Fibber McGee and Molly Too: John McCain Is A God Damn Liar
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Fibber McGee and Molly Too: John McCain Is A God Damn Liar
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John McCain Is A God Damn Liar <!--break--> Fibber McGee and Molly Too: John McCain Is A God Damn Liar Once again we are in that period where the country goes bat shit crazy. Fortunately we only have to endure the next couple of months only once every four years. If anyone knowing the truth were to listen to what passes as the mainstream news they would swear Fibber McGee was running amok on the airwaves and Caribou Sal was running loose in the china shop. During the Vietnam War, I can remember watching the news of an interview of John McCain in North Vietnam with him blinking his eyes in some sort of code. I can also remember the news reports after North Vietnam released him and all the reports indicated the very real possibility of the military court marshalling him for collaboration with the enemy. There were additional reports that some of his fellow prisoners were severely beaten as a direct result of what he had told the North Vietnamese. The fact is if John's father had not been a hot-shot admiral the military would have court marshaled him. By golly Miss Molly, McCain is no war hero in fact he is a damn coward and traitor and that’s no bullshit. Incidentally McCain is responsible for the deaths of more American sailors than Vietnamese. When he was shot down in North Vietnam it was the fifth plane he had crashed. The fourth plane he crashed was aboard the USS Forrestal that resulted in the deaths of 167 sailors in the fire that engulfed the aircraft carrier. The fire was a result of a stupid hotdog stunt known as wet starting in which fuel is pooled in the bottom of the engine then on ignition it sends a flash out of the engine to shake up the pilot behind him. The ship was so damaged it had to be taken out of the war. The following morning helicopters were evacuating the severely injured to base hospitals. Taking one off the available spots for the injured was an uninjured John McCain. The number of deaths would very likely have risen to 168 if any of MCCain's shipmates could have found him. He was the only pilot transferred from the Forrrestal thanks to his admiral daddy. Now McCain's political career is as dismal as its military record. Besides being an extremist and hothead McCain is most noted for becoming embroiled in the savings and loan scandal. One thing about McCain---he is a damn good bank robber and wiped out granny's savings that she had deposited in the savings and loan. McCain is a damn lair when he says he's ready to work for you, he has made a career out of selling his vote to the highest bidder. He sold out to the North Vietnamese, he sold out to the savings and loan sharpies, and he has never met the lobbyist with an open checkbook that he didn’t like. The pig in the poke might be wearing lipstick but he's still a damn lair. McCain is just a MadMax version of George Bush. By Golly Miss Molly the last thing we need is a MadMax version of Bush with his finger on the nuclear button. There would be no future when MadMax has his finger on the nuclear button---nuclear wars are not survivable. By golly Miss Molly McClain is crazy, while on Monday when the market tanked 500 points he said the economy was sound and the only thing wrong was some whiners acting up. Why anyone that even glanced at the financial pages would know the economy is in serious trouble, since the financial pages are full of articles about store closings, factory layoffs, bankrupcies and government bailouts. Now today he wants to fire the head of the SEC. Well lets hand it to the old codger he can flip flop like a fish out of water. You know during the depression, the Roosevelt administration passed some laws to prevent another financial melt down. Those laws worked and served the country well for nearly a half a century until the Wall Street sharpies got greedy and wanted those laws eliminated. Well John McCain voted for both bills that removed those restrictions. In fact, McCain enthusiastically supported the Commodity Futures Modernization Act and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. Now that Gramm is the former senator from Texas and a big lobbyist and by Golly Miss Molly he is the same Gramm that co-chairs McCain's campaign. When McCain tells you he can fix the economy, tell him to keep his damn hands off of it ---we don’t need his kind of help. McCain wants to fix Social Security by privatizing. What he doesn’t tell you is he wants to use your money to prop up a collapsing stock market and a exploding housing bubble while he lets the Wall Street sharpies charge you exuberant fees to manage your money. By Golly Miss Molly if McCain gets elected the only safe place for your money will be under your mattress. McCain also says he wants to reform the oil futures market. But he is stone face silent about the Enron loophole that allows traders to control markets and price gouge consumers like they did in the California energy crisis. You see, the Enron loophole was supported by Gramn, McCain's election co chairman. Moreover Gramm's wife was a member of the board of directors at Enron and pocketed a million dollars in salary and additional goodies. Additionally the bill to create the Enron loophole was supported by lobbyist Charlie Black, who is a senior advisor to McCain. By golly Miss Molly McCain says he's his own man and isn’t owned by the lobbyist but the guy is full of shit and if elected we can expect $8 per gal gasoline before the end of his term as a payoff to his lobbyists ---err campaign staff. And then there is Caribou Sal, who claims she has administrative experience that Obama lacks. I'm not sure the type of experience she has, is needed in Washington. It seems as if Palin is more adept at using government employees to conduct her own personal vendettas than in making sound judgements benefiting the people. Strong-arming the public safety director to fire your ex-brother-in-law doesn't qualify you for the vice president slot. Nether does strong-arming the city librarian into banning books you deem inappropriate. But it does show how she deals with new ideas and other people's opinions--she burns or bans them. By golly Miss Molly the last thing we need in Washington is a book burner with a closed mind and a vendetta against anyone that disagrees with her. Moreover Palin as mayor slashed funding for medical exams of rape victims and billed the victim for the exams. She also cut funding from programs for teenage mothers as governor. Nor do we need another politician in Washington that has sold out to the oil companies and wants to remove all environmental protections for the benefit of a few big corporations. But Caribou Sal seems the perfect with John McCain. By Golly Miss Molly hang on to your pocketbook if Caribou Sal gets in Office she sponsors bridges to nowhere, raised the sales tax and like McCain is a damn good thief and is an expert at padding her expense account with personal expenditures. We'll be buying her lipstick if she wins as veep. Its interesting listening to this northern squawk box stammer on about making war with Russia when she has absolutely no international experience. By Golly Miss Molly I can remember much better times when candidates ran on peace platforms rather than on wars that can't be won. Then there is the matter of a half dozen witnesses in the investigation of Gov Palin's strong-arm tactics to fire her ex-brother-in-law refusing to testify. Moreover Palin's ex lover in that sordid affair is pensioning the court in an emergency decree to seal his divorce papers. Now I betcha there are some juicy details there. I know what witness tampering is and by golly Miss Molly Gov. Palin, John McCain and the Republican party is guilty as hell of witness tampering and that’s no bullshit.
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safe_value (String, 7885 characters ) <p>John McCain Is A God Damn Liar</p> <!--break...
<p>John McCain Is A God Damn Liar</p> <!--break--><p>Fibber McGee and Molly Too:<br /> John McCain Is A God Damn Liar</p> <p> Once again we are in that period where the country goes bat shit crazy. Fortunately we only have to endure the next couple of months only once every four years. If anyone knowing the truth were to listen to what passes as the mainstream news they would swear Fibber McGee was running amok on the airwaves and Caribou Sal was running loose in the china shop.<br /> During the Vietnam War, I can remember watching the news of an interview of John McCain in North Vietnam with him blinking his eyes in some sort of code. I can also remember the news reports after North Vietnam released him and all the reports indicated the very real possibility of the military court marshalling him for collaboration with the enemy. There were additional reports that some of his fellow prisoners were severely beaten as a direct result of what he had told the North Vietnamese. The fact is if John's father had not been a hot-shot admiral the military would have court marshaled him. By golly Miss Molly, McCain is no war hero in fact he is a damn coward and traitor and that’s no bullshit.<br /> Incidentally McCain is responsible for the deaths of more American sailors than Vietnamese. When he was shot down in North Vietnam it was the fifth plane he had crashed. The fourth plane he crashed was aboard the USS Forrestal that resulted in the deaths of 167 sailors in the fire that engulfed the aircraft carrier. The fire was a result of a stupid hotdog stunt known as wet starting in which fuel is pooled in the bottom of the engine then on ignition it sends a flash out of the engine to shake up the pilot behind him. The ship was so damaged it had to be taken out of the war. The following morning helicopters were evacuating the severely injured to base hospitals. Taking one off the available spots for the injured was an uninjured John McCain. The number of deaths would very likely have risen to 168 if any of MCCain's shipmates could have found him. He was the only pilot transferred from the Forrrestal thanks to his admiral daddy.<br /> Now McCain's political career is as dismal as its military record. Besides being an extremist and hothead McCain is most noted for becoming embroiled in the savings and loan scandal. One thing about McCain---he is a damn good bank robber and wiped out granny's savings that she had deposited in the savings and loan. McCain is a damn lair when he says he's ready to work for you, he has made a career out of selling his vote to the highest bidder. He sold out to the North Vietnamese, he sold out to the savings and loan sharpies, and he has never met the lobbyist with an open checkbook that he didn’t like. The pig in the poke might be wearing lipstick but he's still a damn lair. McCain is just a MadMax version of George Bush. By Golly Miss Molly the last thing we need is a MadMax version of Bush with his finger on the nuclear button. There would be no future when MadMax has his finger on the nuclear button---nuclear wars are not survivable.<br /> By golly Miss Molly McClain is crazy, while on Monday when the market tanked 500 points he said the economy was sound and the only thing wrong was some whiners acting up. Why anyone that even glanced at the financial pages would know the economy is in serious trouble, since the financial pages are full of articles about store closings, factory layoffs, bankrupcies and government bailouts. Now today he wants to fire the head of the SEC. Well lets hand it to the old codger he can flip flop like a fish out of water. You know during the depression, the Roosevelt administration passed some laws to prevent another financial melt down. Those laws worked and served the country well for nearly a half a century until the Wall Street sharpies got greedy and wanted those laws eliminated. Well John McCain voted for both bills that removed those restrictions. In fact, McCain enthusiastically supported the Commodity Futures Modernization Act and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. Now that Gramm is the former senator from Texas and a big lobbyist and by Golly Miss Molly he is the same Gramm that co-chairs McCain's campaign. When McCain tells you he can fix the economy, tell him to keep his damn hands off of it ---we don’t need his kind of help.<br /> McCain wants to fix Social Security by privatizing. What he doesn’t tell you is he wants to use your money to prop up a collapsing stock market and a exploding housing bubble while he lets the Wall Street sharpies charge you exuberant fees to manage your money. By Golly Miss Molly if McCain gets elected the only safe place for your money will be under your mattress.<br /> McCain also says he wants to reform the oil futures market. But he is stone face silent about the Enron loophole that allows traders to control markets and price gouge consumers like they did in the California energy crisis. You see, the Enron loophole was supported by Gramn, McCain's election co chairman. Moreover Gramm's wife was a member of the board of directors at Enron and pocketed a million dollars in salary and additional goodies. Additionally the bill to create the Enron loophole was supported by lobbyist Charlie Black, who is a senior advisor to McCain. By golly Miss Molly McCain says he's his own man and isn’t owned by the lobbyist but the guy is full of shit and if elected we can expect $8 per gal gasoline before the end of his term as a payoff to his lobbyists ---err campaign staff.<br /> And then there is Caribou Sal, who claims she has administrative experience that Obama lacks. I'm not sure the type of experience she has, is needed in Washington. It seems as if Palin is more adept at using government employees to conduct her own personal vendettas than in making sound judgements benefiting the people. Strong-arming the public safety director to fire your ex-brother-in-law doesn't qualify you for the vice president slot. Nether does strong-arming the city librarian into banning books you deem inappropriate. But it does show how she deals with new ideas and other people's opinions--she burns or bans them. By golly Miss Molly the last thing we need in Washington is a book burner with a closed mind and a vendetta against anyone that disagrees with her. Moreover Palin as mayor slashed funding for medical exams of rape victims and billed the victim for the exams. She also cut funding from programs for teenage mothers as governor. Nor do we need another politician in Washington that has sold out to the oil companies and wants to remove all environmental protections for the benefit of a few big corporations.<br /> But Caribou Sal seems the perfect with John McCain. By Golly Miss Molly hang on to your pocketbook if Caribou Sal gets in Office she sponsors bridges to nowhere, raised the sales tax and like McCain is a damn good thief and is an expert at padding her expense account with personal expenditures. We'll be buying her lipstick if she wins as veep.<br /> Its interesting listening to this northern squawk box stammer on about making war with Russia when she has absolutely no international experience. By Golly Miss Molly I can remember much better times when candidates ran on peace platforms rather than on wars that can't be won.<br /> Then there is the matter of a half dozen witnesses in the investigation of Gov Palin's strong-arm tactics to fire her ex-brother-in-law refusing to testify. Moreover Palin's ex lover in that sordid affair is pensioning the court in an emergency decree to seal his divorce papers. Now I betcha there are some juicy details there. I know what witness tampering is and by golly Miss Molly Gov. Palin, John McCain and the Republican party is guilty as hell of witness tampering and that’s no bullshit.</p>
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Fibber McGee and Molly Too: John McCain Is A God Damn Liar
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value (String, 7802 characters ) John McCain Is A God Damn Liar <!--break--> Fib...
John McCain Is A God Damn Liar <!--break--> Fibber McGee and Molly Too: John McCain Is A God Damn Liar Once again we are in that period where the country goes bat shit crazy. Fortunately we only have to endure the next couple of months only once every four years. If anyone knowing the truth were to listen to what passes as the mainstream news they would swear Fibber McGee was running amok on the airwaves and Caribou Sal was running loose in the china shop. During the Vietnam War, I can remember watching the news of an interview of John McCain in North Vietnam with him blinking his eyes in some sort of code. I can also remember the news reports after North Vietnam released him and all the reports indicated the very real possibility of the military court marshalling him for collaboration with the enemy. There were additional reports that some of his fellow prisoners were severely beaten as a direct result of what he had told the North Vietnamese. The fact is if John's father had not been a hot-shot admiral the military would have court marshaled him. By golly Miss Molly, McCain is no war hero in fact he is a damn coward and traitor and that’s no bullshit. Incidentally McCain is responsible for the deaths of more American sailors than Vietnamese. When he was shot down in North Vietnam it was the fifth plane he had crashed. The fourth plane he crashed was aboard the USS Forrestal that resulted in the deaths of 167 sailors in the fire that engulfed the aircraft carrier. The fire was a result of a stupid hotdog stunt known as wet starting in which fuel is pooled in the bottom of the engine then on ignition it sends a flash out of the engine to shake up the pilot behind him. The ship was so damaged it had to be taken out of the war. The following morning helicopters were evacuating the severely injured to base hospitals. Taking one off the available spots for the injured was an uninjured John McCain. The number of deaths would very likely have risen to 168 if any of MCCain's shipmates could have found him. He was the only pilot transferred from the Forrrestal thanks to his admiral daddy. Now McCain's political career is as dismal as its military record. Besides being an extremist and hothead McCain is most noted for becoming embroiled in the savings and loan scandal. One thing about McCain---he is a damn good bank robber and wiped out granny's savings that she had deposited in the savings and loan. McCain is a damn lair when he says he's ready to work for you, he has made a career out of selling his vote to the highest bidder. He sold out to the North Vietnamese, he sold out to the savings and loan sharpies, and he has never met the lobbyist with an open checkbook that he didn’t like. The pig in the poke might be wearing lipstick but he's still a damn lair. McCain is just a MadMax version of George Bush. By Golly Miss Molly the last thing we need is a MadMax version of Bush with his finger on the nuclear button. There would be no future when MadMax has his finger on the nuclear button---nuclear wars are not survivable. By golly Miss Molly McClain is crazy, while on Monday when the market tanked 500 points he said the economy was sound and the only thing wrong was some whiners acting up. Why anyone that even glanced at the financial pages would know the economy is in serious trouble, since the financial pages are full of articles about store closings, factory layoffs, bankrupcies and government bailouts. Now today he wants to fire the head of the SEC. Well lets hand it to the old codger he can flip flop like a fish out of water. You know during the depression, the Roosevelt administration passed some laws to prevent another financial melt down. Those laws worked and served the country well for nearly a half a century until the Wall Street sharpies got greedy and wanted those laws eliminated. Well John McCain voted for both bills that removed those restrictions. In fact, McCain enthusiastically supported the Commodity Futures Modernization Act and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. Now that Gramm is the former senator from Texas and a big lobbyist and by Golly Miss Molly he is the same Gramm that co-chairs McCain's campaign. When McCain tells you he can fix the economy, tell him to keep his damn hands off of it ---we don’t need his kind of help. McCain wants to fix Social Security by privatizing. What he doesn’t tell you is he wants to use your money to prop up a collapsing stock market and a exploding housing bubble while he lets the Wall Street sharpies charge you exuberant fees to manage your money. By Golly Miss Molly if McCain gets elected the only safe place for your money will be under your mattress. McCain also says he wants to reform the oil futures market. But he is stone face silent about the Enron loophole that allows traders to control markets and price gouge consumers like they did in the California energy crisis. You see, the Enron loophole was supported by Gramn, McCain's election co chairman. Moreover Gramm's wife was a member of the board of directors at Enron and pocketed a million dollars in salary and additional goodies. Additionally the bill to create the Enron loophole was supported by lobbyist Charlie Black, who is a senior advisor to McCain. By golly Miss Molly McCain says he's his own man and isn’t owned by the lobbyist but the guy is full of shit and if elected we can expect $8 per gal gasoline before the end of his term as a payoff to his lobbyists ---err campaign staff. And then there is Caribou Sal, who claims she has administrative experience that Obama lacks. I'm not sure the type of experience she has, is needed in Washington. It seems as if Palin is more adept at using government employees to conduct her own personal vendettas than in making sound judgements benefiting the people. Strong-arming the public safety director to fire your ex-brother-in-law doesn't qualify you for the vice president slot. Nether does strong-arming the city librarian into banning books you deem inappropriate. But it does show how she deals with new ideas and other people's opinions--she burns or bans them. By golly Miss Molly the last thing we need in Washington is a book burner with a closed mind and a vendetta against anyone that disagrees with her. Moreover Palin as mayor slashed funding for medical exams of rape victims and billed the victim for the exams. She also cut funding from programs for teenage mothers as governor. Nor do we need another politician in Washington that has sold out to the oil companies and wants to remove all environmental protections for the benefit of a few big corporations. But Caribou Sal seems the perfect with John McCain. By Golly Miss Molly hang on to your pocketbook if Caribou Sal gets in Office she sponsors bridges to nowhere, raised the sales tax and like McCain is a damn good thief and is an expert at padding her expense account with personal expenditures. We'll be buying her lipstick if she wins as veep. Its interesting listening to this northern squawk box stammer on about making war with Russia when she has absolutely no international experience. By Golly Miss Molly I can remember much better times when candidates ran on peace platforms rather than on wars that can't be won. Then there is the matter of a half dozen witnesses in the investigation of Gov Palin's strong-arm tactics to fire her ex-brother-in-law refusing to testify. Moreover Palin's ex lover in that sordid affair is pensioning the court in an emergency decree to seal his divorce papers. Now I betcha there are some juicy details there. I know what witness tampering is and by golly Miss Molly Gov. Palin, John McCain and the Republican party is guilty as hell of witness tampering and that’s no bullshit.
summary (NULL)
format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 7885 characters ) <p>John McCain Is A God Damn Liar</p> <!--break...
<p>John McCain Is A God Damn Liar</p> <!--break--><p>Fibber McGee and Molly Too:<br /> John McCain Is A God Damn Liar</p> <p> Once again we are in that period where the country goes bat shit crazy. Fortunately we only have to endure the next couple of months only once every four years. If anyone knowing the truth were to listen to what passes as the mainstream news they would swear Fibber McGee was running amok on the airwaves and Caribou Sal was running loose in the china shop.<br /> During the Vietnam War, I can remember watching the news of an interview of John McCain in North Vietnam with him blinking his eyes in some sort of code. I can also remember the news reports after North Vietnam released him and all the reports indicated the very real possibility of the military court marshalling him for collaboration with the enemy. There were additional reports that some of his fellow prisoners were severely beaten as a direct result of what he had told the North Vietnamese. The fact is if John's father had not been a hot-shot admiral the military would have court marshaled him. By golly Miss Molly, McCain is no war hero in fact he is a damn coward and traitor and that’s no bullshit.<br /> Incidentally McCain is responsible for the deaths of more American sailors than Vietnamese. When he was shot down in North Vietnam it was the fifth plane he had crashed. The fourth plane he crashed was aboard the USS Forrestal that resulted in the deaths of 167 sailors in the fire that engulfed the aircraft carrier. The fire was a result of a stupid hotdog stunt known as wet starting in which fuel is pooled in the bottom of the engine then on ignition it sends a flash out of the engine to shake up the pilot behind him. The ship was so damaged it had to be taken out of the war. The following morning helicopters were evacuating the severely injured to base hospitals. Taking one off the available spots for the injured was an uninjured John McCain. The number of deaths would very likely have risen to 168 if any of MCCain's shipmates could have found him. He was the only pilot transferred from the Forrrestal thanks to his admiral daddy.<br /> Now McCain's political career is as dismal as its military record. Besides being an extremist and hothead McCain is most noted for becoming embroiled in the savings and loan scandal. One thing about McCain---he is a damn good bank robber and wiped out granny's savings that she had deposited in the savings and loan. McCain is a damn lair when he says he's ready to work for you, he has made a career out of selling his vote to the highest bidder. He sold out to the North Vietnamese, he sold out to the savings and loan sharpies, and he has never met the lobbyist with an open checkbook that he didn’t like. The pig in the poke might be wearing lipstick but he's still a damn lair. McCain is just a MadMax version of George Bush. By Golly Miss Molly the last thing we need is a MadMax version of Bush with his finger on the nuclear button. There would be no future when MadMax has his finger on the nuclear button---nuclear wars are not survivable.<br /> By golly Miss Molly McClain is crazy, while on Monday when the market tanked 500 points he said the economy was sound and the only thing wrong was some whiners acting up. Why anyone that even glanced at the financial pages would know the economy is in serious trouble, since the financial pages are full of articles about store closings, factory layoffs, bankrupcies and government bailouts. Now today he wants to fire the head of the SEC. Well lets hand it to the old codger he can flip flop like a fish out of water. You know during the depression, the Roosevelt administration passed some laws to prevent another financial melt down. Those laws worked and served the country well for nearly a half a century until the Wall Street sharpies got greedy and wanted those laws eliminated. Well John McCain voted for both bills that removed those restrictions. In fact, McCain enthusiastically supported the Commodity Futures Modernization Act and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. Now that Gramm is the former senator from Texas and a big lobbyist and by Golly Miss Molly he is the same Gramm that co-chairs McCain's campaign. When McCain tells you he can fix the economy, tell him to keep his damn hands off of it ---we don’t need his kind of help.<br /> McCain wants to fix Social Security by privatizing. What he doesn’t tell you is he wants to use your money to prop up a collapsing stock market and a exploding housing bubble while he lets the Wall Street sharpies charge you exuberant fees to manage your money. By Golly Miss Molly if McCain gets elected the only safe place for your money will be under your mattress.<br /> McCain also says he wants to reform the oil futures market. But he is stone face silent about the Enron loophole that allows traders to control markets and price gouge consumers like they did in the California energy crisis. You see, the Enron loophole was supported by Gramn, McCain's election co chairman. Moreover Gramm's wife was a member of the board of directors at Enron and pocketed a million dollars in salary and additional goodies. Additionally the bill to create the Enron loophole was supported by lobbyist Charlie Black, who is a senior advisor to McCain. By golly Miss Molly McCain says he's his own man and isn’t owned by the lobbyist but the guy is full of shit and if elected we can expect $8 per gal gasoline before the end of his term as a payoff to his lobbyists ---err campaign staff.<br /> And then there is Caribou Sal, who claims she has administrative experience that Obama lacks. I'm not sure the type of experience she has, is needed in Washington. It seems as if Palin is more adept at using government employees to conduct her own personal vendettas than in making sound judgements benefiting the people. Strong-arming the public safety director to fire your ex-brother-in-law doesn't qualify you for the vice president slot. Nether does strong-arming the city librarian into banning books you deem inappropriate. But it does show how she deals with new ideas and other people's opinions--she burns or bans them. By golly Miss Molly the last thing we need in Washington is a book burner with a closed mind and a vendetta against anyone that disagrees with her. Moreover Palin as mayor slashed funding for medical exams of rape victims and billed the victim for the exams. She also cut funding from programs for teenage mothers as governor. Nor do we need another politician in Washington that has sold out to the oil companies and wants to remove all environmental protections for the benefit of a few big corporations.<br /> But Caribou Sal seems the perfect with John McCain. By Golly Miss Molly hang on to your pocketbook if Caribou Sal gets in Office she sponsors bridges to nowhere, raised the sales tax and like McCain is a damn good thief and is an expert at padding her expense account with personal expenditures. We'll be buying her lipstick if she wins as veep.<br /> Its interesting listening to this northern squawk box stammer on about making war with Russia when she has absolutely no international experience. By Golly Miss Molly I can remember much better times when candidates ran on peace platforms rather than on wars that can't be won.<br /> Then there is the matter of a half dozen witnesses in the investigation of Gov Palin's strong-arm tactics to fire her ex-brother-in-law refusing to testify. Moreover Palin's ex lover in that sordid affair is pensioning the court in an emergency decree to seal his divorce papers. Now I betcha there are some juicy details there. I know what witness tampering is and by golly Miss Molly Gov. Palin, John McCain and the Republican party is guilty as hell of witness tampering and that’s no bullshit.</p>
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#markup (String, 7885 characters ) <p>John McCain Is A God Damn Liar</p> <!--break...
<p>John McCain Is A God Damn Liar</p> <!--break--><p>Fibber McGee and Molly Too:<br /> John McCain Is A God Damn Liar</p> <p> Once again we are in that period where the country goes bat shit crazy. Fortunately we only have to endure the next couple of months only once every four years. If anyone knowing the truth were to listen to what passes as the mainstream news they would swear Fibber McGee was running amok on the airwaves and Caribou Sal was running loose in the china shop.<br /> During the Vietnam War, I can remember watching the news of an interview of John McCain in North Vietnam with him blinking his eyes in some sort of code. I can also remember the news reports after North Vietnam released him and all the reports indicated the very real possibility of the military court marshalling him for collaboration with the enemy. There were additional reports that some of his fellow prisoners were severely beaten as a direct result of what he had told the North Vietnamese. The fact is if John's father had not been a hot-shot admiral the military would have court marshaled him. By golly Miss Molly, McCain is no war hero in fact he is a damn coward and traitor and that’s no bullshit.<br /> Incidentally McCain is responsible for the deaths of more American sailors than Vietnamese. When he was shot down in North Vietnam it was the fifth plane he had crashed. The fourth plane he crashed was aboard the USS Forrestal that resulted in the deaths of 167 sailors in the fire that engulfed the aircraft carrier. The fire was a result of a stupid hotdog stunt known as wet starting in which fuel is pooled in the bottom of the engine then on ignition it sends a flash out of the engine to shake up the pilot behind him. The ship was so damaged it had to be taken out of the war. The following morning helicopters were evacuating the severely injured to base hospitals. Taking one off the available spots for the injured was an uninjured John McCain. The number of deaths would very likely have risen to 168 if any of MCCain's shipmates could have found him. He was the only pilot transferred from the Forrrestal thanks to his admiral daddy.<br /> Now McCain's political career is as dismal as its military record. Besides being an extremist and hothead McCain is most noted for becoming embroiled in the savings and loan scandal. One thing about McCain---he is a damn good bank robber and wiped out granny's savings that she had deposited in the savings and loan. McCain is a damn lair when he says he's ready to work for you, he has made a career out of selling his vote to the highest bidder. He sold out to the North Vietnamese, he sold out to the savings and loan sharpies, and he has never met the lobbyist with an open checkbook that he didn’t like. The pig in the poke might be wearing lipstick but he's still a damn lair. McCain is just a MadMax version of George Bush. By Golly Miss Molly the last thing we need is a MadMax version of Bush with his finger on the nuclear button. There would be no future when MadMax has his finger on the nuclear button---nuclear wars are not survivable.<br /> By golly Miss Molly McClain is crazy, while on Monday when the market tanked 500 points he said the economy was sound and the only thing wrong was some whiners acting up. Why anyone that even glanced at the financial pages would know the economy is in serious trouble, since the financial pages are full of articles about store closings, factory layoffs, bankrupcies and government bailouts. Now today he wants to fire the head of the SEC. Well lets hand it to the old codger he can flip flop like a fish out of water. You know during the depression, the Roosevelt administration passed some laws to prevent another financial melt down. Those laws worked and served the country well for nearly a half a century until the Wall Street sharpies got greedy and wanted those laws eliminated. Well John McCain voted for both bills that removed those restrictions. In fact, McCain enthusiastically supported the Commodity Futures Modernization Act and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. Now that Gramm is the former senator from Texas and a big lobbyist and by Golly Miss Molly he is the same Gramm that co-chairs McCain's campaign. When McCain tells you he can fix the economy, tell him to keep his damn hands off of it ---we don’t need his kind of help.<br /> McCain wants to fix Social Security by privatizing. What he doesn’t tell you is he wants to use your money to prop up a collapsing stock market and a exploding housing bubble while he lets the Wall Street sharpies charge you exuberant fees to manage your money. By Golly Miss Molly if McCain gets elected the only safe place for your money will be under your mattress.<br /> McCain also says he wants to reform the oil futures market. But he is stone face silent about the Enron loophole that allows traders to control markets and price gouge consumers like they did in the California energy crisis. You see, the Enron loophole was supported by Gramn, McCain's election co chairman. Moreover Gramm's wife was a member of the board of directors at Enron and pocketed a million dollars in salary and additional goodies. Additionally the bill to create the Enron loophole was supported by lobbyist Charlie Black, who is a senior advisor to McCain. By golly Miss Molly McCain says he's his own man and isn’t owned by the lobbyist but the guy is full of shit and if elected we can expect $8 per gal gasoline before the end of his term as a payoff to his lobbyists ---err campaign staff.<br /> And then there is Caribou Sal, who claims she has administrative experience that Obama lacks. I'm not sure the type of experience she has, is needed in Washington. It seems as if Palin is more adept at using government employees to conduct her own personal vendettas than in making sound judgements benefiting the people. Strong-arming the public safety director to fire your ex-brother-in-law doesn't qualify you for the vice president slot. Nether does strong-arming the city librarian into banning books you deem inappropriate. But it does show how she deals with new ideas and other people's opinions--she burns or bans them. By golly Miss Molly the last thing we need in Washington is a book burner with a closed mind and a vendetta against anyone that disagrees with her. Moreover Palin as mayor slashed funding for medical exams of rape victims and billed the victim for the exams. She also cut funding from programs for teenage mothers as governor. Nor do we need another politician in Washington that has sold out to the oil companies and wants to remove all environmental protections for the benefit of a few big corporations.<br /> But Caribou Sal seems the perfect with John McCain. By Golly Miss Molly hang on to your pocketbook if Caribou Sal gets in Office she sponsors bridges to nowhere, raised the sales tax and like McCain is a damn good thief and is an expert at padding her expense account with personal expenditures. We'll be buying her lipstick if she wins as veep.<br /> Its interesting listening to this northern squawk box stammer on about making war with Russia when she has absolutely no international experience. By Golly Miss Molly I can remember much better times when candidates ran on peace platforms rather than on wars that can't be won.<br /> Then there is the matter of a half dozen witnesses in the investigation of Gov Palin's strong-arm tactics to fire her ex-brother-in-law refusing to testify. Moreover Palin's ex lover in that sordid affair is pensioning the court in an emergency decree to seal his divorce papers. Now I betcha there are some juicy details there. I know what witness tampering is and by golly Miss Molly Gov. Palin, John McCain and the Republican party is guilty as hell of witness tampering and that’s no bullshit.</p>
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Fibber McGee and Molly Too: John McCain Is A God Damn Liar
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