Stewart Alexander will Enter 2010 Race for California Governor
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During the 2006 California Election, Stewart A. Alexander was a candidate for California lieutenant governor; Alexander was on the statewide ballot representing the Peace and Freedom Party. During the 2008 General Election, Stewart Alexander was the U.S. vice presidential candidate for Socialist Party USA. Now, as the State of California continues to reel in a deepening financial crisis, Alexander believes he is the right person to be the next California governor.
Stewart A. Alexander
California Governor for 2010
Peace and Freedom Party
Socialist Party USA
January 2, 2009
During the 2006 California Election, Stewart A. Alexander was a candidate for California lieutenant governor; Alexander was on the statewide ballot representing the Peace and Freedom Party. During the 2008 General Election, Stewart Alexander was the U.S. vice presidential candidate for Socialist Party USA. Now, as the State of California continues to reel in a deepening financial crisis, Alexander believes he is the right person to be the next California governor.
Stewart Alexander is making his announcement to run for governor at a time when California has a critical budget crisis that may balloon to a $41 billion deficit by 2010. Alexander says most of California’s financial woes have less to do with the national recession, “California has a leadership problem.â€
Alexander admits that fundamental changes must occur on a national level to ease the financial burden that is mounting on local and state governments; “the occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan, and advancing U.S. imperialism is costing lives and creating financial hardships on millions of working people in all 50 states to include California.â€
As a candidate for California governor, Alexander’s campaign will focus on creating jobs, establishing affordable health care, and providing free education through university level. First, Alexander believes it is necessary for California to establish a single payer health care system to insure that the health care needs of all are protected.
Alexander has introduces several plans that are designs to bring hundreds of thousands of good paying jobs to California. A strong advocate for mass transportation and fuel efficient vehicles, Alexander wants to bring automobile manufacturing back to California building electric cars. Must recently, Alexander introduced a plan that would create good paying jobs in the building and construction industry providing low interest government loans for home improvements.
Alexander says his bid to be the next California governor is a grassroots effort; “It is a campaign that is about change. The entire U.S. economy needs a fundamental transformation, focusing on production for the needs of the many, not the profits for the greedy few.â€
For more information search the Web for Stewart A. Alexander; Alexander Wants Jobs for Local Communities, Construction Industry.