1/10 Cicero (SYR): Puppy Mill Protest at Petland
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The HSUS's eight-month investigation revealed that many Petland stores
across the country are marketing puppy mill puppies to unsuspecting
consumers. Join us for a rally at the only Petland store in NY state
from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Jan. 10 to tell Petland to stop selling puppies.
Please RSVP to the local organizer. For more information and video
detailing the investigation, visit www.stoppuppymills. org.
Next Petland protest:
What: Anti-puppy mill rally at Petland. Hold signs and distribute
literature about the sad reality of puppy mills, shelter overcrowding
and Petland's partipation in both.
When: 1pm-2:30pm Saturday January 10th
Where: Petland is located in a plaza surrounded by private property.
We will stand along the public road fronting the Mobil Gas Station-
7888 Brewerton Rd.(AKA Rt. 11) Cicero, NY 13039. Parking can be found
at the Mobil station.
Details: Signs and literature will be provided or bring your own! If
making your own posters, good slogans to use are: "don't breed or buy
while homeless animals die" 'stop puppy mills' 'opt to adopt!" 'puppy
mills are dog hell' get creative! It will be COLD! Wear hats and
**if you cannot attend**
Call Petland Local: 315-752-0444
Write Petland: Petland, 5701 E. Circle Dr. Cicero, NY 13039
Write Petland HQ: 250 Riverside Street Chillicothe, Ohio 45601
Call Petland HQ:(740) 775-2464 and (800) 221-5935
email info@syracuseanimal rights.com to be added to the list to receive
further anti-puppy mill action alerts that may spring from the
Strategy Session.
Hosted by: Syracuse Animal Rights Organization
info@syracuseanimal rights.com
www.syracuseanimalr ights.com