Howard Zinn @ The SUNY Social Justice Conference
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People's historian and antiwar activist Howard Zinn will be speaking on Saturday, November 8th as the keynote lecture of the SUNY Social Justice Conference, November 7-9 at SUNY-Binghamton. In a talk entitled "War & Social Justice," Zinn will discuss the vibrant history of student participation in struggles for liberation.
People's historian and antiwar activist Howard Zinn will be speaking on Saturday, November 8th as the keynote lecture of the SUNY Social Justice Conference, November 7-9 at SUNY-Binghamton. In a talk entitled "War & Social Justice," Zinn will discuss the vibrant history of student participation in struggles for liberation.
The lecture will take place at 8pm in the Anderson Center of the SUNY-Binghamton Campus.
The event is free and open to the public. Participation in the larger conference is encouraged but not required for attendance.
But in case you are interested...
With budget cuts wreaking havoc on public education, the government can find endless money to build new prisons and fight new wars. The SUNY Social Justice Conference will be a staging ground for building a new movement for real change to open up our universities and realize a different world. The weekend will include networking, strategizing, live performances, a keynote lecture by Howard Zinn, and these (among other) amazing workshops:
Iraq Veterans Against the War & Veterans for Peace
Abolishing the Prison-Industrial Complex
Organizing for Worker Rights
Resisting Corporate Media
Achieving Radical Reforms in the SUNY System
War-Tax Resistance
Women, Incarceration & Resistance
Urban Sustainability
Solidarity with Native Struggles
Defending Affirmative Action
Building Radical Mental Health Support
The Farm Sanctuary Movement
To learn more or to pre-register for the conference, visit