Upcoming March 19 Antiwar Organizing Meetings
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Calling all anarchists, antiauthoritarians, nonauthoritarians, and allies to help organize M19 response…
Declaration of Peace (DoP), "…a grassroots nonviolent action campaign calling on the U.S. government to establish a comprehensive plan to end the U.S. war and occupation in Iraq" (http://declarationofpeace.org/about-us), contacted me about attending an initial city-wide planning meeting in response to the 6th anniversary of the Iraq war, which is quickly approaching on March 19, 2009.
This city-wide planning meeting will take place on Sunday, December 21, 2PM, at the Antiwar Storefront located at 658 Monroe Ave.
This meeting will hopefully be an amalgamation of voices, groups, individuals, and ideas from around the city to conceptualize, plan, organize, and execute a response to the Iraq war within Rochester.
This city seems to have a burgeoning anarchist, antiauthoritarian, nonauthoritarian, and ally scene and it would be nice to have those voices present at this upcoming meeting with at least a brainstorming session beforehand to bring ideas to the table—ideas coming from the spirit of a nonhierarchical society based on the principles of self-organization, direct action, egalitarianism, and mutual aid.
This meeting of anarchists, antiauthoritarians, nonauthoritarians, and allies will take place on Sunday, December 14, 2pm, at the Antiwar Storefront located at 658 Monroe Ave.
For ideas about what else is happening around March 19, 2009 and the inauguration of Barack Obama on Jan. 20, 2009, check out Louise Wu's piece on Rochester Indymedia titled: "U.S. REMAINS IN IRAQ AFTER 6 YEARS: On March 19, 2009—-The 6th Anniversary Of The War—-We'll STILL Be There" (http://rochester.indymedia.org/newswire/display/22000/index.php). There are links embedded within the piece leading to call outs from organizations and individuals from around the country.
In Louise's piece is an implicit question: What will Rochester do when we're still in Iraq on the 6th anniversary? It's an important one and one we should start addressing and organizing around in tangible ways with friends, allies, fellow divergent travelers, and all of the numerous strands of antiauthoritarianism that manifests itself in social, environmental, political, cultural, and economic movements.
If you have ideas for agenda items, please post them to the Rochester Indymedia website at Rochester.Indymedia.org or respond to this email. Or bring your items with you and we’ll add them to the list.
Finally, if you can, bring a dish to share. Food can bring out the best in people. :)
Please spread widely to those you think would be interested in a meeting of this kind.