Veterans Speak Out Against War at Rally
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by Elaine Russell, R-IMC
(April 11, 2003) “Support the Troops, But Not the War,” was the message at today’s march and rally organized by the Rochester Campus Action Network, (RCAN).
“We really want the troops to come home alive,” explained student leader Nathan La Fratta. “We chose to make a statement in response to the pro-war people who accuse us of being anti-troops. War is an awful thing that no one should have to experience. In past wars about 25 percent of combat troops experience post traumatic disorder. The hawks in the Bush administration are not going off to fight this war; it’s the poor, the underprivileged and those who couldn’t get a job because of high unemployment.”
The rally at the Liberty Pole was followed by a march down one side of Main St. and ended at the formerly named War Memorial. As protesters passed the Gannett-owned local newspaper they chanted, “D and C tell the truth.” Protest organizers wore orange armbands and helped direct the march.
Korean War Veteran Ray Bliss was among the numerous speakers at the rally. He told the gathering, “In consideration of the veterans lying in hospitals and those who have had amputations I thank the anti-war activists for saving lives. War is not entertainment, so turn off the Fox channel. Bush is brainwashing this society.”
Later in an interview Mr. Bliss commented, “It tears my heart out to think this situation is going to go on. The president is creating this chaos so he can be a war hero. Because of him our soldiers are dying in vain. The ones lying in the hospital are wondering what they are doing there.”
Asked if the pro-war fringe really speaks for veterans he stated, “No. These are guys with pent-up hostilities. They’re insensitive to someone else’s suffering. They’re just enjoying the spectacle. People in this society are looking for easy answers. That’s why there is so much violence and homicide.”
The Crusader-in-Chief and Draft Dodgers for a New American Century are implementing their plan for world dominance on the backs of our military. Chickenhawk Headquarters lists the following draft-dodging perpetrators of U.S. military aggression: George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Rush Limbaugh, Spencer Abraham, Elliot Abrams, Ken Adelman, John Bolton, Andrew Card, Don Evans, Asa Hutchinson, Richard Pearle, Harvey Pitt, David Stockman, Tommy Thompson, John Walters, Paul Wolfowitz, John Ashcroft, Jeb Bush, Tom DeLay, Newt Gingrich, Dennis Hastert, Joe Lieberman, and Don Nickles.
RCAN rallies will continue every Friday until the war is over.