Italy's former President: 9-11 was a CIA-Mossad inside job
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Italy's former President Francesco Cossiga has told Italy's "most respected newspaper" [Corriere della Sera] that the 9-11 attacks "were run by the CIA and Mossad and that this was common knowledge amongst global intelligence agencies."
Here's something to consider during the U.S. Presidential primary season and beyond.
Paul Joseph Watson reports that, in late 2007, Italy's former President Francesco Cossiga "has gone public on 9/11, telling Italy's most respected newspaper [Corriere della Sera, November 30, 2007] that the attacks were run by the CIA and [Israel's] Mossad and that this was common knowledge amongst global intelligence agencies."
Mr. Watson's full article appears below, along with a portion of the original newspaper article in Italian.
President Cossiga's perspective echoes that of some of the most highly regarded international 9-11 truth researchers and authors, but Cossiga may be the first former head of state to publicly voice this perspective.
This should have been the subject of at least one question to at least one candidate in at least one of the U.S. corporatist media's televised so-called Presidential "debates," but it hasn't been. This isn't surprising, given how hard the corporatist media has worked to sell us the official conspiracy theory--the "Osama conspiring from a cave" theory.
Also, Kurt Nimmo reports that just last month a member of Japan's Parliament, Fujita Yukihisa, raised questions about 9-11 in a speech to Parliament's upper house. Mr. Yukihisa asked whether terrorism is "crime or war." He also asked "Can Japanese police arrest president Bush if he was one of the suspects?" (Nimmo's January 13, 2008 article, "Member of Japanese Diet Doubts Official 9/11 Fairy Tale," is at
Remember that George Bush and Dick Cheney originally fought to prevent any kind of investigation into 9-11, and when the 9-11 Commission was finally formed, Bush and Cheney refused to testify under oath and insisted on testifying together, rather than individually.
If Italy's former President and Japan's Parliamentarian are on the right track, then doesn't the ridiculous--and, by definition, unwinnable--so-called "war on terror" seem all the more ridiculous?
It's time to demand that Members of the U.S. Congress and U.S. Presidential candidates speak the truth and begin an honest investigation of 9-11. Did the CIA (or, conceivably, a network of rogue agents within the CIA--or private contractors working for the CIA) help orchestrate the 9-11 mass murder attacks? Did foreign intelligence agencies (or rogue agents thereof) also participate?
Democrat Dennis Kucinich intended last fall to reopen investigations into 9-11, but he's now out of the Presidential race.
On the Republican side, you might think Ron Paul would be so daring. But just a few weeks ago, Paul seemed to suggest the opposite during an interview on Fox News, unambiguously distancing himself from the 9-11 truth movement. To his credit, though, Paul refused the interviewer's repeated urgings to order Paul's 9-11 truthseeking supporters to, in essence, shut up about 9-11.
The uber-hawkish, neocon darling Republican John McCain is a lost cause (see "Deluded McCain Thinks Americans Believe 9/11 Hoax" at
The best hope for 9-11 truth is probably Cynthia McKinney, the former Democratic Representative turned Green Party Presidential contender. Contributing or volunteering for her campaign might help bring 9-11 to the foreground as an issue in the Presidential race.
Bill Clinton offered an important clue last october when confronted by 9-11 truthseekers during a Minneapolis fundraiser on behalf of Hillary Clinton's campaign. The Minneapolis Star-Tribune reported "When a third [9-11 truthseeker] called 9/11 an 'inside job,' Clinton snapped back 'How dare you? I live in New York, and I know who did that. You guys have got to be careful, or you're going to give Minnesota a bad reputation.' (
With polls showing that OVER EIGHTY PERCENT of Americans think the government is "mostly lying" or "hiding something" about 9-11, Clinton's "How dare you" seems rather haughty. But doesn't it also seem just a little personal? Did Mr. Clinton feel the heckler was accusing him of personal involvement with or foreknowledge of 9-11? (See "Scientific Poll: 84% Reject Official 9/11 Story" at
Would former President Clinton say "How dare you?" to Italy's former President Cossiga?
More to the point, what would Hillary Clinton say to Mr. Cossiga, or Mr. Yukihisa, or the truthseeker in Minneapolis? Would a President Hillary Clinton demand a full investigation into 9-11, or would she do everything possible to prevent one?
And how would Barack Obama respond?
(Note that on January 30, 2008, Mr. Clinton was again confronted by 9-11 truthseekers. This time, Mr. Clinton proclaimed "Nine-eleven was NOT an inside job, it was an Osama Bin Laden job..." For more, see
Maybe the Clintons' close friend and adviser General Wesley Clark could be of help. In Clark's 2003 book, "Winning Modern Wars: Iraq, Terrorism, and the American Empire," he writes (on page 109) that Al Qaeda was "organized originally by the United States With Saudi funding and Pakistani support." Of Osama bin Laden, Clark writes (on page 110) that "our CIA operatives had worked with him during the 1980s."
Clark, the former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO during the Clinton-era, NATO-led wars in Kosovo and elsewhere, seems to know his history. But while Clark's book praises NATO's accomplishments in Kosovo, it fails to mention that the NATO-supported Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) was, at least in part, trained and financed by al Qaeda.
As Professor Peter Dale Scott writes in his 2007 book, "The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America" (on page 169), "The United States, al Qaeda, and oil company interests converged again in Kosovo. Although the origins of the Kosovo tragedy were rooted in local enmities, oil became a prominent aspect of the outcome. There the al Qaeda-backed...KLA...was directly supported and politically empowered by NATO, beginning in 1998. But according to a source of freelance journalist Tim Judah, KLA representatives had already met with American, British, and Swiss intelligence agencies in 1996 and possibly 'several years earlier.' Some of these connections may have been through American private military companies like MPRI." (For much more on this, Google "Kosovo KLA al Qaeda")
Barack Obama's adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, formerly President Jimmy Carter's National Security Adviser, also knows a thing or two as the man who, in the late 1970s, led a U.S. effort to mobilize Islamic fundamentalism against the Soviet Union.
In a January 15, 1998 interview with Le Nouvel Observateur, when asked "do you regret having supported Islamic fundamentalism, which has given arms and advice to future terrorists," Brzezinski replied "What is more important in world history? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some agitated Muslims or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the Cold War?" (As quoted on page 73 of Scott's "The Road to 9/11.")
Peter Dale Scott also observes (on page 76) that "Brzezinski, in short, was the first unilateralist national security adviser, even while working for a Democratic president with the trilateralist agenda of peaceful coexistence with the Soviet bloc."
And Hillary Clinton's adviser and supporter Madeleine Albright--formerly President Bill Clinton's Secretary of State--is a protege of Brzezinski (you can learn more by Googling "Albright Brzezinski protege" or "Albright Brzezinski mentor").
You may remember Albright from her 1996 interview on CBS' "60 Minutes"; Lesley Stahl, commenting on reports that U.S. sanctions on Iraq had led to the death of half a million Iraqi children--"more children than died in Hiroshima"--asked Albright "is the price worth it?" Albright's response was "I think this is a very hard choice, but the price--we think the price is worth it." (See "We Think the Price Is Worth It" at
Here are three more articles to consider:
1. "Al Qaeda and the "War on Terrorism" by Michel Chossudovsky, January 20, 2008
KEY EXCERPT: "Ironically, Al Qaeda --the 'outside enemy of America' as well as the alleged architect of the 9/11 attacks-- is a creation of the CIA."
2. "Unraveling the Myth of Al Qaida" by Peter Chamberlin, January 13, 2008
KEY EXCERPT: "The myth of 'al Qaida' is built on an expansive foundation of many half-truths and hidden facts. It is a CIA creation. It was shaped by the agency to serve as a substitute 'enemy' for America, replacing the Soviets whom the Islamist forces had driven from Afghanistan."
3. "There Is No "War on Terror" by Edward S. Herman and David Peterson, January 21, 2008
KEY EXCERPTs: "If Al Qaeda didn't exist the United States would have had to create it, and of course it did create it back in the 1980s, as a means of destabilizing the Soviet Union. ...In sum, the war on terror is a political gambit and myth used to cover over a U.S. projection of power that needed rhetorical help with the disappearance of the Soviet Union and Cold War."
"Ex-Italian President: Intel Agencies Know 9/11 An Inside Job"
Man who blew the whistle on Gladio tells Italy's largest newspaper attacks were run by CIA, Mossad
by Paul Joseph Watson,
As posted at Global Research, December 5, 2007 (
Former Italian President and the man who revealed the existence of Operation Gladio, Francesco Cossiga, has gone public on 9/11, telling Italy's most respected newspaper that the attacks were run by the CIA and Mossad and that this was common knowledge amongst global intelligence agencies.
Cossiga was elected President of Italian Senate in July 1983 before being winning a landslide 1985 election to become President of the country in 1985.
Cossiga gained respect from opposition parties as one of a rare breed - an honest politician - and led the country for seven years until April 1992.
Cossiga's tendency to be outspoken upset the Italian political establishment and he was forced to resign after revealing the existence of, and his part in setting up, Operation Gladio - a rogue intelligence network under NATO auspices that carried out bombings across Europe in the 60's, 70's and 80's.
Gladio's specialty was to carry out what they coined "false flag operations," terror attacks that were blamed on their domestic and geopolitical opposition.
Cossiga's revelations contributed to an Italian parliamentary investigation of Gladio in 2000, during which evidence was unearthed that the attacks were being overseen by the U.S. intelligence apparatus.
In March 2001, Gladio agent Vincenzo Vinciguerra stated, in sworn testimony, "You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple: to force ... the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security."
Cossiga's new revelations appeared last week in Italy's oldest and most widely read newspaper, Corriere della Sera. Below appears a rough translation.
"[Bin Laden supposedly confessed] to the Qaeda September [attack] to the two towers in New York [claiming to be] the author of the attack of the 11, while all the [intelligence services] of America and Europe ... now know well that the disastrous attack has been planned and realized from the CIA American and the Mossad with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic Countries and in order to induce the western powers to take part ... in Iraq [and] Afghanistan."
Cossiga first expressed his doubts about 9/11 in 2001, and is quoted in Webster Tarpley's book as stating that "The mastermind of the attack must have been a "sophisticated mind, provided with ample means not only to recruit fanatic kamikazes, but also highly specialized personnel. I add one thing: it could not be accomplished without infiltrations in the radar and flight security personnel."
Coming from a widely respected former head of state, Cossiga's assertion that the 9/11 attacks were an inside job and that this is common knowledge amongst global intelligence agencies is highly unlikely to be mentioned by any establishment media outlets, because like the hundreds of other sober ex-government, military, air force professionals, allied to hundreds more professors and intellectuals - he can't be sidelined as a crackpot conspiracy theorist.
Excerpt from the Corriere della Sera article:
Osama Bin Laden in esso 'confessa' che Al Qaeda sarebbe stato l'autore dell'attentato dell'11 settembre alle due torri in New York, mentre tutti gli ambienti democratici d'America e d'Europa, con in prima linea quelli del centrosinistra italiano, sanno ormai bene che il disastroso attentato è stato pianificato e realizzato dalla Cia americana e dal Mossad con l'aiuto del mondo sionista per mettere sotto accusa i Paesi arabi e per indurre le potenze occidentali ad intervenire sia in Iraq sia in Afghanistan
Paul Joseph Watson is a frequent contributor to Global Research.
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