Bush guts VA Hospitals; Michael Moore's Popularity Surges
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Bush guts VA Hospitals; Michael Moore's Popularity Surges
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value (String, 23763 characters ) Transfered from old site <!--break--> Students ...
Transfered from old site <!--break--> Students Invade US Senate <BR><A HREF="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030414053125240.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030414053125240.html</A> <BR> <BR>Hans Blix: Inspections a Scam <BR><A HREF="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030414052757293.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030414052757293.html</A> <BR> <BR>Bush Guts Health Care for Veterans <BR><A HREF="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030414050843862.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030414050843862.html</A> <BR> <BR>Green Party Appeals to Latinos <BR><A HREF="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030411060940418.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030411060940418.html</A> <BR> <BR>Concorde, SST -- The End of the Dream <BR><A HREF="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030411054943823.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030411054943823.html</A> <BR> <BR>Eco-lateral Damage <BR><A HREF="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030411054518873.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030411054518873.html</A> <BR> <BR>The Precautionary Principle: Good Science <BR><A HREF="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030410053653203.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030410053653203.html</A> <BR> <BR>Michael Moore: My Oscar Backlash <BR><A HREF="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030410052557352.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030410052557352.html</A> <BR> <BR>US Unilateralism May Hurt Economy <BR><A HREF="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030410051616677.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030410051616677.html</A> <BR> <BR>Protestors Block Highways, Establish Peace Camp in Portland OR <BR><A HREF="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/2003040707094245.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/2003040707094245.html</A> <BR> <BR>Anti-War Boycott Hurts Coke, Pepsi Sales in India <BR><A HREF="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030409060308634.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030409060308634.html</A> <BR> <BR>Oakland Cops Fire Rubber Bullets at Crowd; ILWU Shuts Down Docks <BR><A HREF="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030409054449896.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030409054449896.html</A> <BR> <BR>Subscribe or unsubscribe to this weekly newsletter at <BR><A HREF="http://www.tcgreens.org/auth/">http://www.tcgreens.org/auth/</A> <BR> <BR>--------- <BR> <BR>Students Invade US Senate <BR>A group of activists with the Ferrel Collective,including 4 University <BR>of Maryland students, brought Thursday's session of senate to an abrupt <BR>halt. The group was protesting massive military spending being passed <BR>while critical social services such as affordable housing, education, <BR>health care, and drug addiction treatment are underfunded and/or <BR>experiencing budget cuts. <BR> <BR>&#168;We are concerned that corporate powers continue to control this <BR>country over the will of the people. The unjust and dangerous war in <BR>Iraq is part of an expanding corporate agenda to put profit interests <BR>over our interests as communities. Our government is not hearing us, so <BR>we have to make our voices heard. We must retake the space that is being <BR>run by dollars and greed,&#168; said Chris D. (of the Ferrels) in <BR>handcuffs. <BR> <BR>The group went to the Senate chambers early in the day, hoping to catch <BR>the Senate in the convening during the AM hours to discuss and vote on <BR>the proposed budget including $75 billion dollar military allocation for <BR>the war in Iraq and a tax cut for next year that could run between 300 <BR>and 750 million dollars for next year. However, before noon, senators <BR>asked that the senate take a recess until house-senate conferences on <BR>the budget could be convened. <BR> <BR><A HREF="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030414053125240.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030414053125240.html</A> <BR> <BR>--------- <BR> <BR>Hans Blix: Inspections a Scam <BR>Madrid - The invasion of Iraq was planned a long time in advance, and <BR>the United States and Britain are not primarily concerned with finding <BR>any banned weapons of mass destruction, the chief UN weapons inspector, <BR>Hans Blix, said in an interview on Wednesday. <BR> <BR>"There is evidence that this war was planned well in advance. Sometimes <BR>this raises doubts about their attitude to the (weapons) inspections," <BR>Blix told Spanish daily El Pais. <BR> <BR>"I now believe that finding weapons of mass destruction has been <BR>relegated, I would say, to fourth place, which is why the United States <BR>and Britain are now waging war on Iraq. <BR> <BR>Today the main aim is to change the dictatorial regime of Saddam <BR>Hussein," he said, according to the Spanish text of the interview. <BR> <BR><A HREF="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030414052757293.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030414052757293.html</A> <BR> <BR>--------- <BR> <BR>Bush Guts Health Care for Veterans <BR>Rick Anderson, The Seattle Weekly <BR> <BR>War was his best moment and his worst. Visions of whistling bullets, <BR>airborne body parts, screams of the wounded&#8212;and that was a good <BR>day for Joe Hooper. The Medal of Honor winner and most decorated soldier <BR>in Vietnam would bolt upward in his Seattle bed, sweating booze from the <BR>night before. Those earlier appearances on national TV, the possibility <BR>of a Hollywood biopic, hanging out with Bob Hope and several <BR>presidents&#8212;that just churned him up more inside. The catlike, <BR>strawberry-haired 6-footer and former Washington state football scoring <BR>champ at Moses Lake High School had enlisted at age 19 because he <BR>admired the military. <BR> <BR>Then came Vietnam. Staff Sgt. Joe Hooper, 29, of the 501st Airborne <BR>Infantry, killed at least 115 of the enemy&#8212;24 of them in a <BR>six-hour firefight, lobbing grenades into Viet Cong bunkers and wading <BR>through withering machine-gun fire to repeatedly rescue wounded American <BR>soldiers. Fourteen out of 189 survived. After treatment for his wounds, <BR>Hooper broke out of the hospital to return to his unit. Part American <BR>Indian, he said he could &#8220;smell out&#8221; the enemy, and thought <BR>he was born to go to Vietnam. His 37 medals were more than those earned <BR>by World War II&#8217;s Audie Murphy and World War I&#8217;s Alvin <BR>York&#8212;names that, unlike Hooper&#8217;s, still ring familiar today. <BR>Like others of his era, he arrived home to accusations of being a baby <BR>killer. But that&#8217;s not what eventually soured him on Vietnam. <BR>&#8220;At high schools, when I speak, the question kids most often asked <BR>me was, &#8216;Would you do it again?&#8217;&#8221; he told me once. <BR>&#8220;I would, the reason being I thought my abilities helped save <BR>lives. But I would tell my children, if [we] were to do this over, <BR>&#8216;Go to Canada. Don&#8217;t fight a war you can&#8217;t <BR>win.&#8217;&#8221; <BR> <BR><A HREF="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030414050843862.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030414050843862.html</A> <BR> <BR>--------- <BR> <BR>Green Party Appeals to Latinos <BR>by Starlene Rankin GreenPages, Vol 6, No.4 <BR> <BR>Representing a critical step adelante for the Green Party, Green <BR>gubernatorial candidate Peter Miguel Camejo received 7.4 percent of the <BR>Latino vote in California in November, according to estimates by the <BR>William C. Velasquez and Tomas Rivera Institutes. <BR> <BR>This validates one of the key Camejo campaign strategies: to reach out <BR>to Latinos. <BR> <BR>A first generation Venezuelan-American who speaks fluent Spanish, Camejo <BR>defied stereotypes about Green candidates by doing even better with <BR>Latino voters than non-Latinos (which gave him a still respectable 5 <BR>percent). <BR> <BR>Galvanizing support for Camejo was also the growing dissatisfaction <BR>among Latinos with Democratic incumbent Governor Gray Davis, <BR>particularly around Davis' veto of Assembly Bill 60. AB60 was driver's <BR>license legislation that would have given licenses to immigrants who are <BR>in the process of applying for legal residency. Following upon Davis' <BR>earlier foot-dragging on signing farmworkers' rights legislation, this <BR>veto even caused key Democrats in the Latino Legislative Caucus to <BR>withdraw their endorsement of Davis. <BR> <BR><A HREF="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030411060940418.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030411060940418.html</A> <BR> <BR>--------- <BR> <BR>Concorde, SST -- The End of the Dream <BR>British Airways and Air France have announced that the Concorde will be <BR>permanently grounded by the end of this year, bringing about an end to <BR>civilian supersonic transport. <BR> <BR>Aside from the noise problem, supersonic aircraft are massively <BR>inefficient. There is a simple reason for this. When an aircraft passes <BR>through the air, there is a compression in front of it. The speed at <BR>which the compression wave can travel through the air is the speed of <BR>sound. If a plane travels faster than sound, this wave builds up a large <BR>compression shock wave as the plane runs into its own wake- and it is <BR>this wave which creates the characteristic "boom" when the plane passes <BR>over. This "boom" represents a huge amount of energy, which implies very <BR>high fuel consumption. This is why the flights cost, as the BBC reported <BR>in the announcement, 4000 pounds for a roundtrip from London to New <BR>York. <BR> <BR><A HREF="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030411054943823.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030411054943823.html</A> <BR> <BR>--------- <BR> <BR>Eco-lateral Damage <BR>by Ross Mirkarimi, Published on March 28, 2003 by In These Times. <BR> <BR>We felt a sense of impending catastrophe, difficult to define at first, <BR>as we crossed the Jordanian border into Iraq and sped toward Baghdad. As <BR>we drove down the desert highway, the fault lines of a military <BR>conflagration started to reveal the pockmarks of the war's chaos. We <BR>arrived. My focus turned to an ancient nation, once advanced, now <BR>engulfed in the onslaught of the war's aftermath. <BR> <BR>Baghdad, the barometer for the western media, stood resolute but <BR>seriously wounded. I knew that a return to normalcy there, the center of <BR>Saddam Hussein's realm, was key to his remaining in power. Yet outside <BR>the city, any impressions of efficiency were merely delusions. That was <BR>1991. <BR> <BR>Once a modern nation, Iraq is now a country of waterborne diseases <BR>induced by improper sanitation and deficient supplies of potable water; <BR>imperiled flora and fauna due to uncontrolled pollution and habitat <BR>displacement; contaminated ecosystems peppered by depleted uranium <BR>bullets; soil and agricultural erosion caused by reduced photosynthesis <BR>and poor irrigation; and depleted livestock due to disease and the <BR>interruption of food chains. <BR> <BR><A HREF="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030411054518873.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030411054518873.html</A> <BR> <BR>--------- <BR> <BR>The Precautionary Principle: Good Science <BR>The precautionary principle is simply a statement that we should not go <BR>ahead with a new technology, or persist with an old one, unless we are <BR>convinced it is safe. This sounds such an obviously sensible idea that <BR>we might expect it to be accepted by almost everyone and without <BR>question. Yet many objections have been raised against it. <BR> <BR>We are told it is nothing more than a statement that we should be <BR>careful, and so says nothing that&#8217;s not already accepted, while at <BR>the same time others argue precisely the opposite: that it is so <BR>powerful that applying it would stop progress dead in its tracks. We are <BR>told that it sanctifies unscientific prejudice when in fact it requires <BR>scientific evidence before it is applied and demands that good science <BR>be used in place of sweeping and unjustified assurances of safety. We <BR>are even told these matters should be left to the courts as if that were <BR>an alternative, whereas it is the courts themselves that should be <BR>applying the precautionary principle. <BR> <BR>Most of those who support the precautionary principle would accept that <BR>it is well expressed by the Wingspread statement: <BR> <BR>"When an activity raises threats of harm to human health or the <BR>environment, precautionary measures should be taken even if some cause <BR>and effect relationships are not fully established scientifically. In <BR>this context the proponent of an activity, rather than the public, <BR>should bear the burden of proof." <BR> <BR>This immediately deals with two of the common objections raised. First, <BR>the principle does not support unscientific prejudice. To say that the <BR>potential hazards do not have to be fully established scientifically <BR>makes it clear that the principle is about cases where there is <BR>scientific evidence. The European Commission states this explicitly in <BR>its Communication on the Precautionary Principle, writing that it <BR>applies "where preliminary objective scientific evaluation indicates <BR>that there are reasonable grounds for concern &#8230;" <BR> <BR><A HREF="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030410053653203.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030410053653203.html</A> <BR> <BR>--------- <BR> <BR>Michael Moore: My Oscar Backlash <BR>Dear friends, It appears that the Bush administration will have <BR>succeeded in colonizing Iraq sometime in the next few days. This is a <BR>blunder of such magnitude -- and we will pay for it for years to come. <BR>It was not worth the life of one single American kid in uniform, let <BR>alone the thousands of Iraqis who have died, and my condolences and <BR>prayers go out to all of them. <BR> <BR>So, where are all those weapons of mass destruction that were the <BR>pretense for this war? Ha! There is so much to say about all this, but I <BR>will save it for later. <BR> <BR>What I am most concerned about right now is that all of you -- the <BR>majority of Americans who did not support this war in the first place -- <BR>not go silent or be intimidated by what will be touted as some great <BR>military victory. Now, more than ever, the voices of peace and truth <BR>must be heard. I have received a lot of mail from people who are feeling <BR>a profound sense of despair and believe that their voices have been <BR>drowned out by the drums and bombs of false patriotism. Some are afraid <BR>of retaliation at work or at school or in their neighborhoods because <BR>they have been vocal proponents of peace. They have been told over and <BR>over that it is not "appropriate" to protest once the country is at war, <BR>and that your only duty now is to "support the troops." <BR> <BR>Can I share with you what it's been like for me since I used my time on <BR>the Oscar stage two weeks ago to speak out against Bush and this war? I <BR>hope that, in reading what I'm about to tell you, you'll feel a bit more <BR>emboldened to make your voice heard in whatever way or forum that is <BR>open to you. <BR> <BR><A HREF="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030410052557352.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030410052557352.html</A> <BR> <BR>--------- <BR> <BR>US Unilateralism May Hurt Economy <BR>Unilateral action may prove an effective way to win the war in Iraq, but <BR>some scholars at Emory University and its Goizueta Business School say <BR>that it&#8217;s not a good strategy for winning more world trade. <BR>Despite the sweetheart deals some U.S. companies seem likely to receive <BR>in post-Saddam Iraq, some Emory University scholars believe <BR>America&#8217;s current tendency to go-it-alone on a wide range of <BR>global economic, environmental, legal, and military issues could have a <BR>longer term negative impact on the U.S. economy. <BR> <BR>Whether the issue is global warming, the world criminal court, or <BR>international trade, the Bush Administration&#8217;s refusal to commit <BR>to a variety of international agreements in the past several years has <BR>frustrated many of America&#8217;s largest trading partners, according <BR>to Jagdish Sheth, a marketing professor at Emory University&#8217;s <BR>Goizueta Business School. And in politics as in physics, every action <BR>has a reaction: Sheth believes that one result of this unilateralism <BR>will be reluctance to trade with or invest in the U.S. <BR> <BR>Even if the war ends quickly, Sheth believes that international <BR>frustration with the U.S. will not dissipate. &#8220;I&#8217;m convinced <BR>that the war is just an excuse,&#8221; for other countries to act on <BR>their frustration with the U.S., notes Sheth, who specializes in global <BR>business strategy. &#8220;Whether the war finishes quickly or is <BR>prolonged will make no difference to the distancing from America because <BR>America has become unilateral in its decision-making.&#8221; <BR> <BR><A HREF="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030410051616677.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030410051616677.html</A> <BR> <BR>--------- <BR> <BR>Protestors Block Highways, Establish Peace Camp in Portland OR <BR>March 21, Portland OR -- Police in Portland arrested about 135 <BR>protesters after a day of freewheeling anti-war demonstrations shut down <BR>several bridges, freeways and intersections. <BR> <BR>Late Thursday, police warned hundreds of protesters at the foot of the <BR>Burnside Bridge to leave the area. Some left, but about 100 seated <BR>themselves on the rain-slicked road and linked arms in defiance. <BR> <BR>Soon after, police began picking up the seated demonstrators one-by-one, <BR>and putting them in police vans. Most of those arrested Thursday were <BR>charged with disorderly conduct or criminal mischief, Police spokesman <BR>Sgt. Brian Schmautz said. Police used pepper spray to clear crowds near <BR>the bridge and threatened people on a nearby street with "impact weapons <BR>and chemical spray." <BR> <BR>"I feel this war is unjustified," said Celine Fitzmaurice, who was in <BR>the crowd at the foot of the Steel Bridge, where police on horses used <BR>pepper spray to hold back the crowd. "It's about oil. This is precisely <BR>the time to keep the pressure on. People can make a difference." <BR> <BR><A HREF="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/2003040707094245.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/2003040707094245.html</A> <BR> <BR>--------- <BR> <BR>Anti-War Boycott Hurts Coke, Pepsi Sales in India <BR>The All-India Anti-imperialist Forum has called for a boycott of Pepsi, <BR>Coca-Cola, McDonald and all American and British goods in India and <BR>other countries in protest against the &#8216;unjust&#8217; US war on <BR>Iraq. <BR> <BR>"We give a call to all peace-loving people of the world and India to <BR>rise up in protest against the imperialist aggression against Iraq and <BR>boycott Pepsi, Coca-Cola, McDonald and all American and British goods in <BR>the markets of respective countries in protest," Forum's general <BR>secretary, S K Mukherjee, said. <BR> <BR>Such a boycott, he asserted, would constitute a powerful and coordinated <BR>gesture of recording global protest against the attack on Iraqis. <BR> <BR>Distributors of Coca Cola and Pepsi said sales in the state of Kerala <BR>had dropped by about 50% since the call was made two weeks ago. <BR> <BR><A HREF="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030409060308634.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030409060308634.html</A> <BR> <BR>--------- <BR> <BR>Oakland Cops Fire Rubber Bullets at Crowd; ILWU Shuts Down Docks <BR>4/7: Anti-War demonstrators arrived around 5AM at the port of Oakland to <BR>picket American President Lines (APL) and Stevedoring Services of <BR>America (SSA). APL receives millions of taxpayer dollars every year for <BR>shipping military cargo through the Department of Defense Maritime <BR>Security Program (MSP). SSA was awarded a $4.8 million contract for a <BR>year's operation of the Port of Umm Qasr in Iraq. <BR>The picket line was successful in provoking the ILWU into sending many <BR>of its workers home for the day. After approximately 30 minutes, the <BR>Oakland Police Department moved in to disperse the demonstrators, using <BR>concussion grenades , wooden bullets, and beanbags full of metal shot. <BR>Scores of people, including six onlooking workers, suffered injuries and <BR>Jack Heyman (Business Agent, ILWU Local 10) was arrested with over 35 <BR>other protesters and port workers. <BR>Police violence quickly forced protesters back to the West Oakland BART <BR>station and there was then a spirited march downtown to the Oakland <BR>Federal Building. A press conference was held at 2:30 in front of City <BR>Hall to address issues of police violence towards workers and <BR>protesters. <BR>Strong anti-war sentiments by longshoremen combined with disgust at OPD <BR>violence kept large portions of the Oakland docks shut down for most of <BR>the day, but as would be expected Mayor Jerry Brown defended the police <BR>brutalization of protesters. <BR> <BR>http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030409054449896.html
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safe_value (String, 25374 characters ) <p>Transfered from old site</p> <!--break--><p>...
<p>Transfered from old site</p> <!--break--><p>Students Invade US Senate<br /> <br /><a href="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030414053125240.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030414053125240.html</a><br /> <br /><br /> <br />Hans Blix: Inspections a Scam<br /> <br /><a href="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030414052757293.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030414052757293.html</a><br /> <br /><br /> <br />Bush Guts Health Care for Veterans<br /> <br /><a href="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030414050843862.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030414050843862.html</a><br /> <br /><br /> <br />Green Party Appeals to Latinos<br /> <br /><a href="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030411060940418.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030411060940418.html</a><br /> <br /><br /> <br />Concorde, SST -- The End of the Dream<br /> <br /><a href="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030411054943823.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030411054943823.html</a><br /> <br /><br /> <br />Eco-lateral Damage<br /> <br /><a href="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030411054518873.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030411054518873.html</a><br /> <br /><br /> <br />The Precautionary Principle: Good Science<br /> <br /><a href="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030410053653203.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030410053653203.html</a><br /> <br /><br /> <br />Michael Moore: My Oscar Backlash<br /> <br /><a href="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030410052557352.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030410052557352.html</a><br /> <br /><br /> <br />US Unilateralism May Hurt Economy<br /> <br /><a href="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030410051616677.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030410051616677.html</a><br /> <br /><br /> <br />Protestors Block Highways, Establish Peace Camp in Portland OR<br /> <br /><a href="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/2003040707094245.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/2003040707094245.html</a><br /> <br /><br /> <br />Anti-War Boycott Hurts Coke, Pepsi Sales in India<br /> <br /><a href="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030409060308634.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030409060308634.html</a><br /> <br /><br /> <br />Oakland Cops Fire Rubber Bullets at Crowd; ILWU Shuts Down Docks<br /> <br /><a href="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030409054449896.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030409054449896.html</a><br /> <br /><br /> <br />Subscribe or unsubscribe to this weekly newsletter at<br /> <br /><a href="http://www.tcgreens.org/auth/">http://www.tcgreens.org/auth/</a><br /> <br /><br /> <br />---------<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Students Invade US Senate<br /> <br />A group of activists with the Ferrel Collective,including 4 University<br /> <br />of Maryland students, brought Thursday's session of senate to an abrupt<br /> <br />halt. The group was protesting massive military spending being passed<br /> <br />while critical social services such as affordable housing, education,<br /> <br />health care, and drug addiction treatment are underfunded and/or<br /> <br />experiencing budget cuts.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />&#168;We are concerned that corporate powers continue to control this<br /> <br />country over the will of the people. The unjust and dangerous war in<br /> <br />Iraq is part of an expanding corporate agenda to put profit interests<br /> <br />over our interests as communities. Our government is not hearing us, so<br /> <br />we have to make our voices heard. We must retake the space that is being<br /> <br />run by dollars and greed,&#168; said Chris D. (of the Ferrels) in<br /> <br />handcuffs.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />The group went to the Senate chambers early in the day, hoping to catch<br /> <br />the Senate in the convening during the AM hours to discuss and vote on<br /> <br />the proposed budget including $75 billion dollar military allocation for<br /> <br />the war in Iraq and a tax cut for next year that could run between 300<br /> <br />and 750 million dollars for next year. However, before noon, senators<br /> <br />asked that the senate take a recess until house-senate conferences on<br /> <br />the budget could be convened.<br /> <br /><br /> <br /><a href="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030414053125240.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030414053125240.html</a><br /> <br /><br /> <br />---------<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Hans Blix: Inspections a Scam<br /> <br />Madrid - The invasion of Iraq was planned a long time in advance, and<br /> <br />the United States and Britain are not primarily concerned with finding<br /> <br />any banned weapons of mass destruction, the chief UN weapons inspector,<br /> <br />Hans Blix, said in an interview on Wednesday.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />"There is evidence that this war was planned well in advance. Sometimes<br /> <br />this raises doubts about their attitude to the (weapons) inspections,"<br /> <br />Blix told Spanish daily El Pais.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />"I now believe that finding weapons of mass destruction has been<br /> <br />relegated, I would say, to fourth place, which is why the United States<br /> <br />and Britain are now waging war on Iraq.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Today the main aim is to change the dictatorial regime of Saddam<br /> <br />Hussein," he said, according to the Spanish text of the interview.<br /> <br /><br /> <br /><a href="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030414052757293.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030414052757293.html</a><br /> <br /><br /> <br />---------<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Bush Guts Health Care for Veterans<br /> <br />Rick Anderson, The Seattle Weekly<br /> <br /><br /> <br />War was his best moment and his worst. Visions of whistling bullets,<br /> <br />airborne body parts, screams of the wounded&#8212;and that was a good<br /> <br />day for Joe Hooper. The Medal of Honor winner and most decorated soldier<br /> <br />in Vietnam would bolt upward in his Seattle bed, sweating booze from the<br /> <br />night before. Those earlier appearances on national TV, the possibility<br /> <br />of a Hollywood biopic, hanging out with Bob Hope and several<br /> <br />presidents&#8212;that just churned him up more inside. The catlike,<br /> <br />strawberry-haired 6-footer and former Washington state football scoring<br /> <br />champ at Moses Lake High School had enlisted at age 19 because he<br /> <br />admired the military.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Then came Vietnam. Staff Sgt. Joe Hooper, 29, of the 501st Airborne<br /> <br />Infantry, killed at least 115 of the enemy&#8212;24 of them in a<br /> <br />six-hour firefight, lobbing grenades into Viet Cong bunkers and wading<br /> <br />through withering machine-gun fire to repeatedly rescue wounded American<br /> <br />soldiers. Fourteen out of 189 survived. After treatment for his wounds,<br /> <br />Hooper broke out of the hospital to return to his unit. Part American<br /> <br />Indian, he said he could &#8220;smell out&#8221; the enemy, and thought<br /> <br />he was born to go to Vietnam. His 37 medals were more than those earned<br /> <br />by World War II&#8217;s Audie Murphy and World War I&#8217;s Alvin<br /> <br />York&#8212;names that, unlike Hooper&#8217;s, still ring familiar today.<br /> <br />Like others of his era, he arrived home to accusations of being a baby<br /> <br />killer. But that&#8217;s not what eventually soured him on Vietnam.<br /> <br />&#8220;At high schools, when I speak, the question kids most often asked<br /> <br />me was, &#8216;Would you do it again?&#8217;&#8221; he told me once.<br /> <br />&#8220;I would, the reason being I thought my abilities helped save<br /> <br />lives. But I would tell my children, if [we] were to do this over,<br /> <br />&#8216;Go to Canada. Don&#8217;t fight a war you can&#8217;t<br /> <br />win.&#8217;&#8221;<br /> <br /><br /> <br /><a href="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030414050843862.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030414050843862.html</a><br /> <br /><br /> <br />---------<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Green Party Appeals to Latinos<br /> <br />by Starlene Rankin GreenPages, Vol 6, No.4<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Representing a critical step adelante for the Green Party, Green<br /> <br />gubernatorial candidate Peter Miguel Camejo received 7.4 percent of the<br /> <br />Latino vote in California in November, according to estimates by the<br /> <br />William C. Velasquez and Tomas Rivera Institutes.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />This validates one of the key Camejo campaign strategies: to reach out<br /> <br />to Latinos.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />A first generation Venezuelan-American who speaks fluent Spanish, Camejo<br /> <br />defied stereotypes about Green candidates by doing even better with<br /> <br />Latino voters than non-Latinos (which gave him a still respectable 5<br /> <br />percent).<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Galvanizing support for Camejo was also the growing dissatisfaction<br /> <br />among Latinos with Democratic incumbent Governor Gray Davis,<br /> <br />particularly around Davis' veto of Assembly Bill 60. AB60 was driver's<br /> <br />license legislation that would have given licenses to immigrants who are<br /> <br />in the process of applying for legal residency. Following upon Davis'<br /> <br />earlier foot-dragging on signing farmworkers' rights legislation, this<br /> <br />veto even caused key Democrats in the Latino Legislative Caucus to<br /> <br />withdraw their endorsement of Davis.<br /> <br /><br /> <br /><a href="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030411060940418.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030411060940418.html</a><br /> <br /><br /> <br />---------<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Concorde, SST -- The End of the Dream<br /> <br />British Airways and Air France have announced that the Concorde will be<br /> <br />permanently grounded by the end of this year, bringing about an end to<br /> <br />civilian supersonic transport.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Aside from the noise problem, supersonic aircraft are massively<br /> <br />inefficient. There is a simple reason for this. When an aircraft passes<br /> <br />through the air, there is a compression in front of it. The speed at<br /> <br />which the compression wave can travel through the air is the speed of<br /> <br />sound. If a plane travels faster than sound, this wave builds up a large<br /> <br />compression shock wave as the plane runs into its own wake- and it is<br /> <br />this wave which creates the characteristic "boom" when the plane passes<br /> <br />over. This "boom" represents a huge amount of energy, which implies very<br /> <br />high fuel consumption. This is why the flights cost, as the BBC reported<br /> <br />in the announcement, 4000 pounds for a roundtrip from London to New<br /> <br />York.<br /> <br /><br /> <br /><a href="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030411054943823.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030411054943823.html</a><br /> <br /><br /> <br />---------<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Eco-lateral Damage<br /> <br />by Ross Mirkarimi, Published on March 28, 2003 by In These Times.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />We felt a sense of impending catastrophe, difficult to define at first,<br /> <br />as we crossed the Jordanian border into Iraq and sped toward Baghdad. As<br /> <br />we drove down the desert highway, the fault lines of a military<br /> <br />conflagration started to reveal the pockmarks of the war's chaos. We<br /> <br />arrived. My focus turned to an ancient nation, once advanced, now<br /> <br />engulfed in the onslaught of the war's aftermath.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Baghdad, the barometer for the western media, stood resolute but<br /> <br />seriously wounded. I knew that a return to normalcy there, the center of<br /> <br />Saddam Hussein's realm, was key to his remaining in power. Yet outside<br /> <br />the city, any impressions of efficiency were merely delusions. That was<br /> <br />1991.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Once a modern nation, Iraq is now a country of waterborne diseases<br /> <br />induced by improper sanitation and deficient supplies of potable water;<br /> <br />imperiled flora and fauna due to uncontrolled pollution and habitat<br /> <br />displacement; contaminated ecosystems peppered by depleted uranium<br /> <br />bullets; soil and agricultural erosion caused by reduced photosynthesis<br /> <br />and poor irrigation; and depleted livestock due to disease and the<br /> <br />interruption of food chains.<br /> <br /><br /> <br /><a href="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030411054518873.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030411054518873.html</a><br /> <br /><br /> <br />---------<br /> <br /><br /> <br />The Precautionary Principle: Good Science<br /> <br />The precautionary principle is simply a statement that we should not go<br /> <br />ahead with a new technology, or persist with an old one, unless we are<br /> <br />convinced it is safe. This sounds such an obviously sensible idea that<br /> <br />we might expect it to be accepted by almost everyone and without<br /> <br />question. Yet many objections have been raised against it.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />We are told it is nothing more than a statement that we should be<br /> <br />careful, and so says nothing that&#8217;s not already accepted, while at<br /> <br />the same time others argue precisely the opposite: that it is so<br /> <br />powerful that applying it would stop progress dead in its tracks. We are<br /> <br />told that it sanctifies unscientific prejudice when in fact it requires<br /> <br />scientific evidence before it is applied and demands that good science<br /> <br />be used in place of sweeping and unjustified assurances of safety. We<br /> <br />are even told these matters should be left to the courts as if that were<br /> <br />an alternative, whereas it is the courts themselves that should be<br /> <br />applying the precautionary principle.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Most of those who support the precautionary principle would accept that<br /> <br />it is well expressed by the Wingspread statement:<br /> <br /><br /> <br />"When an activity raises threats of harm to human health or the<br /> <br />environment, precautionary measures should be taken even if some cause<br /> <br />and effect relationships are not fully established scientifically. In<br /> <br />this context the proponent of an activity, rather than the public,<br /> <br />should bear the burden of proof."<br /> <br /><br /> <br />This immediately deals with two of the common objections raised. First,<br /> <br />the principle does not support unscientific prejudice. To say that the<br /> <br />potential hazards do not have to be fully established scientifically<br /> <br />makes it clear that the principle is about cases where there is<br /> <br />scientific evidence. The European Commission states this explicitly in<br /> <br />its Communication on the Precautionary Principle, writing that it<br /> <br />applies "where preliminary objective scientific evaluation indicates<br /> <br />that there are reasonable grounds for concern &#8230;"<br /> <br /><br /> <br /><a href="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030410053653203.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030410053653203.html</a><br /> <br /><br /> <br />---------<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Michael Moore: My Oscar Backlash<br /> <br />Dear friends, It appears that the Bush administration will have<br /> <br />succeeded in colonizing Iraq sometime in the next few days. This is a<br /> <br />blunder of such magnitude -- and we will pay for it for years to come.<br /> <br />It was not worth the life of one single American kid in uniform, let<br /> <br />alone the thousands of Iraqis who have died, and my condolences and<br /> <br />prayers go out to all of them.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />So, where are all those weapons of mass destruction that were the<br /> <br />pretense for this war? Ha! There is so much to say about all this, but I<br /> <br />will save it for later.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />What I am most concerned about right now is that all of you -- the<br /> <br />majority of Americans who did not support this war in the first place --<br /> <br />not go silent or be intimidated by what will be touted as some great<br /> <br />military victory. Now, more than ever, the voices of peace and truth<br /> <br />must be heard. I have received a lot of mail from people who are feeling<br /> <br />a profound sense of despair and believe that their voices have been<br /> <br />drowned out by the drums and bombs of false patriotism. Some are afraid<br /> <br />of retaliation at work or at school or in their neighborhoods because<br /> <br />they have been vocal proponents of peace. They have been told over and<br /> <br />over that it is not "appropriate" to protest once the country is at war,<br /> <br />and that your only duty now is to "support the troops."<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Can I share with you what it's been like for me since I used my time on<br /> <br />the Oscar stage two weeks ago to speak out against Bush and this war? I<br /> <br />hope that, in reading what I'm about to tell you, you'll feel a bit more<br /> <br />emboldened to make your voice heard in whatever way or forum that is<br /> <br />open to you.<br /> <br /><br /> <br /><a href="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030410052557352.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030410052557352.html</a><br /> <br /><br /> <br />---------<br /> <br /><br /> <br />US Unilateralism May Hurt Economy<br /> <br />Unilateral action may prove an effective way to win the war in Iraq, but<br /> <br />some scholars at Emory University and its Goizueta Business School say<br /> <br />that it&#8217;s not a good strategy for winning more world trade.<br /> <br />Despite the sweetheart deals some U.S. companies seem likely to receive<br /> <br />in post-Saddam Iraq, some Emory University scholars believe<br /> <br />America&#8217;s current tendency to go-it-alone on a wide range of<br /> <br />global economic, environmental, legal, and military issues could have a<br /> <br />longer term negative impact on the U.S. economy.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Whether the issue is global warming, the world criminal court, or<br /> <br />international trade, the Bush Administration&#8217;s refusal to commit<br /> <br />to a variety of international agreements in the past several years has<br /> <br />frustrated many of America&#8217;s largest trading partners, according<br /> <br />to Jagdish Sheth, a marketing professor at Emory University&#8217;s<br /> <br />Goizueta Business School. And in politics as in physics, every action<br /> <br />has a reaction: Sheth believes that one result of this unilateralism<br /> <br />will be reluctance to trade with or invest in the U.S.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Even if the war ends quickly, Sheth believes that international<br /> <br />frustration with the U.S. will not dissipate. &#8220;I&#8217;m convinced<br /> <br />that the war is just an excuse,&#8221; for other countries to act on<br /> <br />their frustration with the U.S., notes Sheth, who specializes in global<br /> <br />business strategy. &#8220;Whether the war finishes quickly or is<br /> <br />prolonged will make no difference to the distancing from America because<br /> <br />America has become unilateral in its decision-making.&#8221;<br /> <br /><br /> <br /><a href="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030410051616677.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030410051616677.html</a><br /> <br /><br /> <br />---------<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Protestors Block Highways, Establish Peace Camp in Portland OR<br /> <br />March 21, Portland OR -- Police in Portland arrested about 135<br /> <br />protesters after a day of freewheeling anti-war demonstrations shut down<br /> <br />several bridges, freeways and intersections.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Late Thursday, police warned hundreds of protesters at the foot of the<br /> <br />Burnside Bridge to leave the area. Some left, but about 100 seated<br /> <br />themselves on the rain-slicked road and linked arms in defiance.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Soon after, police began picking up the seated demonstrators one-by-one,<br /> <br />and putting them in police vans. Most of those arrested Thursday were<br /> <br />charged with disorderly conduct or criminal mischief, Police spokesman<br /> <br />Sgt. Brian Schmautz said. Police used pepper spray to clear crowds near<br /> <br />the bridge and threatened people on a nearby street with "impact weapons<br /> <br />and chemical spray."<br /> <br /><br /> <br />"I feel this war is unjustified," said Celine Fitzmaurice, who was in<br /> <br />the crowd at the foot of the Steel Bridge, where police on horses used<br /> <br />pepper spray to hold back the crowd. "It's about oil. This is precisely<br /> <br />the time to keep the pressure on. People can make a difference."<br /> <br /><br /> <br /><a href="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/2003040707094245.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/2003040707094245.html</a><br /> <br /><br /> <br />---------<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Anti-War Boycott Hurts Coke, Pepsi Sales in India<br /> <br />The All-India Anti-imperialist Forum has called for a boycott of Pepsi,<br /> <br />Coca-Cola, McDonald and all American and British goods in India and<br /> <br />other countries in protest against the &#8216;unjust&#8217; US war on<br /> <br />Iraq.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />"We give a call to all peace-loving people of the world and India to<br /> <br />rise up in protest against the imperialist aggression against Iraq and<br /> <br />boycott Pepsi, Coca-Cola, McDonald and all American and British goods in<br /> <br />the markets of respective countries in protest," Forum's general<br /> <br />secretary, S K Mukherjee, said.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Such a boycott, he asserted, would constitute a powerful and coordinated<br /> <br />gesture of recording global protest against the attack on Iraqis.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Distributors of Coca Cola and Pepsi said sales in the state of Kerala<br /> <br />had dropped by about 50% since the call was made two weeks ago.<br /> <br /><br /> <br /><a href="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030409060308634.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030409060308634.html</a><br /> <br /><br /> <br />---------<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Oakland Cops Fire Rubber Bullets at Crowd; ILWU Shuts Down Docks<br /> <br />4/7: Anti-War demonstrators arrived around 5AM at the port of Oakland to<br /> <br />picket American President Lines (APL) and Stevedoring Services of<br /> <br />America (SSA). APL receives millions of taxpayer dollars every year for<br /> <br />shipping military cargo through the Department of Defense Maritime<br /> <br />Security Program (MSP). SSA was awarded a $4.8 million contract for a<br /> <br />year's operation of the Port of Umm Qasr in Iraq.<br /> <br />The picket line was successful in provoking the ILWU into sending many<br /> <br />of its workers home for the day. After approximately 30 minutes, the<br /> <br />Oakland Police Department moved in to disperse the demonstrators, using<br /> <br />concussion grenades , wooden bullets, and beanbags full of metal shot.<br /> <br />Scores of people, including six onlooking workers, suffered injuries and<br /> <br />Jack Heyman (Business Agent, ILWU Local 10) was arrested with over 35<br /> <br />other protesters and port workers.<br /> <br />Police violence quickly forced protesters back to the West Oakland BART<br /> <br />station and there was then a spirited march downtown to the Oakland<br /> <br />Federal Building. A press conference was held at 2:30 in front of City<br /> <br />Hall to address issues of police violence towards workers and<br /> <br />protesters.<br /> <br />Strong anti-war sentiments by longshoremen combined with disgust at OPD<br /> <br />violence kept large portions of the Oakland docks shut down for most of<br /> <br />the day, but as would be expected Mayor Jerry Brown defended the police<br /> <br />brutalization of protesters.<br /> <br /><br /> <br /><a href="http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030409054449896.html">http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030409054449896.html</a></p>
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