how bush gets illegal legislation passed
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its called broadcast law enforcement, but its much more than is behaviour modification via electrogastrographic control....and even more....ever notice how everyone just forgets about bush crimes after a short while? Watch the satellite pictures for weather activity over DC, that is highly enlightening, and also watch the skies over your place, you will see -- it is unmistakeable....a lot of the sprayed stuff are drug chemicals...old nazi stuff...b
Out of the Blue:
Space Drones, Black Programs, the Unveiling of U.S. Military Offensives in Weather as a Weapon, and the Coming Permanent State of Emergency.
keith harmon snow
Index (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (afterword) (reference)
18. The Falsification of Consciousness.
Perhaps the most devastating fact of climatic mayhem is the evidence that it is the desired state of affairs, and that climatic mayhem may actually be desired and facilitated by the U.S. military, aerospace, defense and intelligence establishment.
The extent of the subterfuge we as American citizens face from our leadership, and our media institutions, can be mildy gleaned from the above. Unfortunately, this is but the tip of the weather warfare and environmental modification iceberg. The material in this report is readily available to the general (world) public. Given that an individual outside the classified sectors of government can so easily access this information, we can take this as a powerful testament to the vast assortment of information, research and development that must exist, and retain classification, within the defense and intelligence arena.
Much of the general public remains apathetic, disinterested, and confused by the climate skeptics and the huge propaganda machine. The debate centers on whether there is clear scientific rationale to address climate change. The disparity between public perceptions and military realities is monumental. The current public debate around climate protocols and greenhouse gas emissions only serves to facilitate greater military adventurism, at the expense of American citizens, at the expense of democracy, to the greater devastation of earth and all its life forms.
Thus do we draw the following conclusions from the limited research provided above:
The general public remains confused by climate skeptics.
The scientific community is mostly engaged in a narrow debate about climate change.
The spectrums of problems of climatic mayhem are greatly unappreciated.
Where these problems are appreciated, proponents argue narrowly about fossil fuels and climate protocols that, conveniently, distract and deflect attention from greater issues of secrecy, military dominance and environmental chaos.
Military and “civilian†ENMOD capabilities are already being tested, and quite likely have already been deployed to affect massive human loss of life and environmental instability.
The U.S. government position vacillates between admissions that limited development of ENMOD technologies has occurred – always in the private sector -- and that ENMOD technologies do not exist at all.
Scientists, soldiers and government officials have lied outright, and many continue to intentionally obfuscate and misinform on climate issues and weather warfare.
The duplicitous and self-interested positions of these skeptics and liars attain the greatest currency through the corporate mass and entertainment media.
There is a trillion dollar industry behind the monied interests, and the propaganda, of fossil fuels, weather warfare, military and climate issues.
The military-industrial complex has no intentions of mitigating climatic mayhem by attending to the obvious policy and technology imperatives.
ENMOD and weather weaponry relies on widespread environmental instability to provide a threshold of “background†chaos to shield its covert ENMOD operations.
Thus we are unable to determine the extent to which changes have occurred, through ENMOD manipulations, or the extent to which they are occurring, or in future will occur.
The United States of America has violated the 1977 Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques, (ENMOD Treaty), of which it is a long-standing signatory member.
The military ENMOD programs and their goals are predicated on widespread devastation, environmental calamity, and loss of life in the so-called “developing†world to the (mistakenly) perceived benefit of powerful monied interests in the West.
Gross environmental instabilities are appearing more frequently, with greater force and violence, virtually everywhere at once, and they receive scattered media and scientific attention, limited reporting, minimal assessment, with little understanding.
Intentional depopulation of various, and large, groups and ethnicities by various other groups and ethnicities is occurring, and will increasingly occur, given the current momentum and direction of American military-corporate power.
The United States of America has violated the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide, approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations in Resolution 260 A (III) of 9 December 1948, to which it is a signatory member.
The United States is responsible for war crimes and genocide in numerous instances.
The United Nations has demonstrated its lack of attention and investigation into climate issues and the violations of international treaties (as above) in service to the powerful corporate interests that dominate and neutralize it.
The United Nations has not served the oversight purposes for which it was ostensibly created, and instead serves the purposes for which it was actually created: to insure the prosperity and military objectives of powerful entrenched interests.
Rich and poor countries alike will increasingly suffer as accelerated processes of environmental change are aggravated by unforeseen feedback mechanisms.
The radical shift to an alternate state or states of climate, most probably undesirable and unmanageable, has become an increasingly likely – if not certain -- event, and it is increasingly likely that such an event will occur sooner rather than later.
~ end.
Next: After Word
keith harmon snow graduated B.S.E.E. and M.S.E.E. with a specialty in microwaves and antennas engineering from the University of Massachusetts, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, in 1986. From 1985 to 1989 he worked for General Electric Aerospace Electronics Laboratory on aerospace and defense technologies for classified communications, RADAR, EW and Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) programs. Since 1990 he has worked as a journalist.