Your Death And The Death Of Your Children
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The next false flag is well overdue, and its probably because all eyes are on the dual citizens in American Government, which include the president and vice president, by their actions if not the actuality, yet. The bush ranch in Paraguay, and the cheney/halliburton facility in dubai, helped along with many American tax dollars you can be sure, speak loudly of the internationalism of the garbage in our White House. Also, and further concerning the next 911 that chertoff et al have been chirping about lately: the red mafia which all the fundamentalist christians brought into this country during bush tyranny disguised as persecuted russian jews, are planning and planning, because even though they did not like Russia, they like Israel even less, and will only go there if forced to. See the article about that below.
Even worse than the next terrorism by the terrorists in our White House, is the secretly deployed ENMOD program encompassing phased array antennae (Everywhere), chemtrailing daily, and tectonics. This clandestine control technology and program is so very valuable to the foreignors who have taken over our government, and who have surreptiously deployed it, because it is also mind control — modify an organisms environment, modify the organism — done deal. It is the zionists way around the 2nd amendment — what good are your guns if you can be incapacitated in dozens of different ways by sprayed drugs, broadcast energies and more?
The Schumann resonance was a normal frequency caused by the standing waves created by lightening within the ionospheric shell — it was around 7.5-8.0 hertz, for many thousands, if not millions of years. Most animals brains operate at the same frequency, because they have become synchronized with their evnironment over a long period of time. Not rocket science. Even cowboys should be able to understand this. Try. Try hard, you all. You know who you are, and this generously assumes you can read. If you cannot read, i guess we don't have to worry about offending your dumb asses, eh? And if you try to drag me to death, which I know you are planning, I will shoot as many of you as I can before you get the rope around me, remember that, you cowardly lazy ignorant wiretapping bush-loving lord-loving filth.
So. The Schumann resonance is very close to the resonance of the human brain, and the brains of many other animals, and it is no accident. I say WAS because since the maniac and israeli shill and self-professed cowboy duhhhhhhh—bya was appointed by the zionists, we have fluctuated regularly from 3hz to nearly 20 hz on occasion, and that is nothing but electronic mind control. Also consider the resonances of the electro-reactive digestive track (electrogastrographics) in humans and other mammals, propounded by Alvarez in the 1920's, and you can see that something diabolical is attempting to take control of the biology here, and it does not care what or who it hurts…in fact, it can be proven that this diabol actually LIKES to cause pain and other disease and distress. Understand that there is only one cure for that, and Americans have been shirking their duties for over 7 years now, and even longer. Do not forget the antennae and the chemtrails are part of the same program of mind control, as well as part of a huge program to totally secure control of food and water by the Monsanto corporation, and their allies who have all made common cause against we the people. The Monsanto Corporation, of course, is the same Monsanto family who obtained their fortune trading in black slaves way back when. Below is an excerpt from Blowback, a book I am reading now, and it is what to expect from the zionazis, the financiers of world war, hate, strife, poverty, and lies, once they gain total control of the food and water here.
Do not delude yourselves that you will be magically removed by sprayed poisons or what have you, that is totally inefficient for the number of you they wish gone. Starvation is their way, and their chosen modus over long periods of time. ENMOD is just the way they will shut off your food, or make you beg for it. Study Africa as well. Write me for pictures taken by christian missionaries in the 90's of the starving natives eating animal dung, right before their death by starvation. Aids was nothing compared to starvation Africa. Africa was where ENMOD was first deployed btw:
The slaughter that followed the German attack on the Soviet Union in June 1941 is without equal in history…the most terrible crimes of the entire war took place in the name of anti-communism in the german occupied territories on the eastern front. Civilian Casulaties in these areas were so enormous, so continuous, and so extreme that even counting the dead has proved impossible…the evidence indicates that between 3 and 4 million captured soviet soldiers were intentionally starved to death in german pow camps between 1941 and 1944…the generally accepted figure for all soviet war dead is 20 million human beings, about 15% of the total population of the country at that time…but the destruction was so vast that even this number can be only an educated guess.
The nazis deliberately used famine as a political weapon in the east, and it soon became the largest single killer. As the german invasion of the USSR began, General Erich Von Manstein (Later a top advisor to West German Defense Ministry) stated: In hostile cities a large part of the population will have to starve…nothing may, out of a sense of mistaken humaneness, be distributed to prisoners of the population — unless they are in the service of the german wermacht…
This was a war not only of conquest but of extermination.
From the book Blowback, By Christopher Simpson
the next false flag is being planned now:
…Although the eastern European mafia is referred to by many in the media and law enforcment as the Russian Mafia, it is important to note that in the book RED MAFIYA: HOW THE RUSSIAN MOB HAS INVADED AMERICA, author Robert Friedland describes the close connections between the so-called Russian Mafia and israel. Friedland quotes Jonathan Winer, a former assistant secreatary of state for International Law Enforcment, who revealed "There is not a major Russian organized crime figure who we are tracking who does not carry an israeli passport….according to Winer, a former aid to Senator John kerrys investigations of BCCI and international drug smuggling, all 75 top Russian and Ukrainian Mafia figures carry israeli passports…
While links betwen Saudi Arabian businesses and charities and Al Quaeda have been highlighted by law enforcemnt and the media (During the bush administration), vry little attention has been paid to the long term association of terrorist groups like Al Quaeda with the Russian-israeli Mafia. A 23 year veteran of the CIA's conter terrorism division told me in July 2004 that one of the most overlooked aspects of the 9-11 attacks was the role of Ruian Israeli organized crime in facilitating the attack…
Russian policeman Kiril Kagner points out that some, but not all, Russian mobsters are jewish. He says many Russian mobsters claim jewish roots in order to obtain israeli passports…he estimates that the Russian-israeli mafia has pumped some 4 billion dollars into the israeli econmy. According to Britains Independent, some of this money is kept in religious banks in Israel, which are tax exempt. Making matters worse is the fact that there is no law against money laundering in israel.
There is a very long history of israeli weapons smuggling in Latin America, particularly to drug cartels. On April 7, 1988, ABC World News Tonight reported that from 1983-1986, Israeli agents bought weapons from the communist bloc using American moneyand on behalf of the United States. the wepons were dlivered by a joint US-Israeli airlift to panama. Michael Harari, a former israeli mossad agent and assassin who was security advisor to Manuel Noriega, arranged to ship the weapons to Nicaraguan bases in Costa Rica and El Salvador. The last part of the deal was to fly cocaine from Columbian Medellin cartel sources to the United States…As Richard Threlkeld reported:
After dropping off their weapons, the planes and contract pilots of this makeshift israeli-American airlift went back to business as usual, smuggling illegal Columbian cocaine across the US border. If US officials who had sponsored this airlift knew it was drug dealing, they did nothing to stop these cargo planes.
A convicted money launderer named Ramon Milan-Rodriguez testified about the CIA-Vice President Bush-Noriega drug and weapons smuggling operation before senate hearings on drug smuggling and terrorism in cnetral America. Milan-Rodriguez testified that he set up a meeting between Jeb Bush and a Guatemalan presidential candidate named Alfonso Cabrera, who was backed by the Medellin cartel. Soon after, Cabrera visited washington and met with then President George HW Bush.
…An interesting link between the Russian-Israeli mafia and the Donald Rumsfelds and Douglas Feiths Office Of Special Plans was revealed in early august 2003, when F. Micahel Maloof was stripped of his security clearance for links with lebanese businessmen thought to have ties with israeli Mafia gun runners in Guatemala….At the time, bush administration official told Newsday: Its unclear whether maloofs involvment with the israeli gun runners was offical rogue duties, or unofficial rogue duties…
From The Book:
Chapter 5, Diamonds Are A Terrorists Best Friend
Wayne Madsen
Where lies thy allegiance?
*: partial list of members of bush admin with israeli passports
  * *Paul Wolfowitz *
  * *Richard Perle *
  * *Douglas Feith *
  * *Michael Chertoff *
  * *Elliot Abrams *
  * *Donald Kagan *
  * *Richard Haas *
  * *Kenneth Adelman *
  * *Edward Luttwak *
  * *Robert Satloff *
  * *Dov Zakheim *
  * *David Frum *
  * *David Wurmser *
  * *Steve Goldsmith *
  * *Marc Grossman
How does one get Top Secret US security clearances while holding a
foreign passport?
Isn’t there an OBVIOUS conflict of interest?
One could argue these men were great patriots — but for which country?
If you're planning criminal acts, there is one major benefit of carrying
an Israeli passport — if you can make it to Israel before you're
arrested, Israel will not extradite its own citizens.
chertoffs dual citizenship
zakheims dual citizenship
MONSANTO Family Were
Slave Dealers And Owners
Here is some interesting MONSANTO history:Â
The Monsanto Family of Louisiana included Benjamin, Isaac, Manuel,
Eleanora, Gracia and Jacob. They made frequent purchases of Blacks
including twelve in 1785, thirteen and then thirty-one in 1787, and eighty
in 1768.Â
In 1794, Benjamin sold "Babet," a Black woman, to Franco Cardel. Manuel
sold two Blacks from Guinea named "Polidor" and "Lucy" to James Saunders
for $850 in silver.Â
As individuals they were owners of Africans whom they named "Quetelle,"
"Valentin,"Â "Baptiste," "Prince," "Princess," "Ceasar," "Dolly," "Jen,"
"Fanchonet,"Â "Rozetta," "Mamy," "Sofia," and many others. Isaac repeatedly
mortgaged four of these when in financial trouble. Benjamin Monsanto of
Natchez, Mississippi entered into at least 6 contracts for the sale of his
slaves which would take place after his death. Gracia bequeathed nine
Africans to her relatives in her 1790 will, and Eleanora also held Blacks
as slaves.
Manuel Jacob Monsanto entered into at least 12 contracts for sale of slavesÂ
between 1787 and 1789 in Natchez and New Orleans, Louisiana.1135 "His
family consists of himself and seven Negroes."1136 Later, "Jacob Monsanto,
son of Isaac Rodrigues Monsanto, one of the very first known Jews to settle
in New Orleans, owner of a several-hundred-acre plantation at Manchac, fell
in love with his slave, Mamy or Maimi William. Their daughter Sophia, grew
up to be a lovely quadroon." An excerpt of one of Benjamin's many slave
contracts follows:
"Be it known to all to whom these presents shall come, that I BenjaminÂ
Monsanto do really and effectually sell to Henry Manadu a negro wench namedÂ
"Judy," aged Eighteen years, native of Guinea, for the sum of four hundredÂ
Dollars in all the month of January in the year one thousand Seven hundredÂ
and ninety one; and paying interest at the rate of ten per cent for theÂ
remaining two hundred and fifty Dollars until paid; said negro wench beingÂ
and remaining mortgaged until final payment shall have been made; wherewithÂ
I acknowledge to be fully satisfied and content, hereby renouncing the pleaÂ
of non numerata pecunia, fraud, or others in the case Whatsoever; grantingÂ
formal receipt for the same. For which said consideration I do hereby
resign all right, title, possession and claim, in and to the said Slave,
all of which I transfer and convey to the Said Purchaser and his assigns,
to be, as his own, held and enjoyed, and when fully paid for, Sold,
exchanged, or otherwise alienated at pleasure in virtue of these presents
granted in his favor in token of real delivery, without other proof of
property being required, from which he is hereby released, binding myself
to maintain the validity of this present sale in full form and right in
favor of the Purchaser aforesaid, and granting authority to the Justices of
his Majesty to compel me to the performance of the same as if Judgment had
already been given therein, renouncing all laws, rights, and privileges in
my favor whatsoever. And I the said Henry Manadu being present, do hereby
accept this Instrument in my favor, receiving said negro Wench as purchased
in the form and for the consideration therein mentioned and contained,
wherewith I am fully satisfied and content, hereby renouncing the plea of
non numerato pecunia, fraud, or other considerations in the case
Whatsoever; granting formal receipt for the same. Done and executed, in
testimony thereof, at the post of Natchez, this nineteenth day of the month
of February in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety…."
Benjamin Monsanto, sold land and "a Dwelling House, Store, and two otherÂ
buildings, for which I have received payment in a negro, named 'Nat;' to myÂ
full satisfaction." Another contract stipulated "that Don Louis Faure isÂ
bound to defend the said sale in case the negro shall be claimed by anyÂ
other Person." In a 1792 contract, Benjamin mortgaged his Black slaves: "IÂ
do hereby specially mortgage three slaves to me belonging, namely Eugene
and Louis, aged twenty four years each, the first named of the Senegal
nation and the second of the Congo nation; and a Negro Woman named
Adelaide, aged twenty eight years, also of the Congo nation; which said
slaves I warrant free from mortgage or other incumbrance, as I have made
appear by certificate from the Recorder of mortgages; and which said slaves
I promise and engage shall not be sold nor otherwise alienated during the
term of this obligation…"
…..The Last Times, or the apocalypse, can function as an immensely potent
symbol, striking some of the deepest chords in the human psyche, eliciting a
response on a massive scale. But such symbols, precisely because of the
power inherent in them, will often be appropriated by small groups of
people, deliberately manipulated, and used to exploit others. What is more,
such symbols, all through history, have displayed a disquieting tendency to
break free from those who seek to control them and to run amok, becoming
what the French writer Michael Tournier calls “diabolsâ€. According to
Tournier, a “diabol†is a symbol which has become autonomous, a law or
principle unto itself, a Frankensteins Monster on the loose, enslaving — if
not destroying —the very people it was meant to serve. Symbols can be
dangerous; and, as Tournier says,he who sins by symbols will often be
punished by symbols….
The Messianic Legacy
Michael Baigent
Richard Leigh
Henry Lincoln
Diabol…See DEVIL
From Websters International Dictionary, 1902
most of these are fundamentalist christians all bought into the white welfare state—they are whining about terror and immunity from charges of spying on their neighbors because they are personally terrified their own activities will get exposed if they are not given immunity from spying illegally, or worse they are worried their neighbors just might tak ematters into their own hands…hachita nm is ate up with these types, as most places are….these nanny listeners are almost to a one fundamental christians and/or working for the government, and intent on protecting their gravy train at all costs, and of course just being mean as is their base nature.
the bush brown shirts
by Paul Craig Roberts
President George W. Bush and his director of National Intelligence, Mike McConnell, are telling the American people that an unaccountable executive branch is necessary for their protection. Without the Protect America Act, Bush and McConnell claim, the executive branch will not be able to spy on terrorists, and we will all be blown up. Terrorists can only be stopped, Bush says, if Bush has the right to spy on everyone without any oversight by courts.
The fight over the Protect America Act has everything to do with our safety, only not in the way that Bush and McConnell assert.
Bush says the Democrats have put our country more in danger of an attack by letting the Protect America Act lapse. This claim is nonsense. The 30 year old Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act gives the executive branch all the power it needs to spy on terrorists.
The choice between FISA and the Protect America Act has nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism, at least not from foreign terrorists. Bush and his brownshirts object to FISA, because the law requires Bush to obtain warrants from a FISA court. Warrants mean that Bush is accountable. Bush and his brownshirts argue that accountability is an infringement on the power of the president.
To escape accountability, the Brownshirt Party came up with the Protect America Act. This act eliminates Bush's accountability to judges and gives the telecom companies immunity from the felonies they committed by acquiescing in Bush s illegal spying.
Bush began violating the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) in October 2001 when he spied on Americans without obtaining warrants from the FISA court.
Bush pressured telecom companies to break the law in order to enable his illegal spying. In court documents, Joseph P. Nacchio, former CEO of Qwest Communications International, states that his firm was approached more than six months before the September 11, 2001, attacks and asked to participate in a spying operation that Qwest believed to be illegal. When Qwest refused, the Bush administration withdrew opportunities for contracts worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Nacchio himself was subsequently indicted for insider trading, sending the message to all telecom companies to cooperate with the Bush regime or else.
Bush has not been held accountable for the felonies he committed and for leading telecom companies into a life of crime.
As the lawmakers who gave us FISA understood, spying on people without warrants lets a political party collect dirt on its adversaries with which to blackmail them. As Bush illegally spied a long time before word of it got out, blackmail might be the reason the Democrats have ignored their congressional election mandate and have not put a stop to Bush s illegal wars and unconstitutional police state measures.
Perhaps the Democrats have finally caught on that they cannot function as a political party as long as they continue to permit Bush to spy on them. For one reason or another, they have let the Orwellian-named Protect America Act expire.
With the Protect America Act, Bush and his brownshirts are trying to establish the independence of the executive branch from statutory law and the Constitution. The FISA law means that the president is accountable to federal judges for warrants. Bush and the brownshirt Republicans are striving to make the president independent of all accountability. The brownshirts insist that the leader knows best and can tolerate no interference from the law, the judiciary, the Congress, or the Constitution, and certainly not from the American people who, the brownshirts tell us, won t be safe unless Bush is very powerful.
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison saw it differently. The American people cannot be safe unless the president is accountable and under many restraints.
Pray that the Democrats have caught on that they cannot give the executive branch unaccountable powers to spy and still have grounds on which to refuse the executive branch unaccountable powers elsewhere.
Republicans have used the war on terror to create an unaccountable executive. To prevent the presidency from becoming a dictatorial office, it is crucial that Congress cease acquiescing in Bush s grab for powers. As the Founding Fathers warned us, the terrorists we have to fear are the ones in power in Washington.
The al Qaeda terrorists, with whom Bush has been frightening us, have no power to destroy our liberties. Compared to the loss of liberty, a terrorist attack is nothing.
Meanwhile, Bush, the beneficiary of two stolen elections, has urged Zimbabwe to hold a fair election. America gets away with its hypocrisy because no one in our government has enough shame to blush.
Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during President Reagan’s first term. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. He has held numerous academic appointments, including the William E. Simon Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, and Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He was awarded the Legion of Honor by French President Francois Mitterrand.