Israel Has A Vastly More Powerful Lobby Than Saudi Arabia
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First of all when Saudi Arabia gets any financial aid from the United State there are plenty of strings attached. They need to use U.S. Contractors. They need to buy their material from U.S. based companies. There are no such strings attached when money is given to Israel. They can use their own contractors and buy material from Israeli based companies. Then their is of course the military aid package for the Middle East that Bush pushed for. Saudi Arabia was targeted for an increase in military aid. But Israel was target for a much greater increase in military aid as to assure that Israel would have military superiority over all it neighbors including Saudi Arabia. No one in the two houses except maybe Dennis Kucinich objected to this significant increase in military aid for Israel . Actually Dennis Kucinich would object to an increase in military aid for any of the countries. But any objections did not even make the main stream news. Switch to Saudi Arabia and there was a firestorm of objections to Saudi Arabia getting any increase in military aid. And you bet these objections made the main stream news! I think that some of the people in the two houses did not want Saudi Arabia to get any military aid period.