International Journalists intentionally targeted by US Military
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Transfered from old site <!--break--> There have been 9 international journalists killed by the US military since the attack on Iraq began. Reporters without Borders has been documenting and advocating for actions against these attacks. As US press coverage of the Iraq war continues to distort the true nature of this occupation, making it look like one big happy celebration, one can see how troublesome a free press is for the US war plans. This is indeed a new phase in consolidation of Empire. <BR> <BR>11.04 - Shelling of Hotel Palestine : "one more dirty trick" <BR> <BR>The correspondent of a French newsweekly who was in the Hotel Palestine in Baghdad when it was hit by shell from a US tank on 8 April, killing two journalists and wounding three others, says he thinks the Americans deliberately fired on the hotel, where most of the international press corps was staying. <BR> <BR>Le Nouvel Observateur reporter Jean-Paul Mari wrote : " The shell, fired from a US Abrams tank, hit a pillar right between two rooms. The balcony overlooked the river bank, the bridge and the fierce fighting that had been taking place since the morning. It was a direct shot. It was not a mistake. One more dirty trick." <BR> <BR>Ukrainian cameraman Taras Protsyuk, 35, who worked for Reuters, was killed in his room. José Couso, a cameraman with the Spanish TV channel Telecinco, died later as a result of his injuries. (14 :00 GMT) <BR> <BR>reporters without borders website: <BR><A HREF=""></A> <BR> <BR>
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<p>Transfered from old site</p> <!--break--><p>There have been 9 international journalists killed by the US military since the attack on Iraq began. Reporters without Borders has been documenting and advocating for actions against these attacks. As US press coverage of the Iraq war continues to distort the true nature of this occupation, making it look like one big happy celebration, one can see how troublesome a free press is for the US war plans. This is indeed a new phase in consolidation of Empire.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />11.04 - Shelling of Hotel Palestine : "one more dirty trick"<br /> <br /><br /> <br />The correspondent of a French newsweekly who was in the Hotel Palestine in Baghdad when it was hit by shell from a US tank on 8 April, killing two journalists and wounding three others, says he thinks the Americans deliberately fired on the hotel, where most of the international press corps was staying.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Le Nouvel Observateur reporter Jean-Paul Mari wrote : " The shell, fired from a US Abrams tank, hit a pillar right between two rooms. The balcony overlooked the river bank, the bridge and the fierce fighting that had been taking place since the morning. It was a direct shot. It was not a mistake. One more dirty trick."<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Ukrainian cameraman Taras Protsyuk, 35, who worked for Reuters, was killed in his room. José Couso, a cameraman with the Spanish TV channel Telecinco, died later as a result of his injuries. (14 :00 GMT)<br /> <br /><br /> <br />reporters without borders website:<br /> <br /><a href=""></a><br /> <br /><br /> <br /></p>
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International Journalists intentionally targeted by US Military
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Transfered from old site <!--break--> There have been 9 international journalists killed by the US military since the attack on Iraq began. Reporters without Borders has been documenting and advocating for actions against these attacks. As US press coverage of the Iraq war continues to distort the true nature of this occupation, making it look like one big happy celebration, one can see how troublesome a free press is for the US war plans. This is indeed a new phase in consolidation of Empire. <BR> <BR>11.04 - Shelling of Hotel Palestine : "one more dirty trick" <BR> <BR>The correspondent of a French newsweekly who was in the Hotel Palestine in Baghdad when it was hit by shell from a US tank on 8 April, killing two journalists and wounding three others, says he thinks the Americans deliberately fired on the hotel, where most of the international press corps was staying. <BR> <BR>Le Nouvel Observateur reporter Jean-Paul Mari wrote : " The shell, fired from a US Abrams tank, hit a pillar right between two rooms. The balcony overlooked the river bank, the bridge and the fierce fighting that had been taking place since the morning. It was a direct shot. It was not a mistake. One more dirty trick." <BR> <BR>Ukrainian cameraman Taras Protsyuk, 35, who worked for Reuters, was killed in his room. José Couso, a cameraman with the Spanish TV channel Telecinco, died later as a result of his injuries. (14 :00 GMT) <BR> <BR>reporters without borders website: <BR><A HREF=""></A> <BR> <BR>
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safe_value (String, 1685 characters ) <p>Transfered from old site</p> <!--break--><p>...
<p>Transfered from old site</p> <!--break--><p>There have been 9 international journalists killed by the US military since the attack on Iraq began. Reporters without Borders has been documenting and advocating for actions against these attacks. As US press coverage of the Iraq war continues to distort the true nature of this occupation, making it look like one big happy celebration, one can see how troublesome a free press is for the US war plans. This is indeed a new phase in consolidation of Empire.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />11.04 - Shelling of Hotel Palestine : "one more dirty trick"<br /> <br /><br /> <br />The correspondent of a French newsweekly who was in the Hotel Palestine in Baghdad when it was hit by shell from a US tank on 8 April, killing two journalists and wounding three others, says he thinks the Americans deliberately fired on the hotel, where most of the international press corps was staying.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Le Nouvel Observateur reporter Jean-Paul Mari wrote : " The shell, fired from a US Abrams tank, hit a pillar right between two rooms. The balcony overlooked the river bank, the bridge and the fierce fighting that had been taking place since the morning. It was a direct shot. It was not a mistake. One more dirty trick."<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Ukrainian cameraman Taras Protsyuk, 35, who worked for Reuters, was killed in his room. José Couso, a cameraman with the Spanish TV channel Telecinco, died later as a result of his injuries. (14 :00 GMT)<br /> <br /><br /> <br />reporters without borders website:<br /> <br /><a href=""></a><br /> <br /><br /> <br /></p>
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<p>Transfered from old site</p> <!--break--><p>There have been 9 international journalists killed by the US military since the attack on Iraq began. Reporters without Borders has been documenting and advocating for actions against these attacks. As US press coverage of the Iraq war continues to distort the true nature of this occupation, making it look like one big happy celebration, one can see how troublesome a free press is for the US war plans. This is indeed a new phase in consolidation of Empire.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />11.04 - Shelling of Hotel Palestine : "one more dirty trick"<br /> <br /><br /> <br />The correspondent of a French newsweekly who was in the Hotel Palestine in Baghdad when it was hit by shell from a US tank on 8 April, killing two journalists and wounding three others, says he thinks the Americans deliberately fired on the hotel, where most of the international press corps was staying.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Le Nouvel Observateur reporter Jean-Paul Mari wrote : " The shell, fired from a US Abrams tank, hit a pillar right between two rooms. The balcony overlooked the river bank, the bridge and the fierce fighting that had been taking place since the morning. It was a direct shot. It was not a mistake. One more dirty trick."<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Ukrainian cameraman Taras Protsyuk, 35, who worked for Reuters, was killed in his room. José Couso, a cameraman with the Spanish TV channel Telecinco, died later as a result of his injuries. (14 :00 GMT)<br /> <br /><br /> <br />reporters without borders website:<br /> <br /><a href=""></a><br /> <br /><br /> <br /></p>
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International Journalists intentionally targeted by US Military
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Krumo version 0.2.1a
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