Fur Free Friday in Syracuse and Skaneateles
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Syracuse Protest:
What: Co-Hosted by SARO and PAR of CNY. Peaceful legal protest with
signs, banners and fliers about the gruesome truth of the fur industry
When: Friday, November 28th(the day after thanksgiving) from 12noon-1PM
Where: Georgio's Fur's winter location at the Carousel mall. Meet at
the Hess Station intersection at 685 Hiawatha Blvd W. Syracuse, NY
13204. Parking available at the Hess station.
Free carpool to all events! Meet at the S.U. Schine Student Center
loading dock area on Waverly Ave. in Syracuse at 11AM sharp. If you
have a car you need to leave we can drive you a short distance away to
a free parking lot.
Skaneateles Protest(located between Syracuse and Rochester)
What: Co-Hosted by SARO and PAR of CNY. Peaceful legal protest with
signs, banners and fliers about the gruesome truth of the fur industry
When: Saturday December 6th from 12noon-1pm
Where: Skaneateles Furs at 42 East Genesee Street, Skaneateles, NY 13152
Carpool Info: Meet at the S.U. Schine Student Center loading dock area
on Waverly Ave. in Syracuse at 11AM sharp. It is COLD! Wear a hat and gloves!
If you have a car you need to leave, we can drive you a short distance away to a free parking
lot. Call 315-546-5108 if you will be late and need us to wait.