Federal judge blocks MS abortion law; GOP governor trying to close state's only clinic
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A new law in Mississippi which would close the only abortion clinic in that state was blocked from taking effect by a federal judge on Sunday. Vimax
House Bill 1390, signed into law by Republican Gov. Phil Bryant and scheduled to be enacted on Sunday, was reportedly temporarily blocked when U.S. District Judge Daniel P. Jordan issued a restraining order. Semenax
A July 11 hearing is set to assess whether the restraining order should be extended for Judge Jordan reportedly feels that there "was legal precedent to follow" before closing the Jackson Women Health Clinic, the only abortion clinic in the state. Male Extra
Though Bryant has never hidden his ideological stance on abortion, reportedly saying publicly that he wanted Mississippi to be "abortion-free," he now claims the law is aimed at protecting lives and the safety of women. Performer5
The law requires anyone performing an abortion at the clinic to be an OB-GYN with hospital privileges in that state. Jes Extender
Seen on CNN Monday afternoon, the head of the clinic, Diane Derzis, says the two doctors who do abortions travel from another state to the clinic and that obtaining privleges to admit patients to local hospitals is a difficult and complicated process. She said the clinic has operated safely for over a decade and women who visit them for services receive the utmost in care. Penis Advantage
The New York-based Center for Reproductive Rights and organization has filed a lawsuit on behalf of the Jackson Women's Health clinic, which has served the women of Mississippi for 17 years. In their Sunday statement, a spokesperson for CRR said they were fighting for the reproductive rights of women in that state, whom they say this law is attempting to hurt by unquestionably putting the "lives and health of countless women at risk of grave harm." Ejaculation Trainer
If this law succeeds in taking hold, Mississippi will be the only state without an abortion clinic. Critics see this as legislators trying to circumvent Roe vs. Wade, reversing the law that has made abortions legal in all states. Total Curve
A rash of laws and measures primarily from Republican governors, senators and representatives have hit states across the country in 2011-2012, undermining abortion rights. Planned Parenthood is a special target, and critics say the Susan G. Komen defunding scandal showed just how far some conservatives will go to push their ideolgical and political agenda at the expense of women's medical safety.