Upstate Consulta to prepare for IMF/WB
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There will be a meeting in Syracuse, NY april 11 to talk about the upcoming protests planned for the next IMF/WB meeting
Upstate Uprise Against the IMF & World Bank!
Upstate NY Anarchist Consulta
Saturday, April 11th
at the Women's Info Center, 601 Allen st
Syracuse, NY 13210
hosted by the Syracuse Solidarity Network
Come to Syracuse on April 11th to share information and strategies in
preparation for the upcoming meetings of the International Monetary
Fund (IMF) and World Bank (WB).
There will be presentations about the
IMF/WB, a variety of workshops, food, films, and networking.
Come and
help build a fighting anarchist community across this broken and angry
expanse of stolen land called Upstate New York.
Please RSVP by April 4th with how many people are coming, any food
allergies or special needs, workshops that can be offered, if childcare
is needed, and if overnight accommodations are needed.
The meeting will be from 2pm-8pm on April 11th at the Women's
Information Center, 601 Allen St. Syracuse, NY.
Open since 1973,
Women's Info Center is one of the oldest independent women's centers
in the Northeast and has always been a safer space for women and
allies. The space is wheelchair accessible.
Syracuse Solidarity Network
Syracuse Solidarity Network is an affiliate of the North East Anarchist Network
Join the Upstate NY Anarchist/Anti-Authoritarian listserv to build
communication, cooperation and mutual aid across our region
For more info about direct action against the IMF/World Bank, April 24-26th:
Self Described Anarchist Collective
Global Justice Action