TONIGHT: Food politics in the DR
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Politics and Peanut Butter Wednesday, May 6 at 7 PM. Downtown Presbyterian Church 121 N. Fitzhugh St. Wheelchair-accessible and looped. <!--break--> During her action-packed week in the Dominican Republic, Alison Clarke observed Mujeres Unidas para Desarollo (MUD) forming small businesses such as Conserva de Marmalada (orange marmalade), and worked with the women developing a recipe for Nutriforte, a peanut butter/honey treat to combat childhood malnutrition. She watched as the illegal slash and burn agriculture on the hillside started massive fires. The campesinos in these 14 small villages along the border of Haiti constantly battle the government for these people to be penalized, and advocate on issues such as the building of aqueducts. Advocacy along with sustainable agriculture education has led to many successes. Hear more about the people who are making these successes possible - and also about some of the challenges. Alison has been a community organizer working on sustainable food systems and sustainable community building. She currently volunteers with the NY Small Scale Food Processors' Assn., the Center for Sustainable Living and the Canandaigua Lake Assn. She was a founder of ROCLA as co-coordinator of the Rochester Peace and Justice Education Center (PJEC) staffing food and human rights issues. PJEC later merged with Metro Act to become Metro Justice. _______________________________________________
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<p>Politics and Peanut Butter<br /> Wednesday, May 6 at 7 PM.<br /> Downtown Presbyterian Church<br /> 121 N. Fitzhugh St.<br /> Wheelchair-accessible and looped.</p> <!--break--><p>During her action-packed week in the Dominican Republic, Alison Clarke<br /> observed Mujeres Unidas para Desarollo (MUD) forming small businesses such<br /> as Conserva de Marmalada (orange marmalade), and worked with the<br /> women developing a recipe for Nutriforte, a peanut butter/honey treat<br /> to combat childhood malnutrition.</p> <p>She watched as the illegal slash and burn agriculture on the hillside started<br /> massive fires. The campesinos in these 14 small villages along the border of<br /> Haiti constantly battle the government for these people to be penalized, and<br /> advocate on issues such as the building of aqueducts. Advocacy along with<br /> sustainable agriculture education has led to many successes. Hear more about<br /> the people who are making these successes possible - and also about some of<br /> the challenges.</p> <p>Alison has been a community organizer working on sustainable food systems<br /> and sustainable community building. She currently volunteers with the NY Small<br /> Scale Food Processors' Assn., the Center for Sustainable Living and the<br /> Canandaigua Lake Assn.</p> <p>She was a founder of ROCLA as co-coordinator of the Rochester Peace<br /> and Justice Education Center (PJEC) staffing food and human rights issues.<br /> PJEC later merged with Metro Act to become Metro Justice.</p> <p>_______________________________________________</p>
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TONIGHT: Food politics in the DR
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Politics and Peanut Butter Wednesday, May 6 at 7 PM. Downtown Presbyterian Church 121 N. Fitzhugh St. Wheelchair-accessible and looped. <!--break--> During her action-packed week in the Dominican Republic, Alison Clarke observed Mujeres Unidas para Desarollo (MUD) forming small businesses such as Conserva de Marmalada (orange marmalade), and worked with the women developing a recipe for Nutriforte, a peanut butter/honey treat to combat childhood malnutrition. She watched as the illegal slash and burn agriculture on the hillside started massive fires. The campesinos in these 14 small villages along the border of Haiti constantly battle the government for these people to be penalized, and advocate on issues such as the building of aqueducts. Advocacy along with sustainable agriculture education has led to many successes. Hear more about the people who are making these successes possible - and also about some of the challenges. Alison has been a community organizer working on sustainable food systems and sustainable community building. She currently volunteers with the NY Small Scale Food Processors' Assn., the Center for Sustainable Living and the Canandaigua Lake Assn. She was a founder of ROCLA as co-coordinator of the Rochester Peace and Justice Education Center (PJEC) staffing food and human rights issues. PJEC later merged with Metro Act to become Metro Justice. _______________________________________________
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safe_value (String, 1591 characters ) <p>Politics and Peanut Butter<br /> Wednesday, ...
<p>Politics and Peanut Butter<br /> Wednesday, May 6 at 7 PM.<br /> Downtown Presbyterian Church<br /> 121 N. Fitzhugh St.<br /> Wheelchair-accessible and looped.</p> <!--break--><p>During her action-packed week in the Dominican Republic, Alison Clarke<br /> observed Mujeres Unidas para Desarollo (MUD) forming small businesses such<br /> as Conserva de Marmalada (orange marmalade), and worked with the<br /> women developing a recipe for Nutriforte, a peanut butter/honey treat<br /> to combat childhood malnutrition.</p> <p>She watched as the illegal slash and burn agriculture on the hillside started<br /> massive fires. The campesinos in these 14 small villages along the border of<br /> Haiti constantly battle the government for these people to be penalized, and<br /> advocate on issues such as the building of aqueducts. Advocacy along with<br /> sustainable agriculture education has led to many successes. Hear more about<br /> the people who are making these successes possible - and also about some of<br /> the challenges.</p> <p>Alison has been a community organizer working on sustainable food systems<br /> and sustainable community building. She currently volunteers with the NY Small<br /> Scale Food Processors' Assn., the Center for Sustainable Living and the<br /> Canandaigua Lake Assn.</p> <p>She was a founder of ROCLA as co-coordinator of the Rochester Peace<br /> and Justice Education Center (PJEC) staffing food and human rights issues.<br /> PJEC later merged with Metro Act to become Metro Justice.</p> <p>_______________________________________________</p>
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<p>Politics and Peanut Butter<br /> Wednesday, May 6 at 7 PM.<br /> Downtown Presbyterian Church<br /> 121 N. Fitzhugh St.<br /> Wheelchair-accessible and looped.</p> <!--break--><p>During her action-packed week in the Dominican Republic, Alison Clarke<br /> observed Mujeres Unidas para Desarollo (MUD) forming small businesses such<br /> as Conserva de Marmalada (orange marmalade), and worked with the<br /> women developing a recipe for Nutriforte, a peanut butter/honey treat<br /> to combat childhood malnutrition.</p> <p>She watched as the illegal slash and burn agriculture on the hillside started<br /> massive fires. The campesinos in these 14 small villages along the border of<br /> Haiti constantly battle the government for these people to be penalized, and<br /> advocate on issues such as the building of aqueducts. Advocacy along with<br /> sustainable agriculture education has led to many successes. Hear more about<br /> the people who are making these successes possible - and also about some of<br /> the challenges.</p> <p>Alison has been a community organizer working on sustainable food systems<br /> and sustainable community building. She currently volunteers with the NY Small<br /> Scale Food Processors' Assn., the Center for Sustainable Living and the<br /> Canandaigua Lake Assn.</p> <p>She was a founder of ROCLA as co-coordinator of the Rochester Peace<br /> and Justice Education Center (PJEC) staffing food and human rights issues.<br /> PJEC later merged with Metro Act to become Metro Justice.</p> <p>_______________________________________________</p>
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Krumo version 0.2.1a
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