Rochester Community Radio Project
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Rochester's Community Radio Project - a good week it was. City Newspaper did a nice feature on us and we're working hard toward our immediate goals.
A big week for our community radio effort. City Newspaper did a nice feature on the project, getting us some much needed media attention for our project. In case you haven't seen the article yet (and perhaps you're wondering what my backyard antenna system looks like):
Our meeting this past Tuesday went quite well. Judy Bello suggested a linux based system for free audio streaming...this in regard to Step 1: streaming pre-recorded programming on the internet(with a simulcast on my home based AM transmitter). Judy also put me in touch with Ben from Rochester Indymedia, who is quite willing to help us get our audio stream going.
At tuesday's meeting, we also touched on Step 2 - finding free facilities(perhaps from another non profit group) and using those studios for live broadcasts, just like a real station. Anyone reading this who can make a possible suggestion for studio space(schools, community centers, etc.), please email back.
We also talked about the need to secure a website domain name for our internet stream. We can't do that until we have a name for our station, so if you have an idea, please email to the group. So far, we've had the following suggestions: New Rochester Radio, RCR(Rochester Community Radio) and Radio Nathaniel(in "honor" of Mr. Rochester).
Our next meeting is Tuesday, April 21st at 8pm at Spot Coffee. We're going to try and secure the meeting room on the 2nd level, if we can. Again, if you can't make our meetings, we welcome your help as an "email contributer."
... one more thing: James Rowe, owner of The Mez at 389 Gregory St., has given us the green light to change our weekly Wed. open mic into a weekly variety show that we can record off his sound system and play back on the radio. BTW, we're looking for comics, musicians, poets, readers, etc. Everyone is welcome to get involved...stop in on a Wed. and talk.
Chuck McCoy