing Guantanamo. To argue that a military machine that spends up to a half trillion dollars a year doesn’t have the where-with-all to guard prisoners already in handcuffs is to argue an extremely weak case. To think that the Republican party would have the jaded audacity to use the NIMBY excuse as a wedge issue is beyond the pale—given the enormous harm their public relations of Guantanomo and Gulag has already affected the world’s perception of Americans and U.S. foreign policy. <!--break--> 9/11, Who Benefited Versus Gulag Gitmo? “The most dangerous person is the fearful; he is the most to be feared.†Dick Cheney more or less admitted his group’s guilt in his desperate attempt to take on Barack Obama’s sane and necessary policy of closing Guantanamo. To argue that a military machine that spends up to a half trillion dollars a year doesn’t have the where-with-all to guard prisoners already in handcuffs is to argue an extremely weak case. Equally the U.S. has the largest prisoner population in the world and somehow criminals with various motives of malice manage to remain behind bars—their wills and wits are no less agile than are those huddled away where Americans can’t know their real situation. How did the Romans manage to keep dangerous lions under control—but then they did not have the same technologies and material sciences. To think that the Republican party would have the jaded audacity to use the NIMBY excuse as a wedge issue is beyond the pale—given the enormous harm their public relations of Guantanomo and Gulag has already affected the world’s perception of Americans and U.S. foreign policy. Obviously they are counting on the continuously manipulated fear of the naïve and cowardly, as well as the spoiled American presumption that if one “feels†bad about something then that is a good enough reason to get one’s way. This is just further denial of the forms of torture and the exaggerated fears that have been spoon-fed to the politically retarded by such listeners of demagogues like Michael Savage and his hydra dragon-minded. But it is not really their escape he fears—rather it is that people will more likely find out that this is a whole sham—that these peoples’ stories are far more realistic and believable than are the military’s game plan to deny rights and deny fair trials. Still Cheney’s neocon “fear-mongering†hysteria at the American Enterprise Institute Thursday, May 21st, denouncing President Obama’s plan to close gulag gitmo, connotes that the mainstream media’s “emotional debate†is about something far deeper and more frightening than whether it is safe to place political prisoners in U.S. After all it was Cheney who was in command at the White House when 9/11 occurred while Bush was learning how to read many a mile away in his brother’s state of Florida. But what if the main theories regarding a kind of insider conspiracy job by rogue elements within and without the West did 9/11 (private and semi-private organizations)? And what if all the ill-gotten intelligence from random incarceration and torture was, or mostly, false, meant to deceive the world, but especially Americans, into continuing to believe that it was bin Laden as Arabs and Muslims groups that carried out the war act of 9/11 on the American people and the U.S. economy? What if hardly none of the confessions are true—that there is zero worth-while intelligence gained, but that the ploy was still used to conceal and fabricate more mythology? Certainly that would inspire a need to hide the case? Maybe their hiding of an actual conspiracy meant to motivate Americans into believing that America’s enemies are primarily Muslims and Arabs, and that one major motive for 9/11 was really to begin a new Christian crusade of 50 years of conflict against all things Muslim? Who benefited from the terrorist acts of 9/11? 1) Investors who invest into profitable corporations connected to the military industrial complex. War has usually been profitable to some class of people. Prior to 9/11 there was little in the way of war material inventories being depleted. But after 9/11 it all changed as many stood to profit. Equally support system corporations and private contracting firms gained immensely. 2) Industry leaders and think tank politicos who believed it was necessary for certain companies to control various strategic resources and international territories were likely convinced that control in the Middle East was necessary for the continuing maintenance of a high standard of living for the West. Gas and oil reserves are coveted by every industrial civilization. Having a ready reason to enter and fight in the Middle East gave such people their illusion of future prosperity. Is it be coincidence there is a strong coincidence that the propaganda War on Terrorism juxtaposes nicely with a need to control third world countries that either have oil and gas reserves or territories in which pipelines are needed with stable pro-western protection? 3) Advocates for extreme laissez faire economic policies that rewrote an Iraqi constitution that promoted the free market system of neo-liberal economic principles and made it especially easy for foreign nations to own a part of Iraq and its resources. 4) Equally the heroin industry of Afghanistan came back to life after. Bin Laden and the Taliban, because of their religious fanaticism, pretty much closed down the trade. Any people, and loose or tight organizations, connected with the heroin trade in Central Asia reaped billion dollars rewards—including all money laundering groups of financiers. 5) Israel benefited by having one of their neighboring enemies, namely Saddam Hussein and his standing army weakened and preoccupied. It is not a coincidence that the advocates and newspaper pundits most defensive about our invasion happen to be strong advocates of Israel’s right-wing will. 6) Those who believe in a two class system benefited because the wealth investor class, including most of the Congress and Senate, are not sending their kids to die—rather they rely on a volunteer military of lower and middle class kids that can’t find jobs or have few prospects to go to school. 7) Some right-wing politicos also benefited by having more Americans afraid of Muslims and Arabs thought as America’s enemies. Apparently some people felt that Muslims and Arabs should not be on friendly terms with Americans here in the U.S. and that it was necessary to spy and harass them in this country. Meanwhile this event was used to persuade Americans that Israel is America’s “natural†ally and partner against the forces of Islamist extremism—yet Israel is not willing to separate Church and State and adamantly discriminates against those not Jewish. Meanwhile Israel’s enemies have been Muslim and Arab elements and continues their huge “neocon†propaganda campaign that harps on “Islamo-fascism,†“Islamo-extremism,†and “Islamo-fanaticism†but never consider the possibility of any Christians, Jews, or other secular fanatics being capable of extremism. 8) Politically motivated people with the desire to use a historically tried and true and ready-made “fear†mechanism, namely terrorism, as an excuse to curtail and destroy civil liberties and freedoms normally honored in democratic countries. This curtailment is similar to those who continue to try to censor free speech such as stolen election Lieberman’s attempt to control the Internet. Recently JINSA or the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs put out a new report authored by retired U.S. Army Colonel Ralph Peters that advocates censorship and on the partisan media (the non-embedded media). Given how much some military officers have already engaged in distorting truth for politicos can they be expected to be honest with Americans? Such mentality has allowed spying on citizens by “privatized†corporations not accountable to the tax paying public who pay organizations to secretly spy and keep records on its own citizenry. 9) Politically motivated people and groups who have a desire to destroy the political strength and good will of the American people by weakening the economic viability of this culture to other corrupt forces who are willing to sacrifice real national security to their greedy and self-interested ends. It doesn’t seem to bother them that America goes broke invading foreign countries—irrespective of what the rest of the world thinks—and what is sure to be a disaster in Afghanistan. It almost seems like a deliberate foil to destroy military preparedness to weaken our security this way. This country has lost real face-value prestige and economic power quickly due to the corrupt nature of events. America has become a culture held in world contempt as an enemy of human rights. What was once or calling card to something estimable—the belief in the dignity of all peoples—has become destroyed as we become more and more the roguish and criminal nation. Nancy Pelosi’s denial of what she knew is a red herring and a ploy to intimidate Congress—why has not the controlled media not reported their knowledge of torture to death of the Cheney enterprise? Why did the mainstream media focus so much on water boarding when worst things happened? The U.S. Congress, like most pseudo-liberal chicken-shit lefties, who have not had the guts to look seriously at what likely happened on 9/11, and why, have succumbed to the cowardliness of voting to not close the U.S. gulag. They are more afraid of their own lost of stature than they are of honoring the rights of law and justice. The U.S. is being strangulated by individuals who are destroying our political climate and values. It is a form of slavery to be manipulated into doing things under false assumptions because you are not really working for your own self-interests or that of your nation. Slavery is something the founders of America fought against—and not just physical slavery but all forms of psychological slavery—including all forms manipulated by religious and political vulnerabilities. But it should be especially noted that it is not in peoples’ interest to “over-generalize†classes of people who carried out the psychological terrorism on Americans. It was not the government since 99+% of government employees had nothing to do with it. It was not Jews since 99+% of them had nothing to do with it. Neither did 99+ of capitalists or people who believe in markets. Therefore it was not strictly an “inside†job since so much of what happens effects many variables and can have a multitude of motivations. Imagine how these “secular†people hade behind and manipulate those that are religious. Nevertheless it was the work of individuals and groups who had something to gain. It is time to confront truth however ugly and bleak. Otherwise we will all lose in the long run as authoritarian forces again rule over a relatively short history of freedom and enlightenment as we slip back into the Byzantine times of arbitrary evil. What’s at stake is the future history of civil rights versus tyranny in this country and the rest of the world. The terror and criminality must be stopped now before more political tragedy and before a right-wing goons completely take over. These bums are trying to isolate Obama and convince Americas that he has already bought into much of the Bush doctrine—don’t have it. This is a critical historical juncture in the vicious world of Washington D.C. politics. Furthermore how much longer will phony Osama Bin Laden Nancy Pelosi videos, and phony websites, and phony confessions, and phony intelligence be swallowed before it is too late and people start disappearing and being killed here on our country? Dick Cheney more or less admitted his group’s guilt in his desperate attempt to take on Barack Obama’s sane and necessary policy of closing Guantanamo. To argue that a military machine that spends up to a half trillion dollars a year doesn’t have the where-with-all to guard prisoners already in handcuffs is to argue an extremely weak case. To think that the Republican party would have the jaded audacity to use the NIMBY excuse as a wedge issue is beyond the pale—given the enormous harm their public relations of Guantanomo and Gulag has already affected the world’s perception of Americans and U.S. foreign policy.
summary (NULL)
format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 25177 characters ) <p>9/11, Who Benefited Versus Gulag Gitmo?</p> ...
<p>9/11, Who Benefited Versus Gulag Gitmo?</p> <p>“The most dangerous person is the fearful; he is the most to be feared.†</p> <p>Dick Cheney more or less admitted his group’s guilt in his desperate attempt to take on Barack Obama’s sane and necessary policy of closing Guantanamo. To argue that a military machine that spends up to a half trillion dollars a year doesn’t have the where-with-all to guard prisoners already in handcuffs is to argue an extremely weak case. </p> <p>Equally the U.S. has the largest prisoner population in the world and somehow criminals with various motives of malice manage to remain behind bars—their wills and wits are no less agile than are those huddled away where Americans can’t know their real situation. How did the Romans manage to keep dangerous lions under control—but then they did not have the same technologies and material sciences.</p> <p>To think that the Republican party would have the jaded audacity to use the NIMBY excuse as a wedge issue is beyond the pale—given the enormous harm their public relations of Guantanomo and Gulag has already affected the world’s perception of Americans and U.S. foreign policy. </p> <p>Obviously they are counting on the continuously manipulated fear of the naïve and cowardly, as well as the spoiled American presumption that if one “feels†bad about something then that is a good enough reason to get one’s way. This is just further denial of the forms of torture and the exaggerated fears that have been spoon-fed to the politically retarded by such listeners of demagogues like Michael Savage and his hydra dragon-minded. </p> <p>But it is not really their escape he fears—rather it is that people will more likely find out that this is a whole sham—that these peoples’ stories are far more realistic and believable than are the military’s game plan to deny rights and deny fair trials. </p> <p>Still Cheney’s neocon “fear-mongering†hysteria at the American Enterprise Institute Thursday, May 21st, denouncing President Obama’s plan to close gulag gitmo, connotes that the mainstream media’s “emotional debate†is about something far deeper and more frightening than whether it is safe to place political prisoners in U.S.</p> <p>After all it was Cheney who was in command at the White House when 9/11 occurred while Bush was learning how to read many a mile away in his brother’s state of Florida. </p> <p>But what if the main theories regarding a kind of insider conspiracy job by rogue elements within and without the West did 9/11 (private and semi-private organizations)? And what if all the ill-gotten intelligence from random incarceration and torture was, or mostly, false, meant to deceive the world, but especially Americans, into continuing to believe that it was bin Laden as Arabs and Muslims groups that carried out the war act of 9/11 on the American people and the U.S. economy? What if hardly none of the confessions are true—that there is zero worth-while intelligence gained, but that the ploy was still used to conceal and fabricate more mythology? Certainly that would inspire a need to hide the case?</p> <p>Maybe their hiding of an actual conspiracy meant to motivate Americans into believing that America’s enemies are primarily Muslims and Arabs, and that one major motive for 9/11 was really to begin a new Christian crusade of 50 years of conflict against all things Muslim? </p> <p>Who benefited from the terrorist acts of 9/11?</p> <p>1) Investors who invest into profitable corporations connected to the military industrial complex. War has usually been profitable to some class of people. Prior to 9/11 there was little in the way of war material inventories being depleted. But after 9/11 it all changed as many stood to profit. Equally support system corporations and private contracting firms gained immensely. </p> <p>2) Industry leaders and think tank politicos who believed it was necessary for certain companies to control various strategic resources and international territories were likely convinced that control in the Middle East was necessary for the continuing maintenance of a high standard of living for the West. Gas and oil reserves are coveted by every industrial civilization. Having a ready reason to enter and fight in the Middle East gave such people their illusion of future prosperity. Is it be coincidence there is a strong coincidence that the propaganda War on Terrorism juxtaposes nicely with a need to control third world countries that either have oil and gas reserves or territories in which pipelines are needed with stable pro-western protection?</p> <p>3) Advocates for extreme laissez faire economic policies that rewrote an Iraqi constitution that promoted the free market system of neo-liberal economic principles and made it especially easy for foreign nations to own a part of Iraq and its resources. </p> <p>4) Equally the heroin industry of Afghanistan came back to life after. Bin Laden and the Taliban, because of their religious fanaticism, pretty much closed down the trade. Any people, and loose or tight organizations, connected with the heroin trade in Central Asia reaped billion dollars rewards—including all money laundering groups of financiers.</p> <p>5) Israel benefited by having one of their neighboring enemies, namely Saddam Hussein and his standing army weakened and preoccupied. It is not a coincidence that the advocates and newspaper pundits most defensive about our invasion happen to be strong advocates of Israel’s right-wing will.</p> <p>6) Those who believe in a two class system benefited because the wealth investor class, including most of the Congress and Senate, are not sending their kids to die—rather they rely on a volunteer military of lower and middle class kids that can’t find jobs or have few prospects to go to school.</p> <p>7) Some right-wing politicos also benefited by having more Americans afraid of Muslims and Arabs thought as America’s enemies. Apparently some people felt that Muslims and Arabs should not be on friendly terms with Americans here in the U.S. and that it was necessary to spy and harass them in this country. Meanwhile this event was used to persuade Americans that Israel is America’s “natural†ally and partner against the forces of Islamist extremism—yet Israel is not willing to separate Church and State and adamantly discriminates against those not Jewish. Meanwhile Israel’s enemies have been Muslim and Arab elements and continues their huge “neocon†propaganda campaign that harps on “Islamo-fascism,†“Islamo-extremism,†and “Islamo-fanaticism†but never consider the possibility of any Christians, Jews, or other secular fanatics being capable of extremism. </p> <p>8) Politically motivated people with the desire to use a historically tried and true and ready-made “fear†mechanism, namely terrorism, as an excuse to curtail and destroy civil liberties and freedoms normally honored in democratic countries. This curtailment is similar to those who continue to try to censor free speech such as stolen election Lieberman’s attempt to control the Internet. Recently JINSA or the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs put out a new report authored by retired U.S. Army Colonel Ralph Peters that advocates censorship and on the partisan media (the non-embedded media). Given how much some military officers have already engaged in distorting truth for politicos can they be expected to be honest with Americans? Such mentality has allowed spying on citizens by “privatized†corporations not accountable to the tax paying public who pay organizations to secretly spy and keep records on its own citizenry.</p> <p>9) Politically motivated people and groups who have a desire to destroy the political strength and good will of the American people by weakening the economic viability of this culture to other corrupt forces who are willing to sacrifice real national security to their greedy and self-interested ends. It doesn’t seem to bother them that America goes broke invading foreign countries—irrespective of what the rest of the world thinks—and what is sure to be a disaster in Afghanistan. It almost seems like a deliberate foil to destroy military preparedness to weaken our security this way.</p> <p>This country has lost real face-value prestige and economic power quickly due to the corrupt nature of events. America has become a culture held in world contempt as an enemy of human rights. What was once or calling card to something estimable—the belief in the dignity of all peoples—has become destroyed as we become more and more the roguish and criminal nation.</p> <p>Nancy Pelosi’s denial of what she knew is a red herring and a ploy to intimidate Congress—why has not the controlled media not reported their knowledge of torture to death of the Cheney enterprise? Why did the mainstream media focus so much on water boarding when worst things happened? </p> <p>The U.S. Congress, like most pseudo-liberal chicken-shit lefties, who have not had the guts to look seriously at what likely happened on 9/11, and why, have succumbed to the cowardliness of voting to not close the U.S. gulag. They are more afraid of their own lost of stature than they are of honoring the rights of law and justice. </p> <p>The U.S. is being strangulated by individuals who are destroying our political climate and values. It is a form of slavery to be manipulated into doing things under false assumptions because you are not really working for your own self-interests or that of your nation. Slavery is something the founders of America fought against—and not just physical slavery but all forms of psychological slavery—including all forms manipulated by religious and political vulnerabilities.</p> <p>But it should be especially noted that it is not in peoples’ interest to “over-generalize†classes of people who carried out the psychological terrorism on Americans. It was not the government since 99+% of government employees had nothing to do with it. It was not Jews since 99+% of them had nothing to do with it. Neither did 99+ of capitalists or people who believe in markets. Therefore it was not strictly an “inside†job since so much of what happens effects many variables and can have a multitude of motivations. </p> <p>Imagine how these “secular†people hade behind and manipulate those that are religious. Nevertheless it was the work of individuals and groups who had something to gain. </p> <p>It is time to confront truth however ugly and bleak. Otherwise we will all lose in the long run as authoritarian forces again rule over a relatively short history of freedom and enlightenment as we slip back into the Byzantine times of arbitrary evil. </p> <p>What’s at stake is the future history of civil rights versus tyranny in this country and the rest of the world. The terror and criminality must be stopped now before more political tragedy and before a right-wing goons completely take over. These bums are trying to isolate Obama and convince Americas that he has already bought into much of the Bush doctrine—don’t have it. This is a critical historical juncture in the vicious world of Washington D.C. politics.</p> <p>Furthermore how much longer will phony Osama Bin Laden Nancy Pelosi videos, and phony websites, and phony confessions, and phony intelligence be swallowed before it is too late and people start disappearing and being killed here on our country? </p> <p>9/11, Who Benefited Versus Gulag Gitmo?</p> <p>Dick Cheney more or less admitted his group’s guilt in his desperate attempt to take on Barack Obama’s sane and necessary policy of closing Guantanamo. To argue that a military machine that spends up to a half trillion dollars a year doesn’t have the where-with-all to guard prisoners already in handcuffs is to argue an extremely weak case. To think that the Republican party would have the jaded audacity to use the NIMBY excuse as a wedge issue is beyond the pale—given the enormous harm their public relations of Guantanomo and Gulag has already affected the world’s perception of Americans and U.S. foreign policy.</p> <!--break--><p>9/11, Who Benefited Versus Gulag Gitmo?</p> <p>“The most dangerous person is the fearful; he is the most to be feared.†</p> <p>Dick Cheney more or less admitted his group’s guilt in his desperate attempt to take on Barack Obama’s sane and necessary policy of closing Guantanamo. To argue that a military machine that spends up to a half trillion dollars a year doesn’t have the where-with-all to guard prisoners already in handcuffs is to argue an extremely weak case. </p> <p>Equally the U.S. has the largest prisoner population in the world and somehow criminals with various motives of malice manage to remain behind bars—their wills and wits are no less agile than are those huddled away where Americans can’t know their real situation. How did the Romans manage to keep dangerous lions under control—but then they did not have the same technologies and material sciences.</p> <p>To think that the Republican party would have the jaded audacity to use the NIMBY excuse as a wedge issue is beyond the pale—given the enormous harm their public relations of Guantanomo and Gulag has already affected the world’s perception of Americans and U.S. foreign policy. </p> <p>Obviously they are counting on the continuously manipulated fear of the naïve and cowardly, as well as the spoiled American presumption that if one “feels†bad about something then that is a good enough reason to get one’s way. This is just further denial of the forms of torture and the exaggerated fears that have been spoon-fed to the politically retarded by such listeners of demagogues like Michael Savage and his hydra dragon-minded. </p> <p>But it is not really their escape he fears—rather it is that people will more likely find out that this is a whole sham—that these peoples’ stories are far more realistic and believable than are the military’s game plan to deny rights and deny fair trials. </p> <p>Still Cheney’s neocon “fear-mongering†hysteria at the American Enterprise Institute Thursday, May 21st, denouncing President Obama’s plan to close gulag gitmo, connotes that the mainstream media’s “emotional debate†is about something far deeper and more frightening than whether it is safe to place political prisoners in U.S.</p> <p>After all it was Cheney who was in command at the White House when 9/11 occurred while Bush was learning how to read many a mile away in his brother’s state of Florida. </p> <p>But what if the main theories regarding a kind of insider conspiracy job by rogue elements within and without the West did 9/11 (private and semi-private organizations)? And what if all the ill-gotten intelligence from random incarceration and torture was, or mostly, false, meant to deceive the world, but especially Americans, into continuing to believe that it was bin Laden as Arabs and Muslims groups that carried out the war act of 9/11 on the American people and the U.S. economy? What if hardly none of the confessions are true—that there is zero worth-while intelligence gained, but that the ploy was still used to conceal and fabricate more mythology? Certainly that would inspire a need to hide the case?</p> <p>Maybe their hiding of an actual conspiracy meant to motivate Americans into believing that America’s enemies are primarily Muslims and Arabs, and that one major motive for 9/11 was really to begin a new Christian crusade of 50 years of conflict against all things Muslim? </p> <p>Who benefited from the terrorist acts of 9/11?</p> <p>1) Investors who invest into profitable corporations connected to the military industrial complex. War has usually been profitable to some class of people. Prior to 9/11 there was little in the way of war material inventories being depleted. But after 9/11 it all changed as many stood to profit. Equally support system corporations and private contracting firms gained immensely. </p> <p>2) Industry leaders and think tank politicos who believed it was necessary for certain companies to control various strategic resources and international territories were likely convinced that control in the Middle East was necessary for the continuing maintenance of a high standard of living for the West. Gas and oil reserves are coveted by every industrial civilization. Having a ready reason to enter and fight in the Middle East gave such people their illusion of future prosperity. Is it be coincidence there is a strong coincidence that the propaganda War on Terrorism juxtaposes nicely with a need to control third world countries that either have oil and gas reserves or territories in which pipelines are needed with stable pro-western protection?</p> <p>3) Advocates for extreme laissez faire economic policies that rewrote an Iraqi constitution that promoted the free market system of neo-liberal economic principles and made it especially easy for foreign nations to own a part of Iraq and its resources. </p> <p>4) Equally the heroin industry of Afghanistan came back to life after. Bin Laden and the Taliban, because of their religious fanaticism, pretty much closed down the trade. Any people, and loose or tight organizations, connected with the heroin trade in Central Asia reaped billion dollars rewards—including all money laundering groups of financiers.</p> <p>5) Israel benefited by having one of their neighboring enemies, namely Saddam Hussein and his standing army weakened and preoccupied. It is not a coincidence that the advocates and newspaper pundits most defensive about our invasion happen to be strong advocates of Israel’s right-wing will.</p> <p>6) Those who believe in a two class system benefited because the wealth investor class, including most of the Congress and Senate, are not sending their kids to die—rather they rely on a volunteer military of lower and middle class kids that can’t find jobs or have few prospects to go to school.</p> <p>7) Some right-wing politicos also benefited by having more Americans afraid of Muslims and Arabs thought as America’s enemies. Apparently some people felt that Muslims and Arabs should not be on friendly terms with Americans here in the U.S. and that it was necessary to spy and harass them in this country. Meanwhile this event was used to persuade Americans that Israel is America’s “natural†ally and partner against the forces of Islamist extremism—yet Israel is not willing to separate Church and State and adamantly discriminates against those not Jewish. Meanwhile Israel’s enemies have been Muslim and Arab elements and continues their huge “neocon†propaganda campaign that harps on “Islamo-fascism,†“Islamo-extremism,†and “Islamo-fanaticism†but never consider the possibility of any Christians, Jews, or other secular fanatics being capable of extremism. </p> <p>8) Politically motivated people with the desire to use a historically tried and true and ready-made “fear†mechanism, namely terrorism, as an excuse to curtail and destroy civil liberties and freedoms normally honored in democratic countries. This curtailment is similar to those who continue to try to censor free speech such as stolen election Lieberman’s attempt to control the Internet. Recently JINSA or the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs put out a new report authored by retired U.S. Army Colonel Ralph Peters that advocates censorship and on the partisan media (the non-embedded media). Given how much some military officers have already engaged in distorting truth for politicos can they be expected to be honest with Americans? Such mentality has allowed spying on citizens by “privatized†corporations not accountable to the tax paying public who pay organizations to secretly spy and keep records on its own citizenry.</p> <p>9) Politically motivated people and groups who have a desire to destroy the political strength and good will of the American people by weakening the economic viability of this culture to other corrupt forces who are willing to sacrifice real national security to their greedy and self-interested ends. It doesn’t seem to bother them that America goes broke invading foreign countries—irrespective of what the rest of the world thinks—and what is sure to be a disaster in Afghanistan. It almost seems like a deliberate foil to destroy military preparedness to weaken our security this way.</p> <p>This country has lost real face-value prestige and economic power quickly due to the corrupt nature of events. America has become a culture held in world contempt as an enemy of human rights. What was once or calling card to something estimable—the belief in the dignity of all peoples—has become destroyed as we become more and more the roguish and criminal nation.</p> <p>Nancy Pelosi’s denial of what she knew is a red herring and a ploy to intimidate Congress—why has not the controlled media not reported their knowledge of torture to death of the Cheney enterprise? Why did the mainstream media focus so much on water boarding when worst things happened? </p> <p>The U.S. Congress, like most pseudo-liberal chicken-shit lefties, who have not had the guts to look seriously at what likely happened on 9/11, and why, have succumbed to the cowardliness of voting to not close the U.S. gulag. They are more afraid of their own lost of stature than they are of honoring the rights of law and justice. </p> <p>The U.S. is being strangulated by individuals who are destroying our political climate and values. It is a form of slavery to be manipulated into doing things under false assumptions because you are not really working for your own self-interests or that of your nation. Slavery is something the founders of America fought against—and not just physical slavery but all forms of psychological slavery—including all forms manipulated by religious and political vulnerabilities.</p> <p>But it should be especially noted that it is not in peoples’ interest to “over-generalize†classes of people who carried out the psychological terrorism on Americans. It was not the government since 99+% of government employees had nothing to do with it. It was not Jews since 99+% of them had nothing to do with it. Neither did 99+ of capitalists or people who believe in markets. Therefore it was not strictly an “inside†job since so much of what happens effects many variables and can have a multitude of motivations. </p> <p>Imagine how these “secular†people hade behind and manipulate those that are religious. Nevertheless it was the work of individuals and groups who had something to gain. </p> <p>It is time to confront truth however ugly and bleak. Otherwise we will all lose in the long run as authoritarian forces again rule over a relatively short history of freedom and enlightenment as we slip back into the Byzantine times of arbitrary evil. </p> <p>What’s at stake is the future history of civil rights versus tyranny in this country and the rest of the world. The terror and criminality must be stopped now before more political tragedy and before a right-wing goons completely take over. These bums are trying to isolate Obama and convince Americas that he has already bought into much of the Bush doctrine—don’t have it. This is a critical historical juncture in the vicious world of Washington D.C. politics.</p> <p>Furthermore how much longer will phony Osama Bin Laden Nancy Pelosi videos, and phony websites, and phony confessions, and phony intelligence be swallowed before it is too late and people start disappearing and being killed here on our country? </p> <p>Dick Cheney more or less admitted his group’s guilt in his desperate attempt to take on Barack Obama’s sane and necessary policy of closing Guantanamo. To argue that a military machine that spends up to a half trillion dollars a year doesn’t have the where-with-all to guard prisoners already in handcuffs is to argue an extremely weak case. To think that the Republican party would have the jaded audacity to use the NIMBY excuse as a wedge issue is beyond the pale—given the enormous harm their public relations of Guantanomo and Gulag has already affected the world’s perception of Americans and U.S. foreign policy.</p>
safe_summary (String, 0 characters )
#formatter (String, 12 characters ) text_default
0 (Array, 3 elements)
#type (String, 9 characters ) container
#attributes (Array, 1 element)
class (String, 8 characters ) clearfix
0 (Array, 1 element)
#markup (String, 25177 characters ) <p>9/11, Who Benefited Versus Gulag Gitmo?</p> ...
<p>9/11, Who Benefited Versus Gulag Gitmo?</p> <p>“The most dangerous person is the fearful; he is the most to be feared.†</p> <p>Dick Cheney more or less admitted his group’s guilt in his desperate attempt to take on Barack Obama’s sane and necessary policy of closing Guantanamo. To argue that a military machine that spends up to a half trillion dollars a year doesn’t have the where-with-all to guard prisoners already in handcuffs is to argue an extremely weak case. </p> <p>Equally the U.S. has the largest prisoner population in the world and somehow criminals with various motives of malice manage to remain behind bars—their wills and wits are no less agile than are those huddled away where Americans can’t know their real situation. How did the Romans manage to keep dangerous lions under control—but then they did not have the same technologies and material sciences.</p> <p>To think that the Republican party would have the jaded audacity to use the NIMBY excuse as a wedge issue is beyond the pale—given the enormous harm their public relations of Guantanomo and Gulag has already affected the world’s perception of Americans and U.S. foreign policy. </p> <p>Obviously they are counting on the continuously manipulated fear of the naïve and cowardly, as well as the spoiled American presumption that if one “feels†bad about something then that is a good enough reason to get one’s way. This is just further denial of the forms of torture and the exaggerated fears that have been spoon-fed to the politically retarded by such listeners of demagogues like Michael Savage and his hydra dragon-minded. </p> <p>But it is not really their escape he fears—rather it is that people will more likely find out that this is a whole sham—that these peoples’ stories are far more realistic and believable than are the military’s game plan to deny rights and deny fair trials. </p> <p>Still Cheney’s neocon “fear-mongering†hysteria at the American Enterprise Institute Thursday, May 21st, denouncing President Obama’s plan to close gulag gitmo, connotes that the mainstream media’s “emotional debate†is about something far deeper and more frightening than whether it is safe to place political prisoners in U.S.</p> <p>After all it was Cheney who was in command at the White House when 9/11 occurred while Bush was learning how to read many a mile away in his brother’s state of Florida. </p> <p>But what if the main theories regarding a kind of insider conspiracy job by rogue elements within and without the West did 9/11 (private and semi-private organizations)? And what if all the ill-gotten intelligence from random incarceration and torture was, or mostly, false, meant to deceive the world, but especially Americans, into continuing to believe that it was bin Laden as Arabs and Muslims groups that carried out the war act of 9/11 on the American people and the U.S. economy? What if hardly none of the confessions are true—that there is zero worth-while intelligence gained, but that the ploy was still used to conceal and fabricate more mythology? Certainly that would inspire a need to hide the case?</p> <p>Maybe their hiding of an actual conspiracy meant to motivate Americans into believing that America’s enemies are primarily Muslims and Arabs, and that one major motive for 9/11 was really to begin a new Christian crusade of 50 years of conflict against all things Muslim? </p> <p>Who benefited from the terrorist acts of 9/11?</p> <p>1) Investors who invest into profitable corporations connected to the military industrial complex. War has usually been profitable to some class of people. Prior to 9/11 there was little in the way of war material inventories being depleted. But after 9/11 it all changed as many stood to profit. Equally support system corporations and private contracting firms gained immensely. </p> <p>2) Industry leaders and think tank politicos who believed it was necessary for certain companies to control various strategic resources and international territories were likely convinced that control in the Middle East was necessary for the continuing maintenance of a high standard of living for the West. Gas and oil reserves are coveted by every industrial civilization. Having a ready reason to enter and fight in the Middle East gave such people their illusion of future prosperity. Is it be coincidence there is a strong coincidence that the propaganda War on Terrorism juxtaposes nicely with a need to control third world countries that either have oil and gas reserves or territories in which pipelines are needed with stable pro-western protection?</p> <p>3) Advocates for extreme laissez faire economic policies that rewrote an Iraqi constitution that promoted the free market system of neo-liberal economic principles and made it especially easy for foreign nations to own a part of Iraq and its resources. </p> <p>4) Equally the heroin industry of Afghanistan came back to life after. Bin Laden and the Taliban, because of their religious fanaticism, pretty much closed down the trade. Any people, and loose or tight organizations, connected with the heroin trade in Central Asia reaped billion dollars rewards—including all money laundering groups of financiers.</p> <p>5) Israel benefited by having one of their neighboring enemies, namely Saddam Hussein and his standing army weakened and preoccupied. It is not a coincidence that the advocates and newspaper pundits most defensive about our invasion happen to be strong advocates of Israel’s right-wing will.</p> <p>6) Those who believe in a two class system benefited because the wealth investor class, including most of the Congress and Senate, are not sending their kids to die—rather they rely on a volunteer military of lower and middle class kids that can’t find jobs or have few prospects to go to school.</p> <p>7) Some right-wing politicos also benefited by having more Americans afraid of Muslims and Arabs thought as America’s enemies. Apparently some people felt that Muslims and Arabs should not be on friendly terms with Americans here in the U.S. and that it was necessary to spy and harass them in this country. Meanwhile this event was used to persuade Americans that Israel is America’s “natural†ally and partner against the forces of Islamist extremism—yet Israel is not willing to separate Church and State and adamantly discriminates against those not Jewish. Meanwhile Israel’s enemies have been Muslim and Arab elements and continues their huge “neocon†propaganda campaign that harps on “Islamo-fascism,†“Islamo-extremism,†and “Islamo-fanaticism†but never consider the possibility of any Christians, Jews, or other secular fanatics being capable of extremism. </p> <p>8) Politically motivated people with the desire to use a historically tried and true and ready-made “fear†mechanism, namely terrorism, as an excuse to curtail and destroy civil liberties and freedoms normally honored in democratic countries. This curtailment is similar to those who continue to try to censor free speech such as stolen election Lieberman’s attempt to control the Internet. Recently JINSA or the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs put out a new report authored by retired U.S. Army Colonel Ralph Peters that advocates censorship and on the partisan media (the non-embedded media). Given how much some military officers have already engaged in distorting truth for politicos can they be expected to be honest with Americans? Such mentality has allowed spying on citizens by “privatized†corporations not accountable to the tax paying public who pay organizations to secretly spy and keep records on its own citizenry.</p> <p>9) Politically motivated people and groups who have a desire to destroy the political strength and good will of the American people by weakening the economic viability of this culture to other corrupt forces who are willing to sacrifice real national security to their greedy and self-interested ends. It doesn’t seem to bother them that America goes broke invading foreign countries—irrespective of what the rest of the world thinks—and what is sure to be a disaster in Afghanistan. It almost seems like a deliberate foil to destroy military preparedness to weaken our security this way.</p> <p>This country has lost real face-value prestige and economic power quickly due to the corrupt nature of events. America has become a culture held in world contempt as an enemy of human rights. What was once or calling card to something estimable—the belief in the dignity of all peoples—has become destroyed as we become more and more the roguish and criminal nation.</p> <p>Nancy Pelosi’s denial of what she knew is a red herring and a ploy to intimidate Congress—why has not the controlled media not reported their knowledge of torture to death of the Cheney enterprise? Why did the mainstream media focus so much on water boarding when worst things happened? </p> <p>The U.S. Congress, like most pseudo-liberal chicken-shit lefties, who have not had the guts to look seriously at what likely happened on 9/11, and why, have succumbed to the cowardliness of voting to not close the U.S. gulag. They are more afraid of their own lost of stature than they are of honoring the rights of law and justice. </p> <p>The U.S. is being strangulated by individuals who are destroying our political climate and values. It is a form of slavery to be manipulated into doing things under false assumptions because you are not really working for your own self-interests or that of your nation. Slavery is something the founders of America fought against—and not just physical slavery but all forms of psychological slavery—including all forms manipulated by religious and political vulnerabilities.</p> <p>But it should be especially noted that it is not in peoples’ interest to “over-generalize†classes of people who carried out the psychological terrorism on Americans. It was not the government since 99+% of government employees had nothing to do with it. It was not Jews since 99+% of them had nothing to do with it. Neither did 99+ of capitalists or people who believe in markets. Therefore it was not strictly an “inside†job since so much of what happens effects many variables and can have a multitude of motivations. </p> <p>Imagine how these “secular†people hade behind and manipulate those that are religious. Nevertheless it was the work of individuals and groups who had something to gain. </p> <p>It is time to confront truth however ugly and bleak. Otherwise we will all lose in the long run as authoritarian forces again rule over a relatively short history of freedom and enlightenment as we slip back into the Byzantine times of arbitrary evil. </p> <p>What’s at stake is the future history of civil rights versus tyranny in this country and the rest of the world. The terror and criminality must be stopped now before more political tragedy and before a right-wing goons completely take over. These bums are trying to isolate Obama and convince Americas that he has already bought into much of the Bush doctrine—don’t have it. This is a critical historical juncture in the vicious world of Washington D.C. politics.</p> <p>Furthermore how much longer will phony Osama Bin Laden Nancy Pelosi videos, and phony websites, and phony confessions, and phony intelligence be swallowed before it is too late and people start disappearing and being killed here on our country? </p> <p>9/11, Who Benefited Versus Gulag Gitmo?</p> <p>Dick Cheney more or less admitted his group’s guilt in his desperate attempt to take on Barack Obama’s sane and necessary policy of closing Guantanamo. To argue that a military machine that spends up to a half trillion dollars a year doesn’t have the where-with-all to guard prisoners already in handcuffs is to argue an extremely weak case. To think that the Republican party would have the jaded audacity to use the NIMBY excuse as a wedge issue is beyond the pale—given the enormous harm their public relations of Guantanomo and Gulag has already affected the world’s perception of Americans and U.S. foreign policy.</p> <!--break--><p>9/11, Who Benefited Versus Gulag Gitmo?</p> <p>“The most dangerous person is the fearful; he is the most to be feared.†</p> <p>Dick Cheney more or less admitted his group’s guilt in his desperate attempt to take on Barack Obama’s sane and necessary policy of closing Guantanamo. To argue that a military machine that spends up to a half trillion dollars a year doesn’t have the where-with-all to guard prisoners already in handcuffs is to argue an extremely weak case. </p> <p>Equally the U.S. has the largest prisoner population in the world and somehow criminals with various motives of malice manage to remain behind bars—their wills and wits are no less agile than are those huddled away where Americans can’t know their real situation. How did the Romans manage to keep dangerous lions under control—but then they did not have the same technologies and material sciences.</p> <p>To think that the Republican party would have the jaded audacity to use the NIMBY excuse as a wedge issue is beyond the pale—given the enormous harm their public relations of Guantanomo and Gulag has already affected the world’s perception of Americans and U.S. foreign policy. </p> <p>Obviously they are counting on the continuously manipulated fear of the naïve and cowardly, as well as the spoiled American presumption that if one “feels†bad about something then that is a good enough reason to get one’s way. This is just further denial of the forms of torture and the exaggerated fears that have been spoon-fed to the politically retarded by such listeners of demagogues like Michael Savage and his hydra dragon-minded. </p> <p>But it is not really their escape he fears—rather it is that people will more likely find out that this is a whole sham—that these peoples’ stories are far more realistic and believable than are the military’s game plan to deny rights and deny fair trials. </p> <p>Still Cheney’s neocon “fear-mongering†hysteria at the American Enterprise Institute Thursday, May 21st, denouncing President Obama’s plan to close gulag gitmo, connotes that the mainstream media’s “emotional debate†is about something far deeper and more frightening than whether it is safe to place political prisoners in U.S.</p> <p>After all it was Cheney who was in command at the White House when 9/11 occurred while Bush was learning how to read many a mile away in his brother’s state of Florida. </p> <p>But what if the main theories regarding a kind of insider conspiracy job by rogue elements within and without the West did 9/11 (private and semi-private organizations)? And what if all the ill-gotten intelligence from random incarceration and torture was, or mostly, false, meant to deceive the world, but especially Americans, into continuing to believe that it was bin Laden as Arabs and Muslims groups that carried out the war act of 9/11 on the American people and the U.S. economy? What if hardly none of the confessions are true—that there is zero worth-while intelligence gained, but that the ploy was still used to conceal and fabricate more mythology? Certainly that would inspire a need to hide the case?</p> <p>Maybe their hiding of an actual conspiracy meant to motivate Americans into believing that America’s enemies are primarily Muslims and Arabs, and that one major motive for 9/11 was really to begin a new Christian crusade of 50 years of conflict against all things Muslim? </p> <p>Who benefited from the terrorist acts of 9/11?</p> <p>1) Investors who invest into profitable corporations connected to the military industrial complex. War has usually been profitable to some class of people. Prior to 9/11 there was little in the way of war material inventories being depleted. But after 9/11 it all changed as many stood to profit. Equally support system corporations and private contracting firms gained immensely. </p> <p>2) Industry leaders and think tank politicos who believed it was necessary for certain companies to control various strategic resources and international territories were likely convinced that control in the Middle East was necessary for the continuing maintenance of a high standard of living for the West. Gas and oil reserves are coveted by every industrial civilization. Having a ready reason to enter and fight in the Middle East gave such people their illusion of future prosperity. Is it be coincidence there is a strong coincidence that the propaganda War on Terrorism juxtaposes nicely with a need to control third world countries that either have oil and gas reserves or territories in which pipelines are needed with stable pro-western protection?</p> <p>3) Advocates for extreme laissez faire economic policies that rewrote an Iraqi constitution that promoted the free market system of neo-liberal economic principles and made it especially easy for foreign nations to own a part of Iraq and its resources. </p> <p>4) Equally the heroin industry of Afghanistan came back to life after. Bin Laden and the Taliban, because of their religious fanaticism, pretty much closed down the trade. Any people, and loose or tight organizations, connected with the heroin trade in Central Asia reaped billion dollars rewards—including all money laundering groups of financiers.</p> <p>5) Israel benefited by having one of their neighboring enemies, namely Saddam Hussein and his standing army weakened and preoccupied. It is not a coincidence that the advocates and newspaper pundits most defensive about our invasion happen to be strong advocates of Israel’s right-wing will.</p> <p>6) Those who believe in a two class system benefited because the wealth investor class, including most of the Congress and Senate, are not sending their kids to die—rather they rely on a volunteer military of lower and middle class kids that can’t find jobs or have few prospects to go to school.</p> <p>7) Some right-wing politicos also benefited by having more Americans afraid of Muslims and Arabs thought as America’s enemies. Apparently some people felt that Muslims and Arabs should not be on friendly terms with Americans here in the U.S. and that it was necessary to spy and harass them in this country. Meanwhile this event was used to persuade Americans that Israel is America’s “natural†ally and partner against the forces of Islamist extremism—yet Israel is not willing to separate Church and State and adamantly discriminates against those not Jewish. Meanwhile Israel’s enemies have been Muslim and Arab elements and continues their huge “neocon†propaganda campaign that harps on “Islamo-fascism,†“Islamo-extremism,†and “Islamo-fanaticism†but never consider the possibility of any Christians, Jews, or other secular fanatics being capable of extremism. </p> <p>8) Politically motivated people with the desire to use a historically tried and true and ready-made “fear†mechanism, namely terrorism, as an excuse to curtail and destroy civil liberties and freedoms normally honored in democratic countries. This curtailment is similar to those who continue to try to censor free speech such as stolen election Lieberman’s attempt to control the Internet. Recently JINSA or the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs put out a new report authored by retired U.S. Army Colonel Ralph Peters that advocates censorship and on the partisan media (the non-embedded media). Given how much some military officers have already engaged in distorting truth for politicos can they be expected to be honest with Americans? Such mentality has allowed spying on citizens by “privatized†corporations not accountable to the tax paying public who pay organizations to secretly spy and keep records on its own citizenry.</p> <p>9) Politically motivated people and groups who have a desire to destroy the political strength and good will of the American people by weakening the economic viability of this culture to other corrupt forces who are willing to sacrifice real national security to their greedy and self-interested ends. It doesn’t seem to bother them that America goes broke invading foreign countries—irrespective of what the rest of the world thinks—and what is sure to be a disaster in Afghanistan. It almost seems like a deliberate foil to destroy military preparedness to weaken our security this way.</p> <p>This country has lost real face-value prestige and economic power quickly due to the corrupt nature of events. America has become a culture held in world contempt as an enemy of human rights. What was once or calling card to something estimable—the belief in the dignity of all peoples—has become destroyed as we become more and more the roguish and criminal nation.</p> <p>Nancy Pelosi’s denial of what she knew is a red herring and a ploy to intimidate Congress—why has not the controlled media not reported their knowledge of torture to death of the Cheney enterprise? Why did the mainstream media focus so much on water boarding when worst things happened? </p> <p>The U.S. Congress, like most pseudo-liberal chicken-shit lefties, who have not had the guts to look seriously at what likely happened on 9/11, and why, have succumbed to the cowardliness of voting to not close the U.S. gulag. They are more afraid of their own lost of stature than they are of honoring the rights of law and justice. </p> <p>The U.S. is being strangulated by individuals who are destroying our political climate and values. It is a form of slavery to be manipulated into doing things under false assumptions because you are not really working for your own self-interests or that of your nation. Slavery is something the founders of America fought against—and not just physical slavery but all forms of psychological slavery—including all forms manipulated by religious and political vulnerabilities.</p> <p>But it should be especially noted that it is not in peoples’ interest to “over-generalize†classes of people who carried out the psychological terrorism on Americans. It was not the government since 99+% of government employees had nothing to do with it. It was not Jews since 99+% of them had nothing to do with it. Neither did 99+ of capitalists or people who believe in markets. Therefore it was not strictly an “inside†job since so much of what happens effects many variables and can have a multitude of motivations. </p> <p>Imagine how these “secular†people hade behind and manipulate those that are religious. Nevertheless it was the work of individuals and groups who had something to gain. </p> <p>It is time to confront truth however ugly and bleak. Otherwise we will all lose in the long run as authoritarian forces again rule over a relatively short history of freedom and enlightenment as we slip back into the Byzantine times of arbitrary evil. </p> <p>What’s at stake is the future history of civil rights versus tyranny in this country and the rest of the world. The terror and criminality must be stopped now before more political tragedy and before a right-wing goons completely take over. These bums are trying to isolate Obama and convince Americas that he has already bought into much of the Bush doctrine—don’t have it. This is a critical historical juncture in the vicious world of Washington D.C. politics.</p> <p>Furthermore how much longer will phony Osama Bin Laden Nancy Pelosi videos, and phony websites, and phony confessions, and phony intelligence be swallowed before it is too late and people start disappearing and being killed here on our country? </p> <p>Dick Cheney more or less admitted his group’s guilt in his desperate attempt to take on Barack Obama’s sane and necessary policy of closing Guantanamo. To argue that a military machine that spends up to a half trillion dollars a year doesn’t have the where-with-all to guard prisoners already in handcuffs is to argue an extremely weak case. To think that the Republican party would have the jaded audacity to use the NIMBY excuse as a wedge issue is beyond the pale—given the enormous harm their public relations of Guantanomo and Gulag has already affected the world’s perception of Americans and U.S. foreign policy.</p>
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