An Invitation for 9/11 Commissioners Mr. Kean and Mr. Hamilton to Participate in “A Real 9/11 Commission†and a “Real 9/11 Investigationâ€
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Mr. Kean and Mr. Hamilton are invited to Participate in “A Real 9/11 Commissionâ€.
A May 2006 Zogby U.S. poll found that 42% of adults polled believe the U.S. government and the 9/11 Commission "concealed or refused to investigate critical evidence" that contradicts the official explanation of the attacks. 9/11 Commission chairs Kean and Hamilton were upset with their own commission.
The original press release below has been updated to be consistent with the new “A Real 9/11 Commission Will Help Free America Now! - ISBN: 097604-0825, April 2007, our new web site and the just released “We the people – We the Media Tribune Gazette,
Tuckahoe, NY (PRWEB) October 19, 2006 -- As I announced updates to my April, 2005 “A Real 9/11 Commission,†“it seemed appropriate to suggest that Mr. Kean and Hamilton join the 42% of us who ‘believe the U.S. government and the 9/11 Commission "concealed or refused to investigate critical evidence" that contradicts the official explanation of the attacks.’ See note 1. The April 2007 edition has significant new information and additional content covering a number of critical current issues, thus justifying the new title “A Real 9/11 Commission Will Help Free America Now!†(ISBN 0-9760408-24; US $14.75, UK, £ 9.85), now available.
In addition to the 42% above, the same May 2006 national Zogby respondents show that “More than 40 percent of Americans believe that the 9/11 Commission Report that investigated the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks is a cover-upâ€.
Wow! And now, hold on to you hats. Based upon a review of their book “Without Precedentâ€, we have significant doubts being expressed by these two 9/11 commissioners. See note 2
With this perspective, a reminder that “Bush and Cheney asked then Senator Daschle to limit 9/11 Investigationsâ€. See note 3
Join us Mr. Kean and Mr. Hamilton for “A Real 9/11 Investigationâ€.
“A Real 9/11 Commissionâ€, see note 4, or if you like, a new, trustworthy 9/11 commission, what would it do differently?
Participants in “A Real 9/11 Commission†are invited to review evidence, before it gets filtered by Bush and Cheney or hidden behind the “New Iron Curtain Around the U.S.A., a Media Iron Curtainâ€, see note 5. They are invited to see documentaries of footage that was shown on live TV the morning of 9/11/2001. Then these participants are given the opportunity to “Render their Decisionâ€, to participate and be a part of the tabulated results. See note 6.
How would or could, Don Rumsfeld prove to the American people that the 757 he says hit the Pentagon really did? If asked, participants in “A Real 9/11 Commission†would say, “he can’t!†Not only are there NO pictures showing a 60 to 80 ton 757 on the lawn of the Pentagon, we would play for Don the 9/11/2001 AM CNN Live report on “Loose Change 2nd Editionâ€,, “there is no evidence that a 757 has hit anywhere near the Pentagon!â€.
There is also now a You-Tube video clip from a VHS tape made on September 11, 2001. It shows CCN and Jamie Mcintyre stating that “No 757 hit the Pentagon!†see note 4
We would also remind Don that the famous collapsed Pentagon wall section, if that is where he tells us the plane is; that section collapsed twenty minutes after the explosion. Did the 757 just wait around for a hole to climb into?
So Mr. Kean and Mr. Hamilton, have you any comments?
The New York City Twin Towers, where 3,000 people lost their lives, we were told ‘collapsed’ because of the planes that hit them. If we asked Don or Dick Cheney to prove this, what could they use? There is a NTST report that supports this claim. But does the evidence support this report?
Briefly: No. We now know that molten steel, 3,000 degrees, was found in the sub-basements of both Towers (and WTC 7) four and five weeks after their collapse. Jet fuel burns at maximum at about 1,400 degrees. We can only suggest in the space available here, that the reader look at the Special Report I at and in “A Real 9/11 Commission Will Help Free America Now†on pages 42 to 47.
You will see photographs of the buildings ‘collapse’ and can compare these pictures with live TV statements by TV news reporters: “this looks as though the buildings are being demolishedâ€. We have pictures of multi-ton steel columns projected horizontally into near-by buildings and multi-ton steel structures thrown 600 feet or two football fields away from the ‘collapse’. Is this how you would envision the ‘collapse’ of these massive structures?
There are photographs of the Towers ‘collapse’ with the sounds of the ‘demolition charges’. Would that help Don and Dick? Obviously not, “911 Eyewitnessâ€, by Mr. Ricard A. Siegel.
We might ask the commissions: How is it that the collapse of these structures produced only pulverized debris and steel beams conveniently cut into sections that fit on the backs of the trucks used to haul them away. And if the Towers ‘collapsed’, where did the 2,600 pollutants come from that have thus far claimed the lives of dozens of NYC Ground Zero First Responders and have caused 70,000 illnesses?
For the assertion that Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania, we will just suggest you see statements by coroners on the scene in Pennsylvania saying “there was no blood or evidence of human remains at the siteâ€, Loose Change 2nd Edition,
So Don and Dick appear to have no EVIDENCE to justify the statements they made. How about Mr. Kean and Mr. Hamilton, perhaps they want to explain their lapse of not considering the above EVIDENCE or any EVIDENCE that the 42% of poll respondents say was ignored?
EVIDENCE shows us that “We the People†were not given accurate accounts of the events of 9/11. We were mislead by the same people who recently made us ‘Torturers’, who are using in Iraq, their own Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD), the radioactive weapon called Depleted Uranium. This WMD is killing OUR soldiers and causing their wives to give birth to deformed babies. We were mislead by the same people who have their own Non-U.S. Constitution – the “Project for the New American Century†(PNAC), see note 7. These people are not Osama bin Laden or Al-Qaeda. They are Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and their friends who support the Non-U.S. Constitution the “Project for the New American Centuryâ€. It is PNAC that provides their motivation for the attacks of 9/11/2001.
Please, see also, the just completed “We the People – We the Media Tribune Gazette†at,with significant 9/11 evidence and supporting information.
Note 1:
Opinion split over 9/11 report by: Keith Phucas, Times Herald Staff, 05/28/2006
Note 2:
Book: “Without Precedent" - Sept. 11 Panel Doubted Officials
By HOPE YEN The Associated Press August 4, 2006
Note 3:
Bush - and Cheney - ask Daschle to limit 9-11 investigations!!
Note 4:
“A Real 9.11 Commission†and A Real 9/11 Investigation
And, the first clip, also available at
The above web site
Note 5:
“A New Iron Curtain Around the U.S.A. - A Media Iron Curtainâ€
Note 6:
“A Real 9/11Commission†Render your Decision
Note 7:
The Constitution of Bush and Cheney is not the Constitution of the United States.
Major articles about their Non-U.S. Constitution, the “Project for the New American Century†(PNAC)
“We the people – We the Media Tribune Gazette,