The Israel Lobby
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I am glad these questions are being asked. I was reading an article in Tikkun by Rabbi Micheal Learner titled "The Israel Lobby: Bad for the U.S., Bad for Israel, Bad for the Jews" He points out that AIPAC(American Israel Political affairs Committee) is able to get congress to vote 400-30 in favor of legislation crafted by them to meet their latest policy of objective
I am Jewish and I am tired of AIPAC and the rest of the Israel Lobby claiming to speak for me and my interest as a Jew. I do not want a group with such a militant Zionist vision speaking for me. I do not think it is in my interest as a Jew to be associated with policies that allow Jews to treat non Jews just as badly as we have been treated over the last couple thousand years or so. I am not saying that we have risen to the level of Hitler. But we have risen to the level of many that have mistreated us over the centuries. Does it need to rise to the level of Hitler to be unconscionable? I don't think so.
I would be discouraged if AIPAC and the rest of the Israel Lobby were instrumental in a U.S. Attack on Iran and the Anti War community did not call them on it because they were scared of being labeled anti-semitic. The truth is the vast majority of politicians will not object to an attack on Iran if AIPAC and the rest Israel Lobby make it clear that they are in favor of it. It does not matter what the activist community does. This has already happened. The democrats were going to pass legislations barring Bush from attacking Iran without congressional approval. The Israel lobby did not like it and the democrats backed out. This is an enormous amount of power. I believe this power is very specific to Israel and its neighbors. In the Article Rabbi Learner shares his experience of talking to members of congress and being told how frightened the members were to cast any vote that AIPAC and the rest Israel Lobby were against. They said that AIPAC and the rest Israel Lobby had a large constituency of voters that would vote for their challenger if AIPAC and the Israel lobby told them to