KaeLyn's exchange with Mayor Duffy regarding recent hate crime
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KaeLyn's exchange with Mayor Duffy regarding recent hate crime
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Dear Mayor Duffy, I am truly appalled at the way the City of Rochester has dealt with the alleged hate crime last Friday, June 1st. The news coverage has been minimal and it seems from what little information is available that the hate crime was motivated by the attackers' homophobia. This crime should have been handled like any hate crime, whether it be racially, ethnically, or gender motivated. It is unacceptable that the Rochester City Police did nothing to assist the victims and refused to take a report of the incident. If it is true that the police in fact verbally and physically harassed the victims, then I have lost all faith in the good people of Rochester. Given the amount of activity and support for GLBTQ people in Rochester, I am shocked that more has not been done to address this issues. If this alleged incident is found to be true and no action is taken, I will surely feel that the streets of Rochester are not safe for myself or my friends. I will have lost faith in the people and government of this city. All people deserve the right to lead happy lives free from hate-motivated, violent crime. I applaud City Council Member Bill Pritchard for taking an active stance against police brutality and homophobic hate crimes. I hope to see you and your office take similar action. Hate crimes are serious crimes and tolerating or condoning them, for any reason, is deplorable. DO not let this incident be swept under the rug. Please take a stance on this issue and help keep Rochester a safe space for all people. Sincerely, KaeLyn E.L. Rich =================================== Mayor Duffy's reply: On 6/7/07, Robert Duffy <Duffyr@cityofrochester.gov> wrote: ** High Priority ** KaeLyn: My office has taken a very active position-first and foremost in assuring that Chief Moore and Officer Jim Hall, the RPD's liaison to the GLBT community, do their jobs by gathering all of the facts. Never infer that an absence of a press conference is a lack of action on this issue. We are trying to gather all of the information and facts so that Chief Moore can address this quickly, fairly, and thoroughly. I have also insured that Bill Pritchard is kept updated on this investigation. The city will clearly communicate the facts and their response- once the facts have been established. Discrimination in any form will never be tolerated by this administration. You obviously do not know me or you would never question my position on this and other similar issues. ================================ My response to Major Duffy: Mayor Duffy, Thank you for your prompt response. I appreciate that your office is GLBT friendly and certainly have always felt the City of Rochester is, as well. Please do not infer from my correspondence with you that I was "questioning your position" or blaming you for this incident. I was, however, expressing my shock and outrage that the alleged crime, for lack of public knowledge or media attention (which I recognize is not necessarily the fault of your office), seemed to be going unnoticed. As a Rochester citizen, I was not assuming to "know you" or your policies, but do know you have a reputation for listening to your constituents by keeping lines of communication open and for promoting greater public safety in Rochester. I was not trying to offend or imply that your office was anti-gay or otherwise ineffective, but simply bringing the issue to your attention and expressing my feelings of anger and fear for the safety of myself and others. I do hope you did not take this as a criticism, but as a call from a citizen that I'd like to see action taken on this issue. I'm sorry if you felt personally attacked. The correspondence was really not meant as an attack and I'm sorry if you felt that way, as it seems your might have. If you read closely, you'll hopefully see that I am not angry at you or your office, but at the situation and the way it has been portrayed publicly. Thank you for the information your provided and for clarifying that you are already involved in this issue. I am sorry that you feel I "obviously don't know you" or that I was "questioning your policies." My contacting you was part of my civic duty as a citizen and I had been told you were open to hearing from Rochester citizens, especially on issues that concern our day-to-day lives and safety. Thank you for your quick reply and your comments supporting public safety and firm anti-discrimination policies. Best, KaeLyn Rich ========================= And the last response from Mayor Duffy: KaeLyn: Thank you for your comments.
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safe_value (String, 4838 characters ) <p>Dear Mayor Duffy,</p> <p>I am truly appalled...
<p>Dear Mayor Duffy,</p> <p>I am truly appalled at the way the City of Rochester has dealt with the alleged hate crime last Friday, June 1st. The news coverage has been minimal and it seems from what little information is available that the hate crime was motivated by the attackers' homophobia. This crime should have been handled like any hate crime, whether it be racially, ethnically, or gender motivated.</p> <p>It is unacceptable that the Rochester City Police did nothing to assist the victims and refused to take a report of the incident.</p> <p>If it is true that the police in fact verbally and physically harassed the victims, then I have lost all faith in the good people of Rochester.</p> <p>Given the amount of activity and support for GLBTQ people in Rochester, I am shocked that more has not been done to address this issues. If this alleged incident is found to be true and no action is taken, I will surely feel that the streets of Rochester are not safe for myself or my friends. I will have lost faith in the people and government of this city. All people deserve the right to lead happy lives free from hate-motivated, violent crime.</p> <p>I applaud City Council Member Bill Pritchard for taking an active stance against police brutality and homophobic hate crimes.</p> <p>I hope to see you and your office take similar action. Hate crimes are serious crimes and tolerating or condoning them, for any reason, is deplorable. DO not let this incident be swept under the rug. Please take a stance on this issue and help keep Rochester a safe space for all people.</p> <p>Sincerely,<br /> KaeLyn E.L. Rich</p> <p>===================================<br /> Mayor Duffy's reply:</p> <p>On 6/7/07, Robert Duffy <<a href="mailto:Duffyr@cityofrochester.gov">Duffyr@cityofrochester.gov</a>> wrote:</p> <p>** High Priority **</p> <p>KaeLyn:</p> <p>My office has taken a very active position-first and foremost in assuring that Chief Moore and Officer Jim Hall, the RPD's liaison to the GLBT community, do their jobs by gathering all of the facts. Never infer that an absence of a press conference is a lack of action on this issue. We are trying to gather all of the information and facts so that Chief Moore can address this quickly, fairly, and thoroughly.</p> <p>I have also insured that Bill Pritchard is kept updated on this investigation. The city will clearly communicate the facts and their response- once the facts have been established.</p> <p>Discrimination in any form will never be tolerated by this administration. You obviously do not know me or you would never question my position on this and other similar issues.</p> <p>================================<br /> My response to Major Duffy:</p> <p>Mayor Duffy,</p> <p>Thank you for your prompt response. I appreciate that your office is GLBT friendly and certainly have always felt the City of Rochester is, as well. Please do not infer from my correspondence with you that I was "questioning your position" or blaming you for this incident. I was, however, expressing my shock and outrage that the alleged crime, for lack of public knowledge or media attention (which I recognize is not necessarily the fault of your office), seemed to be going unnoticed.</p> <p>As a Rochester citizen, I was not assuming to "know you" or your policies, but do know you have a reputation for listening to your constituents by keeping lines of communication open and for promoting greater public safety in Rochester. I was not trying to offend or imply that your office was anti-gay or otherwise ineffective, but simply bringing the issue to your attention and expressing my feelings of anger and fear for the safety of myself and others.</p> <p>I do hope you did not take this as a criticism, but as a call from a citizen that I'd like to see action taken on this issue. I'm sorry if you felt personally attacked. The correspondence was really not meant as an attack and I'm sorry if you felt that way, as it seems your might have. If you read closely, you'll hopefully see that I am not angry at you or your office, but at the situation and the way it has been portrayed publicly.</p> <p>Thank you for the information your provided and for clarifying that you are already involved in this issue. I am sorry that you feel I "obviously don't know you" or that I was "questioning your policies." My contacting you was part of my civic duty as a citizen and I had been told you were open to hearing from Rochester citizens, especially on issues that concern our day-to-day lives and safety.</p> <p>Thank you for your quick reply and your comments supporting public safety and firm anti-discrimination policies.</p> <p>Best,<br /> KaeLyn Rich</p> <p>=========================<br /> And the last response from Mayor Duffy:</p> <p>KaeLyn:<br /> Thank you for your comments.</p>
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value (String, 4643 characters ) Dear Mayor Duffy, I am truly appalled at the w...
Dear Mayor Duffy, I am truly appalled at the way the City of Rochester has dealt with the alleged hate crime last Friday, June 1st. The news coverage has been minimal and it seems from what little information is available that the hate crime was motivated by the attackers' homophobia. This crime should have been handled like any hate crime, whether it be racially, ethnically, or gender motivated. It is unacceptable that the Rochester City Police did nothing to assist the victims and refused to take a report of the incident. If it is true that the police in fact verbally and physically harassed the victims, then I have lost all faith in the good people of Rochester. Given the amount of activity and support for GLBTQ people in Rochester, I am shocked that more has not been done to address this issues. If this alleged incident is found to be true and no action is taken, I will surely feel that the streets of Rochester are not safe for myself or my friends. I will have lost faith in the people and government of this city. All people deserve the right to lead happy lives free from hate-motivated, violent crime. I applaud City Council Member Bill Pritchard for taking an active stance against police brutality and homophobic hate crimes. I hope to see you and your office take similar action. Hate crimes are serious crimes and tolerating or condoning them, for any reason, is deplorable. DO not let this incident be swept under the rug. Please take a stance on this issue and help keep Rochester a safe space for all people. Sincerely, KaeLyn E.L. Rich =================================== Mayor Duffy's reply: On 6/7/07, Robert Duffy <Duffyr@cityofrochester.gov> wrote: ** High Priority ** KaeLyn: My office has taken a very active position-first and foremost in assuring that Chief Moore and Officer Jim Hall, the RPD's liaison to the GLBT community, do their jobs by gathering all of the facts. Never infer that an absence of a press conference is a lack of action on this issue. We are trying to gather all of the information and facts so that Chief Moore can address this quickly, fairly, and thoroughly. I have also insured that Bill Pritchard is kept updated on this investigation. The city will clearly communicate the facts and their response- once the facts have been established. Discrimination in any form will never be tolerated by this administration. You obviously do not know me or you would never question my position on this and other similar issues. ================================ My response to Major Duffy: Mayor Duffy, Thank you for your prompt response. I appreciate that your office is GLBT friendly and certainly have always felt the City of Rochester is, as well. Please do not infer from my correspondence with you that I was "questioning your position" or blaming you for this incident. I was, however, expressing my shock and outrage that the alleged crime, for lack of public knowledge or media attention (which I recognize is not necessarily the fault of your office), seemed to be going unnoticed. As a Rochester citizen, I was not assuming to "know you" or your policies, but do know you have a reputation for listening to your constituents by keeping lines of communication open and for promoting greater public safety in Rochester. I was not trying to offend or imply that your office was anti-gay or otherwise ineffective, but simply bringing the issue to your attention and expressing my feelings of anger and fear for the safety of myself and others. I do hope you did not take this as a criticism, but as a call from a citizen that I'd like to see action taken on this issue. I'm sorry if you felt personally attacked. The correspondence was really not meant as an attack and I'm sorry if you felt that way, as it seems your might have. If you read closely, you'll hopefully see that I am not angry at you or your office, but at the situation and the way it has been portrayed publicly. Thank you for the information your provided and for clarifying that you are already involved in this issue. I am sorry that you feel I "obviously don't know you" or that I was "questioning your policies." My contacting you was part of my civic duty as a citizen and I had been told you were open to hearing from Rochester citizens, especially on issues that concern our day-to-day lives and safety. Thank you for your quick reply and your comments supporting public safety and firm anti-discrimination policies. Best, KaeLyn Rich ========================= And the last response from Mayor Duffy: KaeLyn: Thank you for your comments.
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safe_value (String, 4838 characters ) <p>Dear Mayor Duffy,</p> <p>I am truly appalled...
<p>Dear Mayor Duffy,</p> <p>I am truly appalled at the way the City of Rochester has dealt with the alleged hate crime last Friday, June 1st. The news coverage has been minimal and it seems from what little information is available that the hate crime was motivated by the attackers' homophobia. This crime should have been handled like any hate crime, whether it be racially, ethnically, or gender motivated.</p> <p>It is unacceptable that the Rochester City Police did nothing to assist the victims and refused to take a report of the incident.</p> <p>If it is true that the police in fact verbally and physically harassed the victims, then I have lost all faith in the good people of Rochester.</p> <p>Given the amount of activity and support for GLBTQ people in Rochester, I am shocked that more has not been done to address this issues. If this alleged incident is found to be true and no action is taken, I will surely feel that the streets of Rochester are not safe for myself or my friends. I will have lost faith in the people and government of this city. All people deserve the right to lead happy lives free from hate-motivated, violent crime.</p> <p>I applaud City Council Member Bill Pritchard for taking an active stance against police brutality and homophobic hate crimes.</p> <p>I hope to see you and your office take similar action. Hate crimes are serious crimes and tolerating or condoning them, for any reason, is deplorable. DO not let this incident be swept under the rug. Please take a stance on this issue and help keep Rochester a safe space for all people.</p> <p>Sincerely,<br /> KaeLyn E.L. Rich</p> <p>===================================<br /> Mayor Duffy's reply:</p> <p>On 6/7/07, Robert Duffy <<a href="mailto:Duffyr@cityofrochester.gov">Duffyr@cityofrochester.gov</a>> wrote:</p> <p>** High Priority **</p> <p>KaeLyn:</p> <p>My office has taken a very active position-first and foremost in assuring that Chief Moore and Officer Jim Hall, the RPD's liaison to the GLBT community, do their jobs by gathering all of the facts. Never infer that an absence of a press conference is a lack of action on this issue. We are trying to gather all of the information and facts so that Chief Moore can address this quickly, fairly, and thoroughly.</p> <p>I have also insured that Bill Pritchard is kept updated on this investigation. The city will clearly communicate the facts and their response- once the facts have been established.</p> <p>Discrimination in any form will never be tolerated by this administration. You obviously do not know me or you would never question my position on this and other similar issues.</p> <p>================================<br /> My response to Major Duffy:</p> <p>Mayor Duffy,</p> <p>Thank you for your prompt response. I appreciate that your office is GLBT friendly and certainly have always felt the City of Rochester is, as well. Please do not infer from my correspondence with you that I was "questioning your position" or blaming you for this incident. I was, however, expressing my shock and outrage that the alleged crime, for lack of public knowledge or media attention (which I recognize is not necessarily the fault of your office), seemed to be going unnoticed.</p> <p>As a Rochester citizen, I was not assuming to "know you" or your policies, but do know you have a reputation for listening to your constituents by keeping lines of communication open and for promoting greater public safety in Rochester. I was not trying to offend or imply that your office was anti-gay or otherwise ineffective, but simply bringing the issue to your attention and expressing my feelings of anger and fear for the safety of myself and others.</p> <p>I do hope you did not take this as a criticism, but as a call from a citizen that I'd like to see action taken on this issue. I'm sorry if you felt personally attacked. The correspondence was really not meant as an attack and I'm sorry if you felt that way, as it seems your might have. If you read closely, you'll hopefully see that I am not angry at you or your office, but at the situation and the way it has been portrayed publicly.</p> <p>Thank you for the information your provided and for clarifying that you are already involved in this issue. I am sorry that you feel I "obviously don't know you" or that I was "questioning your policies." My contacting you was part of my civic duty as a citizen and I had been told you were open to hearing from Rochester citizens, especially on issues that concern our day-to-day lives and safety.</p> <p>Thank you for your quick reply and your comments supporting public safety and firm anti-discrimination policies.</p> <p>Best,<br /> KaeLyn Rich</p> <p>=========================<br /> And the last response from Mayor Duffy:</p> <p>KaeLyn:<br /> Thank you for your comments.</p>
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#markup (String, 4838 characters ) <p>Dear Mayor Duffy,</p> <p>I am truly appalled...
<p>Dear Mayor Duffy,</p> <p>I am truly appalled at the way the City of Rochester has dealt with the alleged hate crime last Friday, June 1st. The news coverage has been minimal and it seems from what little information is available that the hate crime was motivated by the attackers' homophobia. This crime should have been handled like any hate crime, whether it be racially, ethnically, or gender motivated.</p> <p>It is unacceptable that the Rochester City Police did nothing to assist the victims and refused to take a report of the incident.</p> <p>If it is true that the police in fact verbally and physically harassed the victims, then I have lost all faith in the good people of Rochester.</p> <p>Given the amount of activity and support for GLBTQ people in Rochester, I am shocked that more has not been done to address this issues. If this alleged incident is found to be true and no action is taken, I will surely feel that the streets of Rochester are not safe for myself or my friends. I will have lost faith in the people and government of this city. All people deserve the right to lead happy lives free from hate-motivated, violent crime.</p> <p>I applaud City Council Member Bill Pritchard for taking an active stance against police brutality and homophobic hate crimes.</p> <p>I hope to see you and your office take similar action. Hate crimes are serious crimes and tolerating or condoning them, for any reason, is deplorable. DO not let this incident be swept under the rug. Please take a stance on this issue and help keep Rochester a safe space for all people.</p> <p>Sincerely,<br /> KaeLyn E.L. Rich</p> <p>===================================<br /> Mayor Duffy's reply:</p> <p>On 6/7/07, Robert Duffy <<a href="mailto:Duffyr@cityofrochester.gov">Duffyr@cityofrochester.gov</a>> wrote:</p> <p>** High Priority **</p> <p>KaeLyn:</p> <p>My office has taken a very active position-first and foremost in assuring that Chief Moore and Officer Jim Hall, the RPD's liaison to the GLBT community, do their jobs by gathering all of the facts. Never infer that an absence of a press conference is a lack of action on this issue. We are trying to gather all of the information and facts so that Chief Moore can address this quickly, fairly, and thoroughly.</p> <p>I have also insured that Bill Pritchard is kept updated on this investigation. The city will clearly communicate the facts and their response- once the facts have been established.</p> <p>Discrimination in any form will never be tolerated by this administration. You obviously do not know me or you would never question my position on this and other similar issues.</p> <p>================================<br /> My response to Major Duffy:</p> <p>Mayor Duffy,</p> <p>Thank you for your prompt response. I appreciate that your office is GLBT friendly and certainly have always felt the City of Rochester is, as well. Please do not infer from my correspondence with you that I was "questioning your position" or blaming you for this incident. I was, however, expressing my shock and outrage that the alleged crime, for lack of public knowledge or media attention (which I recognize is not necessarily the fault of your office), seemed to be going unnoticed.</p> <p>As a Rochester citizen, I was not assuming to "know you" or your policies, but do know you have a reputation for listening to your constituents by keeping lines of communication open and for promoting greater public safety in Rochester. I was not trying to offend or imply that your office was anti-gay or otherwise ineffective, but simply bringing the issue to your attention and expressing my feelings of anger and fear for the safety of myself and others.</p> <p>I do hope you did not take this as a criticism, but as a call from a citizen that I'd like to see action taken on this issue. I'm sorry if you felt personally attacked. The correspondence was really not meant as an attack and I'm sorry if you felt that way, as it seems your might have. If you read closely, you'll hopefully see that I am not angry at you or your office, but at the situation and the way it has been portrayed publicly.</p> <p>Thank you for the information your provided and for clarifying that you are already involved in this issue. I am sorry that you feel I "obviously don't know you" or that I was "questioning your policies." My contacting you was part of my civic duty as a citizen and I had been told you were open to hearing from Rochester citizens, especially on issues that concern our day-to-day lives and safety.</p> <p>Thank you for your quick reply and your comments supporting public safety and firm anti-discrimination policies.</p> <p>Best,<br /> KaeLyn Rich</p> <p>=========================<br /> And the last response from Mayor Duffy:</p> <p>KaeLyn:<br /> Thank you for your comments.</p>
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