Protest Bush Veto of Childrens' Health Care Bill: Thursday 5pm Kuhls Fairport Office
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With no media looking on, Pres. Bush today used his veto power (for only the 4th time since taking office), to veto bi-partisan legislation that would have expanded the SCHIP program to provide health care for poor children.
His reason? The plan will take customers away from private insurance companies. His solution for the uninsured? "Just go to an emergency room!"
Since Rep. Randy Kuhl (R-Fairport) is set to side with Pres. Bush on this disgraceful veto, a protest will be held at 5 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 4, across from Rep. Kuhl's Fairport Office (Kennelley Park Gazebo, 33 South Main St., Fairport).
Camera Op: The Raging Grannies will be there in full-color regalia!
*12% of American children have NO health insurance coverage at all.
* The U.S. (the richest nation in the world) ranks 37th in the world for infant mortality.
* One-in-five U.S. jobs do not provide health insurance, a pension, or wages high enough to support a family.
* For a family of 4, one year of health insurance costs an average of $11,000.
* Over 1/2 of all bankruptcy filings in 2001 were a result of medical expenses.
* With the same money we're spending to fund operations for 41 days in Iraq, we could provide health insurance for ten million kids in America for a full year!
* Between 2000 - 2004, the annual profits of insurance corporations doubled while health insurers raised premiums 59%.
* Average pay for the five top executives at [the top] health insurers almost doubled during this same time period to $3 million a year.