State tropper sayes "I dont care about you first admendment ....
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State troper sayes "I don't care about your first admendent rights"
During RCAN's banner drop on the Ames St. footbridge three members and two negiborhood teenagers were approached by a NY state troppper A.G. Nicholes who harrased them citing that they were causing "a tarffic destribance" on west bound lanes of 490. The said we faced possable arrest for "causing a distribance"
There was a attached baner form Rochester City living Sundays campagn, faceing the east bound lane. Which he suggested we attach our signs as well.
Once members of the news media showed up and more supports arrived his tone changed. Apologetically he suggested that we remain under capotial control and watch TV and eat red meat
or at least that must of been what he was thinking.
Peace Miguel