Maafa: Day of Remembrance
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ALL ARE INVITED AND WELCOME 10TH Annual Maafa: Day of Remembrance "To Build a Better Come-Unity" Thursday, July 3, 2008 6-8PM Durand Eastman Park Shoreline (look for the flags) Featuring: Rev. Kenneth Q. James-Keynote Address Nat Turner Drum Circle Justice Peace-Poet Libation by Dr. David Anderson/Sankofa....and much more The community is invited to remember and honor 20 local Warriors who made a difference while living and those African souls lost in the Middle Passage. Please wear white, bring a lawn chair, and flowers for the libation ceremony. Harambee! Presented by: The Maafa Celebration Committee in collaboration with Mood Makers Books, Rochester A.B.O.V.E., The Sankofa Festival For more information: 585-234-1641/585-271-7010 or In case of rain: Rochester Bible Baptist Church, 274 Merchants Rd.
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<p> ALL ARE INVITED AND WELCOME</p> <p>10TH Annual</p> <p>Maafa:</p> <p>Day of Remembrance</p> <p>"To Build a Better Come-Unity"</p> <p>Thursday, July 3, 2008</p> <p>6-8PM</p> <p>Durand Eastman Park Shoreline</p> <p>(look for the flags)</p> <p>Featuring: Rev. Kenneth Q. James-Keynote Address</p> <p>Nat Turner Drum Circle</p> <p>Justice Peace-Poet</p> <p>Libation by Dr. David Anderson/Sankofa....and much more</p> <p>The community is invited to remember and honor 20 local Warriors who made a difference while living and those African souls lost in the Middle Passage.</p> <p>Please wear white, bring a lawn chair, and flowers for the libation ceremony.</p> <p>Harambee!</p> <p>Presented by: The Maafa Celebration Committee in collaboration with Mood Makers Books, Rochester A.B.O.V.E., The Sankofa Festival</p> <p>For more information: 585-234-1641/585-271-7010 or <a href=""></a></p> <p>In case of rain: Rochester Bible Baptist Church, 274 Merchants Rd.</p>
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Maafa: Day of Remembrance
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ALL ARE INVITED AND WELCOME 10TH Annual Maafa: Day of Remembrance "To Build a Better Come-Unity" Thursday, July 3, 2008 6-8PM Durand Eastman Park Shoreline (look for the flags) Featuring: Rev. Kenneth Q. James-Keynote Address Nat Turner Drum Circle Justice Peace-Poet Libation by Dr. David Anderson/Sankofa....and much more The community is invited to remember and honor 20 local Warriors who made a difference while living and those African souls lost in the Middle Passage. Please wear white, bring a lawn chair, and flowers for the libation ceremony. Harambee! Presented by: The Maafa Celebration Committee in collaboration with Mood Makers Books, Rochester A.B.O.V.E., The Sankofa Festival For more information: 585-234-1641/585-271-7010 or In case of rain: Rochester Bible Baptist Church, 274 Merchants Rd.
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safe_value (String, 1005 characters ) <p> ALL ARE INVITED AND WELCOME</p> <p>10TH Ann...
<p> ALL ARE INVITED AND WELCOME</p> <p>10TH Annual</p> <p>Maafa:</p> <p>Day of Remembrance</p> <p>"To Build a Better Come-Unity"</p> <p>Thursday, July 3, 2008</p> <p>6-8PM</p> <p>Durand Eastman Park Shoreline</p> <p>(look for the flags)</p> <p>Featuring: Rev. Kenneth Q. James-Keynote Address</p> <p>Nat Turner Drum Circle</p> <p>Justice Peace-Poet</p> <p>Libation by Dr. David Anderson/Sankofa....and much more</p> <p>The community is invited to remember and honor 20 local Warriors who made a difference while living and those African souls lost in the Middle Passage.</p> <p>Please wear white, bring a lawn chair, and flowers for the libation ceremony.</p> <p>Harambee!</p> <p>Presented by: The Maafa Celebration Committee in collaboration with Mood Makers Books, Rochester A.B.O.V.E., The Sankofa Festival</p> <p>For more information: 585-234-1641/585-271-7010 or <a href=""></a></p> <p>In case of rain: Rochester Bible Baptist Church, 274 Merchants Rd.</p>
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<p> ALL ARE INVITED AND WELCOME</p> <p>10TH Annual</p> <p>Maafa:</p> <p>Day of Remembrance</p> <p>"To Build a Better Come-Unity"</p> <p>Thursday, July 3, 2008</p> <p>6-8PM</p> <p>Durand Eastman Park Shoreline</p> <p>(look for the flags)</p> <p>Featuring: Rev. Kenneth Q. James-Keynote Address</p> <p>Nat Turner Drum Circle</p> <p>Justice Peace-Poet</p> <p>Libation by Dr. David Anderson/Sankofa....and much more</p> <p>The community is invited to remember and honor 20 local Warriors who made a difference while living and those African souls lost in the Middle Passage.</p> <p>Please wear white, bring a lawn chair, and flowers for the libation ceremony.</p> <p>Harambee!</p> <p>Presented by: The Maafa Celebration Committee in collaboration with Mood Makers Books, Rochester A.B.O.V.E., The Sankofa Festival</p> <p>For more information: 585-234-1641/585-271-7010 or <a href=""></a></p> <p>In case of rain: Rochester Bible Baptist Church, 274 Merchants Rd.</p>
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Maafa: Day of Remembrance
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Krumo version 0.2.1a
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