The Anti-Christ or The Leo Straussian NeoCon Front?
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Still if the “biblical†version of Anti-Christ is considered then every age has had millions of such people. But Barack Obama is not one of them. He is Christian. And we know this from the contrarian propaganda of their rovian, right-wing, smear machine as insinuated into this campaign as they have tried to tie Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s behavior and attitude to that of Barack Obama. And we also know from Obama’s value system of his being concerned about other people (and not a primarily selfish creed of too many in the right-wing). They can’t have it both ways in their distortive propaganda.
The Anti-Christ or The Leo Straussian NeoCon Front?
By Benjamin Fargo
“I believe in Democracy because it releas4es the energies of every human being.†Woodrow Wilson
Recently, newspapers across syndicated America quoted a study about “myths†Americans have been fed via propaganda efforts regarding Senator McCain and Senator Obama. That poll revealed that roughly 65% heard dis-information about McCain versus roughly 95% who heard at least one lie about Obama (but most had heard of several).
Equally you can reasonably intuit that the lies circulated about Senator Obama were taken as more serious issues—such as he a Muslim (that is suppose to mean a “bad†person given the anti-Arab, anti-Islamic, and thus anti-Semitic prejudice the Anti-Defamation League has generously ignored and thus freely allowed to propagate), or rumors that Obama is a terrorist supporter or that Obama is “the†Anti-Christ. And note especially that the “Anti-Christ†label has been taking on a late resurgence in this desperate campaign—despite mainstream media’s scant attention to this domino.
Amazing isn’t it—that people today, in this era of modernity, and supposed rationalist based society, still believe in the insane, fairy-tale, monster-stories one readily finds in Judeo-Christian Bible—a literature mind you, that has readily borrowed from even older monster story scare tactics such as a seven headed dragon? Even more amazing is that the so-called right (really Judeo-Christian extremists) would stoop as low as using forms of biblical terrorism, of the psychiatric and hallucinatory sort of disorder, about “the†end days and second coming, via their neurotic belief in the veracity of Book of Revelations, so as to terrorize U.S. citizens—that they would be less inclined to think objectively about who to vote for and on what rational basis?
There is probably no clearer case of psychiatric paranoia induced by human-manufactured religion than that of the “Book of Revelations†of the New Testament, that draws on every form of apocalypse terrorism imaginable. But it is in the books of 1 John 2.18-22; 1 John 4.1-3; and 2 John 7; where readers are introduced to the “Anti-Christ†at least in its English version of a much translated and much edited or redacted history of what people are suppose to believe as biblical history. Nevertheless it is in the New Testament that readers glean reference to “allâ€, who are not believers in Jesus Christ as messiah as Anti-Christs (as in plurality of nay-sayers).
But importantly the term “Anti-Christ†is more than a figure of the imagination—it is a brainwashed constellation of paranoia messages and meanings about what is supposed to happen at the end of times that is far scarier than going to a haunted house on Halloween.
Still if the “biblical†version of Anti-Christ is considered then every age has had millions of such people. But Barack Obama is not one of them. He is Christian. And we know this from the contrarian propaganda of their rovian, right-wing, smear machine as insinuated into this campaign as they have tried to tie Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s behavior and attitude to that of Barack Obama. And we also know from Obama’s value system of his being concerned about other people (and not a primarily selfish creed of too many in the right-wing). They can’t have it both ways in their distortive propaganda.
Nevertheless, we should not be so quick to dismiss their analysis of Anti-Christ, because the term, in its abstract sense, represents a spirit that is evil because it represents “deceit†and a general sense of “lawlessnessâ€. Now if this more abstract sense of Anti-Christ is considered then we can conclude that no cabal of individuals better fits such a label then the current White House administration and their cheer-leading Leo Strassian Neo-Conservatives (as they are readily conditioned to lie and distort reality and to disdain the common man), and their presumptuous contempt for the American public’s intelligence, in which they continue to presume infinitely naïve and retarded—that Americans will continue to gobble up their dis-information campaigns.
Take for example a piece recently written by one of their most eminent mouth-pieces and ring-leaders—elistist, par excellence, William Kristol (of the New York Times!) where he discusses Obama and McCain’s answers to Rev. Rick Warren’s questions at Saddleback Church about evil. Kristol’s arrow in his style of deliberate deception focused straight to their responses about “evil†in this world—that we have been conditioned to automatically label “Muslimâ€. Naturally he, a NeoCon-o-Zionist, continued his distortion in favor of McCain—roundly congratulated McCain for his stated reference to “radical Islamic extremists†so as to impress upon the public the Zionist brainwash hammered non-stop—Muslims and Arabs are America’s enemies—and further, at least in their eyes—Kristol, and his ilk, are goyim America’s loyal friends—even to the point that Americans are suppose to presume that for America to support Israel we must hate and fear all things Islamic?
But their real prince of deceit is Leo Strauss. You can readily find information on Leo Strauss’ Philosophy of Deception on the Internet (which you ought be curious) Note especially who were Strauss’ students! They were prominent Neo-Con-Artists, such as the Irving and William Kristol, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, John Podhoretz , Douglas Feith, etc. And note also that they are not “all†extremist, right-wing, Jewish, think-tankers or syndicated news propagandists, but still several of the most noteworthy ones are—and this is important because it is clear that they work primarily for “Israel’s†interest—even if necessary—at the expense of America’s and U.S. national security.
First we need clear up something that many in the Jewish-American cosmos refuse to discuss—their NeoCon retort that attacks on their Con-Artist positions are attacks on Jews in general. Consider for example Norman Podhoretz once wrote (whined) that criticism leveled against “NeoCons†is but a code word for criticizing “Jews†(to buttress a position that the sanctimonious snobs of the NeoCon bunch can hide behind the panacea-like cult quilt trip trick of screaming: “anti-Semitic!†as protection of their deceptive ways). But this hackneyed hysteria and whining is too part of their con-artist style.
The NeoCons are not anything close to all American Jews in general—rather they are a small group of influence peddlers that operate in specific ways and with specific goals. And yes they do operate for Israel’s benefit, and then big oil, and also a hegemonic foreign policy,’ as they continue to do so in ways that need investigation and prosecution—and even perhaps some of their publishers. For example, they have done much to covertly take United States to war with Iraq, as they do much to keep us in Iraq, and they continue mongering to get our nation (treasury and GIs) into more wars with more of Israel’s enemies—such as Syria and Iran.
But meanwhile not too surprising, Rabbis Abraham Cooper and Harold Brackman of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angelos have written a newspaper opinion piece about the “hate†politics in the Obama/ McCain contest and what it could mean for a country where the economy goes in the tank and frustration and scape-goating that could likely happen. But of course we goyim Americans are suppose to presume, it seems, that Jews are never racist or that they never scapegoat—rather we are to continue to assume Jewish lecturing to the rest of us—like they know better as always the ultimate experts on racism and hatred—for example their presumed progressive awareness of racism against blacks (and apartheid and the diamond industry, etc, I suppose).
Rather what the mainstream of America needs to be asking why the American mainstream media actually employs (has the nerve to print) the NeoCons as ConArtist and Criminals who have already invited so much damage to this country with their smug self-righteousness, along with similar right-wing questionables as Charles Krauthammer, Joseph Lieberman, Mike Salvage, as syndicated from such supposedly professional pipers as the New York Times and the Washington Post (both newspapers owned by Jewish families) and reprinted in several other newspapers owned by Jewish and Christian Americans?
The question ought to be: “Is the Benjamin Netanyahu 1996 study by the Israeli think-tank Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies: “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for the Realm†going to continue to be the blue print for American the mainstream media agenda? Is the 1997 William Kristol / Robert Kagan Project for a New American Century (that had justification for a 9/11 like event to change foreign policy) going to continue to have influence in this country? And did McCain cosponsor the Iraq Liberation Act 1998 with PNAC and Paul Wolfowitz?
It is time for the majority of Jewish Americans (many who are on the left and who do not abide this traitorous behavior) to ask why Jewish Americans who own prominent newspapers in this country would carry these fascists, and their own extremism. It is hard to believe—especially knowing well enough what psychological harm NeoCons have already contributed to anti-Semitism in general—talk about chutzpah! Further if the NeoCons are the main advocates for McCain in the overt presses then where does the money trail lead to who is behind the lies on the Internet, etc.?
It is time for Jews and Christian (and Muslims and others people who are not of Middle Eastern religion tradition (who are equally part of this culture)) need to make some decisions about what kind of U.S. support is justifiable for Israel and other countries in the Middle East. And it cannot continue to be the kinds of disdain, deceit and yet favoritism that has continued since Israel’s inception but especially of years lately.
Furthermore the Bible can no longer be the basis of what constitutes legitimate U.S. foreign policy. That literature is clearly written by mere men with inherent fallibilities and human prejudice. For example, several books of late have refuted the legitimacy of biblical mythology, including John Spong’s “The Sins of Scriptureâ€; Jonathan Kirsch’s “Moses: A Lifeâ€; and now Shlomo Sand’s (a professor in Israel) “When and How Was the Jewish People Inventedâ€. Judeo-Christians and Muslims need to confront the evil inherent in their religion, and human personality faults that has blackmailed souls by claiming legitimacy as God’s approval for evil—that no one can question.
Further anyone that read the newspapers knows that the FBI has been given more latitude and autonomy in investigating people regarding potential terrorism to consider racial, ethnic and religious criteria etc. Well then it seems clear to those on a learning curve in the government or private sector need to read the aforementioned books listed in the above paragraphs and a lot more on religious and political or economic “extremism†and “fascism†because it is clearly false to presume that Muslims are automatically suspect but Zionists are angels come to save America. One merely focus on extremist Dov Zakheim’s career, or Richard Pearle, or Lawrence Franklin, Scooter Libby, Robert Zoellick, Elliot Abrahams, etc.
Especially now, after the NeoCon exploitation of 9-11 is the time to tell Israel to become a “true†democracy and separate church from state—rather than the theocracy it truly is even as they hypocritically rail against Muslim theocracies. It is time to stop presuming the idea that Israel is a progressive country when in fact it operates in authoritarian manner and continues to discriminate against people that are not Jewish.
Mythologizing about deception is as old as is religious lore—which is older than the Old Testament. But Americans do not need a slanted media that continues to support those that opportunistically try to use the religious terrorism card of a vengeful God and his supposed to do evil magic on his creation. Humans bring enough evil onto themselves—they do not need to indulge further delusions.