US Supreme Court health care decision approaches treason
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In what many conservatives and constitutionalists deem as an act of betrayal against a majority of Americans who opposed this act, the unthinkable has taken place. ExtenZe
Of all of the decisions handed down by the Supreme Court over more than three years of the Obama administration, upholding the Affordable Care Act may be one of the most treasonous acts ever decided upon by the highest court in the land. Though Justices Alito, Scalia, Kennedy and Thomas dissented against the decision to allow this act to survive it was not to be struck down. Justice John Roberts, a Bush appointee, decided in favor of nationalized healthcare through allowing individual mandate to stand. Pro Extender
Using The Courts To Overthrow America
Deciding to allow the healthcare act to stand as a tax was rationalized by Justice John Roberts, who has consistently ruled in favor of the left ever since his appointment. One might remember that he refused to consider the Constitutional eligibility of President Obama in light of evidence and large numbers of solicitors in favor of forcing Obama to meet those requirements. John Roberts handed down his decision with a sarcastic comment that belittled the legal constitutional argument. Maxoderm
Of course one would have expected Justice Kennedy to approve such a Draconian decision that will place more control of our personal choices in the hands of the federal government, being that he is a longtime liberal. It would also have been anticipated that Justices Sotomayor and Kagan in step with their Obama administration appointments, would automatically go along with the decision approving the individual mandate. It should be noted that both justices have a history of inappropriately using the law to make political rulings. Sotomayor allowed discrimination in a prior ruling during her position in a lower court sanctioning the hiring of less qualified minority applicants for jobs over their higher scoring Caucasian counterparts. GenFX
Elena Kagan has the dubious distinction of forcing an armed services enlistment center off the campus grounds of her college because they did not support gay recognition within the ranks of the military. Kagan also served to block several legal challenges to President Obama’s Constitutional standing in the oval office as Inspector General. She was appointed having little if any experience ruling from the bench in actual court room hearings making here little more than a glorified court clerk. Her Solution
Affordable Care That Was Already Determined Unaffordable
With the Supreme Court decision to uphold the Affordable Health Care Act, a disastrous measure has been unleashed among the public. Projected budgets have put the act costing more than $1.76 trillion dollars in less than 10 years, much more than estimated by the Obama administration. Judged as cost prohibitive, President Obama strikes again in making the eventual balanced budget amendment virtually unattainable in the face of using his legislation to insure that he will receive votes from those elements that want to be wards of the state even if it means insuring illegal aliens with health care paid by the rest of the U.S. population who find themselves involved in subsidizing those who do not pay taxes or contribute to our society in a responsible manner. GenF20
What Is The True Motive Behind The Madness
What could possibly be the motive of a president pushing a healthcare bill that 62% of the public disapproved of, was proven to be much more costly than was originally proposed, and will inevitably ration costs allowing the chronically ill, senior citizens, and those will especially expensive rare conditions to be denied coverage after exceeding imposed limits, the “Death Panels” that Sarah Palin warned about? Why would a president approve of such a controversial program? The answer. To buy votes by benefiting those who will not and cannot afford healthcare whether they are legal citizens or not, these voters will be indefinitely endeared to the Democrat party for benefits they receive at the expense of tax paying Americans as costs continue to sky rocket through the roof. Male Edge
America No Longer The Country Our Fathers Knew
This effectively ends the existence of a Constitutional Republic in the United States with the enactment of the Affordable Healthcare Act. Where as every nation who has formed their own nationalized medicine program has seen financial failure, long waiting lines of six months or more, lack of critical emergency room facilities for trauma patients, and a rationing of care to the elderly and chronically ill, the government now becomes God and decides who lives and who dies. As President Obama had once said when asked what would happen to those who needed care for terminal conditions, he remarked, that this was what pain medication was for. Volume Pills