MP3 AUDIO: Live From the Streets of St. Paul
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Recordings from the front lines of resistance to the police state in the US. Uploaded are some fine examples of what it means to be an Indymedia street reporter. <!--break--> <img class="dada-image-center" src=""><br> <img class="dada-image-center" src=""><br> <img class="dada-image-center" src=""><br> <img class="dada-image-center" src=""><br>These recordings capture the real time drama of events in the streets of St. Paul during the RNC. The recordings are excerpts from call-ins to the IMC-US newsroom by reporters with updates of the situation on the ground. These call-ins were indispensable to the IMC newswire. They were also very helpful in confirming reports from other sources and in some instants played an important roll in rumor control. While corporate media parroted the police line about “violent protestersâ€, Indymedia reporters were in the streets getting the real story: Peaceful protesters, Violent police. These reporters braved blasts of pepper spray, clouds of tear gas, and a hail of rubber bullets and concussion grenades to get the word out about what really happened in St. Paul.
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safe_value (String, 1517 characters ) <p>Recordings from the front lines of resistanc...
<p>Recordings from the front lines of resistance to the police state in the US. Uploaded are some fine examples of what it means to be an Indymedia street reporter.</p> <!--break--><p><img class="dada-image-center" src="" /><br /><br /> <img class="dada-image-center" src="" /><br /><br /> <img class="dada-image-center" src="" /><br /><br /> <img class="dada-image-center" src="" /><br />These recordings capture the real time drama of events in the streets of St. Paul during the RNC. The recordings are excerpts from call-ins to the IMC-US newsroom by reporters with updates of the situation on the ground. These call-ins were indispensable to the IMC newswire. They were also very helpful in confirming reports from other sources and in some instants played an important roll in rumor control. </p> <p>While corporate media parroted the police line about “violent protestersâ€, Indymedia reporters were in the streets getting the real story: Peaceful protesters, Violent police. These reporters braved blasts of pepper spray, clouds of tear gas, and a hail of rubber bullets and concussion grenades to get the word out about what really happened in St. Paul.</p>
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MP3 AUDIO: Live From the Streets of St. Paul
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#items (Array, 1 element)
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value (String, 1463 characters ) Recordings from the front lines of resistance t...
Recordings from the front lines of resistance to the police state in the US. Uploaded are some fine examples of what it means to be an Indymedia street reporter. <!--break--> <img class="dada-image-center" src=""><br> <img class="dada-image-center" src=""><br> <img class="dada-image-center" src=""><br> <img class="dada-image-center" src=""><br>These recordings capture the real time drama of events in the streets of St. Paul during the RNC. The recordings are excerpts from call-ins to the IMC-US newsroom by reporters with updates of the situation on the ground. These call-ins were indispensable to the IMC newswire. They were also very helpful in confirming reports from other sources and in some instants played an important roll in rumor control. While corporate media parroted the police line about “violent protestersâ€, Indymedia reporters were in the streets getting the real story: Peaceful protesters, Violent police. These reporters braved blasts of pepper spray, clouds of tear gas, and a hail of rubber bullets and concussion grenades to get the word out about what really happened in St. Paul.
summary (NULL)
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safe_value (String, 1517 characters ) <p>Recordings from the front lines of resistanc...
<p>Recordings from the front lines of resistance to the police state in the US. Uploaded are some fine examples of what it means to be an Indymedia street reporter.</p> <!--break--><p><img class="dada-image-center" src="" /><br /><br /> <img class="dada-image-center" src="" /><br /><br /> <img class="dada-image-center" src="" /><br /><br /> <img class="dada-image-center" src="" /><br />These recordings capture the real time drama of events in the streets of St. Paul during the RNC. The recordings are excerpts from call-ins to the IMC-US newsroom by reporters with updates of the situation on the ground. These call-ins were indispensable to the IMC newswire. They were also very helpful in confirming reports from other sources and in some instants played an important roll in rumor control. </p> <p>While corporate media parroted the police line about “violent protestersâ€, Indymedia reporters were in the streets getting the real story: Peaceful protesters, Violent police. These reporters braved blasts of pepper spray, clouds of tear gas, and a hail of rubber bullets and concussion grenades to get the word out about what really happened in St. Paul.</p>
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<p>Recordings from the front lines of resistance to the police state in the US. Uploaded are some fine examples of what it means to be an Indymedia street reporter.</p> <!--break--><p><img class="dada-image-center" src="" /><br /><br /> <img class="dada-image-center" src="" /><br /><br /> <img class="dada-image-center" src="" /><br /><br /> <img class="dada-image-center" src="" /><br />These recordings capture the real time drama of events in the streets of St. Paul during the RNC. The recordings are excerpts from call-ins to the IMC-US newsroom by reporters with updates of the situation on the ground. These call-ins were indispensable to the IMC newswire. They were also very helpful in confirming reports from other sources and in some instants played an important roll in rumor control. </p> <p>While corporate media parroted the police line about “violent protestersâ€, Indymedia reporters were in the streets getting the real story: Peaceful protesters, Violent police. These reporters braved blasts of pepper spray, clouds of tear gas, and a hail of rubber bullets and concussion grenades to get the word out about what really happened in St. Paul.</p>
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MP3 AUDIO: Live From the Streets of St. Paul
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<img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" alt="StumbleUpon logo" />
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Krumo version 0.2.1a
, line527