Northeastern Anarchist #13, Spring 2008 Out Now!
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Workers at Sanitarios Maracay Fight for Dignity
Cleveland Militant Labor in the 40s
Vermont Communes in the 60s
Public Sector Strike in South Africa
The Ecological Challenge and more...
The Northeastern Anarchist is the English-language magazine of the Northeastern Federation of Anarchist-Communists (NEFAC), covering class struggle anarchist theory, history, strategy, debate and analysis in an effort to further develop anarchist-communist ideas and practice.
This issue's contents:
* Workers at Sanitarios Maracay Fight for Dignity, Megan Hise
* Kicking the Commies out of Cleveland: Militant Labor under Attack at the Onset of McCarthyism, J. Hons
* Socialism and the Recuperated Factory Movement: Capitalist development and delusions, Todd Hamilton
* Vermont Communes: A Look Back At The 60s Counter-Culture & Politics, David Van Deusen
* Now is the winter of our discontent: SA public sector strike stokes the fire of popular-class unity and reveals "communist" weakness, Michael Schmidt
* First Pity Then Punishment: The History of Women and Welfare, Reb
* No Borders, No Nations, Stop Deportations: An Interview with the Anarchist Federation in Nottingham, England
* The Ecological Challenge: Three Revolutions are Necessary, Alternative Libertaire
* Planet of Slums, reviewed by James R.
* Communitas Means of Livelihood and Ways of Life, reviewed by Wayne Price
* Dear NEA- Sean West Responds
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