Northeastern Anarchist Gathering & Organizing Conference, June 2-3, Syracuse, NY
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The 3rd North East anarchist gathering and organizing conference will take place June 2nd and 3rd in Syracuse, NY!
Calling all anarchists and anti-authoritarians!
The 3rd North East anarchist gathering and organizing conference will take place June 2nd and 3rd in Syracuse, NY.
Join us for 2 days of discussion and linking up resistance. Participate in setting a direction for a northeastern anarchist network, building off previous conferences in Boston, Massachusetts in February and Amherst, Massachusetts in April.
More info to come!
Info to subscribe to NE network organizing email list:
Early Northeast Anarchist Network Draft Proposals
First Northeast Anarchist Consulta conference call, February 24-25, in Boston, MA
Second Northeast Anarchist Consulta conference call, April 7-8, Amherst, MA