"Know Your Rights!" training presented by Unconventional Action - Rochester!
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Rochester Unconventional Action
announces the first in a series of workshops and information sessions
for local activists during the Month of May.
The first session is "Know Your Rights"
a basic information program open to all activists
in Rochester interested in the civil liberties of protest participants.
Monday, May 5 from 6:30-7:30 pm
at the AntiWar Storefront
658 Monroe Avenue (near Oxford St.)
Gary Pudup, Executive Director
Genessee Valley Chapter of the New York Civil Liberties Union
We will have NYCLU handouts and lots of practical advice.
Space is limited even if we sit on the floor, so if you plan to attend
rsvp to onefreeeadical@gmail.com
If we have more demand than we can handle on May 5th,
we will plan another session.
Future plans include CD training, Basic medical tips,
Indymedia training, and a "Burlesque for Bail" fundraiser.