March 19th Parade and Rally
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We had a great time and made a ruckus around town to commemorate the 6th anniversary of the Iraq war, but we didn't get a big crowd. <!--break--> I participated in the "Parade and Rally" part of the March 19 Protest commemorating the beginning of the Iraq war. In many ways it went off really well. I think we did have a good time. It would have been nice to see more new people. In fact, someone told me there were 12 undercover police that joined us. And I thought, gee, I didn't think there were 12 people present whom I don't recognize. At the same time, it was great to have members of Progressives in Action and Progress Democrats join in the planning and the event. The enthusiasm of the SDS members was just wonderful. As far as the 'undercover police' go, if they were actually there, I guess it means we must have really impressed them with our plans. Next time we need some 'undercover' media reps to convey our story to the public. I took was responsible for street theater actions at the War Memorial and at the rally. I had a tough time finding people to plan with me. However, I really want to thank Sage Rakstraw for helping me get the effigies of Bush, Cheney and Ms. Rice together. But the amazing thing was that, after weeks of worry, it turned out, as it has in the past, that drafting actors from the crowd works out really well. In front of the War Memorial, one volunteer read the names of local men who died in Iraq and Afghanistan, and another read the names of some of the Iraqi and Palestinian victims of occupation. A volunteer accompanied the name reading with drum rolls, and numerous volunteers joined the die in, sitting or lying on the ground under a bloody shroud. Jim Swarts of PIA said a prayer for the dead before we moved on. It was a wonderful pick up at Main and State when some other groups joined us, and the Funk the War party merged with our group. At the Rally, SDS members volunteered to be Prosecution and Defense Lawyers for the lawless Bush Administration and IVAW members set up the shoe throwing area for the execution. They all did a great job. Check out the Indy Media Video if you haven't seen it. The trial was lively and, in the enthusiasm of the moment, someone set Cheney on fire. Fortunately, no one else was injured. The judge stepped in to remind the crowd that we were in for a trial, not a lynch mob. At the end of the charges, all defendants were declared guilty and sentenced to execution by Shoeing. Prior to the execution, representatives of PIA and SDS spoke about their feelings about the war, and the Raging Grannies sang a couple of tunes. The execution by shoeing then proceeded, and the remains of the prisoners were removed. Member of SDS and DoP took off over the footbridge to take Funk the War to town. Everywhere, people's enthusiasm was the heart and soul of this action.
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safe_value (String, 2902 characters ) <p>We had a great time and made a ruckus around...
<p>We had a great time and made a ruckus around town to commemorate the 6th anniversary of the Iraq war, but we didn't get a big crowd.</p> <!--break--><p>I participated in the "Parade and Rally" part of the March 19 Protest commemorating the beginning of the Iraq war. In many ways it went off really well. I think we did have a good time. It would have been nice to see more new people. In fact, someone told me there were 12 undercover police that joined us. And I thought, gee, I didn't think there were 12 people present whom I don't recognize. At the same time, it was great to have members of Progressives in Action and Progress Democrats join in the planning and the event. The enthusiasm of the SDS members was just wonderful. As far as the 'undercover police' go, if they were actually there, I guess it means we must have really impressed them with our plans. Next time we need some 'undercover' media reps to convey our story to the public.</p> <p>I took was responsible for street theater actions at the War Memorial and at the rally. I had a tough time finding people to plan with me. However, I really want to thank Sage Rakstraw for helping me get the effigies of Bush, Cheney and Ms. Rice together. But the amazing thing was that, after weeks of worry, it turned out, as it has in the past, that drafting actors from the crowd works out really well. </p> <p>In front of the War Memorial, one volunteer read the names of local men who died in Iraq and Afghanistan, and another read the names of some of the Iraqi and Palestinian victims of occupation. A volunteer accompanied the name reading with drum rolls, and numerous volunteers joined the die in, sitting or lying on the ground under a bloody shroud. Jim Swarts of PIA said a prayer for the dead before we moved on. </p> <p>It was a wonderful pick up at Main and State when some other groups joined us, and the Funk the War party merged with our group. At the Rally, SDS members volunteered to be Prosecution and Defense Lawyers for the lawless Bush Administration and IVAW members set up the shoe throwing area for the execution. They all did a great job. Check out the Indy Media Video if you haven't seen it. The trial was lively and, in the enthusiasm of the moment, someone set Cheney on fire. Fortunately, no one else was injured. The judge stepped in to remind the crowd that we were in for a trial, not a lynch mob. At the end of the charges, all defendants were declared guilty and sentenced to execution by Shoeing. </p> <p>Prior to the execution, representatives of PIA and SDS spoke about their feelings about the war, and the Raging Grannies sang a couple of tunes. The execution by shoeing then proceeded, and the remains of the prisoners were removed. Member of SDS and DoP took off over the footbridge to take Funk the War to town.</p> <p>Everywhere, people's enthusiasm was the heart and soul of this action.</p>
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March 19th Parade and Rally
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value (String, 2868 characters ) We had a great time and made a ruckus around to...
We had a great time and made a ruckus around town to commemorate the 6th anniversary of the Iraq war, but we didn't get a big crowd. <!--break--> I participated in the "Parade and Rally" part of the March 19 Protest commemorating the beginning of the Iraq war. In many ways it went off really well. I think we did have a good time. It would have been nice to see more new people. In fact, someone told me there were 12 undercover police that joined us. And I thought, gee, I didn't think there were 12 people present whom I don't recognize. At the same time, it was great to have members of Progressives in Action and Progress Democrats join in the planning and the event. The enthusiasm of the SDS members was just wonderful. As far as the 'undercover police' go, if they were actually there, I guess it means we must have really impressed them with our plans. Next time we need some 'undercover' media reps to convey our story to the public. I took was responsible for street theater actions at the War Memorial and at the rally. I had a tough time finding people to plan with me. However, I really want to thank Sage Rakstraw for helping me get the effigies of Bush, Cheney and Ms. Rice together. But the amazing thing was that, after weeks of worry, it turned out, as it has in the past, that drafting actors from the crowd works out really well. In front of the War Memorial, one volunteer read the names of local men who died in Iraq and Afghanistan, and another read the names of some of the Iraqi and Palestinian victims of occupation. A volunteer accompanied the name reading with drum rolls, and numerous volunteers joined the die in, sitting or lying on the ground under a bloody shroud. Jim Swarts of PIA said a prayer for the dead before we moved on. It was a wonderful pick up at Main and State when some other groups joined us, and the Funk the War party merged with our group. At the Rally, SDS members volunteered to be Prosecution and Defense Lawyers for the lawless Bush Administration and IVAW members set up the shoe throwing area for the execution. They all did a great job. Check out the Indy Media Video if you haven't seen it. The trial was lively and, in the enthusiasm of the moment, someone set Cheney on fire. Fortunately, no one else was injured. The judge stepped in to remind the crowd that we were in for a trial, not a lynch mob. At the end of the charges, all defendants were declared guilty and sentenced to execution by Shoeing. Prior to the execution, representatives of PIA and SDS spoke about their feelings about the war, and the Raging Grannies sang a couple of tunes. The execution by shoeing then proceeded, and the remains of the prisoners were removed. Member of SDS and DoP took off over the footbridge to take Funk the War to town. Everywhere, people's enthusiasm was the heart and soul of this action.
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safe_value (String, 2902 characters ) <p>We had a great time and made a ruckus around...
<p>We had a great time and made a ruckus around town to commemorate the 6th anniversary of the Iraq war, but we didn't get a big crowd.</p> <!--break--><p>I participated in the "Parade and Rally" part of the March 19 Protest commemorating the beginning of the Iraq war. In many ways it went off really well. I think we did have a good time. It would have been nice to see more new people. In fact, someone told me there were 12 undercover police that joined us. And I thought, gee, I didn't think there were 12 people present whom I don't recognize. At the same time, it was great to have members of Progressives in Action and Progress Democrats join in the planning and the event. The enthusiasm of the SDS members was just wonderful. As far as the 'undercover police' go, if they were actually there, I guess it means we must have really impressed them with our plans. Next time we need some 'undercover' media reps to convey our story to the public.</p> <p>I took was responsible for street theater actions at the War Memorial and at the rally. I had a tough time finding people to plan with me. However, I really want to thank Sage Rakstraw for helping me get the effigies of Bush, Cheney and Ms. Rice together. But the amazing thing was that, after weeks of worry, it turned out, as it has in the past, that drafting actors from the crowd works out really well. </p> <p>In front of the War Memorial, one volunteer read the names of local men who died in Iraq and Afghanistan, and another read the names of some of the Iraqi and Palestinian victims of occupation. A volunteer accompanied the name reading with drum rolls, and numerous volunteers joined the die in, sitting or lying on the ground under a bloody shroud. Jim Swarts of PIA said a prayer for the dead before we moved on. </p> <p>It was a wonderful pick up at Main and State when some other groups joined us, and the Funk the War party merged with our group. At the Rally, SDS members volunteered to be Prosecution and Defense Lawyers for the lawless Bush Administration and IVAW members set up the shoe throwing area for the execution. They all did a great job. Check out the Indy Media Video if you haven't seen it. The trial was lively and, in the enthusiasm of the moment, someone set Cheney on fire. Fortunately, no one else was injured. The judge stepped in to remind the crowd that we were in for a trial, not a lynch mob. At the end of the charges, all defendants were declared guilty and sentenced to execution by Shoeing. </p> <p>Prior to the execution, representatives of PIA and SDS spoke about their feelings about the war, and the Raging Grannies sang a couple of tunes. The execution by shoeing then proceeded, and the remains of the prisoners were removed. Member of SDS and DoP took off over the footbridge to take Funk the War to town.</p> <p>Everywhere, people's enthusiasm was the heart and soul of this action.</p>
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<p>We had a great time and made a ruckus around town to commemorate the 6th anniversary of the Iraq war, but we didn't get a big crowd.</p> <!--break--><p>I participated in the "Parade and Rally" part of the March 19 Protest commemorating the beginning of the Iraq war. In many ways it went off really well. I think we did have a good time. It would have been nice to see more new people. In fact, someone told me there were 12 undercover police that joined us. And I thought, gee, I didn't think there were 12 people present whom I don't recognize. At the same time, it was great to have members of Progressives in Action and Progress Democrats join in the planning and the event. The enthusiasm of the SDS members was just wonderful. As far as the 'undercover police' go, if they were actually there, I guess it means we must have really impressed them with our plans. Next time we need some 'undercover' media reps to convey our story to the public.</p> <p>I took was responsible for street theater actions at the War Memorial and at the rally. I had a tough time finding people to plan with me. However, I really want to thank Sage Rakstraw for helping me get the effigies of Bush, Cheney and Ms. Rice together. But the amazing thing was that, after weeks of worry, it turned out, as it has in the past, that drafting actors from the crowd works out really well. </p> <p>In front of the War Memorial, one volunteer read the names of local men who died in Iraq and Afghanistan, and another read the names of some of the Iraqi and Palestinian victims of occupation. A volunteer accompanied the name reading with drum rolls, and numerous volunteers joined the die in, sitting or lying on the ground under a bloody shroud. Jim Swarts of PIA said a prayer for the dead before we moved on. </p> <p>It was a wonderful pick up at Main and State when some other groups joined us, and the Funk the War party merged with our group. At the Rally, SDS members volunteered to be Prosecution and Defense Lawyers for the lawless Bush Administration and IVAW members set up the shoe throwing area for the execution. They all did a great job. Check out the Indy Media Video if you haven't seen it. The trial was lively and, in the enthusiasm of the moment, someone set Cheney on fire. Fortunately, no one else was injured. The judge stepped in to remind the crowd that we were in for a trial, not a lynch mob. At the end of the charges, all defendants were declared guilty and sentenced to execution by Shoeing. </p> <p>Prior to the execution, representatives of PIA and SDS spoke about their feelings about the war, and the Raging Grannies sang a couple of tunes. The execution by shoeing then proceeded, and the remains of the prisoners were removed. Member of SDS and DoP took off over the footbridge to take Funk the War to town.</p> <p>Everywhere, people's enthusiasm was the heart and soul of this action.</p>
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Krumo version 0.2.1a
, line527