PEACE FESTIVAL Geneva NY 4.28.2007
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A festival celebrating peace, spring and good spirits featuring music, speakers, and skillshares throughout the day
.:Peace Isn’t Quiet, the palpable peace festival:.
April 28, 2007. Noon-sundown.
Taking place at Hobart and William Smith Colleges (Geneva NY), the festival is a celebration of togetherness, hope, sharing, and the common struggle for peace. It’s about the peace we hold between us, the kind that can be found in art and the notes of music. This is a call for change and a call for voices.
Features on stage include student and faculty bands, poetry, and performance, as well as a speech by Military Families Speak Out, a performance by the NYC drag troupe Swith'n'Play, folk artist Malcolm Rollick, and traveling poet/activist group Sister Spit.
All day, there will be stations on the lawn for everyone's enjoyment, including a used clothing swap, art using found objects, recycling, banner-making, and presentations by the Progressive Student Union.
Everyone is invited to attend and participate! Contact with questions or to get involved.