Whose interests at heart? Article from the Guardian
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Whose interests at heart?
The invasion and occupation of Iraq cannot give my people their freedom.
That's why MPs should vote against war
Sami Ramadani
Tuesday March 18, 2003
The Guardian
A couple of weeks ago I went with my partner and our little boy to see our
Labour MP, Bridget Prentice, in the House of Commons. We waited for
two-and-a-half hours but she neither showed up nor sent a note. I wrote her
a brief letter but she hasn't acknowledged it yet.
We are British citizens of Iraqi origin. My wife, who is Kurdish from
Sulaimaniyah, fled Iraqi Kurdistan in the mid-1980s, risking her life in the
process. I am also an exile and cannot go back to Iraq because of my
resistance to Saddam's tyranny. Our son is four, and was born here.
As a family, we wanted to tell our MP how we feel now, with war against Iraq
imminent. So far, she has supported the government; we went to see her in
the hope that, even at this late hour, she will change her mind and vote
against war.
My wife sees Iraqi victims of torture every day where she works, at the
Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture; we wanted to tell
Bridget Prentice that Iraq is in desperate need of regime change and the
establishment of a democratic order. The Iraqi people need it much more than
Bush and Blair could ever understand. But democracy for Iraq will not be
achieved by bombing and invading the country. It cannot be trusted to George
Bush. The US will not accept a democratic verdict which is not to its liking
in a strategically important country, possessing the world's second largest
oil reserves. They strangled just such a verdict in Congo in the 1960s and
in Chile in the 1970s, and they are working hard to reverse it in Venezuela
In Iraq, the US record speaks for itself: it backed Saddam's party, the
Ba'ath, to capture power in 1963, murdering thousands of socialists,
communists and democrats of all shades; it backed the Ba'ath party in 1968
when Saddam was installed as vice-president; it helped him and the Shah of
Iran in 1975 to crush the Kurdish nationalist movement; it increased its
support for Saddam in 1979, the year he elevated himself to president,
helping him launch his war of aggression against Iran in 1980; it backed him
throughout the horrific eight years of war (1980 to 1988), in which a
million Iranians and Iraqis were slaughtered, in the full knowledge that he
was using chemical weapons and gassing Kurds and Marsh Arabs; it encouraged
him in 1990 to invade Kuwait when the Arabic-speaking US ambassador in
Baghdad, April Glaspie, told him on July 25 1990 that the US had "no opinion
on Arab-Arab conflicts" when she knew that Saddam's forces were only one
week away from invading; it backed him in 1991 when Bush suddenly stopped
the war, exactly 24 hours after the start of the great March uprising that
engulfed the south and Iraqi Kurdistan (US aircraft were flying over the
scenes of mass killing as Iraqi helicopter gunships were aiding Saddam's
forces crush the uprising); and it backed him as the "lesser evil" from
March 1991 to September 11 2001 under the umbrella of murderous sanctions
and the policy of "containment".
Then, having caused the death of about half a million Iraqis, mostly
children, through sanctions, Bush and Blair declare that containment and
sanctions are not working after all. Blair must reconcile his strongly and
suddenly found conviction that war is better than containment with the fact
that the US hawks, now prominent in the Bush administration, have been
advocating a war on Iraq for the past 12 years - not to liberate the Iraqi
people, or to protect the world from weapons of mass destruction, but to
impose US hegemony on a strategically important country. September 11 gave
them their opportunity. Blair's "sincerity", and his sympathy for the Iraqi
people are, alas, nothing but grist to Rumsfeld's mills of war.
Indeed, one of the strongest arguments against war, that should prompt all
its supporters to re-examine their consciences, is the fact that if Saddam
does still possess weapons of mass destruction then it is probable that this
amoral tyrant will use them if his removal from power becomes imminent.
Our MPs must raise these questions in the Commons and oppose the US war
plans, even at this late hour. The US desperately needs Britain as a
political and moral prop, a fig leaf for claiming the existence of an
international alliance for war. It is our MPs' duty to expose this and side
with the Iraqi people's own struggle to remove Saddam's regime and establish
democracy in Iraq. In this, they will also be acting in the British people's
best interests.
If allowed to run its course, the Blix programme of inspections would have
emboldened the Iraqi people to challenge Saddam's regime in the knowledge
that Saddam would not be using chemical weapons to crush future uprisings.
This would have been particularly likely if the inspections and monitoring
regime had been combined with strict military and diplomatic sanctions,
while lifting the economic sanctions, which have not only caused so much
death and pain for the people but also strengthened Saddam's hand against
them. If all this had been coupled with an international campaign to aid the
Iraqi people to remove Saddam and establish democracy, we are confident that
they would have succeeded; their past heroic struggles were always hampered
by US, wider western and Soviet backing for Saddam's regime.
The acceleration of war plans coincided with Blix's announcement of active
Iraqi cooperation and his demands for a few months to complete his work. The
US administration was clearly panicked by the prospect of a peaceful
disarmament of Saddam. They are fearful of the prospect of seeing the Iraqi
people taking on the tyrant and his dictatorial state.
Much is made of Tony Blair's courage. We are told that he is being brave in
his deafness to majority opinion in Britain and the world. The truth is that
he is mesmerised by US power, convinced he will be on the side of the
victors and bask in the glory of their might once they raise the US flag in
Baghdad, that beloved city of my childhood. But Blair's glory, even if it
comes to pass, will be short-lived.
· Sami Ramadani is an Iraqi political exile and a senior lecturer in
sociology at London Metropolitan University.