Free School in Rochester Starting
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We all have many areas of knowledge, experience and expertize. At the same time, there are many areas where we would like to learn and grow. Let's get organized, share our knowledge and have fun doing it.
A free school is starting in Rochester. Come to the Women's Coffee Connection, 681 South Ave, at Noon, Saturday April 4th to help start it up. We are still ironing out the details, but the basic goal is to organize a decentralized network of independent classes. We will try to start things up simply and quickly so we can get to the business of teaching and learning from each other.
If you are interested in coordinating a class - as a teacher, a student, or maybe a bit of both - please bring a description of the class to the meeting. If enough other people are also interested, then we'll start it up. You absolutely don't need to be an expert to teach a class, just someone with a passion for the topic.
This group came out of a workshop held last week at DIY Fest (DIY = do it yourself). Here's a partial list of classes that people were thinking about starting - hopefully it will serve as inspiration and spawn new ideas.
- Yoga + Meditation
- Music Promotion and Flyer Making
- Modern / Existential Psychology
- Bicycle Repair and Maintenance
- Graphic Design
- Spanish
- History of Punk Rock
- Cooking (vegetarian, local foods, vegan, baking)
- Screen Printing
- Understanding and Confronting Racism
- Computer Game Programming
- Quilting
- Music Skillshare
- Piano Playing