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<p> "Broken Limbs, Fallen Fruit" a documentary produced and directed by Award-Winning Videographer Bill Jungels, Professor Emeritus at SUNY Fredonia. Sponsored by the Rochester Committee on Latin America </p ><p> Wednesday, February 4 7:00 PM Downtown Presbyterian Church 121 N. Fitzhugh St. </p ><p> ""Broken Limbs, Fallen Fruit" is a series of short and mini-documentaries centering around poor Mayan families from the highlands of Chiapas in Southern Mexico. It focuses on their attempts to preserve their community and traditions and their attachment to the land, with the lure of immigration as an alternative. The DVD also contains chapters that look into the economic roots of immigration, the part that trade agreements and neo-liberal economics play in this, and the people's efforts to form alternative economic institutions. </p ><p> Free and open to the public. Wheelchair-accessible, looped for those with hearing loss. Free parking in City Hall lot across from the church. </p ><p> For more information: Bob Kaiser, Convener of ROCLA, 293-3194 </p >
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<p> "Broken Limbs, Fallen Fruit" a documentary produced and directed by Award-Winning Videographer Bill Jungels, Professor Emeritus at SUNY Fredonia. Sponsored by the Rochester Committee on Latin America </p> <p> Wednesday, February 4 7:00 PM Downtown Presbyterian Church 121 N. Fitzhugh St. </p> <p> ""Broken Limbs, Fallen Fruit" is a series of short and mini-documentaries centering around poor Mayan families from the highlands of Chiapas in Southern Mexico. It focuses on their attempts to preserve their community and traditions and their attachment to the land, with the lure of immigration as an alternative. The DVD also contains chapters that look into the economic roots of immigration, the part that trade agreements and neo-liberal economics play in this, and the people's efforts to form alternative economic institutions. </p> <p> Free and open to the public. Wheelchair-accessible, looped for those with hearing loss. Free parking in City Hall lot across from the church. </p> <p> For more information: Bob Kaiser, Convener of ROCLA, 293-3194 </p>
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<p> "Broken Limbs, Fallen Fruit" a documentary produced and directed by Award-Winning Videographer Bill Jungels, Professor Emeritus at SUNY Fredonia. Sponsored by the Rochester Committee on Latin America </p ><p> Wednesday, February 4 7:00 PM Downtown Presbyterian Church 121 N. Fitzhugh St. </p ><p> ""Broken Limbs, Fallen Fruit" is a series of short and mini-documentaries centering around poor Mayan families from the highlands of Chiapas in Southern Mexico. It focuses on their attempts to preserve their community and traditions and their attachment to the land, with the lure of immigration as an alternative. The DVD also contains chapters that look into the economic roots of immigration, the part that trade agreements and neo-liberal economics play in this, and the people's efforts to form alternative economic institutions. </p ><p> Free and open to the public. Wheelchair-accessible, looped for those with hearing loss. Free parking in City Hall lot across from the church. </p ><p> For more information: Bob Kaiser, Convener of ROCLA, 293-3194 </p >
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<p> "Broken Limbs, Fallen Fruit" a documentary produced and directed by Award-Winning Videographer Bill Jungels, Professor Emeritus at SUNY Fredonia. Sponsored by the Rochester Committee on Latin America </p> <p> Wednesday, February 4 7:00 PM Downtown Presbyterian Church 121 N. Fitzhugh St. </p> <p> ""Broken Limbs, Fallen Fruit" is a series of short and mini-documentaries centering around poor Mayan families from the highlands of Chiapas in Southern Mexico. It focuses on their attempts to preserve their community and traditions and their attachment to the land, with the lure of immigration as an alternative. The DVD also contains chapters that look into the economic roots of immigration, the part that trade agreements and neo-liberal economics play in this, and the people's efforts to form alternative economic institutions. </p> <p> Free and open to the public. Wheelchair-accessible, looped for those with hearing loss. Free parking in City Hall lot across from the church. </p> <p> For more information: Bob Kaiser, Convener of ROCLA, 293-3194 </p>
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