Regional Demonstration Against the Iraq War; Syracuse, NY, S29
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Bring the Troops Home Now!
Reparations to the Iraqi people!
Full health benefits for returning veterans!
Money for healthcare AND education -not occupation!
Saturday, Sept. 29, 2007
Rally starts: 1 pm at Everson Museum Plaza, 401 Harrison St. Syracuse, NY
The Upstate NY Antiwar Network includes: Military Families Speak Out - Upstate NY, International Socialist Organization, Interfaith Peace Network of Western NY, WNY Peace Center, Rochester Against War, Catholic Worker, Peace Action and Education Task Force of Metro Justice, The Storefront Antiwar Crisis Center on Monroe, Rochester Declaration of Peace, Syracuse Citizen Action, Utica Citizen Action, Schenectady Neighbors for Peace, Guilderland Neighbors for Peace, The Solidarity Committee of the Capital District,
New York State Green Party, Women Against War, Grannies For Peace, Muslim Solidarity Committee, Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace, Upper Hudson Peace Action, Troy Area Labor Council, Citizens Environmental Coalition, 8th Step Coffee House, Saratoga Peace Alliance, Tom Paine Chapter of Veterans For Peace, Pax Christi of Western NY, Vets for Peace, The Social Justice Center of Albany, The Cortland Community For Peace, Southern Rensselaer Neighbors for Peace, Peacemakers of Schoharie County, Troy Neighbors for Peace, Northeast Peace and Justice Action Coalition, UU Peace Advocates of Rochester, Peace Action of Central New York, Mohawk Valley Peace Coalition, Lewis County Citizens For Peace In Iraq, Chatham Peace Initiative, Berkshire Citizens For Peace,
Veterans For Peace, Ch 51
March to Syracuse Univ. Campus Soldiers AND Civilians
Hosted by the Syracuse Peace Council and SEIU 1199
presented by the Upstate NY Antiwar Network:
Iraq Veterans Against the War-Ft. Drum calls all soldiers!
Campus Antiwar Network calls all students!