Israeli pResident Moshe Katsav Disgraced by Michael Zwebner,Mohamid Hadid fraud ties
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Israeli pResident Moshe Katsav Disgraced by Michael Zwebner,Mohamid Hadid fraud ties
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value (String, 61099 characters ) Even Moshe Katsav's and Michael Zwebners' partn...
Even Moshe Katsav's and Michael Zwebners' partner in the UCSY or Universal Communications Systems fraud,Mohamed Hadid with his Saudi Arabian ties,has been protected by the Bush Regime that has covered up the Herndon, Virginia Islamic charities money laundering scandal for him and the Saudis. <!--break--> Israeli pResident Moshe Katsav's Penny Stock Partner Michael Zwebner loses in U.S. Court Israeli pResident Moshe Katsav Disgraced by Michael Zwebner,Mohamid Hadid fraud ties : UCSY, Zwebner ordered by Court to pay legal expenses of Lycos, Villasenor BELOW IS FROM CYPRUS.INDYMEDIA BEFORE RECEIVING THE NEWS THAT ISRAELI RESIDENT OR PRESIDENT MOSHE KATSAV`S PARTNER IN U.S. PENNY STOCK SCAMS MICHAEL ZWEBNER HAD LOST IN U.S. COURT IN MASSACHUSETTS.IT DEMONSTRATES THE POWER TO USE MONEY HOWEVER ILLEGALLY GAINED,AS MR.ZWEBNER´S WAS AND IS IN U.S. PENNY STOCK PROMOTIONS, TO MANIPULATE THE LAW IN THE U.S.. THIS TIME MR.ZWEBNER WHO IS NOT AN AMERICAN AND ONLY USES THE COUNTRY FOR FRAUD,(JUST AS HE HAS USED ISRAEL AND THE ISRAELI MILITARY AND U.S. SOLDIERS IN IRAQ IN HIS FRAUDULENT PROMOTIONS AND LIES WITH MOSHE KATSAV'S BLESSINGS !),LOST IN COURT TRYING TO INTIMIDATE POSTERS CRITICISING HIM ON MESSAGE BOARDS ! ZWEBNER HAD PREVIOUSLY SUED GOOGLE AS WELL AS CNN AND WOLF BLITZER FOR $100,000,000.BLITZER AND CNN WERE SUED BECAUSE I,TONY RYALS, POSTED CRITICISMS OF ZWEBNER AND UCSY ON RAGINGBULL.CON USING WOLFBLITZZER0 AS AN ALIAS ! ......................................................................................................... Universal Communication Systems Inc. Subsidiary AirWater Corporation Receives Presidential Endorsement of Its Products Business Wire, March 17, 2004 Business Editors TEL AVIV, Israel--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 17, 2004 President of Israel, Mr. Moshe Katzav Visits the Company's Display Booth at the "Aqua Israel 2004" Exhibition Held in Tel Aviv, Israel; AirWater Corp. is Recipient of 2 Event Awards Universal Communication Systems Inc. subsidiary AirWater Corporation company president Michael Zwebner revealed and announced today that the President of Israel, Mr. Moshe Katzav, visited the company's display booth at the recently concluded "AQUA Israel 2004" 2 day exhibition, recently held at Tel Aviv, Israel. Tasting the water made from the company's unique AW 120 Air to Water machine, he commented: "This water tastes very good, it is excellent and this is a great product." Later in the day, Israel's Minister of Agriculture Mr. Katz, also visited the company's display, and after being given a complete explanation of the company's products and tasting the water produced on the spot, he too highly commended and endorsed the AirWater Machines, and the water created from the air. Universal Communication Systems, Inc. Subsidiary AirWater Corporation Company President Michael Zwebner and Mohamed Hadid Each Donate $25,000 to AirWater Emergency Fund for Shipment of AirWater Machines to Far East Market Wire, January, 2005 Find More Results for: "zwebner hadid" Talk Visual Chairman... Universal Communication Systems, Inc. (OTC BB: UCSY) subsidiary AirWater Corporation, company president Michael J. Zwebner announced today that both he and Mr. Mohamed Hadid of Los Angeles, CA, are each personally donating $25,000 to the AirWater machines fund. .............................................................................................................. David Grin,Laurus Capital Management and Union Bank of Israel Author Tony Ryals Date Created 18 Feb 2007 More details... Date Edited 18 Feb 2007 05:41:27 AM License This work is in the public domain A note from the editorial group. Publication of this particular article in these pages is a violation of the law, and possibly constitutes an act of entrapment against our Cyprus IndyMedia group. Therefore it's been removed. Readers interested in how this entrapment works can see this short legal brief: "Michael Zwebner gets a prior restraint injunction Michael Zwebner regularly sues critics and people remotely related to critics of his...": One can read the original article by Tony Ryals elsewhere: Volunteers ~~~~~~~~ Comments Re: David Grin,Laurus Capital Management and Union Bank of Israel28 Feb 2007 by Tony Ryals Reply to this comment Below are from aliases posting on the scam or message board of Muichael Zwebner's 'ucsy' or Universal Communications' today and directly relates to cyprus indymedia's action in regards to replacing my post here with links to same on and the phoney legal precident that Michael Zwebner(who used Israeli or ex Israeli President Moshe Katsav's name in one of his press releases to promote and dump shares in his penny stock in 2004. Both aliases are quite credible and not a part of any 'pump and dump' penny stock scam.I know this because I have read their posts there for years. Basically as you can read by following the link to the U.S. legal ruling,the claim in the link you provided if it was ever valid in the first place as Zwebner has led us all to believe has been reversed which we can all be jubilant about. Please don't think I would 'entrap' or seek to entrap the fine folks of cyprus.indymedia or any indymedia for that matter.I would go to my grave defending you people.Also,I appreciate your taking the time to find an alternative link to my original post here.David Marchant of has been a great help to me as have been many indymedias. You have no idea of my struggle to expose U.S. penny stock fraud,even following Endovasc shares,(the scam that ripped me off),all the way to a bank in Cyprus by way of Union Bank of California. Anyway read the legal ruling and celebrate,free speech has won one this time. By: xrayviscion 28 Feb 2007, 09:24 AM EST Msg. 60967 of 60969 (This msg. is a reply to 60966 by Mighty_Mezz.) Jump to msg. # UCSY, Zwebner ordered by Court to pay legal expenses of Lycos, Villasenor - - - - - By: xrayviscion 28 Feb 2007, 12:21 PM EST Msg. 60968 of 60969 (This msg. is a reply to 60967 by xrayviscion.) Jump to msg. # Therefore, while some of UCS's claims are barred by Section 230 immunity, the remaining ones simply do not state a claim based on the facts alleged. If UCS has in fact been injured, redress is not available through any of the avenues it has chosen to pursue in this case. The district court's dismissal of all claims is affirmed. Costs are awarded to appellees. ......................... By: Mighty_Mezz 28 Feb 2007, 12:51 PM EST Msg. 60969 of 60969 (This msg. is a reply to 60967 by xrayviscion.) Jump to msg. # Thanks for posting the excellent news! I wouldn't be surprised if that's not part of the reason Z stopped filing with the SEC. He'd have to disclose that he lost to Roberto. I bet that galls him to no end. ROFL! ........................................................................................................................ However we are more concerned at present with celebrating a small victory for ´´free speech´´ that Americans,before the dictatorship of W Bush once prided themselves on.Not anymore.Today even to challenge fraud in America is to run the danger of somehow colluding with ´´terrorism´´ when in truth it is the Bush-Cheney Regime that has terrorized us all at home and abroad with the fascist company they keep,Israeli Resident Moshe Katsav as well as Dubai,Kuwati,Saudi Arabian and Kuwaiti royalty among others,being among the scum they protect. Even Moshe Katsav's and Michael Zwebners' partner in the UCSY or Universal Communications Systems fraud,Mohamed Hadid with his Saudi Arabian ties,has been protected by the Bush Regime that has covered up the Herndon, Virginia Islamic charities money laundering scandal for him and the Saudis. And covered it up to protect the ISRAELI SCUMBAG MOSHE KATSAV IN MANY WAYS WHO IS ALSO TIED TO THE ISLAMIC CHARITY MONEY LAUNDERING SCAM BY SUPPORTING HADID'S BRITISH AND ISRAELI ' JEWISH' PAL MICHAEL ZWEBNER IN THE FIRST PLACE,WHO USES SELF-RIGHTEOUS JUDAISM TO DENOUNCE ANY CRITICISM OF HIMSELF AND HIS ONGOING INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL FRAUDS,PARTICULARLY WITH U.S. PENNY STOCKS. OF INTEREST ALSO TO ISRAELIS AND OTHERS IS AN ARTICLE BY Mark G. Levey ON MPARENT BLOG THAT I HAVE ADDED WITH LINK.IT PROVDES MORE BACKGROUND INTO THE SALE OF LEUMI Bank of Israel to the Cerberus hedge fund with its links to the worst of Washington insiders John Snow,Dan Quayle,and even Dick Cheney's Kellogg Brown and Root war profiteers as well as some billionaire 'Jews' of equally questionable moral and ethical character.Prime Minister Olmert has a lot of ANSWERING TO DO TO ISRAELIS AND THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY RE LEUMI BANK SALE TO THIS MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL HEDGE FUND ! THE CIA AND JOHN SNOW AS EX TREASURY SECRETARY ACTUALLY SPIED ON INTERNATIIONAL FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS THROUGH SWIFT OF BRUSSELS,BELGIUM BEFORE LEAVING TO JOIN CERBERUS HEDGE FUND THAT PURCHASED BAWAG BANK OF AUSRIA SINCE THEN ! BAWAG BANK OF AUSTRIA HAS AIDED NUMEROUS U.S. PENNY STOCK FRAUDS AND MONEY LAUNDERING OPERATIONS INCLUDING THOSE OF THE ISRAELI OR UKRANIAN OR WHATEVER GRIN BROTHERS AND THEIR LAURUS CAPITAL,UNION BANK OF ISRAEL CONNECTIONS,Balmore Funds, Celeste Trust,etc.,etc.. While Michael Zwebner filed his frivolous suit to censor all criticism of himself and his penny stock frauds,including the ragingbull site,he no doubt set up to tout his worthless UCSY penny stock pump and dump operation that Israeli President Moshe Katsav helped to promote in a lieing press release,it must not be forgotten that Lycos' website ragingbull.con remains the same fraudulent site it was before Lycos sold to it to Signal, Inc.and Interactive Data Corporation. William Rees-Mogg's American co-author James Dale Davidson and his pals have used ragingbull for promoting their worthless penny stocks for years and scum like Michael Zwebner and so many other international criminals with friends in the Beltway or the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission or the SEC have done the same.Michael Zwebner's litigation with Lycos Ragingbull was a fight between con artists and internet and stock manipulation scam artists.It is usually the case that ragingbull under Lycos and now under new corp ownership has always aided penny stock con artists and deleted names and aliases there that have tried to expose frauds such as Michael Zwebner's UCSY or JAGH or Endovasc a Stanford University 'biotech' penny stock fraud or James Dale Davidson's Genemax penny stock pump and dump fraud and oh so many more(The Financial Times should be shamed by its association).JAGH or Jag Media Holdings is an ongoig fraud now connected to the questionable Cryptometrics company that would now after years of JAGH's criminal fraud would presume to run the New Zealand passport office's id technology in cooperation with its 'managment' and penny stock crime operation ! The ragingbull.con link below will take you to the sleazy Lycos Ragingbull.con,(now shamefully owned by Signal, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Interactive Data Corporation ,NYSE: IDC, who also own the Financial Times of London.Ragingbull can now claim ´legitimacy´ by way of its corporate connection to the London Financial Times to run its sleazy penny stock message boards ! It is humorous to note that the Lord Rees-Mogg was once editor of the Financial Times as well as Rupert Murdoch's London Times. William Rees-Mogg's American co-author James Dale Davidson and his pals have used ragingbull for promoting their worthless penny stocks for years and scum like Michael Zwebner and so many other international criminals with friends in the Beltway or the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission or the SEC have done the same. Or Endovasc a 'biotech' penny stock fraud that was promoted both by the infamous Grin brothers, David, Eugene, of the Ukraine or Israel or NY City as well as by Lord William Rees-Mogg's and Steve Forbes' pal James Dale Davidson wiyth worthjless shares promoted in Bellador Group boiler room of Kuala Lumpur and Dubai post 911! "International scam artist Michael J. Zwebner" Re: Chilling Effects... By: the_worm06 Wed, 07 Mar 07 12:13 PM DD Yes, thank you. Everything has been vacated in that frivolous lawsuit by the international scam artist Michael J. Zwebner. His attorney Robert H. Cooper widely known as "The Unethical Attorney" together with Zwebner's other attorney John Faro (the one who got sanctioned severely in the CNN/Wolf Blitzer lawsuit) obtained the default, injunction and sanctions by making false statements to the court. They were caught red handed and everything was vacated. In talks with attorneys since the order to vacate all previous orders in the case, all of the attorneys mentioned that this is one of the most severe orders they had ever seen issued by a Judge, underlining the sleaziness of Zwebner's attorneys. You might want to read the extensive comments at the bottom: http ://theworm06.blogspot.c om/2006/06/legal-notice-ucsy-v-dembovich.html The Chilling Effects information will eventually be deleted. (Voluntary Disclosure: ST Rating- Strong Sell; LT Rating- Strong Sell) ............................................................................................................... By: scumz 01 Mar 2007, 03:34 PM EST Msg. 60989 of 61022 Jump to msg. # Zwebner (Executive) Faces Uphill Battle in His Suits Over Anonymous Web Attacks Jessica M. Walker Daily Business Review January 28, 2005 Like clockwork each day, someone who calls himself or herself Wolfblitzzer0 logs on to, a stock-talk Internet message board, and posts slurs about Michael J. Zwebner, the chief executive of Miami Beach-based Universal Communication Systems. Wolfblitzzer0's allegations have covered business practices, political conspiracies, and personal misdemeanors. In many posts, Wolfblitzzer0 accuses Zwebner of dirty business dealings and nefarious interactions with the Israeli government. One post accused Zwebner of claiming to keep kosher while secretly eating cheeseburgers, which are a Jewish dietary no-no because they combine meat and dairy. Zwebner, who holds joint British-Israeli citizenship and splits his time between Tel Aviv and Miami Beach, has shown no tolerance for such cybersmearing. Since September 2003, Zwebner has aggressively fought back, filing five lawsuits in U.S. District Court in Miami in retaliation for comments on, which is operated by Waltham, Mass.-based Internet network provider Lycos. The five suits include a class action trademark case and a class action defamation case against Lycos, and a fraud suit and a libel suit against a variety of individual posters. He also filed a defamation claim against CNN, Turner Broadcasting and the real Wolf Blitzer, CNN's high-profile newsman, for failing to stop Wolfblitzzer0 from misappropriating Blitzer's name. His latest suit, filed Jan. 19 in U.S. District Court in Miami, alleges that postings by Wolfblitzzer0 and other posters have damaged his reputation, driven down his company's share price and embarrassed him and his family. Universal Communications Systems was founded by Zwebner in 2001. It began as a telecommunications company and recently branched out into developing a technology that extracts water vapor from air to make drinking water. The lawsuit also accuses Lycos of an offense that could be criminally prosecuted -- cyberstalking. No criminal charges have been filed. Zwebner's latest suit seeks to have messages about him and his company deleted, and to enjoin Lycos from posting any messages about him or Universal Communication Systems in the future. Federal courts have been struggling to find a balance between a company's right to protect its reputation and the privacy and free speech rights of anonymous Internet posters since cybersmearing first became an issue in the late 1990s. Also at issue has been the liability of the Internet service provider in cases of online defamation. The courts have so far given Internet companies a great deal of protection. Zwebner might be fighting an uphill battle on both fronts. Zwebner's attorney, John H. Faro of Faro &amp; Associates in Miami, sharply criticizes Internet network providers for what he considers their failure to police postings. "My belief is these [providers] have done absolutely nothing," Faro said. "There is no control over these postings. They don't provide any means for enforcement of their registration policies." Larry Stumpf, attorney for Lycos and a partner at Black Srebnick Kornspan &amp; Stumpf in Miami, did not return calls seeking comment. Zwebner's new suits are his most recent legal counterattack against Internet posters who besmirch his name online. He has filed a number of suits across the country against posters, who have been making derogatory comments about him since about 2000. Faro acknowledged that Wolfblitzzer0's comments about Zwebner might go beyond a desire to manipulate the stock market. He said some of the posted hostility toward Zwebner could be related to "some business deals that didn't go forward." He didn't elaborate on those deals. Unless Lycos is forced by the court to disclose who Wolfblitzzer0 is, confirming the identity of the poster would be virtually impossible. Faro expects to uncover additional, similar causes of action against Lycos in the suit's discovery phase. He plans to eventually include other companies and chief executives who allegedly have been defamed on Lycos-operated Web sites. The issue of cybersmearing publicly traded companies first surfaced in the late 1990s. Some posters are small-time traders seeking to manipulate the market by driving the price of a certain stock down so they can buy while it's low. The practice also is known as poop and scoop, or trash and cash. The reverse of cybersmearing -- pump and dump -- occurs when Internet posters tout a certain stock in order to increase the price, then sell. The Securities and Exchange Commission recognizes both practices as Internet fraud and warns that the most vulnerable companies are microcap companies, whose stocks are traded in small volume. is linked to, a Lycos site that gives stock quotes and other objective data about publicly traded companies. RagingBull, however, is far from objective, and Lycos makes note of that in a disclaimer on the site. To post on RagingBull, a user must register -- giving a name, location and e-mail address. Posters also must agree to a list of terms and conditions, which state that users who harm others or who violate the law can be terminated. In Zwebner's defamation lawsuit filed this month, the cyberstalking claim is based on the allegation that Lycos has continually transmitted harassing communications about Zwebner and has allowed the practice to continue despite his repeated requests to stop them. The trademark lawsuit, filed in July 2004, alleges that Lycos is using Universal Communication Systems Inc.'s trademarked name and stock ticker symbol without authorization, and in a way that is damaging to the company. Universal Communication Systems Inc.'s ticker symbol is UCSY. Universal Communication System's net loss in its 2004 fiscal year was $3.5 million, compared with $2.3 million in 2003. The suits allege that the Internet bashing of Zwebner has had an impact on the company's stock price. The share price has ranged from a low of a penny to about 19 cents during the last 52 weeks. At the end of 2004, before Wolfblitzzer0 made his or her appearance on RagingBull, the stock was at about 9 cents. On Thursday, it traded at 5 cents. Wolfblitzzer0 -- or Wolfy, as he is called by his message board peers -- is the most recent in a string of posters spewing vitriol against Zwebner on RagingBull. When Wolfblitzzer0 popped up on the Internet message board late last year, Zwebner contacted CNN, informing the Atlanta-based cable network of the similarity to Wolf Blitzer's name. In the defamation suit against CNN, filed Jan. 7, Zwebner asserts that CNN and Wolf Blitzer should have acted to end the postings, since the name Wolf Blitzer was the proprietary interest of CNN and it therefore had an obligation to police its use. CNN has not yet filed a response to the allegations in the case, which is pending separately from the Lycos litigation. Faro said the actual Wolf Blitzer is not believed to be the culprit. The posters likely are a handful of people "in the business of smearing people in the Web, posting under a number of different aliases," he said. In at least four cases in other states, Zwebner has been able to track down the cybersmearers and has reached settlements with the individual posters. In 2003, Zwebner won a $50,000 default judgment in U.S. District Court in Oregon against the John Does Anonymous Foundation, an Oregon-based nonprofit devoted to protecting online anonymity. Zwebner had claimed that members of the organization were defaming him online. He filed the suit pro se, and requested $18 million in damages. But putting a face to an online alias has proven to be difficult for plaintiffs like Zwebner. Both the anonymous posters and the Internet network providers often strenuously resist the disclosure of private information. In Zwebner's first foray into federal court in Miami, Lycos' refusal to disclose its users' names and Internet service provider addresses led to the case being dismissed. In September 2003, Zwebner filed a pro se slander, libel and defamation suit against John Doe defendants, only identified by their online aliases. He then attempted to subpoena the John Does, filing a motion to compel Lycos to disclose the identities of about 85 of its message board posters. The John Does were represented by L. Van Stillman, a former Delray Beach attorney who was disbarred after pleading guilty in 2003 to SEC charges that he was involved in a pump-and-dump scheme. Stillman could not be reached for comment. Attorneys for Lycos and Stillman filed motions to quash the subpoenas, claiming privacy and First Amendment rights trumped any claim Zwebner may have against the defendants. Lycos cited numerous federal court decisions that came down on the side of the anonymous posters, including Doe v. Inc., a 2001 decision out of Washington state that allowed a pseudonymous message board poster to retain his or her anonymity. "The Internet is a truly democratic forum for communication," the court wrote in its opinion. "It allows for the free exchange of ideas at an unprecedented speed and scale. For this reason, the constitutional rights of Internet users, including the First Amendment right to speak anonymously, must be carefully safeguarded." The onus has been on the companies to prove that the harm they have suffered outweighs the posters' right to free speech and privacy. In McIntyre v. the Ohio Elections Commission, the U.S. Supreme Court gave anonymous free speech special protection, writing: "the right to remain anonymous may be abused when it shields fraudulent conduct. But ... our society accords greater weight to the value of free speech than to the dangers of its misuse." Zwebner learned that lesson the hard way, after filing a pro se defamation case against the John Does. U.S. District Judge K. Michael Moore in Miami ruled in favor of the defendants, quashing the subpoenas. Zwebner's case then was dismissed due to his inability to identify any of the posters. After the loss, Zwebner retained Faro and filed the four suits currently pending in federal court in Miami. Lycos is trying to have the trademark case moved to federal court in Massachusetts. It has not yet filed a response to the latest suit Zwebner filed against it. While the federal courts have tended to protect the confidential of John Does in cybersmearing cases, Florida's 3rd District Court of Appeal in Miami took a position against anonymous cybersmearing in a 2000 case, Hvide v. Doe. The 3rd DCA rejected the anonymous posters' claim to protection under the First Amendment. (Voluntary Disclosure: ST Rating- Strong Sell; LT Rating- Strong Sell) ....................................................................................................................... By: scumz 01 Mar 2007, 03:35 PM EST Msg. 60990 of 61022 (This msg. is a reply to 60989 by scumz.) Jump to msg. # Is Zwebner still eating cheeseburgers??? ROFLMAO (Voluntary Disclosure: ST Rating- Strong Sell; LT Rating- Strong Sell) ...............................................................................................................By: scumz 01 Mar 2007, 03:39 PM EST Msg. 60991 of 61022 Jump to msg. # 'Rip Off Reports dot com' has a lot of info on Zwebner and Cunningham in their search engine. interesting (Voluntary Disclosure: ST Rating- Strong Sell; LT Rating- Strong Sell) ...................................................................................................................... By: pumpituphigh 02 Mar 2007, 01:14 PM EST Msg. 61001 of 61022 Jump to msg. # Zwebner's business backer/partner Moshe Katsav is disgraced. ....................................................................................................................... By: scumz 07 Mar 2007, 01:10 PM EST Msg. 61011 of 61023 (This msg. is a reply to 60966 by Mighty_Mezz.) Jump to msg. # Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc. Announces the Signing of a Letter of Intent to Acquire "First Community Television Channel" of Paris France Market Wire, April, 2004 Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc (OTC BB: RDDI) CEO Michael J Zwebner announced today the signing of a Letter of Intent to acquire First Community Television Channel of Paris France in a transaction valued at $40 million. First Community Television Channel of Paris France are the operators of "CHAI TV," the world's first International Jewish TV station that is planned to broadcast on a world wide basis from Paris, France. Further details of the proposed transaction will be announced shortly. It is subject to SEC regulatory approval. Safe Harbor Statement Caution Concerning Forward-Looking Statements by Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc. This document includes certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are based on management's current expectations or beliefs, and are subject to uncertainty and changes in circumstances. Actual results may vary materially from those expressed or implied by the statements herein due to changes in economic, business, competitive, technological and/or regulatory factors, and factors affecting the integration of the businesses of Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc. More detailed information about these factors may be found in filings by Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc., with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including their most recent annual reports on Form 10-KSB and quarterly reports on Form 10-QSB. Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc is under no obligation to, and expressly disclaims any such obligation to, update or alter their forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. Contact: Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc 801-269-8535 (Voluntary Disclosure: ST Rating- Strong Sell; LT Rating- Strong Sell) By: scumz 08 Mar 2007, 03:24 PM EST Msg. 61022 of 61022 Jump to msg. # Long time Zwebner associate Mark R. Tolner named as co-defendant of Lou Pearlman and Florida Governor Charlie Crist in Cover-up Lawsuit By: the_worm06 Thu, 08 Mar 07 2:44 PM Jump to msg. # IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE MIDDLE DISTRICT OF FLORIDA TAMPA DIVISION. PLAINTIFFS, - Vs - LOUIS J. PEARLMAN; ROBERT FISCHETTI; MICHAEL CRUDELE; KRISTIN FINGER; SALMA BACCHUS; THEODORE WÜELLENKEMPER; GREGORY McDONALD; MARK TOLNER;RICHARD CARL JANS; RECA RENE CHAMBERLAIN; and CHARLES J. CRIST; Individual Defendants; --------------- TRANS CONTINENTAL AIRLINES EMPLOYEE INVESTMENT SAVINGS ACCOUNT &amp; STOCK PROGRAMS; Enterprise Defendant; ---------------- TRANS CONTINENTAL AIRLINES, INC.; TRANS CONTINENTAL AIRLINES TRAVEL SERVICES, INC.; TRANS CONTINENTAL ENTERPRISES, LLC; TRANS CONTINENTAL ENTERTAINMENT INC.; LOUIS J. PEARLMAN ENTERPRISES, INC.; TRANS CONTINENTAL RECORDS, INC.; TC LEASING, LLC; TRANS CONTINENTAL TALENT, INC.; FASHION ROCK, LLC; TRANS CONTINENTAL TRAVEL SERVICE, INC.; F.F. STATION, LLC; TRANS COUNTRY MUSIC GROUP, INC.; -------------------- Clements et al v. Pearlman et al – Florida Federal Complaint March 2007 – Page 4 TRANS CONTINENTAL STUDIOS, INC.; TRANS CONTINENTAL AVIATION, INC.; AEGIS CONSULTING, INC.; and GERMAN INVEST-UND FINANZBERATUNG GmbH Corporate Defendants; ------------------ FISERV CORPORATION individually and as successor to RETIREMENTACCOUNTS INC.; BANK OF AMERICA; FIFTH THIRD BANK; WACHOVIA BANK; Corporate Defendants Trustees / Agents; ------------------ DUN &amp; BRADSTREET CO.; Corporate Defendant; ------------------ JOHN DOES # 1 – 10; (the names being fictitious and used solely for identification purposes, the actual names will be disclosed in future discovery); JOHN DOE COMPANIES # 1 – 10; (the names being fictitious and used solely for identification purposes, the actual names will be disclosed in future discovery); “John Doe†Defendants; ---------------- STATE OF FLORIDA, Sovereign Entity Defendants; DEFENDANTS. (Voluntary Disclosure: ST Rating- Strong Sell; LT Rating- Strong Sell) So for Securities Exchange Commission Chairman Chris 'WMDs' Cox and his SEC internet fraud division side kick John Reed Stark to put out a press release as they did recently to claim they were cleaning up pink sheet penny stocks(that don't have to release any financial records)while they have allowed hundreds upon hundreds of NASDAQ and OTCBB stocks to lie about and fudge their financial and stock statements and run illegal pumps and dumps and probable money laundering operations,is the continuation of lies and hypocrisy from the SEC.: SEC Suspends Trading Of 35 Companies Touted In Spam Email Campaigns Investor Protection Agency Unveils "Operation Spamalot" FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 2007-34 Washington, D.C., March 8, 2007 - The Securities and Exchange Commission this morning suspended trading in the securities of 35 companies that have been the subject of recent and repeated spam email campaigns. The trading suspensions - the most ever aimed at spammed companies - were ordered because of questions regarding the adequacy and accuracy of information about the companies. The trading suspensions are part of a stepped-up SEC effort - code named "Operation Spamalot" - to protect investors from potentially fraudulent spam email hyping small company stocks with phrases like, "Ready to Explode," "Ride the Bull," and "Fast Money." It's estimated that 100 million of these spam messages are sent every week, triggering dramatic spikes in share price and trading volume before the spamming stops and investors lose their money. "When spam clogs our mailboxes, it's annoying. When it rips off investors, it's illegal and destructive," said SEC Chairman Christopher Cox. "Today's trading suspensions, and actions that will follow, should send a clear message to spammers: the SEC will hold you accountable." Linda Chatman Thomsen, Director of the SEC's Enforcement Division, said, "Many of these companies are no doubt familiar to anyone who reads their email, because each has been the subject of a spam email campaign. While the Commission cautions investors not to make investment decisions based on anonymous emails they receive, we are also committed to tracking down those who prey on investors with false or misleading information." Mark K. Schonfeld, Director of the Commission's Northeast Regional Office, said, "By halting trading in these stocks we are seeking to protect investors from further harm. But this is only the first step. Our investigation of the perpetrators - the people behind this misconduct - is continuing." The securities of each of the 35 companies have been quoted on the Pink Sheets quotations service. Recent trading clearly demonstrates how spam campaigns can affect stock prices and trading volume. For example: On Friday, Dec. 15, 2006, shares in Apparel Manufacturing Associates, Inc. (APPM) closed at $.06, with a trading volume of 3,500 shares. After a weekend spam campaign distributed emails proclaiming, "Huge news expected out on APPM, get in before the wire, We're taking it all the way to $1.00," trading volume on Monday, Dec. 18, 2006, hit 484,568 shares with the price spiking to over 19 cents a share. Two days later the price climbed to $.45. By Dec. 27, 2006, the price was back down to $.10 on trading volume of 65,350 shares. On Dec. 19, 2006, trading in Goldmark Industries, Inc. (GDKI), closed at $.17 on trading volume of 126,286 shares. On Dec. 20, 2006, the spam campaign started, with e-mail proclaiming "GDKI IS MAKING EVERYONE BANK!," and setting a 5-day price target of $2. By Dec. 28, 2006, spam emails boasted of the price spike that had already been achieved -- "$.28 (Up 152% in 2 days!!!)" -- and promised a 5-day price target of $1. That same day, GDKI closed at $.35 on a volume of more than 5 million shares. By January 9, 2007, the closing share price was back down to $.15. A spam campaign in Healtheuniverse, Inc. (HLUN) stock began on Sept. 4, 2006, with emails incorporating a Healtheuniverse press release proclaiming that HLUN was "focused on being the first to commercialize stem cell applications in the $15 billion worldwide plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery market." On Sept. 7, 2006, HLUN closed at $.12 per share on trading volume of 3,000 shares. The spam campaign accelerated, and HLUN shares spiked to $.22 per share on Sept. 11, 2006, with over 2.2 million shares trading hands. By Sept. 22, 2006, the closing price had dropped back down to $.11. The trading suspensions will last for ten business days. The trading suspensions commenced today at 9:30 a.m., EDT, and terminate at 11:59 p.m., EDT, on March 21, 2007. The 35 companies whose trading was suspended today are: Advanced Powerline Technologies Inc. (APWL), America Asia Petroleum Corp. (AAPM), Amerossi Int'l Group, Inc. (AMSN), Apparel Manufacturing Associates, Inc. (APPM), Asgard Holdings Inc. (AGHG), Biogenerics Ltd. (BIGN), China Gold Corp. (CGDC), CTR Investments &amp; Consulting, Inc. (CIVX), DC Brands International, Inc. (DCBI), Equal Trading, Inc. (EQTD), Equitable Mining Corp. (EQBM), Espion International, Inc. (EPLJ), Goldmark Industries, Inc. (GDKI), GroFeed Inc. (GFDI), Healtheuniverse, Inc. (HLUN), Interlink Global Corp. (ILKG), Investigative Services Agencies, Inc. (IVAY), iPackets International, Inc. (IPKL), Koko Petroleum Inc. (KKPT), Leatt Corporation (LEAT), LOM Logistics, Inc. (LOMJ), Modern Energy Corp. (MODR), National Healthcare Logistics, Inc. (NHLG), Presidents Financial Corp. (PZFC), Red Truck Entertainment Inc. (RTRK), Relay Capital Corp. (RLYC), Rodedawg International Industries, Inc. (RWGI), Rouchon Industries, Inc. (RCHN), Software Effective Solutions Corp. (SFWJ), Solucorp Industries Ltd. (SLUP), Inc. (SSUF), UBA Technology, Inc. (UBTG), Wataire Industries Inc. (WTAF), WayPoint Biomedical Holdings, Inc. (WYPH), and Wineco Productions Inc. (WNCP). The 35 suspensions concern companies that are not subject to the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Not listed on any exchange, or on the OTC Bulletin Board, the companies' securities have been quoted on the Pink Sheets quotation service on an unsolicited basis, meaning that the brokers posting quotations for the purchase and sale of the securities are not required to conduct due diligence regarding the issuers. The Commission cautions broker-dealers, shareholders, and prospective purchasers that they should carefully consider the foregoing information along with all other currently available information and any information subsequently issued by the companies. Further, broker-dealers should be alert to the fact that, pursuant to Rule 15c2-11 under the Exchange Act, at the termination of the trading suspensions, no quotation may be entered unless and until they have strictly complied with all of the provisions of the rule. If any broker-dealer enters any quotation that is in violation of the rule, the Commission will consider the need for prompt enforcement action. The Commission's Office of Investor Education and Assistance has information for investors and members of the general public on topics directly related to this action. See Any broker-dealer, investor, or other person with information relating to this matter is invited to email the Securities and Exchange Commission at 35suspensions (at) The Commission appreciates the assistance and cooperation of the National Association of Securities Dealers, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the British Columbia Securities Commission, and the Ontario Securities Commission. ............................................................................................................ What crocodile tears they cry in the Beltway or Washington D.C. over the unending fraud they have unleashed over the internet through endless penny stock internet sites they allow to run rampant even including UCSY corrupting foreign politicians ! ......................................... ............................................................................................................ Saturday, March 10, 2007 Larger CIA and DoD Privatization Scandal Emerging from Walter Reed Story, US Attorneys Firing Mar 10, 2007 by leveymg Rumsfeld and Top GOP Figures Profited from Privatization of VA Hospital, CIA Contractors A large global hedge fund, Cerberus Capital Management (dba, Cerberus-Gabriel), is at the center of an emerging Pentagon and CIA contracting scandal that has the attention of three Congressional Committees. In each case, the companies under investigation have links to prominent GOP figures, including Vice President Dick Cheney, former Vice President Dan Quayle, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and several Republican Congressmen indicted for corruption involving kickbacks from defense contractors. The Republican Congressional Campaign Commitee (RCCC) has also received substantial contributions from conservative fund managers running Cerberus, a virually unregulated $30 billion hedge fund, which owns the second largest bank in Israel. This scandal involves the mismanagement of VA hospital facilities privatized during the Bush-Cheney Administration, as well as intelligence abuses by private CIA contractors. The lastest Cerberus scandal involving its holding, International American Products (IAP) Worldwide Services, awarded a $120 million contract to manage facilities at Walter Reed, is only the latest in a long line of serious problems involving the company and its officers. IAP’s President, Alfred V. Neffgen, was formerly Chief Operating Officer for KBR's government operations group, which was forced to repay tens of millions of dollars to the Defense Department for food and fuel overcharges in Iraq. IAP has other contracting connections with Dick Cheney’s Halliburton/KBR. Most recently, IAP bid on part of the Iraq oil reconstruction project as a partner with Halliburton KBR. The Army Times reports about the Halliburton tie-in: ............... Cerberus owns, or had a major interest in, a string of now-bankrupt companies that had contracts with U.S. defense and intelligence agencies that were found to have a common pattern of large-scale fraud, security problems, and financial scandals involving GOP lawmakers and lobbyists. IAP is also tied-in with Halliburton/KBR on multi-billion dollar Iraq contracts. Halliburton is a major defense contractor once headed by Vice President Cheney, that has had its own history of problems with fraud and overcharges related to its management of sole-source projects in Iraq, particularly the multi-billion dollar LOGCAP contract to repair and maintain Iraq’s oil fields and pipelines. Just months before the invasion, DoD designated Halliburton/KBR as the sole potential bidder for potential large-scale pipeline repair contracts. Four years after the initial invasion and occupation of those fields, Iraq is still not producing at its prewar levels, a threshold that would require termination of the LOGCAP contract. On October 16, 2006, IAP Worldwide Services issued this press release: "IAP Worldwide Services, Inc. Team Submits Bid For LOGCAP IV Contract," which included this quote from former Halliburton/KBR executive Dave Swindle: "The LOGCAP IV contract is a major challenge," said Dave Swindle, IAP President. "Supporting the warfighter and the Army is a responsibility that allows no compromise. IAP and its team members understand the magnitude of this program and the issues associated with its complexity. We place a high priority on using our proven Business Operating System (BOS) to provide effective oversight and tracking to responsibly meet the customer’s needs from Day One. Through BOS we will act as one team through a management and business system that is completely transparent to the customer." *** Cerberis donated $100,000 at a single fundraiser to Rep. Jerry Lewis, fmr. Chair of the House Appropriations Comm., who served as intermediary to distribute money to fellow GOP lawmakers favored by Cerberus *** During testimony in the Scooter Libby trial, we learned that Valerie Plame was involved in the aluminum tube issue within the CIA’s Counter-Proliferation Division (CPD), where she worked before being "outed" by Libby and others in the White House and Vice President’s office. *** Dan Quayle is chair of new Leumi owner Cerberus-Gabriel, Interceded With SEC Head to Block Rules Governing Hedge Funds Dan Quayle is chair of new Leumi owner Cerberus-Gabriel Ha’aretz 11/16/2005 Cerberus is chaired by former U.S. vice president Dan Quayle. — The Cerberus-Gabriel group was led by Gabriel president J. Ezra Merkin, assisted by CPA Avi Berger, the general manager of the Kesselman &amp; Kesselman accounting firm, and attorney Yaakov Ne’eman. Stephen Feinberg, 45, a Jew from New York and the wunderkind of the hedge funds world who, within 20 years, turned a $10 million fund into a holding company whose companies have combined sales of $30 billion a year, is the founder and manager of Cerberus Global Investment. Experts: Ultimate owners of Leumi unclear Globes 11/16/2005 Banking sources: US investor disclosure regulations will cause Cerberus-Gabriel problems.— Ministry of Finance officials have declared a great victory in the Bank Leumi (TASE: LUMI) tender, but banking specialists are not so enthusiastic. They say that the victory wasn’t so great: the buyers (Cerberus Capital Management LP and Gabriel Capital Management) are too anonymous, their business isn’t transparent enough, and, most of all, the saga is far from over...these owners have specific problems in connection with operating a bank in the US, and they are looking for indirect ways to operate there, perhaps without a banking license. (Can't get that top link to work yet -- Globe link requires registration and installation of their software. Found these links from: ) In 2004,Met with then The SEC Chairman William Donaldson a month prior to Donaldson's vote on whether to open hedge funds to periodic inspections: ~snip~ Canary Scandal Former U.S. Vice President Dan Quayle, an adviser to Cerberus, met in June with Donaldson to discuss fund regulation. Craig Whitney, executive vice president of Quayle &amp; Associates, denied that Quayle was lobbying Donaldson to weaken the SEC's hedge fund plan. Hedge fund executives also say the SEC should focus its resources on better protecting the 91 million U.S. holders of mutual funds. The SEC's move to increase regulation of the private investment pools has gained pace since New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer alleged 10 months ago that ``illegal trading schemes'' enabled some hedge funds to buy mutual fund shares at prices not available to most investors. Canary Capital Partners LLC and its managing principal, Edward Stern, agreed on Sept. 3 to return $30 million in profits and pay a $10 million fine. Since then, regulators have imposed more than $2.3 billion in sanctions against about a dozen companies including Bank of America Corp. and Alliance Capital Management Holding LP. ~snip~ DONALD RUMSFELD - CERBERUS INVESTOR During the tenure of former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, the Pentagon awarded a large contract to the company at the center of the Walter Reed Army Hospital scandal. Rumsfeld may have financially benefited from it along with other major GOP figures, including former Vice President Dan Quaile also invested or were employed by, or received campaign contributions from the same Wall Street hedge fund that owns the company. In his last financial disclosure before becoming Defense Secretary, Rumsfeld revealed that he held shares in Cerberus, a large NY Hedge Fund that acquired International American Products, Inc., the company awarded a Pentagon contract to privatize facilities management services at Walter Reed. 2005 - CERBERUS PURCHASES SECOND-LARGEST BANK IN ISRAEL, COMPLETING THE PRIVATIZATION OF THE ISRAELI BANKING SYSTEM Cerberus group, which in 2005, acquired the second largest Israeli bank, Leumi Bank, completing a process of privatization of the Israeli financial sector pushed by the Right-wing Likud Party and its successor under the present Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert. Cerberus holding Leumi Bank privatized Israeli banks - IAP privatized VA hospitals Strange symmetry to this, isn't there? Perhaps, no coincidence to any of it. Here's why. You have to read a seminal neocon document written in 1997 for then-Israeli PM Netanyahu by the guys who went on to run the Office of Special Plans (OSP), Feith, Wurmser, and Perle. That paper, "A CLEAN BREAK: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm" -- -- lays out a battle plan for conquering the Mid-East, starting with Iraq and Lebanon as means to undermine and discourage Syria, and then, finally, a forced reorientation of the region’s enormous Shi’a population away from Iran and the elevation of the Heshemite Kingdom of Morocco’s King Hussein. The point of all this isn't just military conquest, and the elimination of regional threats, it's actually to set the preconditions for a PRIVATIZED Israeli economy, and the "clean break" is with Israeli's social-democratic past. It is also meant to map out a profound shift in Israel’s relationship with the United States, away from a traditional client state that submits to bi-partsian Washington, with the an alliance with the ascendant GOP Right-wing, the authors planned to elevate Israel into a new regional Superpower.................. So, this is the Israeli state they ended up with, led by Kadima’s Ehud Olmert, a Tool of Oligarchs ... Cerberus-Gabriel Forbes Reinforces Claim That Kadima is Tool of Oligarchs by Ezra HaLevi ( According to the report, the business groups are controlled by the following families: Sami Ofer, Nochi Dankner, Shari Arison, the Cerberus-Gabriel consortium, Charles Bronfman, Yitzchak Tshuva, the Saban group, Lev Leviev, Matthew Bronfman, Tzadik Bino, the Borovich family, and Eliezer Fishman. The 12 families own 60 percent of the aggregate market value of all Israeli public companies (excluding the even larger Teva Pharmaceutical Industries), Forbes reported. The report goes on to say that the families have constructed their empires, which consist of Israel's largest companies, using organizational structures that have long ago been done away with in the Western world. The report explains that the groups have an inordinate amount of control over Israel's economy, political leaders and media due to the structuring of their holdings as pyramids – meaning several layers of companies each own others beneath them but are all beholden to the leading families. Such a phenomenon was eliminated in the US in the early 20th century through restrictions on ownership and the double taxation of dividends a company paid its owner company. ~snip~ In that light, consider the article about the conflict surrounding the Serberus-Leumi group privatizing the Israeli banking system. Bear in mind that Israel’s banks, including Leumi, had been bailed out by the government in the disastrous year of 1983, after Ariel Sharon led the IDF into an ill-fated and incompetently led invasion of Lebanon. An "optional" war that resulted in the massive withdrawal of international capital, and a steep recession in Israel’s reputation and fortunes: Leumi on the way to going global By Nehemia Shtrasler A historic decision will be made next week. The Bank of Israel will announce whether it approves the sale of Bank Leumi to the Cerberus-Gabriel consortium. This would mark the end of the long process of privatizing Israel's banking system. As early as November 2005 a tender was issued for the bank's sale, and it was won by Cerberus-Gabriel. The consortium offered to pay NIS 4.62 billion for a controlling stake of 20 percent in the bank - a very high price indeed. But the consortium failed to close the deal because the Bank of Israel did not approve its becoming a controlling partner. The decision will now be made by the Bank of Israel Governor, Professor Stanley Fischer, who has said in internal meetings that this is one of the most difficult decisions he has been asked to make. At those same meetings, Rony Hizkiyahu, the new Supervisor of Banks, said that he wished the problem with the New York branch of Bank Leumi were resolved because then there would be no obstacle to selling the bank to the consortium. Indeed, this is the only problem that is keeping Cerberus-Gabriel from Bank Leumi, the subsidiary in New York. According to American law, the Cerberus-Gabriel consortium will not be able to hold the bank in New York because it is invested in non-financial sectors. According to American rules, it is not permitted to have industrial and real estate holdings and also a bank - out of concern for possible conflict of interest. During those same internal meetings at the Bank of Israel a number of proposals were put forth for a solution to the problem. For example, to sell Leumi New York, and in its place set up a financial entity that could offer business loans but not be able to accept deposits or offer retail banking services. The problem is that such a financial firm will not operate under the supervision of the Federal Reserve (because it is not a bank). As for Israeli supervision, it will not be easy to keep an eye on a company that is situated so far away. SNIP Indeed, the deal went through and the regulatory obstacles removed to the privatiziation that is pushed by Prime Minister Olmert, one of the leading proponents of the scheme, as this article makes clear: December 13, 2005 Cerberus-Gabriel hedge fund buys stake in Leumi Bank Israel is on its way to privatization. The banking sector is amongst the first ones to take a step in this direction. Bank Leumi was in the market recently and attracted bids from several players. Bidder names include strategic investors like Lev Leviev, IDB and Bill Davidson and also financial contenders like UBS, Deutsche Bank and Citibank. However the winner was an American Hedge fund, Cerberus-Gabriel. Cerberus-Gabriel has purchased 9.9% of the shares of the bank. The purchase of this stake was for approximately $500 million. The fund also has the option of buying an additional 10.01% in the bank. This will bring the total shares quantum to 20% and is roughly valued at $1 billion. This option of additional purchase has to be utilized with in the next one and a half years. Ehud Olmert, Finance Minister of Israel, is reportedly quite satisfied with the outcome. He feels that this is a positive development and will help the over all Israeli economy. He is amongst the top promoters of privatization move. In his statement he also mentioned that the purchase will ensure healthy competition between the banks and will definitely contribute a lot to the local market. Another person quite happy with the development is Yaron Zelekha, the treasury's accountant-general, who led the tender. He sees it as fulfillment of the promise made to the people of Israel about privatization of the entire banking system in 2005. CONCLUSION Both the MZM-Cunningham and Jerry Lewis cases involve the funneling of foreign money to the GOP through a neocon controlled global hedge fund, Cerberus Capital Management, that was dispersing money to a number of key GOP figures and organizations in various ways, including Bush, Rumsfeld, a number of GOP Congressmen, and the RNC. The case is also tied up with the Walter Reed scandal, and the effort to privatize many Pentagon and CIA functions, which resulted in catastrophic failures at both. Let's recap: a corrupt Israeli PM - has a stake in a corrupt Israeli bank- owned by a corrupt Wall Street global hedge fund - which owns a corrupt US defense contractor - which contributes to corrupt GOP Congressmen - who also receive money from another corrupt defense contractor - that defense contractor produced faulty intel under contract to a corrupt CIA Assn't Director - that faulty intel was used to justify a corrupt US Administration's case for invading Iraq - that was planned and executed by corrupt neocons inside DoD who had written a proposal years earlier to wage wars to privatize the Israeli economy. What a tangled web. One wishes Chairman Waxman’s staff and other Congressional investigators the strength of Hercules in taking down the Three-headed Dog, Cerberus, that guards the gates to Hell. ___________________________________________________________ Mark G. Levey. Fair use applies. Acknowledgement: Some material compiled from a research thread at Democratic, with particular thanks to "bobthedrummer" and "Emit", and other DU researchers: .................................................................................................................. Cryptometrics:New Zealand Passport Office Used By U.S. Penny Stock Criminals ? David Grin,Tel Aviv University,Laurus Capital Management and Union Bank of Israel FOIA,Alberto Gonzales and SEC'S Chris Cox Enron,Merrill Lych,Latham &amp; Watkins conflict Tim Mahoney,vFinance,Venus Methodist Church,Florida,Sayed Mustafa and Islamic Usury Charles Schwab:vFinance's Charles Patrick Garcia receives Henry B. Gonzalez award !? Democrats William Jefferson,Tim Mahoney, iGate,vFinance,DOBI, Endovasc penny stock frauds James Dale Davidson,Charles Schwab,Tim Mahoney,VFIN, LOM and penny stock share money laundering Ireland Indymedia bans criticism of Lord Rees Mogg,James Dale Davidson Post to Lord Rees-Mogg's Weblog re NASDAQ,London Stock Exchange Virginia:Marvin Bush,Securacom,9/11,U.S. Senator George Allen,Bawag Austria,offshores... U.S. Republican George Allen More Corrupt Than Utah Senators Bob Bennett,Orrin Hatch ? Asa Hutchinson,Charlie Crist,Jeb Bush,Republican stock fraud and drug trafficking,etc.... Why did Osama bin Laden choose Jeb Bush's Huffman Aviation terrorist flight school ? Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ? Utah Gov Jon Huntsman,Senator Bennett, Hatch call Republican Senator Shelby 'a gangster' Does NY Times censor 9/11 Venice,Florida connection ? NY Rep.Peter King,CIA,Swift,NY Times,Republican stock fraud NY WTC 'protected' by Kuwaiti company and Marvin Bush on 9/11 Asa Hutchinson,Richard Rainwater,George W Bush,Tom DeLay &amp; 5.6 Ton cocaine bust in Mexico SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton &amp; Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ? Cocaina,Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche, Abril 10,CIA,Republicanos Y PAN Did Israel President Moshe Katsav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ? Israel: Gal Lusky's 'IFA' Caught Up in Moshe Katsav,Mohamed Hadid, Zwebner 'UCSY' scam ? Israeli President Moshe Katsav aids massive penny stock fraud Did Israel President Moshe Katzav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ? SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton &amp; Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud Chris Cox,SEC,Makram Majid Chams,Titan Corp,9/11,Abhu Ghraib,etc. SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks John Reed Stark UAE,SEC,Georgetown University Stock fraud Academic fraud Cyber fraud Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ? Porter Goss: CIA Cyber and stock fraud ops damaged by leaks ?; D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson,Don Nickles, ex-CIA Chief Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen Asa Hutchinson,ex Congressman Tom McMillen, Fortress America,offshore money laundering To CIA,In-Q-Tel,Amit Yoran re SRA International, Mantas Inc stock fraud money laundering Mantas Inc,Herndon, Va, Pro-Money Laundering Arm of International Bankers,Brokers... CIA and Gilman Louie are less than honest Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering
summary (NULL)
format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 66928 characters ) <p>Even Moshe Katsav's and Michael Zwebners' pa...
<p>Even Moshe Katsav's and Michael Zwebners' partner in the UCSY or Universal Communications Systems fraud,Mohamed Hadid with his Saudi Arabian ties,has been protected by the Bush Regime that has covered up the Herndon, Virginia Islamic charities money laundering scandal for him and the Saudis.</p> <!--break--><p> Israeli pResident Moshe Katsav's Penny Stock Partner Michael Zwebner loses in U.S. Court</p> <p>Israeli pResident Moshe Katsav Disgraced by Michael Zwebner,Mohamid Hadid fraud ties : </p> <p>UCSY, Zwebner ordered by Court to pay legal expenses of Lycos, Villasenor </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>BELOW IS FROM CYPRUS.INDYMEDIA BEFORE RECEIVING THE NEWS THAT ISRAELI RESIDENT OR PRESIDENT MOSHE KATSAV`S PARTNER IN U.S. PENNY STOCK SCAMS MICHAEL ZWEBNER HAD LOST IN U.S. COURT IN MASSACHUSETTS.IT DEMONSTRATES THE POWER TO USE MONEY HOWEVER ILLEGALLY GAINED,AS MR.ZWEBNER´S WAS AND IS IN U.S. PENNY STOCK PROMOTIONS, TO MANIPULATE THE LAW IN THE U.S.. </p> <p>THIS TIME MR.ZWEBNER WHO IS NOT AN AMERICAN AND ONLY USES THE COUNTRY FOR FRAUD,(JUST AS HE HAS USED ISRAEL AND THE ISRAELI MILITARY AND U.S. SOLDIERS IN IRAQ IN HIS FRAUDULENT PROMOTIONS AND LIES WITH MOSHE KATSAV'S BLESSINGS !),LOST IN COURT TRYING TO INTIMIDATE POSTERS CRITICISING HIM ON MESSAGE BOARDS ! ZWEBNER HAD PREVIOUSLY SUED GOOGLE AS WELL AS CNN AND WOLF BLITZER FOR $100,000,000.BLITZER AND CNN WERE SUED BECAUSE I,TONY RYALS, POSTED CRITICISMS OF ZWEBNER AND UCSY ON RAGINGBULL.CON USING WOLFBLITZZER0 AS AN ALIAS !<br /> ......................................................................................................... </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Universal Communication Systems Inc. Subsidiary AirWater Corporation Receives Presidential Endorsement of Its Products<br /> Business Wire, March 17, 2004 </p> <p>Business Editors </p> <p>TEL AVIV, Israel--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 17, 2004 </p> <p>President of Israel, Mr. Moshe Katzav Visits the Company's Display </p> <p>Booth at the "Aqua Israel 2004" Exhibition Held in Tel Aviv, Israel; </p> <p>AirWater Corp. is Recipient of 2 Event Awards </p> <p>Universal Communication Systems Inc. subsidiary AirWater Corporation company president Michael Zwebner revealed and announced today that the President of Israel, Mr. Moshe Katzav, visited the company's display booth at the recently concluded "AQUA Israel 2004" 2 day exhibition, recently held at Tel Aviv, Israel. Tasting the water made from the company's unique AW 120 Air to Water machine, he commented: "This water tastes very good, it is excellent and this is a great product." Later in the day, Israel's Minister of Agriculture Mr. Katz, also visited the company's display, and after being given a complete explanation of the company's products and tasting the water produced on the spot, he too highly commended and endorsed the AirWater Machines, and the water created from the air. </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Universal Communication Systems, Inc. Subsidiary AirWater Corporation Company President Michael Zwebner and Mohamed Hadid Each Donate $25,000 to AirWater Emergency Fund for Shipment of AirWater Machines to Far East<br /> Market Wire, January, 2005 </p> <p>Find More Results for: "zwebner hadid"<br /> Talk Visual Chairman...<br /> Universal Communication Systems, Inc. (OTC BB: UCSY) subsidiary AirWater Corporation, company president Michael J. Zwebner announced today that both he and Mr. Mohamed Hadid of Los Angeles, CA, are each personally donating $25,000 to the AirWater machines fund. </p> <p>.............................................................................................................. </p> <p>David Grin,Laurus Capital Management and Union Bank of Israel </p> <p>Author<br /> Tony Ryals<br /> Date Created<br /> 18 Feb 2007<br /> More details...<br /> Date Edited<br /> 18 Feb 2007 05:41:27 AM<br /> License<br /> This work is in the public domain<br /> A note from the editorial group. </p> <p>Publication of this particular article in these pages is a violation of the law, and possibly constitutes an act of entrapment against our Cyprus IndyMedia group. Therefore it's been removed. </p> <p>Readers interested in how this entrapment works can see this short legal brief:<br /> "Michael Zwebner gets a prior restraint injunction<br /> Michael Zwebner regularly sues critics and people remotely related to critics of his...":<br /> <a href=""></a> </p> <p>One can read the original article by Tony Ryals elsewhere:<br /> <a href=""></a> </p> <p>Volunteers<br /> ~~~~~~~~ </p> <p>Comments </p> <p>Re: David Grin,Laurus Capital Management and Union Bank of Israel28 Feb 2007<br /> by Tony Ryals<br /> Reply to this comment </p> <p>Below are from aliases posting on the scam or message board of Muichael Zwebner's 'ucsy' or Universal Communications' today and directly relates to cyprus indymedia's action in regards to replacing my post here with links to same on and the phoney legal precident that Michael Zwebner(who used Israeli or ex Israeli President Moshe Katsav's name in one of his press releases to promote and dump shares in his penny stock in 2004. </p> <p>Both aliases are quite credible and not a part of any 'pump and dump' penny stock scam.I know this because I have read their posts there for years.<br /> Basically as you can read by following the link to the U.S. legal ruling,the claim in the link you provided if it was ever valid in the first place as Zwebner has led us all to believe has been reversed which we can all be jubilant about. </p> <p>Please don't think I would 'entrap' or seek to entrap the fine folks of cyprus.indymedia or any indymedia for that matter.I would go to my grave defending you people.Also,I appreciate your taking the time to find an alternative link to my original post here.David Marchant of has been a great help to me as have been many indymedias. </p> <p>You have no idea of my struggle to expose U.S. penny stock fraud,even following Endovasc shares,(the scam that ripped me off),all the way to a bank in Cyprus by way of Union Bank of California. </p> <p>Anyway read the legal ruling and celebrate,free speech has won one this time. </p> <p>By: xrayviscion<br /> 28 Feb 2007, 09:24 AM EST<br /> Msg. 60967 of 60969<br /> (This msg. is a reply to 60966 by Mighty_Mezz.)<br /> Jump to msg. #<br /> UCSY, Zwebner ordered by Court to pay legal expenses of Lycos, Villasenor </p> <p><a href=""></a><br /> - - - - - </p> <p>By: xrayviscion<br /> 28 Feb 2007, 12:21 PM EST<br /> Msg. 60968 of 60969<br /> (This msg. is a reply to 60967 by xrayviscion.)<br /> Jump to msg. #<br /> Therefore, while some of UCS's claims are barred by Section 230 immunity, the remaining ones simply do not state a claim based on the facts alleged. If UCS has in fact been injured, redress is not available through any of the avenues it has chosen to pursue in this case. </p> <p>The district court's dismissal of all claims is affirmed. Costs are awarded to appellees. </p> <p>......................... </p> <p>By: Mighty_Mezz<br /> 28 Feb 2007, 12:51 PM EST<br /> Msg. 60969 of 60969<br /> (This msg. is a reply to 60967 by xrayviscion.)<br /> Jump to msg. #<br /> Thanks for posting the excellent news!<br /> I wouldn't be surprised if that's not part of the reason Z stopped filing with the SEC. He'd have to disclose that he lost to Roberto. I bet that galls him to no end. ROFL!<br /> ........................................................................................................................ </p> <p>However we are more concerned at present with celebrating a small victory for ´´free speech´´ that Americans,before the dictatorship of W Bush once prided themselves on.Not anymore.Today even to challenge fraud in America is to run the danger of somehow colluding with ´´terrorism´´ when in truth it is the Bush-Cheney Regime that has terrorized us all at home and abroad with the fascist company they keep,Israeli Resident Moshe Katsav as well as Dubai,Kuwati,Saudi Arabian and Kuwaiti royalty among others,being among the scum they protect. </p> <p>Even Moshe Katsav's and Michael Zwebners' partner in the UCSY or Universal Communications Systems fraud,Mohamed Hadid with his Saudi Arabian ties,has been protected by the Bush Regime that has covered up the Herndon, Virginia Islamic charities money laundering scandal for him and the Saudis. </p> <p>And covered it up to protect the ISRAELI SCUMBAG MOSHE KATSAV IN MANY WAYS WHO IS ALSO TIED TO THE ISLAMIC CHARITY MONEY LAUNDERING SCAM BY SUPPORTING HADID'S BRITISH AND ISRAELI ' JEWISH' PAL MICHAEL ZWEBNER IN THE FIRST PLACE,WHO USES SELF-RIGHTEOUS JUDAISM TO DENOUNCE ANY CRITICISM OF HIMSELF AND HIS ONGOING INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL FRAUDS,PARTICULARLY WITH U.S. PENNY STOCKS. </p> <p>OF INTEREST ALSO TO ISRAELIS AND OTHERS IS AN ARTICLE BY Mark G. Levey ON MPARENT BLOG THAT I HAVE ADDED WITH LINK.IT PROVDES MORE BACKGROUND INTO THE SALE OF LEUMI Bank of Israel to the Cerberus hedge fund with its links to the worst of Washington insiders John Snow,Dan Quayle,and even Dick Cheney's Kellogg Brown and Root war profiteers as well as some billionaire<br /> 'Jews' of equally questionable moral and ethical character.Prime Minister Olmert has a lot of ANSWERING TO DO TO ISRAELIS AND THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY RE LEUMI BANK SALE TO THIS MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL HEDGE FUND ! THE CIA AND JOHN SNOW AS EX TREASURY SECRETARY ACTUALLY SPIED ON INTERNATIIONAL FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS THROUGH SWIFT OF BRUSSELS,BELGIUM BEFORE LEAVING TO JOIN CERBERUS HEDGE FUND THAT PURCHASED BAWAG BANK OF AUSRIA SINCE THEN ! BAWAG BANK OF AUSTRIA HAS AIDED NUMEROUS U.S. PENNY STOCK FRAUDS AND MONEY LAUNDERING OPERATIONS INCLUDING THOSE OF THE ISRAELI OR UKRANIAN OR WHATEVER GRIN BROTHERS AND THEIR LAURUS CAPITAL,UNION BANK OF ISRAEL CONNECTIONS,Balmore Funds, Celeste Trust,etc.,etc.. </p> <p>While Michael Zwebner filed his frivolous suit to censor all criticism of himself and his penny stock frauds,including the ragingbull site,he no doubt set up to tout his worthless UCSY penny stock pump and dump operation that Israeli President Moshe Katsav helped to promote in a lieing press release,it must not be forgotten that Lycos' website ragingbull.con remains the same fraudulent site it was before Lycos sold to it to Signal, Inc.and Interactive Data Corporation. </p> <p>William Rees-Mogg's American co-author James Dale Davidson and his pals have used ragingbull for promoting their worthless penny stocks for years and scum like Michael Zwebner and so many other international criminals with friends in the Beltway or the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission or the SEC have done the same.Michael Zwebner's litigation with Lycos Ragingbull was a fight between con artists and internet and stock manipulation scam artists.It is usually the case that ragingbull under Lycos and now under new corp ownership has always aided penny stock con artists and deleted names and aliases there that have tried to expose frauds such as Michael Zwebner's UCSY or JAGH or Endovasc a Stanford University 'biotech' penny stock fraud or James Dale Davidson's Genemax penny stock pump and dump fraud and oh so many more(The Financial Times should be shamed by its association).JAGH or Jag Media Holdings is an ongoig fraud now connected to the questionable Cryptometrics company that would now after years of JAGH's criminal fraud would presume to run the New Zealand passport office's id technology in cooperation with its 'managment' and penny stock crime operation ! </p> <p>The ragingbull.con link below will take you to the sleazy Lycos Ragingbull.con,(now shamefully owned by Signal, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Interactive Data Corporation ,NYSE: IDC, who also own the Financial Times of London.Ragingbull can now claim ´legitimacy´ by way of its corporate connection to the London Financial Times to run its sleazy penny stock message boards ! </p> <p> </p> <p>It is humorous to note that the Lord Rees-Mogg was once editor of the Financial Times as well as Rupert Murdoch's London Times. </p> <p>William Rees-Mogg's American co-author James Dale Davidson and his pals have used ragingbull for promoting their worthless penny stocks for years and scum like Michael Zwebner and so many other international criminals with friends in the Beltway or the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission or the SEC have done the same. </p> <p>Or Endovasc a 'biotech' penny stock fraud that was promoted both by the infamous Grin brothers, David, Eugene, of the Ukraine or Israel or NY City as well as by Lord William Rees-Mogg's and Steve Forbes' pal James Dale Davidson wiyth worthjless shares promoted in Bellador Group boiler room of Kuala Lumpur and Dubai post 911! </p> <p>"International scam artist Michael J. Zwebner" </p> <p>Re: Chilling Effects...<br /> By: the_worm06<br /> Wed, 07 Mar 07 12:13 PM </p> <p>DD </p> <p>Yes, thank you. Everything has been vacated in that frivolous lawsuit by the international scam artist Michael J. Zwebner. </p> <p>His attorney Robert H. Cooper widely known as "The Unethical Attorney" together with Zwebner's other attorney John Faro (the one who got sanctioned severely in the CNN/Wolf Blitzer lawsuit) obtained the default, injunction and sanctions by making false statements to the court. </p> <p>They were caught red handed and everything was vacated. </p> <p>In talks with attorneys since the order to vacate all previous orders in the case, all of the attorneys mentioned that this is one of the most severe orders they had ever seen issued by a Judge, underlining the sleaziness of Zwebner's attorneys. You might want to read the extensive comments at the bottom: </p> <p>http ://theworm06.blogspot.c om/2006/06/legal-notice-ucsy-v-dembovich.html </p> <p>The Chilling Effects information will eventually be deleted. </p> <p>(Voluntary Disclosure: ST Rating- Strong Sell; LT Rating- Strong Sell) </p> <p>...............................................................................................................<br /> By: scumz<br /> 01 Mar 2007, 03:34 PM EST<br /> Msg. 60989 of 61022<br /> Jump to msg. #<br /> Zwebner (Executive) Faces Uphill Battle in His Suits Over Anonymous Web Attacks<br /> Jessica M. Walker<br /> Daily Business Review<br /> January 28, 2005 </p> <p>Like clockwork each day, someone who calls himself or herself Wolfblitzzer0 logs on to, a stock-talk Internet message board, and posts slurs about Michael J. Zwebner, the chief executive of Miami Beach-based Universal Communication Systems. </p> <p>Wolfblitzzer0's allegations have covered business practices, political conspiracies, and personal misdemeanors. In many posts, Wolfblitzzer0 accuses Zwebner of dirty business dealings and nefarious interactions with the Israeli government. One post accused Zwebner of claiming to keep kosher while secretly eating cheeseburgers, which are a Jewish dietary no-no because they combine meat and dairy. </p> <p>Zwebner, who holds joint British-Israeli citizenship and splits his time between Tel Aviv and Miami Beach, has shown no tolerance for such cybersmearing. Since September 2003, Zwebner has aggressively fought back, filing five lawsuits in U.S. District Court in Miami in retaliation for comments on, which is operated by Waltham, Mass.-based Internet network provider Lycos. </p> <p>The five suits include a class action trademark case and a class action defamation case against Lycos, and a fraud suit and a libel suit against a variety of individual posters. He also filed a defamation claim against CNN, Turner Broadcasting and the real Wolf Blitzer, CNN's high-profile newsman, for failing to stop Wolfblitzzer0 from misappropriating Blitzer's name. </p> <p>His latest suit, filed Jan. 19 in U.S. District Court in Miami, alleges that postings by Wolfblitzzer0 and other posters have damaged his reputation, driven down his company's share price and embarrassed him and his family. </p> <p>Universal Communications Systems was founded by Zwebner in 2001. It began as a telecommunications company and recently branched out into developing a technology that extracts water vapor from air to make drinking water. </p> <p>The lawsuit also accuses Lycos of an offense that could be criminally prosecuted -- cyberstalking. No criminal charges have been filed. </p> <p>Zwebner's latest suit seeks to have messages about him and his company deleted, and to enjoin Lycos from posting any messages about him or Universal Communication Systems in the future. </p> <p>Federal courts have been struggling to find a balance between a company's right to protect its reputation and the privacy and free speech rights of anonymous Internet posters since cybersmearing first became an issue in the late 1990s. Also at issue has been the liability of the Internet service provider in cases of online defamation. The courts have so far given Internet companies a great deal of protection. </p> <p>Zwebner might be fighting an uphill battle on both fronts. </p> <p>Zwebner's attorney, John H. Faro of Faro &amp; Associates in Miami, sharply criticizes Internet network providers for what he considers their failure to police postings. </p> <p>"My belief is these [providers] have done absolutely nothing," Faro said. "There is no control over these postings. They don't provide any means for enforcement of their registration policies." </p> <p>Larry Stumpf, attorney for Lycos and a partner at Black Srebnick Kornspan &amp; Stumpf in Miami, did not return calls seeking comment. </p> <p>Zwebner's new suits are his most recent legal counterattack against Internet posters who besmirch his name online. He has filed a number of suits across the country against posters, who have been making derogatory comments about him since about 2000. </p> <p>Faro acknowledged that Wolfblitzzer0's comments about Zwebner might go beyond a desire to manipulate the stock market. He said some of the posted hostility toward Zwebner could be related to "some business deals that didn't go forward." He didn't elaborate on those deals. </p> <p>Unless Lycos is forced by the court to disclose who Wolfblitzzer0 is, confirming the identity of the poster would be virtually impossible. </p> <p>Faro expects to uncover additional, similar causes of action against Lycos in the suit's discovery phase. He plans to eventually include other companies and chief executives who allegedly have been defamed on Lycos-operated Web sites. </p> <p>The issue of cybersmearing publicly traded companies first surfaced in the late 1990s. Some posters are small-time traders seeking to manipulate the market by driving the price of a certain stock down so they can buy while it's low. The practice also is known as poop and scoop, or trash and cash. </p> <p>The reverse of cybersmearing -- pump and dump -- occurs when Internet posters tout a certain stock in order to increase the price, then sell. </p> <p>The Securities and Exchange Commission recognizes both practices as Internet fraud and warns that the most vulnerable companies are microcap companies, whose stocks are traded in small volume. </p> <p> is linked to, a Lycos site that gives stock quotes and other objective data about publicly traded companies. RagingBull, however, is far from objective, and Lycos makes note of that in a disclaimer on the site. </p> <p>To post on RagingBull, a user must register -- giving a name, location and e-mail address. Posters also must agree to a list of terms and conditions, which state that users who harm others or who violate the law can be terminated. </p> <p>In Zwebner's defamation lawsuit filed this month, the cyberstalking claim is based on the allegation that Lycos has continually transmitted harassing communications about Zwebner and has allowed the practice to continue despite his repeated requests to stop them. </p> <p>The trademark lawsuit, filed in July 2004, alleges that Lycos is using Universal Communication Systems Inc.'s trademarked name and stock ticker symbol without authorization, and in a way that is damaging to the company. Universal Communication Systems Inc.'s ticker symbol is UCSY. </p> <p>Universal Communication System's net loss in its 2004 fiscal year was $3.5 million, compared with $2.3 million in 2003. </p> <p>The suits allege that the Internet bashing of Zwebner has had an impact on the company's stock price. The share price has ranged from a low of a penny to about 19 cents during the last 52 weeks. At the end of 2004, before Wolfblitzzer0 made his or her appearance on RagingBull, the stock was at about 9 cents. On Thursday, it traded at 5 cents. </p> <p>Wolfblitzzer0 -- or Wolfy, as he is called by his message board peers -- is the most recent in a string of posters spewing vitriol against Zwebner on RagingBull. </p> <p>When Wolfblitzzer0 popped up on the Internet message board late last year, Zwebner contacted CNN, informing the Atlanta-based cable network of the similarity to Wolf Blitzer's name. </p> <p>In the defamation suit against CNN, filed Jan. 7, Zwebner asserts that CNN and Wolf Blitzer should have acted to end the postings, since the name Wolf Blitzer was the proprietary interest of CNN and it therefore had an obligation to police its use. CNN has not yet filed a response to the allegations in the case, which is pending separately from the Lycos litigation. </p> <p>Faro said the actual Wolf Blitzer is not believed to be the culprit. The posters likely are a handful of people "in the business of smearing people in the Web, posting under a number of different aliases," he said. </p> <p>In at least four cases in other states, Zwebner has been able to track down the cybersmearers and has reached settlements with the individual posters. </p> <p>In 2003, Zwebner won a $50,000 default judgment in U.S. District Court in Oregon against the John Does Anonymous Foundation, an Oregon-based nonprofit devoted to protecting online anonymity. </p> <p>Zwebner had claimed that members of the organization were defaming him online. He filed the suit pro se, and requested $18 million in damages. </p> <p>But putting a face to an online alias has proven to be difficult for plaintiffs like Zwebner. Both the anonymous posters and the Internet network providers often strenuously resist the disclosure of private information. </p> <p>In Zwebner's first foray into federal court in Miami, Lycos' refusal to disclose its users' names and Internet service provider addresses led to the case being dismissed. In September 2003, Zwebner filed a pro se slander, libel and defamation suit against John Doe defendants, only identified by their online aliases. He then attempted to subpoena the John Does, filing a motion to compel Lycos to disclose the identities of about 85 of its message board posters. </p> <p>The John Does were represented by L. Van Stillman, a former Delray Beach attorney who was disbarred after pleading guilty in 2003 to SEC charges that he was involved in a pump-and-dump scheme. Stillman could not be reached for comment. </p> <p>Attorneys for Lycos and Stillman filed motions to quash the subpoenas, claiming privacy and First Amendment rights trumped any claim Zwebner may have against the defendants. </p> <p>Lycos cited numerous federal court decisions that came down on the side of the anonymous posters, including Doe v. Inc., a 2001 decision out of Washington state that allowed a pseudonymous message board poster to retain his or her anonymity. </p> <p>"The Internet is a truly democratic forum for communication," the court wrote in its opinion. "It allows for the free exchange of ideas at an unprecedented speed and scale. For this reason, the constitutional rights of Internet users, including the First Amendment right to speak anonymously, must be carefully safeguarded." </p> <p>The onus has been on the companies to prove that the harm they have suffered outweighs the posters' right to free speech and privacy. </p> <p>In McIntyre v. the Ohio Elections Commission, the U.S. Supreme Court gave anonymous free speech special protection, writing: "the right to remain anonymous may be abused when it shields fraudulent conduct. But ... our society accords greater weight to the value of free speech than to the dangers of its misuse." </p> <p>Zwebner learned that lesson the hard way, after filing a pro se defamation case against the John Does. U.S. District Judge K. Michael Moore in Miami ruled in favor of the defendants, quashing the subpoenas. Zwebner's case then was dismissed due to his inability to identify any of the posters. </p> <p>After the loss, Zwebner retained Faro and filed the four suits currently pending in federal court in Miami. </p> <p>Lycos is trying to have the trademark case moved to federal court in Massachusetts. It has not yet filed a response to the latest suit Zwebner filed against it. </p> <p>While the federal courts have tended to protect the confidential of John Does in cybersmearing cases, Florida's 3rd District Court of Appeal in Miami took a position against anonymous cybersmearing in a 2000 case, Hvide v. Doe. </p> <p>The 3rd DCA rejected the anonymous posters' claim to protection under the First Amendment. </p> <p>(Voluntary Disclosure: ST Rating- Strong Sell; LT Rating- Strong Sell) </p> <p>....................................................................................................................... </p> <p>By: scumz<br /> 01 Mar 2007, 03:35 PM EST<br /> Msg. 60990 of 61022<br /> (This msg. is a reply to 60989 by scumz.)<br /> Jump to msg. #<br /> Is Zwebner still eating cheeseburgers??? </p> <p>ROFLMAO </p> <p>(Voluntary Disclosure: ST Rating- Strong Sell; LT Rating- Strong Sell) </p> <p>...............................................................................................................By: scumz<br /> 01 Mar 2007, 03:39 PM EST<br /> Msg. 60991 of 61022<br /> Jump to msg. #<br /> 'Rip Off Reports dot com' has a lot of info on Zwebner and Cunningham in their search engine. </p> <p>interesting </p> <p>(Voluntary Disclosure: ST Rating- Strong Sell; LT Rating- Strong Sell) </p> <p>...................................................................................................................... </p> <p>By: pumpituphigh<br /> 02 Mar 2007, 01:14 PM EST<br /> Msg. 61001 of 61022<br /> Jump to msg. #<br /> Zwebner's business backer/partner Moshe Katsav is disgraced. <a href=""></a> </p> <p>....................................................................................................................... </p> <p>By: scumz<br /> 07 Mar 2007, 01:10 PM EST<br /> Msg. 61011 of 61023<br /> (This msg. is a reply to 60966 by Mighty_Mezz.)<br /> Jump to msg. #<br /> Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc. Announces the Signing of a Letter of Intent to Acquire "First Community Television Channel" of Paris France<br /> Market Wire, April, 2004 </p> <p>Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc (OTC BB: RDDI) CEO Michael J Zwebner announced today the signing of a Letter of Intent to acquire First Community Television Channel of Paris France in a transaction valued at $40 million. </p> <p>First Community Television Channel of Paris France are the operators of "CHAI TV," the world's first International Jewish TV station that is planned to broadcast on a world wide basis from Paris, France. Further details of the proposed transaction will be announced shortly. It is subject to SEC regulatory approval. </p> <p>Safe Harbor Statement </p> <p>Caution Concerning Forward-Looking Statements by Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc. This document includes certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are based on management's current expectations or beliefs, and are subject to uncertainty and changes in circumstances. Actual results may vary materially from those expressed or implied by the statements herein due to changes in economic, business, competitive, technological and/or regulatory factors, and factors affecting the integration of the businesses of Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc. More detailed information about these factors may be found in filings by Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc., with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including their most recent annual reports on Form 10-KSB and quarterly reports on Form 10-QSB. </p> <p>Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc is under no obligation to, and expressly disclaims any such obligation to, update or alter their forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. </p> <p>Contact: Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc 801-269-8535 </p> <p>(Voluntary Disclosure: ST Rating- Strong Sell; LT Rating- Strong Sell) </p> <p>By: scumz<br /> 08 Mar 2007, 03:24 PM EST<br /> Msg. 61022 of 61022<br /> Jump to msg. #<br /> Long time Zwebner associate Mark R. Tolner named as co-defendant of Lou Pearlman and Florida Governor Charlie Crist in Cover-up Lawsuit<br /> By: the_worm06 Thu, 08 Mar 07 2:44 PM<br /> Jump to msg. # </p> <p>IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT<br /> FOR THE MIDDLE DISTRICT OF FLORIDA </p> <p>TAMPA DIVISION. </p> <p>PLAINTIFFS, </p> <p>- Vs - </p> <p>LOUIS J. PEARLMAN;<br /> ROBERT FISCHETTI;<br /> MICHAEL CRUDELE;<br /> KRISTIN FINGER;<br /> SALMA BACCHUS;<br /> THEODORE WÜELLENKEMPER;<br /> GREGORY McDONALD;<br /> MARK TOLNER;RICHARD CARL JANS;<br /> RECA RENE CHAMBERLAIN;<br /> and<br /> CHARLES J. CRIST; </p> <p>Individual Defendants; </p> <p>---------------<br /> TRANS CONTINENTAL AIRLINES EMPLOYEE<br /> INVESTMENT SAVINGS ACCOUNT<br /> &amp; STOCK PROGRAMS;<br /> Enterprise Defendant;<br /> ----------------<br /> TRANS CONTINENTAL AIRLINES, INC.;<br /> TRANS CONTINENTAL AIRLINES TRAVEL<br /> SERVICES, INC.;<br /> TRANS CONTINENTAL ENTERPRISES, LLC;<br /> TRANS CONTINENTAL ENTERTAINMENT INC.;<br /> LOUIS J. PEARLMAN ENTERPRISES, INC.;<br /> TRANS CONTINENTAL RECORDS, INC.;<br /> TC LEASING, LLC;<br /> TRANS CONTINENTAL TALENT, INC.;<br /> FASHION ROCK, LLC;<br /> TRANS CONTINENTAL TRAVEL SERVICE, INC.;<br /> F.F. STATION, LLC;<br /> TRANS COUNTRY MUSIC GROUP, INC.;<br /> --------------------<br /> Clements et al v. Pearlman et al – Florida Federal Complaint March 2007 – Page 4<br /> TRANS CONTINENTAL STUDIOS, INC.;<br /> TRANS CONTINENTAL AVIATION, INC.;<br /> AEGIS CONSULTING, INC.; and<br /> GERMAN INVEST-UND FINANZBERATUNG GmbH<br /> Corporate Defendants;<br /> ------------------<br /> FISERV CORPORATION individually and as successor<br /> to RETIREMENTACCOUNTS INC.;<br /> BANK OF AMERICA;<br /> FIFTH THIRD BANK;<br /> WACHOVIA BANK; Corporate Defendants<br /> Trustees / Agents;<br /> ------------------<br /> DUN &amp; BRADSTREET CO.; Corporate Defendant;<br /> ------------------<br /> JOHN DOES # 1 – 10;<br /> (the names being fictitious and used<br /> solely for identification purposes, the<br /> actual names will be disclosed in<br /> future discovery);<br /> JOHN DOE COMPANIES # 1 – 10;<br /> (the names being fictitious and used<br /> solely for identification purposes, the<br /> actual names will be disclosed in<br /> future discovery);<br /> “John Doe†Defendants;<br /> ----------------<br /> STATE OF FLORIDA, Sovereign Entity Defendants; </p> <p>DEFENDANTS. </p> <p>(Voluntary Disclosure: ST Rating- Strong Sell; LT Rating- Strong Sell) </p> <p>So for Securities Exchange Commission Chairman Chris 'WMDs' Cox and his SEC internet fraud division side kick John Reed Stark to put out a press release as they did recently to claim they were cleaning up pink sheet penny stocks(that don't have to release any financial records)while they have allowed hundreds upon hundreds of NASDAQ and OTCBB stocks to lie about and fudge their financial and stock statements and run illegal pumps and dumps and probable money laundering operations,is the continuation of lies and hypocrisy from the SEC.: </p> <p>SEC Suspends Trading Of 35 Companies Touted In Spam Email Campaigns<br /> Investor Protection Agency Unveils "Operation Spamalot"<br /> FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE<br /> 2007-34<br /> Washington, D.C., March 8, 2007 - The Securities and Exchange Commission this morning suspended trading in the securities of 35 companies that have been the subject of recent and repeated spam email campaigns. The trading suspensions - the most ever aimed at spammed companies - were ordered because of questions regarding the adequacy and accuracy of information about the companies. </p> <p>The trading suspensions are part of a stepped-up SEC effort - code named "Operation Spamalot" - to protect investors from potentially fraudulent spam email hyping small company stocks with phrases like, "Ready to Explode," "Ride the Bull," and "Fast Money." It's estimated that 100 million of these spam messages are sent every week, triggering dramatic spikes in share price and trading volume before the spamming stops and investors lose their money. </p> <p>"When spam clogs our mailboxes, it's annoying. When it rips off investors, it's illegal and destructive," said SEC Chairman Christopher Cox. "Today's trading suspensions, and actions that will follow, should send a clear message to spammers: the SEC will hold you accountable." </p> <p>Linda Chatman Thomsen, Director of the SEC's Enforcement Division, said, "Many of these companies are no doubt familiar to anyone who reads their email, because each has been the subject of a spam email campaign. While the Commission cautions investors not to make investment decisions based on anonymous emails they receive, we are also committed to tracking down those who prey on investors with false or misleading information." </p> <p>Mark K. Schonfeld, Director of the Commission's Northeast Regional Office, said, "By halting trading in these stocks we are seeking to protect investors from further harm. But this is only the first step. Our investigation of the perpetrators - the people behind this misconduct - is continuing." </p> <p>The securities of each of the 35 companies have been quoted on the Pink Sheets quotations service. Recent trading clearly demonstrates how spam campaigns can affect stock prices and trading volume. For example: </p> <p>On Friday, Dec. 15, 2006, shares in Apparel Manufacturing Associates, Inc. (APPM) closed at $.06, with a trading volume of 3,500 shares. After a weekend spam campaign distributed emails proclaiming, "Huge news expected out on APPM, get in before the wire, We're taking it all the way to $1.00," trading volume on Monday, Dec. 18, 2006, hit 484,568 shares with the price spiking to over 19 cents a share. Two days later the price climbed to $.45. By Dec. 27, 2006, the price was back down to $.10 on trading volume of 65,350 shares. </p> <p>On Dec. 19, 2006, trading in Goldmark Industries, Inc. (GDKI), closed at $.17 on trading volume of 126,286 shares. On Dec. 20, 2006, the spam campaign started, with e-mail proclaiming "GDKI IS MAKING EVERYONE BANK!," and setting a 5-day price target of $2. By Dec. 28, 2006, spam emails boasted of the price spike that had already been achieved -- "$.28 (Up 152% in 2 days!!!)" -- and promised a 5-day price target of $1. That same day, GDKI closed at $.35 on a volume of more than 5 million shares. By January 9, 2007, the closing share price was back down to $.15. </p> <p>A spam campaign in Healtheuniverse, Inc. (HLUN) stock began on Sept. 4, 2006, with emails incorporating a Healtheuniverse press release proclaiming that HLUN was "focused on being the first to commercialize stem cell applications in the $15 billion worldwide plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery market." On Sept. 7, 2006, HLUN closed at $.12 per share on trading volume of 3,000 shares. The spam campaign accelerated, and HLUN shares spiked to $.22 per share on Sept. 11, 2006, with over 2.2 million shares trading hands. By Sept. 22, 2006, the closing price had dropped back down to $.11.<br /> The trading suspensions will last for ten business days. The trading suspensions commenced today at 9:30 a.m., EDT, and terminate at 11:59 p.m., EDT, on March 21, 2007. </p> <p>The 35 companies whose trading was suspended today are: Advanced Powerline Technologies Inc. (APWL), America Asia Petroleum Corp. (AAPM), Amerossi Int'l Group, Inc. (AMSN), Apparel Manufacturing Associates, Inc. (APPM), Asgard Holdings Inc. (AGHG), Biogenerics Ltd. (BIGN), China Gold Corp. (CGDC), CTR Investments &amp; Consulting, Inc. (CIVX), DC Brands International, Inc. (DCBI), Equal Trading, Inc. (EQTD), Equitable Mining Corp. (EQBM), Espion International, Inc. (EPLJ), Goldmark Industries, Inc. (GDKI), GroFeed Inc. (GFDI), Healtheuniverse, Inc. (HLUN), Interlink Global Corp. (ILKG), Investigative Services Agencies, Inc. (IVAY), iPackets International, Inc. (IPKL), Koko Petroleum Inc. (KKPT), Leatt Corporation (LEAT), LOM Logistics, Inc. (LOMJ), Modern Energy Corp. (MODR), National Healthcare Logistics, Inc. (NHLG), Presidents Financial Corp. (PZFC), Red Truck Entertainment Inc. (RTRK), Relay Capital Corp. (RLYC), Rodedawg International Industries, Inc. (RWGI), Rouchon Industries, Inc. (RCHN), Software Effective Solutions Corp. (SFWJ), Solucorp Industries Ltd. (SLUP), Inc. (SSUF), UBA Technology, Inc. (UBTG), Wataire Industries Inc. (WTAF), WayPoint Biomedical Holdings, Inc. (WYPH), and Wineco Productions Inc. (WNCP). </p> <p>The 35 suspensions concern companies that are not subject to the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Not listed on any exchange, or on the OTC Bulletin Board, the companies' securities have been quoted on the Pink Sheets quotation service on an unsolicited basis, meaning that the brokers posting quotations for the purchase and sale of the securities are not required to conduct due diligence regarding the issuers. </p> <p>The Commission cautions broker-dealers, shareholders, and prospective purchasers that they should carefully consider the foregoing information along with all other currently available information and any information subsequently issued by the companies. Further, broker-dealers should be alert to the fact that, pursuant to Rule 15c2-11 under the Exchange Act, at the termination of the trading suspensions, no quotation may be entered unless and until they have strictly complied with all of the provisions of the rule. If any broker-dealer enters any quotation that is in violation of the rule, the Commission will consider the need for prompt enforcement action. </p> <p>The Commission's Office of Investor Education and Assistance has information for investors and members of the general public on topics directly related to this action. See <a href=""></a>. </p> <p>Any broker-dealer, investor, or other person with information relating to this matter is invited to email the Securities and Exchange Commission at 35suspensions (at) </p> <p>The Commission appreciates the assistance and cooperation of the National Association of Securities Dealers, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the British Columbia Securities Commission, and the Ontario Securities Commission.<br /> ............................................................................................................ </p> <p>What crocodile tears they cry in the Beltway or Washington D.C. over the unending fraud they have unleashed over the internet through endless penny stock internet sites they allow to run rampant even including UCSY corrupting foreign politicians ! </p> <p>......................................... </p> <p>............................................................................................................ </p> <p> </p> <p>Saturday, March 10, 2007 </p> <p>Larger CIA and DoD Privatization Scandal Emerging from Walter Reed Story, US Attorneys Firing </p> <p>Mar 10, 2007<br /> by leveymg </p> <p>Rumsfeld and Top GOP Figures Profited from Privatization of VA Hospital, CIA Contractors<br /> A large global hedge fund, Cerberus Capital Management (dba, Cerberus-Gabriel), is at the center of an emerging Pentagon and CIA contracting scandal that has the attention of three Congressional Committees. </p> <p>In each case, the companies under investigation have links to prominent GOP figures, including Vice President Dick Cheney, former Vice President Dan Quayle, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and several Republican Congressmen indicted for corruption involving kickbacks from defense contractors. The Republican Congressional Campaign Commitee (RCCC) has also received substantial contributions from conservative fund managers running Cerberus, a virually unregulated $30 billion hedge fund, which owns the second largest bank in Israel. </p> <p>This scandal involves the mismanagement of VA hospital facilities privatized during the Bush-Cheney Administration, as well as intelligence abuses by private CIA contractors. </p> <p>The lastest Cerberus scandal involving its holding, International American Products (IAP) Worldwide Services, awarded a $120 million contract to manage facilities at Walter Reed, is only the latest in a long line of serious problems involving the company and its officers. IAP’s President, Alfred V. Neffgen, was formerly Chief Operating Officer for KBR's government operations group, which was forced to repay tens of millions of dollars to the Defense Department for food and fuel overcharges in Iraq. IAP has other contracting connections with Dick Cheney’s Halliburton/KBR. Most recently, IAP bid on part of the Iraq oil reconstruction project as a partner with Halliburton KBR. The Army Times reports about the Halliburton tie-in: </p> <p><a href=""></a>... </p> <p>............... </p> <p>Cerberus owns, or had a major interest in, a string of now-bankrupt companies that had contracts with U.S. defense and intelligence agencies that were found to have a common pattern of large-scale fraud, security problems, and financial scandals involving GOP lawmakers and lobbyists. </p> <p>IAP is also tied-in with Halliburton/KBR on multi-billion dollar Iraq contracts. Halliburton is a major defense contractor once headed by Vice President Cheney, that has had its own history of problems with fraud and overcharges related to its management of sole-source projects in Iraq, particularly the multi-billion dollar LOGCAP contract to repair and maintain Iraq’s oil fields and pipelines. </p> <p>Just months before the invasion, DoD designated Halliburton/KBR as the sole potential bidder for potential large-scale pipeline repair contracts. Four years after the initial invasion and occupation of those fields, Iraq is still not producing at its prewar levels, a threshold that would require termination of the LOGCAP contract. </p> <p>On October 16, 2006, IAP Worldwide Services issued this press release: "IAP Worldwide Services, Inc. Team Submits Bid For LOGCAP IV Contract," which included this quote from former Halliburton/KBR executive Dave Swindle: </p> <p>"The LOGCAP IV contract is a major challenge," said Dave Swindle, IAP President. "Supporting the warfighter and the Army is a responsibility that allows no compromise. IAP and its team members understand the magnitude of this program and the issues associated with its complexity. We place a high priority on using our proven Business Operating System (BOS) to provide effective oversight and tracking to responsibly meet the customer’s needs from Day One. Through BOS we will act as one team through a management and business system that is completely transparent to the customer." </p> <p><a href=""></a>... </p> <p>***<br /> Cerberis donated $100,000 at a single fundraiser to Rep. Jerry Lewis, fmr. Chair of the House Appropriations Comm., who served as intermediary to distribute money to fellow GOP lawmakers favored by Cerberus </p> <p><a href=""></a>... </p> <p>*** </p> <p>During testimony in the Scooter Libby trial, we learned that Valerie Plame was involved in the aluminum tube issue within the CIA’s Counter-Proliferation Division (CPD), where she worked before being "outed" by Libby and others in the White House and Vice President’s office. </p> <p>*** </p> <p>Dan Quayle is chair of new Leumi owner Cerberus-Gabriel, Interceded With SEC Head to Block Rules Governing Hedge Funds </p> <p><a href=""></a><br /> Dan Quayle is chair of new Leumi owner Cerberus-Gabriel<br /> Ha’aretz 11/16/2005<br /> Cerberus is chaired by former U.S. vice president Dan Quayle. — The Cerberus-Gabriel group was led by Gabriel president J. Ezra Merkin, assisted by CPA Avi Berger, the general manager of the Kesselman &amp; Kesselman accounting firm, and attorney Yaakov Ne’eman. Stephen Feinberg, 45, a Jew from New York and the wunderkind of the hedge funds world who, within 20 years, turned a $10 million fund into a holding company whose companies have combined sales of $30 billion a year, is the founder and manager of Cerberus Global Investment. </p> <p><a href=""></a>...<br /> Experts: Ultimate owners of Leumi unclear<br /> Globes 11/16/2005<br /> Banking sources: US investor disclosure regulations will cause Cerberus-Gabriel problems.— Ministry of Finance officials have declared a great victory in the Bank Leumi (TASE: LUMI) tender, but banking specialists are not so enthusiastic. They say that the victory wasn’t so great: the buyers (Cerberus Capital Management LP and Gabriel Capital Management) are too anonymous, their business isn’t transparent enough, and, most of all, the saga is far from over...these owners have specific problems in connection with operating a bank in the US, and they are looking for indirect ways to operate there, perhaps without a banking license. </p> <p>(Can't get that top link to work yet -- Globe link requires registration and installation of their software. Found these links from: ) </p> <p>In 2004,Met with then The SEC Chairman William Donaldson a month prior to Donaldson's vote on whether to open hedge funds to periodic inspections: </p> <p>~snip~<br /> Canary Scandal </p> <p>Former U.S. Vice President Dan Quayle, an adviser to Cerberus, met in June with Donaldson to discuss fund regulation. Craig Whitney, executive vice president of Quayle &amp; Associates, denied that Quayle was lobbying Donaldson to weaken the SEC's hedge fund plan. </p> <p>Hedge fund executives also say the SEC should focus its resources on better protecting the 91 million U.S. holders of mutual funds. The SEC's move to increase regulation of the private investment pools has gained pace since New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer alleged 10 months ago that ``illegal trading schemes'' enabled some hedge funds to buy mutual fund shares at prices not available to most investors. </p> <p>Canary Capital Partners LLC and its managing principal, Edward Stern, agreed on Sept. 3 to return $30 million in profits and pay a $10 million fine. Since then, regulators have imposed more than $2.3 billion in sanctions against about a dozen companies including Bank of America Corp. and Alliance Capital Management Holding LP. ~snip~ </p> <p> </p> <p>DONALD RUMSFELD - CERBERUS INVESTOR </p> <p>During the tenure of former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, the Pentagon awarded a large contract to the company at the center of the Walter Reed Army Hospital scandal. Rumsfeld may have financially benefited from it along with other major GOP figures, including former Vice President Dan Quaile also invested or were employed by, or received campaign contributions from the same Wall Street hedge fund that owns the company. </p> <p>In his last financial disclosure before becoming Defense Secretary, Rumsfeld revealed that he held shares in Cerberus, a large NY Hedge Fund that acquired International American Products, Inc., the company awarded a Pentagon contract to privatize facilities management services at Walter Reed. <a href=""></a>... </p> <p>2005 - CERBERUS PURCHASES SECOND-LARGEST BANK IN ISRAEL, COMPLETING THE PRIVATIZATION OF THE ISRAELI BANKING SYSTEM </p> <p>Cerberus group, which in 2005, acquired the second largest Israeli bank, Leumi Bank, completing a process of privatization of the Israeli financial sector pushed by the Right-wing Likud Party and its successor under the present Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert. </p> <p>Cerberus holding Leumi Bank privatized Israeli banks - IAP privatized VA hospitals </p> <p>Strange symmetry to this, isn't there? Perhaps, no coincidence to any of it. Here's why. </p> <p>You have to read a seminal neocon document written in 1997 for then-Israeli PM Netanyahu by the guys who went on to run the Office of Special Plans (OSP), Feith, Wurmser, and Perle. That paper, "A CLEAN BREAK: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm" -- <a href=""></a>... -- lays out a battle plan for conquering the Mid-East, starting with Iraq and Lebanon as means to undermine and discourage Syria, and then, finally, a forced reorientation of the region’s enormous Shi’a population away from Iran and the elevation of the Heshemite Kingdom of Morocco’s King Hussein. The point of all this isn't just military conquest, and the elimination of regional threats, it's actually to set the preconditions for a PRIVATIZED Israeli economy, and the "clean break" is with Israeli's social-democratic past. </p> <p>It is also meant to map out a profound shift in Israel’s relationship with the United States, away from a traditional client state that submits to bi-partsian Washington, with the an alliance with the ascendant GOP Right-wing, the authors planned to elevate Israel into a new regional Superpower.................. </p> <p>So, this is the Israeli state they ended up with, led by<br /> Kadima’s Ehud Olmert, a Tool of Oligarchs ... Cerberus-Gabriel </p> <p>Forbes Reinforces Claim That Kadima is Tool of Oligarchs </p> <p>by Ezra HaLevi </p> <p>(<br /> According to the report, the business groups are controlled by the following families: Sami Ofer, Nochi Dankner, Shari Arison, the Cerberus-Gabriel consortium, Charles Bronfman, Yitzchak Tshuva, the Saban group, Lev Leviev, Matthew Bronfman, Tzadik Bino, the Borovich family, and Eliezer Fishman. The 12 families own 60 percent of the aggregate market value of all Israeli public companies (excluding the even larger Teva Pharmaceutical Industries), Forbes reported. </p> <p>The report goes on to say that the families have constructed their empires, which consist of Israel's largest companies, using organizational structures that have long ago been done away with in the Western world. </p> <p>The report explains that the groups have an inordinate amount of control over Israel's economy, political leaders and media due to the structuring of their holdings as pyramids – meaning several layers of companies each own others beneath them but are all beholden to the leading families. Such a phenomenon was eliminated in the US in the early 20th century through restrictions on ownership and the double taxation of dividends a company paid its owner company. </p> <p>~snip~<br /> <a href=""></a>... </p> <p>In that light, consider the article about the conflict surrounding the Serberus-Leumi group privatizing the Israeli banking system. Bear in mind that Israel’s banks, including Leumi, had been bailed out by the government in the disastrous year of 1983, after Ariel Sharon led the IDF into an ill-fated and incompetently led invasion of Lebanon. An "optional" war that resulted in the massive withdrawal of international capital, and a steep recession in Israel’s reputation and fortunes: </p> <p><br /> Leumi on the way to going global </p> <p>By Nehemia Shtrasler </p> <p>A historic decision will be made next week. The Bank of Israel will announce whether it approves the sale of Bank Leumi to the Cerberus-Gabriel consortium. This would mark the end of the long process of privatizing Israel's banking system. </p> <p>As early as November 2005 a tender was issued for the bank's sale, and it was won by Cerberus-Gabriel. The consortium offered to pay NIS 4.62 billion for a controlling stake of 20 percent in the bank - a very high price indeed. But the consortium failed to close the deal because the Bank of Israel did not approve its becoming a controlling partner. </p> <p>The decision will now be made by the Bank of Israel Governor, Professor Stanley Fischer, who has said in internal meetings that this is one of the most difficult decisions he has been asked to make. At those same meetings, Rony Hizkiyahu, the new Supervisor of Banks, said that he wished the problem with the New York branch of Bank Leumi were resolved because then there would be no obstacle to selling the bank to the consortium. Indeed, this is the only problem that is keeping Cerberus-Gabriel from Bank Leumi, the subsidiary in New York. </p> <p>According to American law, the Cerberus-Gabriel consortium will not be able to hold the bank in New York because it is invested in non-financial sectors. According to American rules, it is not permitted to have industrial and real estate holdings and also a bank - out of concern for possible conflict of interest. </p> <p>During those same internal meetings at the Bank of Israel a number of proposals were put forth for a solution to the problem. For example, to sell Leumi New York, and in its place set up a financial entity that could offer business loans but not be able to accept deposits or offer retail banking services. The problem is that such a financial firm will not operate under the supervision of the Federal Reserve (because it is not a bank). As for Israeli supervision, it will not be easy to keep an eye on a company that is situated so far away. </p> <p>SNIP </p> <p>Indeed, the deal went through and the regulatory obstacles removed to the privatiziation that is pushed by Prime Minister Olmert, one of the leading proponents of the scheme, as this article makes clear: </p> <p><a href=""></a>...<br /> December 13, 2005 </p> <p>Cerberus-Gabriel hedge fund buys stake in Leumi Bank<br /> Israel is on its way to privatization. The banking sector is amongst the first ones to take a step in this direction. Bank Leumi was in the market recently and attracted bids from several players. Bidder names include strategic investors like Lev Leviev, IDB and Bill Davidson and also financial contenders like UBS, Deutsche Bank and Citibank. However the winner was an American Hedge fund, Cerberus-Gabriel. </p> <p>Cerberus-Gabriel has purchased 9.9% of the shares of the bank. The purchase of this stake was for approximately $500 million. The fund also has the option of buying an additional 10.01% in the bank. This will bring the total shares quantum to 20% and is roughly valued at $1 billion. This option of additional purchase has to be utilized with in the next one and a half years. </p> <p>Ehud Olmert, Finance Minister of Israel, is reportedly quite satisfied with the outcome. He feels that this is a positive development and will help the over all Israeli economy. He is amongst the top promoters of privatization move. In his statement he also mentioned that the purchase will ensure healthy competition between the banks and will definitely contribute a lot to the local market. </p> <p>Another person quite happy with the development is Yaron Zelekha, the treasury's accountant-general, who led the tender. He sees it as fulfillment of the promise made to the people of Israel about privatization of the entire banking system in 2005. </p> <p>CONCLUSION </p> <p>Both the MZM-Cunningham and Jerry Lewis cases involve the funneling of foreign money to the GOP through a neocon controlled global hedge fund, Cerberus Capital Management, that was dispersing money to a number of key GOP figures and organizations in various ways, including Bush, Rumsfeld, a number of GOP Congressmen, and the RNC. The case is also tied up with the Walter Reed scandal, and the effort to privatize many Pentagon and CIA functions, which resulted in catastrophic failures at both. <a href=""></a>... </p> <p>Let's recap: a corrupt Israeli PM - has a stake in a corrupt Israeli bank- owned by a corrupt Wall Street global hedge fund - which owns a corrupt US defense contractor - which contributes to corrupt GOP Congressmen - who also receive money from another corrupt defense contractor - that defense contractor produced faulty intel under contract to a corrupt CIA Assn't Director - that faulty intel was used to justify a corrupt US Administration's case for invading Iraq - that was planned and executed by corrupt neocons inside DoD who had written a proposal years earlier to wage wars to privatize the Israeli economy. </p> <p>What a tangled web. One wishes Chairman Waxman’s staff and other Congressional investigators the strength of Hercules in taking down the Three-headed Dog, Cerberus, that guards the gates to Hell. </p> <p>___________________________________________________________ </p> <p>Mark G. Levey. Fair use applies. Acknowledgement: Some material compiled from a research thread at Democratic, with particular thanks to "bobthedrummer" and "Emit", and other DU researchers: <a href=""></a>... </p> <p>.................................................................................................................. </p> <p>Cryptometrics:New Zealand Passport Office Used By U.S. Penny Stock Criminals ?</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>David Grin,Tel Aviv University,Laurus Capital Management and Union Bank of Israel </p> <p> </p> <p>FOIA,Alberto Gonzales and SEC'S Chris Cox Enron,Merrill Lych,Latham &amp; Watkins conflict </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Tim Mahoney,vFinance,Venus Methodist Church,Florida,Sayed Mustafa and Islamic Usury </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Charles Schwab:vFinance's Charles Patrick Garcia receives Henry B. Gonzalez award !? </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Democrats William Jefferson,Tim Mahoney, iGate,vFinance,DOBI, Endovasc penny stock frauds </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>James Dale Davidson,Charles Schwab,Tim Mahoney,VFIN, LOM and penny stock share money laundering </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Ireland Indymedia bans criticism of Lord Rees Mogg,James Dale Davidson </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Post to Lord Rees-Mogg's Weblog re NASDAQ,London Stock Exchange </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Virginia:Marvin Bush,Securacom,9/11,U.S. Senator George Allen,Bawag Austria,offshores... </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>U.S. Republican George Allen More Corrupt Than Utah Senators Bob Bennett,Orrin Hatch ? </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Asa Hutchinson,Charlie Crist,Jeb Bush,Republican stock fraud and drug trafficking,etc.... </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Why did Osama bin Laden choose Jeb Bush's Huffman Aviation terrorist flight school ? </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ? </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Utah Gov Jon Huntsman,Senator Bennett, Hatch call Republican Senator Shelby 'a gangster' </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Does NY Times censor 9/11 Venice,Florida connection ? </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>NY Rep.Peter King,CIA,Swift,NY Times,Republican stock fraud </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>NY WTC 'protected' by Kuwaiti company and Marvin Bush on 9/11 </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Asa Hutchinson,Richard Rainwater,George W Bush,Tom DeLay &amp; 5.6 Ton cocaine bust in Mexico </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton &amp; Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ? </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Cocaina,Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche, Abril 10,CIA,Republicanos Y PAN </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Did Israel President Moshe Katsav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ? </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Israel: Gal Lusky's 'IFA' Caught Up in Moshe Katsav,Mohamed Hadid, Zwebner 'UCSY' scam ? </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Israeli President Moshe Katsav aids massive penny stock fraud </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Did Israel President Moshe Katzav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ? </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton &amp; Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Chris Cox,SEC,Makram Majid Chams,Titan Corp,9/11,Abhu Ghraib,etc. </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>John Reed Stark UAE,SEC,Georgetown University Stock fraud Academic fraud Cyber fraud </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ? </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Porter Goss: CIA Cyber and stock fraud ops damaged by leaks ? </p> <p><a href=";">;</a> </p> <p>D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson,Don Nickles, ex-CIA Chief Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Asa Hutchinson,ex Congressman Tom McMillen, Fortress America,offshore money laundering </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>To CIA,In-Q-Tel,Amit Yoran re SRA International, Mantas Inc stock fraud money laundering </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Mantas Inc,Herndon, Va, Pro-Money Laundering Arm of International Bankers,Brokers... </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>CIA and Gilman Louie are less than honest </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering </p> <p><a href=""></a></p>
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Even Moshe Katsav's and Michael Zwebners' partner in the UCSY or Universal Communications Systems fraud,Mohamed Hadid with his Saudi Arabian ties,has been protected by the Bush Regime that has covered up the Herndon, Virginia Islamic charities money laundering scandal for him and the Saudis. <!--break--> Israeli pResident Moshe Katsav's Penny Stock Partner Michael Zwebner loses in U.S. Court Israeli pResident Moshe Katsav Disgraced by Michael Zwebner,Mohamid Hadid fraud ties : UCSY, Zwebner ordered by Court to pay legal expenses of Lycos, Villasenor BELOW IS FROM CYPRUS.INDYMEDIA BEFORE RECEIVING THE NEWS THAT ISRAELI RESIDENT OR PRESIDENT MOSHE KATSAV`S PARTNER IN U.S. PENNY STOCK SCAMS MICHAEL ZWEBNER HAD LOST IN U.S. COURT IN MASSACHUSETTS.IT DEMONSTRATES THE POWER TO USE MONEY HOWEVER ILLEGALLY GAINED,AS MR.ZWEBNER´S WAS AND IS IN U.S. PENNY STOCK PROMOTIONS, TO MANIPULATE THE LAW IN THE U.S.. THIS TIME MR.ZWEBNER WHO IS NOT AN AMERICAN AND ONLY USES THE COUNTRY FOR FRAUD,(JUST AS HE HAS USED ISRAEL AND THE ISRAELI MILITARY AND U.S. SOLDIERS IN IRAQ IN HIS FRAUDULENT PROMOTIONS AND LIES WITH MOSHE KATSAV'S BLESSINGS !),LOST IN COURT TRYING TO INTIMIDATE POSTERS CRITICISING HIM ON MESSAGE BOARDS ! ZWEBNER HAD PREVIOUSLY SUED GOOGLE AS WELL AS CNN AND WOLF BLITZER FOR $100,000,000.BLITZER AND CNN WERE SUED BECAUSE I,TONY RYALS, POSTED CRITICISMS OF ZWEBNER AND UCSY ON RAGINGBULL.CON USING WOLFBLITZZER0 AS AN ALIAS ! ......................................................................................................... Universal Communication Systems Inc. Subsidiary AirWater Corporation Receives Presidential Endorsement of Its Products Business Wire, March 17, 2004 Business Editors TEL AVIV, Israel--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 17, 2004 President of Israel, Mr. Moshe Katzav Visits the Company's Display Booth at the "Aqua Israel 2004" Exhibition Held in Tel Aviv, Israel; AirWater Corp. is Recipient of 2 Event Awards Universal Communication Systems Inc. subsidiary AirWater Corporation company president Michael Zwebner revealed and announced today that the President of Israel, Mr. Moshe Katzav, visited the company's display booth at the recently concluded "AQUA Israel 2004" 2 day exhibition, recently held at Tel Aviv, Israel. Tasting the water made from the company's unique AW 120 Air to Water machine, he commented: "This water tastes very good, it is excellent and this is a great product." Later in the day, Israel's Minister of Agriculture Mr. Katz, also visited the company's display, and after being given a complete explanation of the company's products and tasting the water produced on the spot, he too highly commended and endorsed the AirWater Machines, and the water created from the air. Universal Communication Systems, Inc. Subsidiary AirWater Corporation Company President Michael Zwebner and Mohamed Hadid Each Donate $25,000 to AirWater Emergency Fund for Shipment of AirWater Machines to Far East Market Wire, January, 2005 Find More Results for: "zwebner hadid" Talk Visual Chairman... Universal Communication Systems, Inc. (OTC BB: UCSY) subsidiary AirWater Corporation, company president Michael J. Zwebner announced today that both he and Mr. Mohamed Hadid of Los Angeles, CA, are each personally donating $25,000 to the AirWater machines fund. .............................................................................................................. David Grin,Laurus Capital Management and Union Bank of Israel Author Tony Ryals Date Created 18 Feb 2007 More details... Date Edited 18 Feb 2007 05:41:27 AM License This work is in the public domain A note from the editorial group. Publication of this particular article in these pages is a violation of the law, and possibly constitutes an act of entrapment against our Cyprus IndyMedia group. Therefore it's been removed. Readers interested in how this entrapment works can see this short legal brief: "Michael Zwebner gets a prior restraint injunction Michael Zwebner regularly sues critics and people remotely related to critics of his...": One can read the original article by Tony Ryals elsewhere: Volunteers ~~~~~~~~ Comments Re: David Grin,Laurus Capital Management and Union Bank of Israel28 Feb 2007 by Tony Ryals Reply to this comment Below are from aliases posting on the scam or message board of Muichael Zwebner's 'ucsy' or Universal Communications' today and directly relates to cyprus indymedia's action in regards to replacing my post here with links to same on and the phoney legal precident that Michael Zwebner(who used Israeli or ex Israeli President Moshe Katsav's name in one of his press releases to promote and dump shares in his penny stock in 2004. Both aliases are quite credible and not a part of any 'pump and dump' penny stock scam.I know this because I have read their posts there for years. Basically as you can read by following the link to the U.S. legal ruling,the claim in the link you provided if it was ever valid in the first place as Zwebner has led us all to believe has been reversed which we can all be jubilant about. Please don't think I would 'entrap' or seek to entrap the fine folks of cyprus.indymedia or any indymedia for that matter.I would go to my grave defending you people.Also,I appreciate your taking the time to find an alternative link to my original post here.David Marchant of has been a great help to me as have been many indymedias. You have no idea of my struggle to expose U.S. penny stock fraud,even following Endovasc shares,(the scam that ripped me off),all the way to a bank in Cyprus by way of Union Bank of California. Anyway read the legal ruling and celebrate,free speech has won one this time. By: xrayviscion 28 Feb 2007, 09:24 AM EST Msg. 60967 of 60969 (This msg. is a reply to 60966 by Mighty_Mezz.) Jump to msg. # UCSY, Zwebner ordered by Court to pay legal expenses of Lycos, Villasenor - - - - - By: xrayviscion 28 Feb 2007, 12:21 PM EST Msg. 60968 of 60969 (This msg. is a reply to 60967 by xrayviscion.) Jump to msg. # Therefore, while some of UCS's claims are barred by Section 230 immunity, the remaining ones simply do not state a claim based on the facts alleged. If UCS has in fact been injured, redress is not available through any of the avenues it has chosen to pursue in this case. The district court's dismissal of all claims is affirmed. Costs are awarded to appellees. ......................... By: Mighty_Mezz 28 Feb 2007, 12:51 PM EST Msg. 60969 of 60969 (This msg. is a reply to 60967 by xrayviscion.) Jump to msg. # Thanks for posting the excellent news! I wouldn't be surprised if that's not part of the reason Z stopped filing with the SEC. He'd have to disclose that he lost to Roberto. I bet that galls him to no end. ROFL! ........................................................................................................................ However we are more concerned at present with celebrating a small victory for ´´free speech´´ that Americans,before the dictatorship of W Bush once prided themselves on.Not anymore.Today even to challenge fraud in America is to run the danger of somehow colluding with ´´terrorism´´ when in truth it is the Bush-Cheney Regime that has terrorized us all at home and abroad with the fascist company they keep,Israeli Resident Moshe Katsav as well as Dubai,Kuwati,Saudi Arabian and Kuwaiti royalty among others,being among the scum they protect. Even Moshe Katsav's and Michael Zwebners' partner in the UCSY or Universal Communications Systems fraud,Mohamed Hadid with his Saudi Arabian ties,has been protected by the Bush Regime that has covered up the Herndon, Virginia Islamic charities money laundering scandal for him and the Saudis. And covered it up to protect the ISRAELI SCUMBAG MOSHE KATSAV IN MANY WAYS WHO IS ALSO TIED TO THE ISLAMIC CHARITY MONEY LAUNDERING SCAM BY SUPPORTING HADID'S BRITISH AND ISRAELI ' JEWISH' PAL MICHAEL ZWEBNER IN THE FIRST PLACE,WHO USES SELF-RIGHTEOUS JUDAISM TO DENOUNCE ANY CRITICISM OF HIMSELF AND HIS ONGOING INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL FRAUDS,PARTICULARLY WITH U.S. PENNY STOCKS. OF INTEREST ALSO TO ISRAELIS AND OTHERS IS AN ARTICLE BY Mark G. Levey ON MPARENT BLOG THAT I HAVE ADDED WITH LINK.IT PROVDES MORE BACKGROUND INTO THE SALE OF LEUMI Bank of Israel to the Cerberus hedge fund with its links to the worst of Washington insiders John Snow,Dan Quayle,and even Dick Cheney's Kellogg Brown and Root war profiteers as well as some billionaire 'Jews' of equally questionable moral and ethical character.Prime Minister Olmert has a lot of ANSWERING TO DO TO ISRAELIS AND THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY RE LEUMI BANK SALE TO THIS MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL HEDGE FUND ! THE CIA AND JOHN SNOW AS EX TREASURY SECRETARY ACTUALLY SPIED ON INTERNATIIONAL FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS THROUGH SWIFT OF BRUSSELS,BELGIUM BEFORE LEAVING TO JOIN CERBERUS HEDGE FUND THAT PURCHASED BAWAG BANK OF AUSRIA SINCE THEN ! BAWAG BANK OF AUSTRIA HAS AIDED NUMEROUS U.S. PENNY STOCK FRAUDS AND MONEY LAUNDERING OPERATIONS INCLUDING THOSE OF THE ISRAELI OR UKRANIAN OR WHATEVER GRIN BROTHERS AND THEIR LAURUS CAPITAL,UNION BANK OF ISRAEL CONNECTIONS,Balmore Funds, Celeste Trust,etc.,etc.. While Michael Zwebner filed his frivolous suit to censor all criticism of himself and his penny stock frauds,including the ragingbull site,he no doubt set up to tout his worthless UCSY penny stock pump and dump operation that Israeli President Moshe Katsav helped to promote in a lieing press release,it must not be forgotten that Lycos' website ragingbull.con remains the same fraudulent site it was before Lycos sold to it to Signal, Inc.and Interactive Data Corporation. William Rees-Mogg's American co-author James Dale Davidson and his pals have used ragingbull for promoting their worthless penny stocks for years and scum like Michael Zwebner and so many other international criminals with friends in the Beltway or the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission or the SEC have done the same.Michael Zwebner's litigation with Lycos Ragingbull was a fight between con artists and internet and stock manipulation scam artists.It is usually the case that ragingbull under Lycos and now under new corp ownership has always aided penny stock con artists and deleted names and aliases there that have tried to expose frauds such as Michael Zwebner's UCSY or JAGH or Endovasc a Stanford University 'biotech' penny stock fraud or James Dale Davidson's Genemax penny stock pump and dump fraud and oh so many more(The Financial Times should be shamed by its association).JAGH or Jag Media Holdings is an ongoig fraud now connected to the questionable Cryptometrics company that would now after years of JAGH's criminal fraud would presume to run the New Zealand passport office's id technology in cooperation with its 'managment' and penny stock crime operation ! The ragingbull.con link below will take you to the sleazy Lycos Ragingbull.con,(now shamefully owned by Signal, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Interactive Data Corporation ,NYSE: IDC, who also own the Financial Times of London.Ragingbull can now claim ´legitimacy´ by way of its corporate connection to the London Financial Times to run its sleazy penny stock message boards ! It is humorous to note that the Lord Rees-Mogg was once editor of the Financial Times as well as Rupert Murdoch's London Times. William Rees-Mogg's American co-author James Dale Davidson and his pals have used ragingbull for promoting their worthless penny stocks for years and scum like Michael Zwebner and so many other international criminals with friends in the Beltway or the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission or the SEC have done the same. Or Endovasc a 'biotech' penny stock fraud that was promoted both by the infamous Grin brothers, David, Eugene, of the Ukraine or Israel or NY City as well as by Lord William Rees-Mogg's and Steve Forbes' pal James Dale Davidson wiyth worthjless shares promoted in Bellador Group boiler room of Kuala Lumpur and Dubai post 911! "International scam artist Michael J. Zwebner" Re: Chilling Effects... By: the_worm06 Wed, 07 Mar 07 12:13 PM DD Yes, thank you. Everything has been vacated in that frivolous lawsuit by the international scam artist Michael J. Zwebner. His attorney Robert H. Cooper widely known as "The Unethical Attorney" together with Zwebner's other attorney John Faro (the one who got sanctioned severely in the CNN/Wolf Blitzer lawsuit) obtained the default, injunction and sanctions by making false statements to the court. They were caught red handed and everything was vacated. In talks with attorneys since the order to vacate all previous orders in the case, all of the attorneys mentioned that this is one of the most severe orders they had ever seen issued by a Judge, underlining the sleaziness of Zwebner's attorneys. You might want to read the extensive comments at the bottom: http ://theworm06.blogspot.c om/2006/06/legal-notice-ucsy-v-dembovich.html The Chilling Effects information will eventually be deleted. (Voluntary Disclosure: ST Rating- Strong Sell; LT Rating- Strong Sell) ............................................................................................................... By: scumz 01 Mar 2007, 03:34 PM EST Msg. 60989 of 61022 Jump to msg. # Zwebner (Executive) Faces Uphill Battle in His Suits Over Anonymous Web Attacks Jessica M. Walker Daily Business Review January 28, 2005 Like clockwork each day, someone who calls himself or herself Wolfblitzzer0 logs on to, a stock-talk Internet message board, and posts slurs about Michael J. Zwebner, the chief executive of Miami Beach-based Universal Communication Systems. Wolfblitzzer0's allegations have covered business practices, political conspiracies, and personal misdemeanors. In many posts, Wolfblitzzer0 accuses Zwebner of dirty business dealings and nefarious interactions with the Israeli government. One post accused Zwebner of claiming to keep kosher while secretly eating cheeseburgers, which are a Jewish dietary no-no because they combine meat and dairy. Zwebner, who holds joint British-Israeli citizenship and splits his time between Tel Aviv and Miami Beach, has shown no tolerance for such cybersmearing. Since September 2003, Zwebner has aggressively fought back, filing five lawsuits in U.S. District Court in Miami in retaliation for comments on, which is operated by Waltham, Mass.-based Internet network provider Lycos. The five suits include a class action trademark case and a class action defamation case against Lycos, and a fraud suit and a libel suit against a variety of individual posters. He also filed a defamation claim against CNN, Turner Broadcasting and the real Wolf Blitzer, CNN's high-profile newsman, for failing to stop Wolfblitzzer0 from misappropriating Blitzer's name. His latest suit, filed Jan. 19 in U.S. District Court in Miami, alleges that postings by Wolfblitzzer0 and other posters have damaged his reputation, driven down his company's share price and embarrassed him and his family. Universal Communications Systems was founded by Zwebner in 2001. It began as a telecommunications company and recently branched out into developing a technology that extracts water vapor from air to make drinking water. The lawsuit also accuses Lycos of an offense that could be criminally prosecuted -- cyberstalking. No criminal charges have been filed. Zwebner's latest suit seeks to have messages about him and his company deleted, and to enjoin Lycos from posting any messages about him or Universal Communication Systems in the future. Federal courts have been struggling to find a balance between a company's right to protect its reputation and the privacy and free speech rights of anonymous Internet posters since cybersmearing first became an issue in the late 1990s. Also at issue has been the liability of the Internet service provider in cases of online defamation. The courts have so far given Internet companies a great deal of protection. Zwebner might be fighting an uphill battle on both fronts. Zwebner's attorney, John H. Faro of Faro &amp; Associates in Miami, sharply criticizes Internet network providers for what he considers their failure to police postings. "My belief is these [providers] have done absolutely nothing," Faro said. "There is no control over these postings. They don't provide any means for enforcement of their registration policies." Larry Stumpf, attorney for Lycos and a partner at Black Srebnick Kornspan &amp; Stumpf in Miami, did not return calls seeking comment. Zwebner's new suits are his most recent legal counterattack against Internet posters who besmirch his name online. He has filed a number of suits across the country against posters, who have been making derogatory comments about him since about 2000. Faro acknowledged that Wolfblitzzer0's comments about Zwebner might go beyond a desire to manipulate the stock market. He said some of the posted hostility toward Zwebner could be related to "some business deals that didn't go forward." He didn't elaborate on those deals. Unless Lycos is forced by the court to disclose who Wolfblitzzer0 is, confirming the identity of the poster would be virtually impossible. Faro expects to uncover additional, similar causes of action against Lycos in the suit's discovery phase. He plans to eventually include other companies and chief executives who allegedly have been defamed on Lycos-operated Web sites. The issue of cybersmearing publicly traded companies first surfaced in the late 1990s. Some posters are small-time traders seeking to manipulate the market by driving the price of a certain stock down so they can buy while it's low. The practice also is known as poop and scoop, or trash and cash. The reverse of cybersmearing -- pump and dump -- occurs when Internet posters tout a certain stock in order to increase the price, then sell. The Securities and Exchange Commission recognizes both practices as Internet fraud and warns that the most vulnerable companies are microcap companies, whose stocks are traded in small volume. is linked to, a Lycos site that gives stock quotes and other objective data about publicly traded companies. RagingBull, however, is far from objective, and Lycos makes note of that in a disclaimer on the site. To post on RagingBull, a user must register -- giving a name, location and e-mail address. Posters also must agree to a list of terms and conditions, which state that users who harm others or who violate the law can be terminated. In Zwebner's defamation lawsuit filed this month, the cyberstalking claim is based on the allegation that Lycos has continually transmitted harassing communications about Zwebner and has allowed the practice to continue despite his repeated requests to stop them. The trademark lawsuit, filed in July 2004, alleges that Lycos is using Universal Communication Systems Inc.'s trademarked name and stock ticker symbol without authorization, and in a way that is damaging to the company. Universal Communication Systems Inc.'s ticker symbol is UCSY. Universal Communication System's net loss in its 2004 fiscal year was $3.5 million, compared with $2.3 million in 2003. The suits allege that the Internet bashing of Zwebner has had an impact on the company's stock price. The share price has ranged from a low of a penny to about 19 cents during the last 52 weeks. At the end of 2004, before Wolfblitzzer0 made his or her appearance on RagingBull, the stock was at about 9 cents. On Thursday, it traded at 5 cents. Wolfblitzzer0 -- or Wolfy, as he is called by his message board peers -- is the most recent in a string of posters spewing vitriol against Zwebner on RagingBull. When Wolfblitzzer0 popped up on the Internet message board late last year, Zwebner contacted CNN, informing the Atlanta-based cable network of the similarity to Wolf Blitzer's name. In the defamation suit against CNN, filed Jan. 7, Zwebner asserts that CNN and Wolf Blitzer should have acted to end the postings, since the name Wolf Blitzer was the proprietary interest of CNN and it therefore had an obligation to police its use. CNN has not yet filed a response to the allegations in the case, which is pending separately from the Lycos litigation. Faro said the actual Wolf Blitzer is not believed to be the culprit. The posters likely are a handful of people "in the business of smearing people in the Web, posting under a number of different aliases," he said. In at least four cases in other states, Zwebner has been able to track down the cybersmearers and has reached settlements with the individual posters. In 2003, Zwebner won a $50,000 default judgment in U.S. District Court in Oregon against the John Does Anonymous Foundation, an Oregon-based nonprofit devoted to protecting online anonymity. Zwebner had claimed that members of the organization were defaming him online. He filed the suit pro se, and requested $18 million in damages. But putting a face to an online alias has proven to be difficult for plaintiffs like Zwebner. Both the anonymous posters and the Internet network providers often strenuously resist the disclosure of private information. In Zwebner's first foray into federal court in Miami, Lycos' refusal to disclose its users' names and Internet service provider addresses led to the case being dismissed. In September 2003, Zwebner filed a pro se slander, libel and defamation suit against John Doe defendants, only identified by their online aliases. He then attempted to subpoena the John Does, filing a motion to compel Lycos to disclose the identities of about 85 of its message board posters. The John Does were represented by L. Van Stillman, a former Delray Beach attorney who was disbarred after pleading guilty in 2003 to SEC charges that he was involved in a pump-and-dump scheme. Stillman could not be reached for comment. Attorneys for Lycos and Stillman filed motions to quash the subpoenas, claiming privacy and First Amendment rights trumped any claim Zwebner may have against the defendants. Lycos cited numerous federal court decisions that came down on the side of the anonymous posters, including Doe v. Inc., a 2001 decision out of Washington state that allowed a pseudonymous message board poster to retain his or her anonymity. "The Internet is a truly democratic forum for communication," the court wrote in its opinion. "It allows for the free exchange of ideas at an unprecedented speed and scale. For this reason, the constitutional rights of Internet users, including the First Amendment right to speak anonymously, must be carefully safeguarded." The onus has been on the companies to prove that the harm they have suffered outweighs the posters' right to free speech and privacy. In McIntyre v. the Ohio Elections Commission, the U.S. Supreme Court gave anonymous free speech special protection, writing: "the right to remain anonymous may be abused when it shields fraudulent conduct. But ... our society accords greater weight to the value of free speech than to the dangers of its misuse." Zwebner learned that lesson the hard way, after filing a pro se defamation case against the John Does. U.S. District Judge K. Michael Moore in Miami ruled in favor of the defendants, quashing the subpoenas. Zwebner's case then was dismissed due to his inability to identify any of the posters. After the loss, Zwebner retained Faro and filed the four suits currently pending in federal court in Miami. Lycos is trying to have the trademark case moved to federal court in Massachusetts. It has not yet filed a response to the latest suit Zwebner filed against it. While the federal courts have tended to protect the confidential of John Does in cybersmearing cases, Florida's 3rd District Court of Appeal in Miami took a position against anonymous cybersmearing in a 2000 case, Hvide v. Doe. The 3rd DCA rejected the anonymous posters' claim to protection under the First Amendment. (Voluntary Disclosure: ST Rating- Strong Sell; LT Rating- Strong Sell) ....................................................................................................................... By: scumz 01 Mar 2007, 03:35 PM EST Msg. 60990 of 61022 (This msg. is a reply to 60989 by scumz.) Jump to msg. # Is Zwebner still eating cheeseburgers??? ROFLMAO (Voluntary Disclosure: ST Rating- Strong Sell; LT Rating- Strong Sell) ...............................................................................................................By: scumz 01 Mar 2007, 03:39 PM EST Msg. 60991 of 61022 Jump to msg. # 'Rip Off Reports dot com' has a lot of info on Zwebner and Cunningham in their search engine. interesting (Voluntary Disclosure: ST Rating- Strong Sell; LT Rating- Strong Sell) ...................................................................................................................... By: pumpituphigh 02 Mar 2007, 01:14 PM EST Msg. 61001 of 61022 Jump to msg. # Zwebner's business backer/partner Moshe Katsav is disgraced. ....................................................................................................................... By: scumz 07 Mar 2007, 01:10 PM EST Msg. 61011 of 61023 (This msg. is a reply to 60966 by Mighty_Mezz.) Jump to msg. # Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc. Announces the Signing of a Letter of Intent to Acquire "First Community Television Channel" of Paris France Market Wire, April, 2004 Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc (OTC BB: RDDI) CEO Michael J Zwebner announced today the signing of a Letter of Intent to acquire First Community Television Channel of Paris France in a transaction valued at $40 million. First Community Television Channel of Paris France are the operators of "CHAI TV," the world's first International Jewish TV station that is planned to broadcast on a world wide basis from Paris, France. Further details of the proposed transaction will be announced shortly. It is subject to SEC regulatory approval. Safe Harbor Statement Caution Concerning Forward-Looking Statements by Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc. This document includes certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are based on management's current expectations or beliefs, and are subject to uncertainty and changes in circumstances. Actual results may vary materially from those expressed or implied by the statements herein due to changes in economic, business, competitive, technological and/or regulatory factors, and factors affecting the integration of the businesses of Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc. More detailed information about these factors may be found in filings by Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc., with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including their most recent annual reports on Form 10-KSB and quarterly reports on Form 10-QSB. Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc is under no obligation to, and expressly disclaims any such obligation to, update or alter their forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. Contact: Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc 801-269-8535 (Voluntary Disclosure: ST Rating- Strong Sell; LT Rating- Strong Sell) By: scumz 08 Mar 2007, 03:24 PM EST Msg. 61022 of 61022 Jump to msg. # Long time Zwebner associate Mark R. Tolner named as co-defendant of Lou Pearlman and Florida Governor Charlie Crist in Cover-up Lawsuit By: the_worm06 Thu, 08 Mar 07 2:44 PM Jump to msg. # IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE MIDDLE DISTRICT OF FLORIDA TAMPA DIVISION. PLAINTIFFS, - Vs - LOUIS J. PEARLMAN; ROBERT FISCHETTI; MICHAEL CRUDELE; KRISTIN FINGER; SALMA BACCHUS; THEODORE WÜELLENKEMPER; GREGORY McDONALD; MARK TOLNER;RICHARD CARL JANS; RECA RENE CHAMBERLAIN; and CHARLES J. CRIST; Individual Defendants; --------------- TRANS CONTINENTAL AIRLINES EMPLOYEE INVESTMENT SAVINGS ACCOUNT &amp; STOCK PROGRAMS; Enterprise Defendant; ---------------- TRANS CONTINENTAL AIRLINES, INC.; TRANS CONTINENTAL AIRLINES TRAVEL SERVICES, INC.; TRANS CONTINENTAL ENTERPRISES, LLC; TRANS CONTINENTAL ENTERTAINMENT INC.; LOUIS J. PEARLMAN ENTERPRISES, INC.; TRANS CONTINENTAL RECORDS, INC.; TC LEASING, LLC; TRANS CONTINENTAL TALENT, INC.; FASHION ROCK, LLC; TRANS CONTINENTAL TRAVEL SERVICE, INC.; F.F. STATION, LLC; TRANS COUNTRY MUSIC GROUP, INC.; -------------------- Clements et al v. Pearlman et al – Florida Federal Complaint March 2007 – Page 4 TRANS CONTINENTAL STUDIOS, INC.; TRANS CONTINENTAL AVIATION, INC.; AEGIS CONSULTING, INC.; and GERMAN INVEST-UND FINANZBERATUNG GmbH Corporate Defendants; ------------------ FISERV CORPORATION individually and as successor to RETIREMENTACCOUNTS INC.; BANK OF AMERICA; FIFTH THIRD BANK; WACHOVIA BANK; Corporate Defendants Trustees / Agents; ------------------ DUN &amp; BRADSTREET CO.; Corporate Defendant; ------------------ JOHN DOES # 1 – 10; (the names being fictitious and used solely for identification purposes, the actual names will be disclosed in future discovery); JOHN DOE COMPANIES # 1 – 10; (the names being fictitious and used solely for identification purposes, the actual names will be disclosed in future discovery); “John Doe†Defendants; ---------------- STATE OF FLORIDA, Sovereign Entity Defendants; DEFENDANTS. (Voluntary Disclosure: ST Rating- Strong Sell; LT Rating- Strong Sell) So for Securities Exchange Commission Chairman Chris 'WMDs' Cox and his SEC internet fraud division side kick John Reed Stark to put out a press release as they did recently to claim they were cleaning up pink sheet penny stocks(that don't have to release any financial records)while they have allowed hundreds upon hundreds of NASDAQ and OTCBB stocks to lie about and fudge their financial and stock statements and run illegal pumps and dumps and probable money laundering operations,is the continuation of lies and hypocrisy from the SEC.: SEC Suspends Trading Of 35 Companies Touted In Spam Email Campaigns Investor Protection Agency Unveils "Operation Spamalot" FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 2007-34 Washington, D.C., March 8, 2007 - The Securities and Exchange Commission this morning suspended trading in the securities of 35 companies that have been the subject of recent and repeated spam email campaigns. The trading suspensions - the most ever aimed at spammed companies - were ordered because of questions regarding the adequacy and accuracy of information about the companies. The trading suspensions are part of a stepped-up SEC effort - code named "Operation Spamalot" - to protect investors from potentially fraudulent spam email hyping small company stocks with phrases like, "Ready to Explode," "Ride the Bull," and "Fast Money." It's estimated that 100 million of these spam messages are sent every week, triggering dramatic spikes in share price and trading volume before the spamming stops and investors lose their money. "When spam clogs our mailboxes, it's annoying. When it rips off investors, it's illegal and destructive," said SEC Chairman Christopher Cox. "Today's trading suspensions, and actions that will follow, should send a clear message to spammers: the SEC will hold you accountable." Linda Chatman Thomsen, Director of the SEC's Enforcement Division, said, "Many of these companies are no doubt familiar to anyone who reads their email, because each has been the subject of a spam email campaign. While the Commission cautions investors not to make investment decisions based on anonymous emails they receive, we are also committed to tracking down those who prey on investors with false or misleading information." Mark K. Schonfeld, Director of the Commission's Northeast Regional Office, said, "By halting trading in these stocks we are seeking to protect investors from further harm. But this is only the first step. Our investigation of the perpetrators - the people behind this misconduct - is continuing." The securities of each of the 35 companies have been quoted on the Pink Sheets quotations service. Recent trading clearly demonstrates how spam campaigns can affect stock prices and trading volume. For example: On Friday, Dec. 15, 2006, shares in Apparel Manufacturing Associates, Inc. (APPM) closed at $.06, with a trading volume of 3,500 shares. After a weekend spam campaign distributed emails proclaiming, "Huge news expected out on APPM, get in before the wire, We're taking it all the way to $1.00," trading volume on Monday, Dec. 18, 2006, hit 484,568 shares with the price spiking to over 19 cents a share. Two days later the price climbed to $.45. By Dec. 27, 2006, the price was back down to $.10 on trading volume of 65,350 shares. On Dec. 19, 2006, trading in Goldmark Industries, Inc. (GDKI), closed at $.17 on trading volume of 126,286 shares. On Dec. 20, 2006, the spam campaign started, with e-mail proclaiming "GDKI IS MAKING EVERYONE BANK!," and setting a 5-day price target of $2. By Dec. 28, 2006, spam emails boasted of the price spike that had already been achieved -- "$.28 (Up 152% in 2 days!!!)" -- and promised a 5-day price target of $1. That same day, GDKI closed at $.35 on a volume of more than 5 million shares. By January 9, 2007, the closing share price was back down to $.15. A spam campaign in Healtheuniverse, Inc. (HLUN) stock began on Sept. 4, 2006, with emails incorporating a Healtheuniverse press release proclaiming that HLUN was "focused on being the first to commercialize stem cell applications in the $15 billion worldwide plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery market." On Sept. 7, 2006, HLUN closed at $.12 per share on trading volume of 3,000 shares. The spam campaign accelerated, and HLUN shares spiked to $.22 per share on Sept. 11, 2006, with over 2.2 million shares trading hands. By Sept. 22, 2006, the closing price had dropped back down to $.11. The trading suspensions will last for ten business days. The trading suspensions commenced today at 9:30 a.m., EDT, and terminate at 11:59 p.m., EDT, on March 21, 2007. The 35 companies whose trading was suspended today are: Advanced Powerline Technologies Inc. (APWL), America Asia Petroleum Corp. (AAPM), Amerossi Int'l Group, Inc. (AMSN), Apparel Manufacturing Associates, Inc. (APPM), Asgard Holdings Inc. (AGHG), Biogenerics Ltd. (BIGN), China Gold Corp. (CGDC), CTR Investments &amp; Consulting, Inc. (CIVX), DC Brands International, Inc. (DCBI), Equal Trading, Inc. (EQTD), Equitable Mining Corp. (EQBM), Espion International, Inc. (EPLJ), Goldmark Industries, Inc. (GDKI), GroFeed Inc. (GFDI), Healtheuniverse, Inc. (HLUN), Interlink Global Corp. (ILKG), Investigative Services Agencies, Inc. (IVAY), iPackets International, Inc. (IPKL), Koko Petroleum Inc. (KKPT), Leatt Corporation (LEAT), LOM Logistics, Inc. (LOMJ), Modern Energy Corp. (MODR), National Healthcare Logistics, Inc. (NHLG), Presidents Financial Corp. (PZFC), Red Truck Entertainment Inc. (RTRK), Relay Capital Corp. (RLYC), Rodedawg International Industries, Inc. (RWGI), Rouchon Industries, Inc. (RCHN), Software Effective Solutions Corp. (SFWJ), Solucorp Industries Ltd. (SLUP), Inc. (SSUF), UBA Technology, Inc. (UBTG), Wataire Industries Inc. (WTAF), WayPoint Biomedical Holdings, Inc. (WYPH), and Wineco Productions Inc. (WNCP). The 35 suspensions concern companies that are not subject to the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Not listed on any exchange, or on the OTC Bulletin Board, the companies' securities have been quoted on the Pink Sheets quotation service on an unsolicited basis, meaning that the brokers posting quotations for the purchase and sale of the securities are not required to conduct due diligence regarding the issuers. The Commission cautions broker-dealers, shareholders, and prospective purchasers that they should carefully consider the foregoing information along with all other currently available information and any information subsequently issued by the companies. Further, broker-dealers should be alert to the fact that, pursuant to Rule 15c2-11 under the Exchange Act, at the termination of the trading suspensions, no quotation may be entered unless and until they have strictly complied with all of the provisions of the rule. If any broker-dealer enters any quotation that is in violation of the rule, the Commission will consider the need for prompt enforcement action. The Commission's Office of Investor Education and Assistance has information for investors and members of the general public on topics directly related to this action. See Any broker-dealer, investor, or other person with information relating to this matter is invited to email the Securities and Exchange Commission at 35suspensions (at) The Commission appreciates the assistance and cooperation of the National Association of Securities Dealers, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the British Columbia Securities Commission, and the Ontario Securities Commission. ............................................................................................................ What crocodile tears they cry in the Beltway or Washington D.C. over the unending fraud they have unleashed over the internet through endless penny stock internet sites they allow to run rampant even including UCSY corrupting foreign politicians ! ......................................... ............................................................................................................ Saturday, March 10, 2007 Larger CIA and DoD Privatization Scandal Emerging from Walter Reed Story, US Attorneys Firing Mar 10, 2007 by leveymg Rumsfeld and Top GOP Figures Profited from Privatization of VA Hospital, CIA Contractors A large global hedge fund, Cerberus Capital Management (dba, Cerberus-Gabriel), is at the center of an emerging Pentagon and CIA contracting scandal that has the attention of three Congressional Committees. In each case, the companies under investigation have links to prominent GOP figures, including Vice President Dick Cheney, former Vice President Dan Quayle, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and several Republican Congressmen indicted for corruption involving kickbacks from defense contractors. The Republican Congressional Campaign Commitee (RCCC) has also received substantial contributions from conservative fund managers running Cerberus, a virually unregulated $30 billion hedge fund, which owns the second largest bank in Israel. This scandal involves the mismanagement of VA hospital facilities privatized during the Bush-Cheney Administration, as well as intelligence abuses by private CIA contractors. The lastest Cerberus scandal involving its holding, International American Products (IAP) Worldwide Services, awarded a $120 million contract to manage facilities at Walter Reed, is only the latest in a long line of serious problems involving the company and its officers. IAP’s President, Alfred V. Neffgen, was formerly Chief Operating Officer for KBR's government operations group, which was forced to repay tens of millions of dollars to the Defense Department for food and fuel overcharges in Iraq. IAP has other contracting connections with Dick Cheney’s Halliburton/KBR. Most recently, IAP bid on part of the Iraq oil reconstruction project as a partner with Halliburton KBR. The Army Times reports about the Halliburton tie-in: ............... Cerberus owns, or had a major interest in, a string of now-bankrupt companies that had contracts with U.S. defense and intelligence agencies that were found to have a common pattern of large-scale fraud, security problems, and financial scandals involving GOP lawmakers and lobbyists. IAP is also tied-in with Halliburton/KBR on multi-billion dollar Iraq contracts. Halliburton is a major defense contractor once headed by Vice President Cheney, that has had its own history of problems with fraud and overcharges related to its management of sole-source projects in Iraq, particularly the multi-billion dollar LOGCAP contract to repair and maintain Iraq’s oil fields and pipelines. Just months before the invasion, DoD designated Halliburton/KBR as the sole potential bidder for potential large-scale pipeline repair contracts. Four years after the initial invasion and occupation of those fields, Iraq is still not producing at its prewar levels, a threshold that would require termination of the LOGCAP contract. On October 16, 2006, IAP Worldwide Services issued this press release: "IAP Worldwide Services, Inc. Team Submits Bid For LOGCAP IV Contract," which included this quote from former Halliburton/KBR executive Dave Swindle: "The LOGCAP IV contract is a major challenge," said Dave Swindle, IAP President. "Supporting the warfighter and the Army is a responsibility that allows no compromise. IAP and its team members understand the magnitude of this program and the issues associated with its complexity. We place a high priority on using our proven Business Operating System (BOS) to provide effective oversight and tracking to responsibly meet the customer’s needs from Day One. Through BOS we will act as one team through a management and business system that is completely transparent to the customer." *** Cerberis donated $100,000 at a single fundraiser to Rep. Jerry Lewis, fmr. Chair of the House Appropriations Comm., who served as intermediary to distribute money to fellow GOP lawmakers favored by Cerberus *** During testimony in the Scooter Libby trial, we learned that Valerie Plame was involved in the aluminum tube issue within the CIA’s Counter-Proliferation Division (CPD), where she worked before being "outed" by Libby and others in the White House and Vice President’s office. *** Dan Quayle is chair of new Leumi owner Cerberus-Gabriel, Interceded With SEC Head to Block Rules Governing Hedge Funds Dan Quayle is chair of new Leumi owner Cerberus-Gabriel Ha’aretz 11/16/2005 Cerberus is chaired by former U.S. vice president Dan Quayle. — The Cerberus-Gabriel group was led by Gabriel president J. Ezra Merkin, assisted by CPA Avi Berger, the general manager of the Kesselman &amp; Kesselman accounting firm, and attorney Yaakov Ne’eman. Stephen Feinberg, 45, a Jew from New York and the wunderkind of the hedge funds world who, within 20 years, turned a $10 million fund into a holding company whose companies have combined sales of $30 billion a year, is the founder and manager of Cerberus Global Investment. Experts: Ultimate owners of Leumi unclear Globes 11/16/2005 Banking sources: US investor disclosure regulations will cause Cerberus-Gabriel problems.— Ministry of Finance officials have declared a great victory in the Bank Leumi (TASE: LUMI) tender, but banking specialists are not so enthusiastic. They say that the victory wasn’t so great: the buyers (Cerberus Capital Management LP and Gabriel Capital Management) are too anonymous, their business isn’t transparent enough, and, most of all, the saga is far from over...these owners have specific problems in connection with operating a bank in the US, and they are looking for indirect ways to operate there, perhaps without a banking license. (Can't get that top link to work yet -- Globe link requires registration and installation of their software. Found these links from: ) In 2004,Met with then The SEC Chairman William Donaldson a month prior to Donaldson's vote on whether to open hedge funds to periodic inspections: ~snip~ Canary Scandal Former U.S. Vice President Dan Quayle, an adviser to Cerberus, met in June with Donaldson to discuss fund regulation. Craig Whitney, executive vice president of Quayle &amp; Associates, denied that Quayle was lobbying Donaldson to weaken the SEC's hedge fund plan. Hedge fund executives also say the SEC should focus its resources on better protecting the 91 million U.S. holders of mutual funds. The SEC's move to increase regulation of the private investment pools has gained pace since New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer alleged 10 months ago that ``illegal trading schemes'' enabled some hedge funds to buy mutual fund shares at prices not available to most investors. Canary Capital Partners LLC and its managing principal, Edward Stern, agreed on Sept. 3 to return $30 million in profits and pay a $10 million fine. Since then, regulators have imposed more than $2.3 billion in sanctions against about a dozen companies including Bank of America Corp. and Alliance Capital Management Holding LP. ~snip~ DONALD RUMSFELD - CERBERUS INVESTOR During the tenure of former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, the Pentagon awarded a large contract to the company at the center of the Walter Reed Army Hospital scandal. Rumsfeld may have financially benefited from it along with other major GOP figures, including former Vice President Dan Quaile also invested or were employed by, or received campaign contributions from the same Wall Street hedge fund that owns the company. In his last financial disclosure before becoming Defense Secretary, Rumsfeld revealed that he held shares in Cerberus, a large NY Hedge Fund that acquired International American Products, Inc., the company awarded a Pentagon contract to privatize facilities management services at Walter Reed. 2005 - CERBERUS PURCHASES SECOND-LARGEST BANK IN ISRAEL, COMPLETING THE PRIVATIZATION OF THE ISRAELI BANKING SYSTEM Cerberus group, which in 2005, acquired the second largest Israeli bank, Leumi Bank, completing a process of privatization of the Israeli financial sector pushed by the Right-wing Likud Party and its successor under the present Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert. Cerberus holding Leumi Bank privatized Israeli banks - IAP privatized VA hospitals Strange symmetry to this, isn't there? Perhaps, no coincidence to any of it. Here's why. You have to read a seminal neocon document written in 1997 for then-Israeli PM Netanyahu by the guys who went on to run the Office of Special Plans (OSP), Feith, Wurmser, and Perle. That paper, "A CLEAN BREAK: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm" -- -- lays out a battle plan for conquering the Mid-East, starting with Iraq and Lebanon as means to undermine and discourage Syria, and then, finally, a forced reorientation of the region’s enormous Shi’a population away from Iran and the elevation of the Heshemite Kingdom of Morocco’s King Hussein. The point of all this isn't just military conquest, and the elimination of regional threats, it's actually to set the preconditions for a PRIVATIZED Israeli economy, and the "clean break" is with Israeli's social-democratic past. It is also meant to map out a profound shift in Israel’s relationship with the United States, away from a traditional client state that submits to bi-partsian Washington, with the an alliance with the ascendant GOP Right-wing, the authors planned to elevate Israel into a new regional Superpower.................. So, this is the Israeli state they ended up with, led by Kadima’s Ehud Olmert, a Tool of Oligarchs ... Cerberus-Gabriel Forbes Reinforces Claim That Kadima is Tool of Oligarchs by Ezra HaLevi ( According to the report, the business groups are controlled by the following families: Sami Ofer, Nochi Dankner, Shari Arison, the Cerberus-Gabriel consortium, Charles Bronfman, Yitzchak Tshuva, the Saban group, Lev Leviev, Matthew Bronfman, Tzadik Bino, the Borovich family, and Eliezer Fishman. The 12 families own 60 percent of the aggregate market value of all Israeli public companies (excluding the even larger Teva Pharmaceutical Industries), Forbes reported. The report goes on to say that the families have constructed their empires, which consist of Israel's largest companies, using organizational structures that have long ago been done away with in the Western world. The report explains that the groups have an inordinate amount of control over Israel's economy, political leaders and media due to the structuring of their holdings as pyramids – meaning several layers of companies each own others beneath them but are all beholden to the leading families. Such a phenomenon was eliminated in the US in the early 20th century through restrictions on ownership and the double taxation of dividends a company paid its owner company. ~snip~ In that light, consider the article about the conflict surrounding the Serberus-Leumi group privatizing the Israeli banking system. Bear in mind that Israel’s banks, including Leumi, had been bailed out by the government in the disastrous year of 1983, after Ariel Sharon led the IDF into an ill-fated and incompetently led invasion of Lebanon. An "optional" war that resulted in the massive withdrawal of international capital, and a steep recession in Israel’s reputation and fortunes: Leumi on the way to going global By Nehemia Shtrasler A historic decision will be made next week. The Bank of Israel will announce whether it approves the sale of Bank Leumi to the Cerberus-Gabriel consortium. This would mark the end of the long process of privatizing Israel's banking system. As early as November 2005 a tender was issued for the bank's sale, and it was won by Cerberus-Gabriel. The consortium offered to pay NIS 4.62 billion for a controlling stake of 20 percent in the bank - a very high price indeed. But the consortium failed to close the deal because the Bank of Israel did not approve its becoming a controlling partner. The decision will now be made by the Bank of Israel Governor, Professor Stanley Fischer, who has said in internal meetings that this is one of the most difficult decisions he has been asked to make. At those same meetings, Rony Hizkiyahu, the new Supervisor of Banks, said that he wished the problem with the New York branch of Bank Leumi were resolved because then there would be no obstacle to selling the bank to the consortium. Indeed, this is the only problem that is keeping Cerberus-Gabriel from Bank Leumi, the subsidiary in New York. According to American law, the Cerberus-Gabriel consortium will not be able to hold the bank in New York because it is invested in non-financial sectors. According to American rules, it is not permitted to have industrial and real estate holdings and also a bank - out of concern for possible conflict of interest. During those same internal meetings at the Bank of Israel a number of proposals were put forth for a solution to the problem. For example, to sell Leumi New York, and in its place set up a financial entity that could offer business loans but not be able to accept deposits or offer retail banking services. The problem is that such a financial firm will not operate under the supervision of the Federal Reserve (because it is not a bank). As for Israeli supervision, it will not be easy to keep an eye on a company that is situated so far away. SNIP Indeed, the deal went through and the regulatory obstacles removed to the privatiziation that is pushed by Prime Minister Olmert, one of the leading proponents of the scheme, as this article makes clear: December 13, 2005 Cerberus-Gabriel hedge fund buys stake in Leumi Bank Israel is on its way to privatization. The banking sector is amongst the first ones to take a step in this direction. Bank Leumi was in the market recently and attracted bids from several players. Bidder names include strategic investors like Lev Leviev, IDB and Bill Davidson and also financial contenders like UBS, Deutsche Bank and Citibank. However the winner was an American Hedge fund, Cerberus-Gabriel. Cerberus-Gabriel has purchased 9.9% of the shares of the bank. The purchase of this stake was for approximately $500 million. The fund also has the option of buying an additional 10.01% in the bank. This will bring the total shares quantum to 20% and is roughly valued at $1 billion. This option of additional purchase has to be utilized with in the next one and a half years. Ehud Olmert, Finance Minister of Israel, is reportedly quite satisfied with the outcome. He feels that this is a positive development and will help the over all Israeli economy. He is amongst the top promoters of privatization move. In his statement he also mentioned that the purchase will ensure healthy competition between the banks and will definitely contribute a lot to the local market. Another person quite happy with the development is Yaron Zelekha, the treasury's accountant-general, who led the tender. He sees it as fulfillment of the promise made to the people of Israel about privatization of the entire banking system in 2005. CONCLUSION Both the MZM-Cunningham and Jerry Lewis cases involve the funneling of foreign money to the GOP through a neocon controlled global hedge fund, Cerberus Capital Management, that was dispersing money to a number of key GOP figures and organizations in various ways, including Bush, Rumsfeld, a number of GOP Congressmen, and the RNC. The case is also tied up with the Walter Reed scandal, and the effort to privatize many Pentagon and CIA functions, which resulted in catastrophic failures at both. Let's recap: a corrupt Israeli PM - has a stake in a corrupt Israeli bank- owned by a corrupt Wall Street global hedge fund - which owns a corrupt US defense contractor - which contributes to corrupt GOP Congressmen - who also receive money from another corrupt defense contractor - that defense contractor produced faulty intel under contract to a corrupt CIA Assn't Director - that faulty intel was used to justify a corrupt US Administration's case for invading Iraq - that was planned and executed by corrupt neocons inside DoD who had written a proposal years earlier to wage wars to privatize the Israeli economy. What a tangled web. One wishes Chairman Waxman’s staff and other Congressional investigators the strength of Hercules in taking down the Three-headed Dog, Cerberus, that guards the gates to Hell. ___________________________________________________________ Mark G. Levey. Fair use applies. Acknowledgement: Some material compiled from a research thread at Democratic, with particular thanks to "bobthedrummer" and "Emit", and other DU researchers: .................................................................................................................. Cryptometrics:New Zealand Passport Office Used By U.S. Penny Stock Criminals ? David Grin,Tel Aviv University,Laurus Capital Management and Union Bank of Israel FOIA,Alberto Gonzales and SEC'S Chris Cox Enron,Merrill Lych,Latham &amp; Watkins conflict Tim Mahoney,vFinance,Venus Methodist Church,Florida,Sayed Mustafa and Islamic Usury Charles Schwab:vFinance's Charles Patrick Garcia receives Henry B. Gonzalez award !? Democrats William Jefferson,Tim Mahoney, iGate,vFinance,DOBI, Endovasc penny stock frauds James Dale Davidson,Charles Schwab,Tim Mahoney,VFIN, LOM and penny stock share money laundering Ireland Indymedia bans criticism of Lord Rees Mogg,James Dale Davidson Post to Lord Rees-Mogg's Weblog re NASDAQ,London Stock Exchange Virginia:Marvin Bush,Securacom,9/11,U.S. Senator George Allen,Bawag Austria,offshores... U.S. Republican George Allen More Corrupt Than Utah Senators Bob Bennett,Orrin Hatch ? Asa Hutchinson,Charlie Crist,Jeb Bush,Republican stock fraud and drug trafficking,etc.... Why did Osama bin Laden choose Jeb Bush's Huffman Aviation terrorist flight school ? Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ? Utah Gov Jon Huntsman,Senator Bennett, Hatch call Republican Senator Shelby 'a gangster' Does NY Times censor 9/11 Venice,Florida connection ? NY Rep.Peter King,CIA,Swift,NY Times,Republican stock fraud NY WTC 'protected' by Kuwaiti company and Marvin Bush on 9/11 Asa Hutchinson,Richard Rainwater,George W Bush,Tom DeLay &amp; 5.6 Ton cocaine bust in Mexico SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton &amp; Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ? Cocaina,Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche, Abril 10,CIA,Republicanos Y PAN Did Israel President Moshe Katsav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ? Israel: Gal Lusky's 'IFA' Caught Up in Moshe Katsav,Mohamed Hadid, Zwebner 'UCSY' scam ? Israeli President Moshe Katsav aids massive penny stock fraud Did Israel President Moshe Katzav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ? SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton &amp; Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud Chris Cox,SEC,Makram Majid Chams,Titan Corp,9/11,Abhu Ghraib,etc. SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks John Reed Stark UAE,SEC,Georgetown University Stock fraud Academic fraud Cyber fraud Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ? Porter Goss: CIA Cyber and stock fraud ops damaged by leaks ?; D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson,Don Nickles, ex-CIA Chief Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen Asa Hutchinson,ex Congressman Tom McMillen, Fortress America,offshore money laundering To CIA,In-Q-Tel,Amit Yoran re SRA International, Mantas Inc stock fraud money laundering Mantas Inc,Herndon, Va, Pro-Money Laundering Arm of International Bankers,Brokers... CIA and Gilman Louie are less than honest Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering
summary (NULL)
format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 66928 characters ) <p>Even Moshe Katsav's and Michael Zwebners' pa...
<p>Even Moshe Katsav's and Michael Zwebners' partner in the UCSY or Universal Communications Systems fraud,Mohamed Hadid with his Saudi Arabian ties,has been protected by the Bush Regime that has covered up the Herndon, Virginia Islamic charities money laundering scandal for him and the Saudis.</p> <!--break--><p> Israeli pResident Moshe Katsav's Penny Stock Partner Michael Zwebner loses in U.S. Court</p> <p>Israeli pResident Moshe Katsav Disgraced by Michael Zwebner,Mohamid Hadid fraud ties : </p> <p>UCSY, Zwebner ordered by Court to pay legal expenses of Lycos, Villasenor </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>BELOW IS FROM CYPRUS.INDYMEDIA BEFORE RECEIVING THE NEWS THAT ISRAELI RESIDENT OR PRESIDENT MOSHE KATSAV`S PARTNER IN U.S. PENNY STOCK SCAMS MICHAEL ZWEBNER HAD LOST IN U.S. COURT IN MASSACHUSETTS.IT DEMONSTRATES THE POWER TO USE MONEY HOWEVER ILLEGALLY GAINED,AS MR.ZWEBNER´S WAS AND IS IN U.S. PENNY STOCK PROMOTIONS, TO MANIPULATE THE LAW IN THE U.S.. </p> <p>THIS TIME MR.ZWEBNER WHO IS NOT AN AMERICAN AND ONLY USES THE COUNTRY FOR FRAUD,(JUST AS HE HAS USED ISRAEL AND THE ISRAELI MILITARY AND U.S. SOLDIERS IN IRAQ IN HIS FRAUDULENT PROMOTIONS AND LIES WITH MOSHE KATSAV'S BLESSINGS !),LOST IN COURT TRYING TO INTIMIDATE POSTERS CRITICISING HIM ON MESSAGE BOARDS ! ZWEBNER HAD PREVIOUSLY SUED GOOGLE AS WELL AS CNN AND WOLF BLITZER FOR $100,000,000.BLITZER AND CNN WERE SUED BECAUSE I,TONY RYALS, POSTED CRITICISMS OF ZWEBNER AND UCSY ON RAGINGBULL.CON USING WOLFBLITZZER0 AS AN ALIAS !<br /> ......................................................................................................... </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Universal Communication Systems Inc. Subsidiary AirWater Corporation Receives Presidential Endorsement of Its Products<br /> Business Wire, March 17, 2004 </p> <p>Business Editors </p> <p>TEL AVIV, Israel--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 17, 2004 </p> <p>President of Israel, Mr. Moshe Katzav Visits the Company's Display </p> <p>Booth at the "Aqua Israel 2004" Exhibition Held in Tel Aviv, Israel; </p> <p>AirWater Corp. is Recipient of 2 Event Awards </p> <p>Universal Communication Systems Inc. subsidiary AirWater Corporation company president Michael Zwebner revealed and announced today that the President of Israel, Mr. Moshe Katzav, visited the company's display booth at the recently concluded "AQUA Israel 2004" 2 day exhibition, recently held at Tel Aviv, Israel. Tasting the water made from the company's unique AW 120 Air to Water machine, he commented: "This water tastes very good, it is excellent and this is a great product." Later in the day, Israel's Minister of Agriculture Mr. Katz, also visited the company's display, and after being given a complete explanation of the company's products and tasting the water produced on the spot, he too highly commended and endorsed the AirWater Machines, and the water created from the air. </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Universal Communication Systems, Inc. Subsidiary AirWater Corporation Company President Michael Zwebner and Mohamed Hadid Each Donate $25,000 to AirWater Emergency Fund for Shipment of AirWater Machines to Far East<br /> Market Wire, January, 2005 </p> <p>Find More Results for: "zwebner hadid"<br /> Talk Visual Chairman...<br /> Universal Communication Systems, Inc. (OTC BB: UCSY) subsidiary AirWater Corporation, company president Michael J. Zwebner announced today that both he and Mr. Mohamed Hadid of Los Angeles, CA, are each personally donating $25,000 to the AirWater machines fund. </p> <p>.............................................................................................................. </p> <p>David Grin,Laurus Capital Management and Union Bank of Israel </p> <p>Author<br /> Tony Ryals<br /> Date Created<br /> 18 Feb 2007<br /> More details...<br /> Date Edited<br /> 18 Feb 2007 05:41:27 AM<br /> License<br /> This work is in the public domain<br /> A note from the editorial group. </p> <p>Publication of this particular article in these pages is a violation of the law, and possibly constitutes an act of entrapment against our Cyprus IndyMedia group. Therefore it's been removed. </p> <p>Readers interested in how this entrapment works can see this short legal brief:<br /> "Michael Zwebner gets a prior restraint injunction<br /> Michael Zwebner regularly sues critics and people remotely related to critics of his...":<br /> <a href=""></a> </p> <p>One can read the original article by Tony Ryals elsewhere:<br /> <a href=""></a> </p> <p>Volunteers<br /> ~~~~~~~~ </p> <p>Comments </p> <p>Re: David Grin,Laurus Capital Management and Union Bank of Israel28 Feb 2007<br /> by Tony Ryals<br /> Reply to this comment </p> <p>Below are from aliases posting on the scam or message board of Muichael Zwebner's 'ucsy' or Universal Communications' today and directly relates to cyprus indymedia's action in regards to replacing my post here with links to same on and the phoney legal precident that Michael Zwebner(who used Israeli or ex Israeli President Moshe Katsav's name in one of his press releases to promote and dump shares in his penny stock in 2004. </p> <p>Both aliases are quite credible and not a part of any 'pump and dump' penny stock scam.I know this because I have read their posts there for years.<br /> Basically as you can read by following the link to the U.S. legal ruling,the claim in the link you provided if it was ever valid in the first place as Zwebner has led us all to believe has been reversed which we can all be jubilant about. </p> <p>Please don't think I would 'entrap' or seek to entrap the fine folks of cyprus.indymedia or any indymedia for that matter.I would go to my grave defending you people.Also,I appreciate your taking the time to find an alternative link to my original post here.David Marchant of has been a great help to me as have been many indymedias. </p> <p>You have no idea of my struggle to expose U.S. penny stock fraud,even following Endovasc shares,(the scam that ripped me off),all the way to a bank in Cyprus by way of Union Bank of California. </p> <p>Anyway read the legal ruling and celebrate,free speech has won one this time. </p> <p>By: xrayviscion<br /> 28 Feb 2007, 09:24 AM EST<br /> Msg. 60967 of 60969<br /> (This msg. is a reply to 60966 by Mighty_Mezz.)<br /> Jump to msg. #<br /> UCSY, Zwebner ordered by Court to pay legal expenses of Lycos, Villasenor </p> <p><a href=""></a><br /> - - - - - </p> <p>By: xrayviscion<br /> 28 Feb 2007, 12:21 PM EST<br /> Msg. 60968 of 60969<br /> (This msg. is a reply to 60967 by xrayviscion.)<br /> Jump to msg. #<br /> Therefore, while some of UCS's claims are barred by Section 230 immunity, the remaining ones simply do not state a claim based on the facts alleged. If UCS has in fact been injured, redress is not available through any of the avenues it has chosen to pursue in this case. </p> <p>The district court's dismissal of all claims is affirmed. Costs are awarded to appellees. </p> <p>......................... </p> <p>By: Mighty_Mezz<br /> 28 Feb 2007, 12:51 PM EST<br /> Msg. 60969 of 60969<br /> (This msg. is a reply to 60967 by xrayviscion.)<br /> Jump to msg. #<br /> Thanks for posting the excellent news!<br /> I wouldn't be surprised if that's not part of the reason Z stopped filing with the SEC. He'd have to disclose that he lost to Roberto. I bet that galls him to no end. ROFL!<br /> ........................................................................................................................ </p> <p>However we are more concerned at present with celebrating a small victory for ´´free speech´´ that Americans,before the dictatorship of W Bush once prided themselves on.Not anymore.Today even to challenge fraud in America is to run the danger of somehow colluding with ´´terrorism´´ when in truth it is the Bush-Cheney Regime that has terrorized us all at home and abroad with the fascist company they keep,Israeli Resident Moshe Katsav as well as Dubai,Kuwati,Saudi Arabian and Kuwaiti royalty among others,being among the scum they protect. </p> <p>Even Moshe Katsav's and Michael Zwebners' partner in the UCSY or Universal Communications Systems fraud,Mohamed Hadid with his Saudi Arabian ties,has been protected by the Bush Regime that has covered up the Herndon, Virginia Islamic charities money laundering scandal for him and the Saudis. </p> <p>And covered it up to protect the ISRAELI SCUMBAG MOSHE KATSAV IN MANY WAYS WHO IS ALSO TIED TO THE ISLAMIC CHARITY MONEY LAUNDERING SCAM BY SUPPORTING HADID'S BRITISH AND ISRAELI ' JEWISH' PAL MICHAEL ZWEBNER IN THE FIRST PLACE,WHO USES SELF-RIGHTEOUS JUDAISM TO DENOUNCE ANY CRITICISM OF HIMSELF AND HIS ONGOING INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL FRAUDS,PARTICULARLY WITH U.S. PENNY STOCKS. </p> <p>OF INTEREST ALSO TO ISRAELIS AND OTHERS IS AN ARTICLE BY Mark G. Levey ON MPARENT BLOG THAT I HAVE ADDED WITH LINK.IT PROVDES MORE BACKGROUND INTO THE SALE OF LEUMI Bank of Israel to the Cerberus hedge fund with its links to the worst of Washington insiders John Snow,Dan Quayle,and even Dick Cheney's Kellogg Brown and Root war profiteers as well as some billionaire<br /> 'Jews' of equally questionable moral and ethical character.Prime Minister Olmert has a lot of ANSWERING TO DO TO ISRAELIS AND THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY RE LEUMI BANK SALE TO THIS MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL HEDGE FUND ! THE CIA AND JOHN SNOW AS EX TREASURY SECRETARY ACTUALLY SPIED ON INTERNATIIONAL FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS THROUGH SWIFT OF BRUSSELS,BELGIUM BEFORE LEAVING TO JOIN CERBERUS HEDGE FUND THAT PURCHASED BAWAG BANK OF AUSRIA SINCE THEN ! BAWAG BANK OF AUSTRIA HAS AIDED NUMEROUS U.S. PENNY STOCK FRAUDS AND MONEY LAUNDERING OPERATIONS INCLUDING THOSE OF THE ISRAELI OR UKRANIAN OR WHATEVER GRIN BROTHERS AND THEIR LAURUS CAPITAL,UNION BANK OF ISRAEL CONNECTIONS,Balmore Funds, Celeste Trust,etc.,etc.. </p> <p>While Michael Zwebner filed his frivolous suit to censor all criticism of himself and his penny stock frauds,including the ragingbull site,he no doubt set up to tout his worthless UCSY penny stock pump and dump operation that Israeli President Moshe Katsav helped to promote in a lieing press release,it must not be forgotten that Lycos' website ragingbull.con remains the same fraudulent site it was before Lycos sold to it to Signal, Inc.and Interactive Data Corporation. </p> <p>William Rees-Mogg's American co-author James Dale Davidson and his pals have used ragingbull for promoting their worthless penny stocks for years and scum like Michael Zwebner and so many other international criminals with friends in the Beltway or the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission or the SEC have done the same.Michael Zwebner's litigation with Lycos Ragingbull was a fight between con artists and internet and stock manipulation scam artists.It is usually the case that ragingbull under Lycos and now under new corp ownership has always aided penny stock con artists and deleted names and aliases there that have tried to expose frauds such as Michael Zwebner's UCSY or JAGH or Endovasc a Stanford University 'biotech' penny stock fraud or James Dale Davidson's Genemax penny stock pump and dump fraud and oh so many more(The Financial Times should be shamed by its association).JAGH or Jag Media Holdings is an ongoig fraud now connected to the questionable Cryptometrics company that would now after years of JAGH's criminal fraud would presume to run the New Zealand passport office's id technology in cooperation with its 'managment' and penny stock crime operation ! </p> <p>The ragingbull.con link below will take you to the sleazy Lycos Ragingbull.con,(now shamefully owned by Signal, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Interactive Data Corporation ,NYSE: IDC, who also own the Financial Times of London.Ragingbull can now claim ´legitimacy´ by way of its corporate connection to the London Financial Times to run its sleazy penny stock message boards ! </p> <p> </p> <p>It is humorous to note that the Lord Rees-Mogg was once editor of the Financial Times as well as Rupert Murdoch's London Times. </p> <p>William Rees-Mogg's American co-author James Dale Davidson and his pals have used ragingbull for promoting their worthless penny stocks for years and scum like Michael Zwebner and so many other international criminals with friends in the Beltway or the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission or the SEC have done the same. </p> <p>Or Endovasc a 'biotech' penny stock fraud that was promoted both by the infamous Grin brothers, David, Eugene, of the Ukraine or Israel or NY City as well as by Lord William Rees-Mogg's and Steve Forbes' pal James Dale Davidson wiyth worthjless shares promoted in Bellador Group boiler room of Kuala Lumpur and Dubai post 911! </p> <p>"International scam artist Michael J. Zwebner" </p> <p>Re: Chilling Effects...<br /> By: the_worm06<br /> Wed, 07 Mar 07 12:13 PM </p> <p>DD </p> <p>Yes, thank you. Everything has been vacated in that frivolous lawsuit by the international scam artist Michael J. Zwebner. </p> <p>His attorney Robert H. Cooper widely known as "The Unethical Attorney" together with Zwebner's other attorney John Faro (the one who got sanctioned severely in the CNN/Wolf Blitzer lawsuit) obtained the default, injunction and sanctions by making false statements to the court. </p> <p>They were caught red handed and everything was vacated. </p> <p>In talks with attorneys since the order to vacate all previous orders in the case, all of the attorneys mentioned that this is one of the most severe orders they had ever seen issued by a Judge, underlining the sleaziness of Zwebner's attorneys. You might want to read the extensive comments at the bottom: </p> <p>http ://theworm06.blogspot.c om/2006/06/legal-notice-ucsy-v-dembovich.html </p> <p>The Chilling Effects information will eventually be deleted. </p> <p>(Voluntary Disclosure: ST Rating- Strong Sell; LT Rating- Strong Sell) </p> <p>...............................................................................................................<br /> By: scumz<br /> 01 Mar 2007, 03:34 PM EST<br /> Msg. 60989 of 61022<br /> Jump to msg. #<br /> Zwebner (Executive) Faces Uphill Battle in His Suits Over Anonymous Web Attacks<br /> Jessica M. Walker<br /> Daily Business Review<br /> January 28, 2005 </p> <p>Like clockwork each day, someone who calls himself or herself Wolfblitzzer0 logs on to, a stock-talk Internet message board, and posts slurs about Michael J. Zwebner, the chief executive of Miami Beach-based Universal Communication Systems. </p> <p>Wolfblitzzer0's allegations have covered business practices, political conspiracies, and personal misdemeanors. In many posts, Wolfblitzzer0 accuses Zwebner of dirty business dealings and nefarious interactions with the Israeli government. One post accused Zwebner of claiming to keep kosher while secretly eating cheeseburgers, which are a Jewish dietary no-no because they combine meat and dairy. </p> <p>Zwebner, who holds joint British-Israeli citizenship and splits his time between Tel Aviv and Miami Beach, has shown no tolerance for such cybersmearing. Since September 2003, Zwebner has aggressively fought back, filing five lawsuits in U.S. District Court in Miami in retaliation for comments on, which is operated by Waltham, Mass.-based Internet network provider Lycos. </p> <p>The five suits include a class action trademark case and a class action defamation case against Lycos, and a fraud suit and a libel suit against a variety of individual posters. He also filed a defamation claim against CNN, Turner Broadcasting and the real Wolf Blitzer, CNN's high-profile newsman, for failing to stop Wolfblitzzer0 from misappropriating Blitzer's name. </p> <p>His latest suit, filed Jan. 19 in U.S. District Court in Miami, alleges that postings by Wolfblitzzer0 and other posters have damaged his reputation, driven down his company's share price and embarrassed him and his family. </p> <p>Universal Communications Systems was founded by Zwebner in 2001. It began as a telecommunications company and recently branched out into developing a technology that extracts water vapor from air to make drinking water. </p> <p>The lawsuit also accuses Lycos of an offense that could be criminally prosecuted -- cyberstalking. No criminal charges have been filed. </p> <p>Zwebner's latest suit seeks to have messages about him and his company deleted, and to enjoin Lycos from posting any messages about him or Universal Communication Systems in the future. </p> <p>Federal courts have been struggling to find a balance between a company's right to protect its reputation and the privacy and free speech rights of anonymous Internet posters since cybersmearing first became an issue in the late 1990s. Also at issue has been the liability of the Internet service provider in cases of online defamation. The courts have so far given Internet companies a great deal of protection. </p> <p>Zwebner might be fighting an uphill battle on both fronts. </p> <p>Zwebner's attorney, John H. Faro of Faro &amp; Associates in Miami, sharply criticizes Internet network providers for what he considers their failure to police postings. </p> <p>"My belief is these [providers] have done absolutely nothing," Faro said. "There is no control over these postings. They don't provide any means for enforcement of their registration policies." </p> <p>Larry Stumpf, attorney for Lycos and a partner at Black Srebnick Kornspan &amp; Stumpf in Miami, did not return calls seeking comment. </p> <p>Zwebner's new suits are his most recent legal counterattack against Internet posters who besmirch his name online. He has filed a number of suits across the country against posters, who have been making derogatory comments about him since about 2000. </p> <p>Faro acknowledged that Wolfblitzzer0's comments about Zwebner might go beyond a desire to manipulate the stock market. He said some of the posted hostility toward Zwebner could be related to "some business deals that didn't go forward." He didn't elaborate on those deals. </p> <p>Unless Lycos is forced by the court to disclose who Wolfblitzzer0 is, confirming the identity of the poster would be virtually impossible. </p> <p>Faro expects to uncover additional, similar causes of action against Lycos in the suit's discovery phase. He plans to eventually include other companies and chief executives who allegedly have been defamed on Lycos-operated Web sites. </p> <p>The issue of cybersmearing publicly traded companies first surfaced in the late 1990s. Some posters are small-time traders seeking to manipulate the market by driving the price of a certain stock down so they can buy while it's low. The practice also is known as poop and scoop, or trash and cash. </p> <p>The reverse of cybersmearing -- pump and dump -- occurs when Internet posters tout a certain stock in order to increase the price, then sell. </p> <p>The Securities and Exchange Commission recognizes both practices as Internet fraud and warns that the most vulnerable companies are microcap companies, whose stocks are traded in small volume. </p> <p> is linked to, a Lycos site that gives stock quotes and other objective data about publicly traded companies. RagingBull, however, is far from objective, and Lycos makes note of that in a disclaimer on the site. </p> <p>To post on RagingBull, a user must register -- giving a name, location and e-mail address. Posters also must agree to a list of terms and conditions, which state that users who harm others or who violate the law can be terminated. </p> <p>In Zwebner's defamation lawsuit filed this month, the cyberstalking claim is based on the allegation that Lycos has continually transmitted harassing communications about Zwebner and has allowed the practice to continue despite his repeated requests to stop them. </p> <p>The trademark lawsuit, filed in July 2004, alleges that Lycos is using Universal Communication Systems Inc.'s trademarked name and stock ticker symbol without authorization, and in a way that is damaging to the company. Universal Communication Systems Inc.'s ticker symbol is UCSY. </p> <p>Universal Communication System's net loss in its 2004 fiscal year was $3.5 million, compared with $2.3 million in 2003. </p> <p>The suits allege that the Internet bashing of Zwebner has had an impact on the company's stock price. The share price has ranged from a low of a penny to about 19 cents during the last 52 weeks. At the end of 2004, before Wolfblitzzer0 made his or her appearance on RagingBull, the stock was at about 9 cents. On Thursday, it traded at 5 cents. </p> <p>Wolfblitzzer0 -- or Wolfy, as he is called by his message board peers -- is the most recent in a string of posters spewing vitriol against Zwebner on RagingBull. </p> <p>When Wolfblitzzer0 popped up on the Internet message board late last year, Zwebner contacted CNN, informing the Atlanta-based cable network of the similarity to Wolf Blitzer's name. </p> <p>In the defamation suit against CNN, filed Jan. 7, Zwebner asserts that CNN and Wolf Blitzer should have acted to end the postings, since the name Wolf Blitzer was the proprietary interest of CNN and it therefore had an obligation to police its use. CNN has not yet filed a response to the allegations in the case, which is pending separately from the Lycos litigation. </p> <p>Faro said the actual Wolf Blitzer is not believed to be the culprit. The posters likely are a handful of people "in the business of smearing people in the Web, posting under a number of different aliases," he said. </p> <p>In at least four cases in other states, Zwebner has been able to track down the cybersmearers and has reached settlements with the individual posters. </p> <p>In 2003, Zwebner won a $50,000 default judgment in U.S. District Court in Oregon against the John Does Anonymous Foundation, an Oregon-based nonprofit devoted to protecting online anonymity. </p> <p>Zwebner had claimed that members of the organization were defaming him online. He filed the suit pro se, and requested $18 million in damages. </p> <p>But putting a face to an online alias has proven to be difficult for plaintiffs like Zwebner. Both the anonymous posters and the Internet network providers often strenuously resist the disclosure of private information. </p> <p>In Zwebner's first foray into federal court in Miami, Lycos' refusal to disclose its users' names and Internet service provider addresses led to the case being dismissed. In September 2003, Zwebner filed a pro se slander, libel and defamation suit against John Doe defendants, only identified by their online aliases. He then attempted to subpoena the John Does, filing a motion to compel Lycos to disclose the identities of about 85 of its message board posters. </p> <p>The John Does were represented by L. Van Stillman, a former Delray Beach attorney who was disbarred after pleading guilty in 2003 to SEC charges that he was involved in a pump-and-dump scheme. Stillman could not be reached for comment. </p> <p>Attorneys for Lycos and Stillman filed motions to quash the subpoenas, claiming privacy and First Amendment rights trumped any claim Zwebner may have against the defendants. </p> <p>Lycos cited numerous federal court decisions that came down on the side of the anonymous posters, including Doe v. Inc., a 2001 decision out of Washington state that allowed a pseudonymous message board poster to retain his or her anonymity. </p> <p>"The Internet is a truly democratic forum for communication," the court wrote in its opinion. "It allows for the free exchange of ideas at an unprecedented speed and scale. For this reason, the constitutional rights of Internet users, including the First Amendment right to speak anonymously, must be carefully safeguarded." </p> <p>The onus has been on the companies to prove that the harm they have suffered outweighs the posters' right to free speech and privacy. </p> <p>In McIntyre v. the Ohio Elections Commission, the U.S. Supreme Court gave anonymous free speech special protection, writing: "the right to remain anonymous may be abused when it shields fraudulent conduct. But ... our society accords greater weight to the value of free speech than to the dangers of its misuse." </p> <p>Zwebner learned that lesson the hard way, after filing a pro se defamation case against the John Does. U.S. District Judge K. Michael Moore in Miami ruled in favor of the defendants, quashing the subpoenas. Zwebner's case then was dismissed due to his inability to identify any of the posters. </p> <p>After the loss, Zwebner retained Faro and filed the four suits currently pending in federal court in Miami. </p> <p>Lycos is trying to have the trademark case moved to federal court in Massachusetts. It has not yet filed a response to the latest suit Zwebner filed against it. </p> <p>While the federal courts have tended to protect the confidential of John Does in cybersmearing cases, Florida's 3rd District Court of Appeal in Miami took a position against anonymous cybersmearing in a 2000 case, Hvide v. Doe. </p> <p>The 3rd DCA rejected the anonymous posters' claim to protection under the First Amendment. </p> <p>(Voluntary Disclosure: ST Rating- Strong Sell; LT Rating- Strong Sell) </p> <p>....................................................................................................................... </p> <p>By: scumz<br /> 01 Mar 2007, 03:35 PM EST<br /> Msg. 60990 of 61022<br /> (This msg. is a reply to 60989 by scumz.)<br /> Jump to msg. #<br /> Is Zwebner still eating cheeseburgers??? </p> <p>ROFLMAO </p> <p>(Voluntary Disclosure: ST Rating- Strong Sell; LT Rating- Strong Sell) </p> <p>...............................................................................................................By: scumz<br /> 01 Mar 2007, 03:39 PM EST<br /> Msg. 60991 of 61022<br /> Jump to msg. #<br /> 'Rip Off Reports dot com' has a lot of info on Zwebner and Cunningham in their search engine. </p> <p>interesting </p> <p>(Voluntary Disclosure: ST Rating- Strong Sell; LT Rating- Strong Sell) </p> <p>...................................................................................................................... </p> <p>By: pumpituphigh<br /> 02 Mar 2007, 01:14 PM EST<br /> Msg. 61001 of 61022<br /> Jump to msg. #<br /> Zwebner's business backer/partner Moshe Katsav is disgraced. <a href=""></a> </p> <p>....................................................................................................................... </p> <p>By: scumz<br /> 07 Mar 2007, 01:10 PM EST<br /> Msg. 61011 of 61023<br /> (This msg. is a reply to 60966 by Mighty_Mezz.)<br /> Jump to msg. #<br /> Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc. Announces the Signing of a Letter of Intent to Acquire "First Community Television Channel" of Paris France<br /> Market Wire, April, 2004 </p> <p>Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc (OTC BB: RDDI) CEO Michael J Zwebner announced today the signing of a Letter of Intent to acquire First Community Television Channel of Paris France in a transaction valued at $40 million. </p> <p>First Community Television Channel of Paris France are the operators of "CHAI TV," the world's first International Jewish TV station that is planned to broadcast on a world wide basis from Paris, France. Further details of the proposed transaction will be announced shortly. It is subject to SEC regulatory approval. </p> <p>Safe Harbor Statement </p> <p>Caution Concerning Forward-Looking Statements by Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc. This document includes certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are based on management's current expectations or beliefs, and are subject to uncertainty and changes in circumstances. Actual results may vary materially from those expressed or implied by the statements herein due to changes in economic, business, competitive, technological and/or regulatory factors, and factors affecting the integration of the businesses of Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc. More detailed information about these factors may be found in filings by Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc., with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including their most recent annual reports on Form 10-KSB and quarterly reports on Form 10-QSB. </p> <p>Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc is under no obligation to, and expressly disclaims any such obligation to, update or alter their forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. </p> <p>Contact: Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc 801-269-8535 </p> <p>(Voluntary Disclosure: ST Rating- Strong Sell; LT Rating- Strong Sell) </p> <p>By: scumz<br /> 08 Mar 2007, 03:24 PM EST<br /> Msg. 61022 of 61022<br /> Jump to msg. #<br /> Long time Zwebner associate Mark R. Tolner named as co-defendant of Lou Pearlman and Florida Governor Charlie Crist in Cover-up Lawsuit<br /> By: the_worm06 Thu, 08 Mar 07 2:44 PM<br /> Jump to msg. # </p> <p>IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT<br /> FOR THE MIDDLE DISTRICT OF FLORIDA </p> <p>TAMPA DIVISION. </p> <p>PLAINTIFFS, </p> <p>- Vs - </p> <p>LOUIS J. PEARLMAN;<br /> ROBERT FISCHETTI;<br /> MICHAEL CRUDELE;<br /> KRISTIN FINGER;<br /> SALMA BACCHUS;<br /> THEODORE WÜELLENKEMPER;<br /> GREGORY McDONALD;<br /> MARK TOLNER;RICHARD CARL JANS;<br /> RECA RENE CHAMBERLAIN;<br /> and<br /> CHARLES J. CRIST; </p> <p>Individual Defendants; </p> <p>---------------<br /> TRANS CONTINENTAL AIRLINES EMPLOYEE<br /> INVESTMENT SAVINGS ACCOUNT<br /> &amp; STOCK PROGRAMS;<br /> Enterprise Defendant;<br /> ----------------<br /> TRANS CONTINENTAL AIRLINES, INC.;<br /> TRANS CONTINENTAL AIRLINES TRAVEL<br /> SERVICES, INC.;<br /> TRANS CONTINENTAL ENTERPRISES, LLC;<br /> TRANS CONTINENTAL ENTERTAINMENT INC.;<br /> LOUIS J. PEARLMAN ENTERPRISES, INC.;<br /> TRANS CONTINENTAL RECORDS, INC.;<br /> TC LEASING, LLC;<br /> TRANS CONTINENTAL TALENT, INC.;<br /> FASHION ROCK, LLC;<br /> TRANS CONTINENTAL TRAVEL SERVICE, INC.;<br /> F.F. STATION, LLC;<br /> TRANS COUNTRY MUSIC GROUP, INC.;<br /> --------------------<br /> Clements et al v. Pearlman et al – Florida Federal Complaint March 2007 – Page 4<br /> TRANS CONTINENTAL STUDIOS, INC.;<br /> TRANS CONTINENTAL AVIATION, INC.;<br /> AEGIS CONSULTING, INC.; and<br /> GERMAN INVEST-UND FINANZBERATUNG GmbH<br /> Corporate Defendants;<br /> ------------------<br /> FISERV CORPORATION individually and as successor<br /> to RETIREMENTACCOUNTS INC.;<br /> BANK OF AMERICA;<br /> FIFTH THIRD BANK;<br /> WACHOVIA BANK; Corporate Defendants<br /> Trustees / Agents;<br /> ------------------<br /> DUN &amp; BRADSTREET CO.; Corporate Defendant;<br /> ------------------<br /> JOHN DOES # 1 – 10;<br /> (the names being fictitious and used<br /> solely for identification purposes, the<br /> actual names will be disclosed in<br /> future discovery);<br /> JOHN DOE COMPANIES # 1 – 10;<br /> (the names being fictitious and used<br /> solely for identification purposes, the<br /> actual names will be disclosed in<br /> future discovery);<br /> “John Doe†Defendants;<br /> ----------------<br /> STATE OF FLORIDA, Sovereign Entity Defendants; </p> <p>DEFENDANTS. </p> <p>(Voluntary Disclosure: ST Rating- Strong Sell; LT Rating- Strong Sell) </p> <p>So for Securities Exchange Commission Chairman Chris 'WMDs' Cox and his SEC internet fraud division side kick John Reed Stark to put out a press release as they did recently to claim they were cleaning up pink sheet penny stocks(that don't have to release any financial records)while they have allowed hundreds upon hundreds of NASDAQ and OTCBB stocks to lie about and fudge their financial and stock statements and run illegal pumps and dumps and probable money laundering operations,is the continuation of lies and hypocrisy from the SEC.: </p> <p>SEC Suspends Trading Of 35 Companies Touted In Spam Email Campaigns<br /> Investor Protection Agency Unveils "Operation Spamalot"<br /> FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE<br /> 2007-34<br /> Washington, D.C., March 8, 2007 - The Securities and Exchange Commission this morning suspended trading in the securities of 35 companies that have been the subject of recent and repeated spam email campaigns. The trading suspensions - the most ever aimed at spammed companies - were ordered because of questions regarding the adequacy and accuracy of information about the companies. </p> <p>The trading suspensions are part of a stepped-up SEC effort - code named "Operation Spamalot" - to protect investors from potentially fraudulent spam email hyping small company stocks with phrases like, "Ready to Explode," "Ride the Bull," and "Fast Money." It's estimated that 100 million of these spam messages are sent every week, triggering dramatic spikes in share price and trading volume before the spamming stops and investors lose their money. </p> <p>"When spam clogs our mailboxes, it's annoying. When it rips off investors, it's illegal and destructive," said SEC Chairman Christopher Cox. "Today's trading suspensions, and actions that will follow, should send a clear message to spammers: the SEC will hold you accountable." </p> <p>Linda Chatman Thomsen, Director of the SEC's Enforcement Division, said, "Many of these companies are no doubt familiar to anyone who reads their email, because each has been the subject of a spam email campaign. While the Commission cautions investors not to make investment decisions based on anonymous emails they receive, we are also committed to tracking down those who prey on investors with false or misleading information." </p> <p>Mark K. Schonfeld, Director of the Commission's Northeast Regional Office, said, "By halting trading in these stocks we are seeking to protect investors from further harm. But this is only the first step. Our investigation of the perpetrators - the people behind this misconduct - is continuing." </p> <p>The securities of each of the 35 companies have been quoted on the Pink Sheets quotations service. Recent trading clearly demonstrates how spam campaigns can affect stock prices and trading volume. For example: </p> <p>On Friday, Dec. 15, 2006, shares in Apparel Manufacturing Associates, Inc. (APPM) closed at $.06, with a trading volume of 3,500 shares. After a weekend spam campaign distributed emails proclaiming, "Huge news expected out on APPM, get in before the wire, We're taking it all the way to $1.00," trading volume on Monday, Dec. 18, 2006, hit 484,568 shares with the price spiking to over 19 cents a share. Two days later the price climbed to $.45. By Dec. 27, 2006, the price was back down to $.10 on trading volume of 65,350 shares. </p> <p>On Dec. 19, 2006, trading in Goldmark Industries, Inc. (GDKI), closed at $.17 on trading volume of 126,286 shares. On Dec. 20, 2006, the spam campaign started, with e-mail proclaiming "GDKI IS MAKING EVERYONE BANK!," and setting a 5-day price target of $2. By Dec. 28, 2006, spam emails boasted of the price spike that had already been achieved -- "$.28 (Up 152% in 2 days!!!)" -- and promised a 5-day price target of $1. That same day, GDKI closed at $.35 on a volume of more than 5 million shares. By January 9, 2007, the closing share price was back down to $.15. </p> <p>A spam campaign in Healtheuniverse, Inc. (HLUN) stock began on Sept. 4, 2006, with emails incorporating a Healtheuniverse press release proclaiming that HLUN was "focused on being the first to commercialize stem cell applications in the $15 billion worldwide plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery market." On Sept. 7, 2006, HLUN closed at $.12 per share on trading volume of 3,000 shares. The spam campaign accelerated, and HLUN shares spiked to $.22 per share on Sept. 11, 2006, with over 2.2 million shares trading hands. By Sept. 22, 2006, the closing price had dropped back down to $.11.<br /> The trading suspensions will last for ten business days. The trading suspensions commenced today at 9:30 a.m., EDT, and terminate at 11:59 p.m., EDT, on March 21, 2007. </p> <p>The 35 companies whose trading was suspended today are: Advanced Powerline Technologies Inc. (APWL), America Asia Petroleum Corp. (AAPM), Amerossi Int'l Group, Inc. (AMSN), Apparel Manufacturing Associates, Inc. (APPM), Asgard Holdings Inc. (AGHG), Biogenerics Ltd. (BIGN), China Gold Corp. (CGDC), CTR Investments &amp; Consulting, Inc. (CIVX), DC Brands International, Inc. (DCBI), Equal Trading, Inc. (EQTD), Equitable Mining Corp. (EQBM), Espion International, Inc. (EPLJ), Goldmark Industries, Inc. (GDKI), GroFeed Inc. (GFDI), Healtheuniverse, Inc. (HLUN), Interlink Global Corp. (ILKG), Investigative Services Agencies, Inc. (IVAY), iPackets International, Inc. (IPKL), Koko Petroleum Inc. (KKPT), Leatt Corporation (LEAT), LOM Logistics, Inc. (LOMJ), Modern Energy Corp. (MODR), National Healthcare Logistics, Inc. (NHLG), Presidents Financial Corp. (PZFC), Red Truck Entertainment Inc. (RTRK), Relay Capital Corp. (RLYC), Rodedawg International Industries, Inc. (RWGI), Rouchon Industries, Inc. (RCHN), Software Effective Solutions Corp. (SFWJ), Solucorp Industries Ltd. (SLUP), Inc. (SSUF), UBA Technology, Inc. (UBTG), Wataire Industries Inc. (WTAF), WayPoint Biomedical Holdings, Inc. (WYPH), and Wineco Productions Inc. (WNCP). </p> <p>The 35 suspensions concern companies that are not subject to the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Not listed on any exchange, or on the OTC Bulletin Board, the companies' securities have been quoted on the Pink Sheets quotation service on an unsolicited basis, meaning that the brokers posting quotations for the purchase and sale of the securities are not required to conduct due diligence regarding the issuers. </p> <p>The Commission cautions broker-dealers, shareholders, and prospective purchasers that they should carefully consider the foregoing information along with all other currently available information and any information subsequently issued by the companies. Further, broker-dealers should be alert to the fact that, pursuant to Rule 15c2-11 under the Exchange Act, at the termination of the trading suspensions, no quotation may be entered unless and until they have strictly complied with all of the provisions of the rule. If any broker-dealer enters any quotation that is in violation of the rule, the Commission will consider the need for prompt enforcement action. </p> <p>The Commission's Office of Investor Education and Assistance has information for investors and members of the general public on topics directly related to this action. See <a href=""></a>. </p> <p>Any broker-dealer, investor, or other person with information relating to this matter is invited to email the Securities and Exchange Commission at 35suspensions (at) </p> <p>The Commission appreciates the assistance and cooperation of the National Association of Securities Dealers, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the British Columbia Securities Commission, and the Ontario Securities Commission.<br /> ............................................................................................................ </p> <p>What crocodile tears they cry in the Beltway or Washington D.C. over the unending fraud they have unleashed over the internet through endless penny stock internet sites they allow to run rampant even including UCSY corrupting foreign politicians ! </p> <p>......................................... </p> <p>............................................................................................................ </p> <p> </p> <p>Saturday, March 10, 2007 </p> <p>Larger CIA and DoD Privatization Scandal Emerging from Walter Reed Story, US Attorneys Firing </p> <p>Mar 10, 2007<br /> by leveymg </p> <p>Rumsfeld and Top GOP Figures Profited from Privatization of VA Hospital, CIA Contractors<br /> A large global hedge fund, Cerberus Capital Management (dba, Cerberus-Gabriel), is at the center of an emerging Pentagon and CIA contracting scandal that has the attention of three Congressional Committees. </p> <p>In each case, the companies under investigation have links to prominent GOP figures, including Vice President Dick Cheney, former Vice President Dan Quayle, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and several Republican Congressmen indicted for corruption involving kickbacks from defense contractors. The Republican Congressional Campaign Commitee (RCCC) has also received substantial contributions from conservative fund managers running Cerberus, a virually unregulated $30 billion hedge fund, which owns the second largest bank in Israel. </p> <p>This scandal involves the mismanagement of VA hospital facilities privatized during the Bush-Cheney Administration, as well as intelligence abuses by private CIA contractors. </p> <p>The lastest Cerberus scandal involving its holding, International American Products (IAP) Worldwide Services, awarded a $120 million contract to manage facilities at Walter Reed, is only the latest in a long line of serious problems involving the company and its officers. IAP’s President, Alfred V. Neffgen, was formerly Chief Operating Officer for KBR's government operations group, which was forced to repay tens of millions of dollars to the Defense Department for food and fuel overcharges in Iraq. IAP has other contracting connections with Dick Cheney’s Halliburton/KBR. Most recently, IAP bid on part of the Iraq oil reconstruction project as a partner with Halliburton KBR. The Army Times reports about the Halliburton tie-in: </p> <p><a href=""></a>... </p> <p>............... </p> <p>Cerberus owns, or had a major interest in, a string of now-bankrupt companies that had contracts with U.S. defense and intelligence agencies that were found to have a common pattern of large-scale fraud, security problems, and financial scandals involving GOP lawmakers and lobbyists. </p> <p>IAP is also tied-in with Halliburton/KBR on multi-billion dollar Iraq contracts. Halliburton is a major defense contractor once headed by Vice President Cheney, that has had its own history of problems with fraud and overcharges related to its management of sole-source projects in Iraq, particularly the multi-billion dollar LOGCAP contract to repair and maintain Iraq’s oil fields and pipelines. </p> <p>Just months before the invasion, DoD designated Halliburton/KBR as the sole potential bidder for potential large-scale pipeline repair contracts. Four years after the initial invasion and occupation of those fields, Iraq is still not producing at its prewar levels, a threshold that would require termination of the LOGCAP contract. </p> <p>On October 16, 2006, IAP Worldwide Services issued this press release: "IAP Worldwide Services, Inc. Team Submits Bid For LOGCAP IV Contract," which included this quote from former Halliburton/KBR executive Dave Swindle: </p> <p>"The LOGCAP IV contract is a major challenge," said Dave Swindle, IAP President. "Supporting the warfighter and the Army is a responsibility that allows no compromise. IAP and its team members understand the magnitude of this program and the issues associated with its complexity. We place a high priority on using our proven Business Operating System (BOS) to provide effective oversight and tracking to responsibly meet the customer’s needs from Day One. Through BOS we will act as one team through a management and business system that is completely transparent to the customer." </p> <p><a href=""></a>... </p> <p>***<br /> Cerberis donated $100,000 at a single fundraiser to Rep. Jerry Lewis, fmr. Chair of the House Appropriations Comm., who served as intermediary to distribute money to fellow GOP lawmakers favored by Cerberus </p> <p><a href=""></a>... </p> <p>*** </p> <p>During testimony in the Scooter Libby trial, we learned that Valerie Plame was involved in the aluminum tube issue within the CIA’s Counter-Proliferation Division (CPD), where she worked before being "outed" by Libby and others in the White House and Vice President’s office. </p> <p>*** </p> <p>Dan Quayle is chair of new Leumi owner Cerberus-Gabriel, Interceded With SEC Head to Block Rules Governing Hedge Funds </p> <p><a href=""></a><br /> Dan Quayle is chair of new Leumi owner Cerberus-Gabriel<br /> Ha’aretz 11/16/2005<br /> Cerberus is chaired by former U.S. vice president Dan Quayle. — The Cerberus-Gabriel group was led by Gabriel president J. Ezra Merkin, assisted by CPA Avi Berger, the general manager of the Kesselman &amp; Kesselman accounting firm, and attorney Yaakov Ne’eman. Stephen Feinberg, 45, a Jew from New York and the wunderkind of the hedge funds world who, within 20 years, turned a $10 million fund into a holding company whose companies have combined sales of $30 billion a year, is the founder and manager of Cerberus Global Investment. </p> <p><a href=""></a>...<br /> Experts: Ultimate owners of Leumi unclear<br /> Globes 11/16/2005<br /> Banking sources: US investor disclosure regulations will cause Cerberus-Gabriel problems.— Ministry of Finance officials have declared a great victory in the Bank Leumi (TASE: LUMI) tender, but banking specialists are not so enthusiastic. They say that the victory wasn’t so great: the buyers (Cerberus Capital Management LP and Gabriel Capital Management) are too anonymous, their business isn’t transparent enough, and, most of all, the saga is far from over...these owners have specific problems in connection with operating a bank in the US, and they are looking for indirect ways to operate there, perhaps without a banking license. </p> <p>(Can't get that top link to work yet -- Globe link requires registration and installation of their software. Found these links from: ) </p> <p>In 2004,Met with then The SEC Chairman William Donaldson a month prior to Donaldson's vote on whether to open hedge funds to periodic inspections: </p> <p>~snip~<br /> Canary Scandal </p> <p>Former U.S. Vice President Dan Quayle, an adviser to Cerberus, met in June with Donaldson to discuss fund regulation. Craig Whitney, executive vice president of Quayle &amp; Associates, denied that Quayle was lobbying Donaldson to weaken the SEC's hedge fund plan. </p> <p>Hedge fund executives also say the SEC should focus its resources on better protecting the 91 million U.S. holders of mutual funds. The SEC's move to increase regulation of the private investment pools has gained pace since New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer alleged 10 months ago that ``illegal trading schemes'' enabled some hedge funds to buy mutual fund shares at prices not available to most investors. </p> <p>Canary Capital Partners LLC and its managing principal, Edward Stern, agreed on Sept. 3 to return $30 million in profits and pay a $10 million fine. Since then, regulators have imposed more than $2.3 billion in sanctions against about a dozen companies including Bank of America Corp. and Alliance Capital Management Holding LP. ~snip~ </p> <p> </p> <p>DONALD RUMSFELD - CERBERUS INVESTOR </p> <p>During the tenure of former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, the Pentagon awarded a large contract to the company at the center of the Walter Reed Army Hospital scandal. Rumsfeld may have financially benefited from it along with other major GOP figures, including former Vice President Dan Quaile also invested or were employed by, or received campaign contributions from the same Wall Street hedge fund that owns the company. </p> <p>In his last financial disclosure before becoming Defense Secretary, Rumsfeld revealed that he held shares in Cerberus, a large NY Hedge Fund that acquired International American Products, Inc., the company awarded a Pentagon contract to privatize facilities management services at Walter Reed. <a href=""></a>... </p> <p>2005 - CERBERUS PURCHASES SECOND-LARGEST BANK IN ISRAEL, COMPLETING THE PRIVATIZATION OF THE ISRAELI BANKING SYSTEM </p> <p>Cerberus group, which in 2005, acquired the second largest Israeli bank, Leumi Bank, completing a process of privatization of the Israeli financial sector pushed by the Right-wing Likud Party and its successor under the present Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert. </p> <p>Cerberus holding Leumi Bank privatized Israeli banks - IAP privatized VA hospitals </p> <p>Strange symmetry to this, isn't there? Perhaps, no coincidence to any of it. Here's why. </p> <p>You have to read a seminal neocon document written in 1997 for then-Israeli PM Netanyahu by the guys who went on to run the Office of Special Plans (OSP), Feith, Wurmser, and Perle. That paper, "A CLEAN BREAK: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm" -- <a href=""></a>... -- lays out a battle plan for conquering the Mid-East, starting with Iraq and Lebanon as means to undermine and discourage Syria, and then, finally, a forced reorientation of the region’s enormous Shi’a population away from Iran and the elevation of the Heshemite Kingdom of Morocco’s King Hussein. The point of all this isn't just military conquest, and the elimination of regional threats, it's actually to set the preconditions for a PRIVATIZED Israeli economy, and the "clean break" is with Israeli's social-democratic past. </p> <p>It is also meant to map out a profound shift in Israel’s relationship with the United States, away from a traditional client state that submits to bi-partsian Washington, with the an alliance with the ascendant GOP Right-wing, the authors planned to elevate Israel into a new regional Superpower.................. </p> <p>So, this is the Israeli state they ended up with, led by<br /> Kadima’s Ehud Olmert, a Tool of Oligarchs ... Cerberus-Gabriel </p> <p>Forbes Reinforces Claim That Kadima is Tool of Oligarchs </p> <p>by Ezra HaLevi </p> <p>(<br /> According to the report, the business groups are controlled by the following families: Sami Ofer, Nochi Dankner, Shari Arison, the Cerberus-Gabriel consortium, Charles Bronfman, Yitzchak Tshuva, the Saban group, Lev Leviev, Matthew Bronfman, Tzadik Bino, the Borovich family, and Eliezer Fishman. The 12 families own 60 percent of the aggregate market value of all Israeli public companies (excluding the even larger Teva Pharmaceutical Industries), Forbes reported. </p> <p>The report goes on to say that the families have constructed their empires, which consist of Israel's largest companies, using organizational structures that have long ago been done away with in the Western world. </p> <p>The report explains that the groups have an inordinate amount of control over Israel's economy, political leaders and media due to the structuring of their holdings as pyramids – meaning several layers of companies each own others beneath them but are all beholden to the leading families. Such a phenomenon was eliminated in the US in the early 20th century through restrictions on ownership and the double taxation of dividends a company paid its owner company. </p> <p>~snip~<br /> <a href=""></a>... </p> <p>In that light, consider the article about the conflict surrounding the Serberus-Leumi group privatizing the Israeli banking system. Bear in mind that Israel’s banks, including Leumi, had been bailed out by the government in the disastrous year of 1983, after Ariel Sharon led the IDF into an ill-fated and incompetently led invasion of Lebanon. An "optional" war that resulted in the massive withdrawal of international capital, and a steep recession in Israel’s reputation and fortunes: </p> <p><br /> Leumi on the way to going global </p> <p>By Nehemia Shtrasler </p> <p>A historic decision will be made next week. The Bank of Israel will announce whether it approves the sale of Bank Leumi to the Cerberus-Gabriel consortium. This would mark the end of the long process of privatizing Israel's banking system. </p> <p>As early as November 2005 a tender was issued for the bank's sale, and it was won by Cerberus-Gabriel. The consortium offered to pay NIS 4.62 billion for a controlling stake of 20 percent in the bank - a very high price indeed. But the consortium failed to close the deal because the Bank of Israel did not approve its becoming a controlling partner. </p> <p>The decision will now be made by the Bank of Israel Governor, Professor Stanley Fischer, who has said in internal meetings that this is one of the most difficult decisions he has been asked to make. At those same meetings, Rony Hizkiyahu, the new Supervisor of Banks, said that he wished the problem with the New York branch of Bank Leumi were resolved because then there would be no obstacle to selling the bank to the consortium. Indeed, this is the only problem that is keeping Cerberus-Gabriel from Bank Leumi, the subsidiary in New York. </p> <p>According to American law, the Cerberus-Gabriel consortium will not be able to hold the bank in New York because it is invested in non-financial sectors. According to American rules, it is not permitted to have industrial and real estate holdings and also a bank - out of concern for possible conflict of interest. </p> <p>During those same internal meetings at the Bank of Israel a number of proposals were put forth for a solution to the problem. For example, to sell Leumi New York, and in its place set up a financial entity that could offer business loans but not be able to accept deposits or offer retail banking services. The problem is that such a financial firm will not operate under the supervision of the Federal Reserve (because it is not a bank). As for Israeli supervision, it will not be easy to keep an eye on a company that is situated so far away. </p> <p>SNIP </p> <p>Indeed, the deal went through and the regulatory obstacles removed to the privatiziation that is pushed by Prime Minister Olmert, one of the leading proponents of the scheme, as this article makes clear: </p> <p><a href=""></a>...<br /> December 13, 2005 </p> <p>Cerberus-Gabriel hedge fund buys stake in Leumi Bank<br /> Israel is on its way to privatization. The banking sector is amongst the first ones to take a step in this direction. Bank Leumi was in the market recently and attracted bids from several players. Bidder names include strategic investors like Lev Leviev, IDB and Bill Davidson and also financial contenders like UBS, Deutsche Bank and Citibank. However the winner was an American Hedge fund, Cerberus-Gabriel. </p> <p>Cerberus-Gabriel has purchased 9.9% of the shares of the bank. The purchase of this stake was for approximately $500 million. The fund also has the option of buying an additional 10.01% in the bank. This will bring the total shares quantum to 20% and is roughly valued at $1 billion. This option of additional purchase has to be utilized with in the next one and a half years. </p> <p>Ehud Olmert, Finance Minister of Israel, is reportedly quite satisfied with the outcome. He feels that this is a positive development and will help the over all Israeli economy. He is amongst the top promoters of privatization move. In his statement he also mentioned that the purchase will ensure healthy competition between the banks and will definitely contribute a lot to the local market. </p> <p>Another person quite happy with the development is Yaron Zelekha, the treasury's accountant-general, who led the tender. He sees it as fulfillment of the promise made to the people of Israel about privatization of the entire banking system in 2005. </p> <p>CONCLUSION </p> <p>Both the MZM-Cunningham and Jerry Lewis cases involve the funneling of foreign money to the GOP through a neocon controlled global hedge fund, Cerberus Capital Management, that was dispersing money to a number of key GOP figures and organizations in various ways, including Bush, Rumsfeld, a number of GOP Congressmen, and the RNC. The case is also tied up with the Walter Reed scandal, and the effort to privatize many Pentagon and CIA functions, which resulted in catastrophic failures at both. <a href=""></a>... </p> <p>Let's recap: a corrupt Israeli PM - has a stake in a corrupt Israeli bank- owned by a corrupt Wall Street global hedge fund - which owns a corrupt US defense contractor - which contributes to corrupt GOP Congressmen - who also receive money from another corrupt defense contractor - that defense contractor produced faulty intel under contract to a corrupt CIA Assn't Director - that faulty intel was used to justify a corrupt US Administration's case for invading Iraq - that was planned and executed by corrupt neocons inside DoD who had written a proposal years earlier to wage wars to privatize the Israeli economy. </p> <p>What a tangled web. One wishes Chairman Waxman’s staff and other Congressional investigators the strength of Hercules in taking down the Three-headed Dog, Cerberus, that guards the gates to Hell. </p> <p>___________________________________________________________ </p> <p>Mark G. Levey. Fair use applies. Acknowledgement: Some material compiled from a research thread at Democratic, with particular thanks to "bobthedrummer" and "Emit", and other DU researchers: <a href=""></a>... </p> <p>.................................................................................................................. </p> <p>Cryptometrics:New Zealand Passport Office Used By U.S. Penny Stock Criminals ?</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>David Grin,Tel Aviv University,Laurus Capital Management and Union Bank of Israel </p> <p> </p> <p>FOIA,Alberto Gonzales and SEC'S Chris Cox Enron,Merrill Lych,Latham &amp; Watkins conflict </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Tim Mahoney,vFinance,Venus Methodist Church,Florida,Sayed Mustafa and Islamic Usury </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Charles Schwab:vFinance's Charles Patrick Garcia receives Henry B. Gonzalez award !? </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Democrats William Jefferson,Tim Mahoney, iGate,vFinance,DOBI, Endovasc penny stock frauds </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>James Dale Davidson,Charles Schwab,Tim Mahoney,VFIN, LOM and penny stock share money laundering </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Ireland Indymedia bans criticism of Lord Rees Mogg,James Dale Davidson </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Post to Lord Rees-Mogg's Weblog re NASDAQ,London Stock Exchange </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Virginia:Marvin Bush,Securacom,9/11,U.S. Senator George Allen,Bawag Austria,offshores... </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>U.S. Republican George Allen More Corrupt Than Utah Senators Bob Bennett,Orrin Hatch ? </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Asa Hutchinson,Charlie Crist,Jeb Bush,Republican stock fraud and drug trafficking,etc.... </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Why did Osama bin Laden choose Jeb Bush's Huffman Aviation terrorist flight school ? </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ? </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Utah Gov Jon Huntsman,Senator Bennett, Hatch call Republican Senator Shelby 'a gangster' </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Does NY Times censor 9/11 Venice,Florida connection ? </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>NY Rep.Peter King,CIA,Swift,NY Times,Republican stock fraud </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>NY WTC 'protected' by Kuwaiti company and Marvin Bush on 9/11 </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Asa Hutchinson,Richard Rainwater,George W Bush,Tom DeLay &amp; 5.6 Ton cocaine bust in Mexico </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton &amp; Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ? </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Cocaina,Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche, Abril 10,CIA,Republicanos Y PAN </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Did Israel President Moshe Katsav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ? </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Israel: Gal Lusky's 'IFA' Caught Up in Moshe Katsav,Mohamed Hadid, Zwebner 'UCSY' scam ? </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Israeli President Moshe Katsav aids massive penny stock fraud </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Did Israel President Moshe Katzav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ? </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton &amp; Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Chris Cox,SEC,Makram Majid Chams,Titan Corp,9/11,Abhu Ghraib,etc. </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>John Reed Stark UAE,SEC,Georgetown University Stock fraud Academic fraud Cyber fraud </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ? </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Porter Goss: CIA Cyber and stock fraud ops damaged by leaks ? </p> <p><a href=";">;</a> </p> <p>D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson,Don Nickles, ex-CIA Chief Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Asa Hutchinson,ex Congressman Tom McMillen, Fortress America,offshore money laundering </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>To CIA,In-Q-Tel,Amit Yoran re SRA International, Mantas Inc stock fraud money laundering </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Mantas Inc,Herndon, Va, Pro-Money Laundering Arm of International Bankers,Brokers... </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>CIA and Gilman Louie are less than honest </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering </p> <p><a href=""></a></p>
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#markup (String, 66928 characters ) <p>Even Moshe Katsav's and Michael Zwebners' pa...
<p>Even Moshe Katsav's and Michael Zwebners' partner in the UCSY or Universal Communications Systems fraud,Mohamed Hadid with his Saudi Arabian ties,has been protected by the Bush Regime that has covered up the Herndon, Virginia Islamic charities money laundering scandal for him and the Saudis.</p> <!--break--><p> Israeli pResident Moshe Katsav's Penny Stock Partner Michael Zwebner loses in U.S. Court</p> <p>Israeli pResident Moshe Katsav Disgraced by Michael Zwebner,Mohamid Hadid fraud ties : </p> <p>UCSY, Zwebner ordered by Court to pay legal expenses of Lycos, Villasenor </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>BELOW IS FROM CYPRUS.INDYMEDIA BEFORE RECEIVING THE NEWS THAT ISRAELI RESIDENT OR PRESIDENT MOSHE KATSAV`S PARTNER IN U.S. PENNY STOCK SCAMS MICHAEL ZWEBNER HAD LOST IN U.S. COURT IN MASSACHUSETTS.IT DEMONSTRATES THE POWER TO USE MONEY HOWEVER ILLEGALLY GAINED,AS MR.ZWEBNER´S WAS AND IS IN U.S. PENNY STOCK PROMOTIONS, TO MANIPULATE THE LAW IN THE U.S.. </p> <p>THIS TIME MR.ZWEBNER WHO IS NOT AN AMERICAN AND ONLY USES THE COUNTRY FOR FRAUD,(JUST AS HE HAS USED ISRAEL AND THE ISRAELI MILITARY AND U.S. SOLDIERS IN IRAQ IN HIS FRAUDULENT PROMOTIONS AND LIES WITH MOSHE KATSAV'S BLESSINGS !),LOST IN COURT TRYING TO INTIMIDATE POSTERS CRITICISING HIM ON MESSAGE BOARDS ! ZWEBNER HAD PREVIOUSLY SUED GOOGLE AS WELL AS CNN AND WOLF BLITZER FOR $100,000,000.BLITZER AND CNN WERE SUED BECAUSE I,TONY RYALS, POSTED CRITICISMS OF ZWEBNER AND UCSY ON RAGINGBULL.CON USING WOLFBLITZZER0 AS AN ALIAS !<br /> ......................................................................................................... </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Universal Communication Systems Inc. Subsidiary AirWater Corporation Receives Presidential Endorsement of Its Products<br /> Business Wire, March 17, 2004 </p> <p>Business Editors </p> <p>TEL AVIV, Israel--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 17, 2004 </p> <p>President of Israel, Mr. Moshe Katzav Visits the Company's Display </p> <p>Booth at the "Aqua Israel 2004" Exhibition Held in Tel Aviv, Israel; </p> <p>AirWater Corp. is Recipient of 2 Event Awards </p> <p>Universal Communication Systems Inc. subsidiary AirWater Corporation company president Michael Zwebner revealed and announced today that the President of Israel, Mr. Moshe Katzav, visited the company's display booth at the recently concluded "AQUA Israel 2004" 2 day exhibition, recently held at Tel Aviv, Israel. Tasting the water made from the company's unique AW 120 Air to Water machine, he commented: "This water tastes very good, it is excellent and this is a great product." Later in the day, Israel's Minister of Agriculture Mr. Katz, also visited the company's display, and after being given a complete explanation of the company's products and tasting the water produced on the spot, he too highly commended and endorsed the AirWater Machines, and the water created from the air. </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Universal Communication Systems, Inc. Subsidiary AirWater Corporation Company President Michael Zwebner and Mohamed Hadid Each Donate $25,000 to AirWater Emergency Fund for Shipment of AirWater Machines to Far East<br /> Market Wire, January, 2005 </p> <p>Find More Results for: "zwebner hadid"<br /> Talk Visual Chairman...<br /> Universal Communication Systems, Inc. (OTC BB: UCSY) subsidiary AirWater Corporation, company president Michael J. Zwebner announced today that both he and Mr. Mohamed Hadid of Los Angeles, CA, are each personally donating $25,000 to the AirWater machines fund. </p> <p>.............................................................................................................. </p> <p>David Grin,Laurus Capital Management and Union Bank of Israel </p> <p>Author<br /> Tony Ryals<br /> Date Created<br /> 18 Feb 2007<br /> More details...<br /> Date Edited<br /> 18 Feb 2007 05:41:27 AM<br /> License<br /> This work is in the public domain<br /> A note from the editorial group. </p> <p>Publication of this particular article in these pages is a violation of the law, and possibly constitutes an act of entrapment against our Cyprus IndyMedia group. Therefore it's been removed. </p> <p>Readers interested in how this entrapment works can see this short legal brief:<br /> "Michael Zwebner gets a prior restraint injunction<br /> Michael Zwebner regularly sues critics and people remotely related to critics of his...":<br /> <a href=""></a> </p> <p>One can read the original article by Tony Ryals elsewhere:<br /> <a href=""></a> </p> <p>Volunteers<br /> ~~~~~~~~ </p> <p>Comments </p> <p>Re: David Grin,Laurus Capital Management and Union Bank of Israel28 Feb 2007<br /> by Tony Ryals<br /> Reply to this comment </p> <p>Below are from aliases posting on the scam or message board of Muichael Zwebner's 'ucsy' or Universal Communications' today and directly relates to cyprus indymedia's action in regards to replacing my post here with links to same on and the phoney legal precident that Michael Zwebner(who used Israeli or ex Israeli President Moshe Katsav's name in one of his press releases to promote and dump shares in his penny stock in 2004. </p> <p>Both aliases are quite credible and not a part of any 'pump and dump' penny stock scam.I know this because I have read their posts there for years.<br /> Basically as you can read by following the link to the U.S. legal ruling,the claim in the link you provided if it was ever valid in the first place as Zwebner has led us all to believe has been reversed which we can all be jubilant about. </p> <p>Please don't think I would 'entrap' or seek to entrap the fine folks of cyprus.indymedia or any indymedia for that matter.I would go to my grave defending you people.Also,I appreciate your taking the time to find an alternative link to my original post here.David Marchant of has been a great help to me as have been many indymedias. </p> <p>You have no idea of my struggle to expose U.S. penny stock fraud,even following Endovasc shares,(the scam that ripped me off),all the way to a bank in Cyprus by way of Union Bank of California. </p> <p>Anyway read the legal ruling and celebrate,free speech has won one this time. </p> <p>By: xrayviscion<br /> 28 Feb 2007, 09:24 AM EST<br /> Msg. 60967 of 60969<br /> (This msg. is a reply to 60966 by Mighty_Mezz.)<br /> Jump to msg. #<br /> UCSY, Zwebner ordered by Court to pay legal expenses of Lycos, Villasenor </p> <p><a href=""></a><br /> - - - - - </p> <p>By: xrayviscion<br /> 28 Feb 2007, 12:21 PM EST<br /> Msg. 60968 of 60969<br /> (This msg. is a reply to 60967 by xrayviscion.)<br /> Jump to msg. #<br /> Therefore, while some of UCS's claims are barred by Section 230 immunity, the remaining ones simply do not state a claim based on the facts alleged. If UCS has in fact been injured, redress is not available through any of the avenues it has chosen to pursue in this case. </p> <p>The district court's dismissal of all claims is affirmed. Costs are awarded to appellees. </p> <p>......................... </p> <p>By: Mighty_Mezz<br /> 28 Feb 2007, 12:51 PM EST<br /> Msg. 60969 of 60969<br /> (This msg. is a reply to 60967 by xrayviscion.)<br /> Jump to msg. #<br /> Thanks for posting the excellent news!<br /> I wouldn't be surprised if that's not part of the reason Z stopped filing with the SEC. He'd have to disclose that he lost to Roberto. I bet that galls him to no end. ROFL!<br /> ........................................................................................................................ </p> <p>However we are more concerned at present with celebrating a small victory for ´´free speech´´ that Americans,before the dictatorship of W Bush once prided themselves on.Not anymore.Today even to challenge fraud in America is to run the danger of somehow colluding with ´´terrorism´´ when in truth it is the Bush-Cheney Regime that has terrorized us all at home and abroad with the fascist company they keep,Israeli Resident Moshe Katsav as well as Dubai,Kuwati,Saudi Arabian and Kuwaiti royalty among others,being among the scum they protect. </p> <p>Even Moshe Katsav's and Michael Zwebners' partner in the UCSY or Universal Communications Systems fraud,Mohamed Hadid with his Saudi Arabian ties,has been protected by the Bush Regime that has covered up the Herndon, Virginia Islamic charities money laundering scandal for him and the Saudis. </p> <p>And covered it up to protect the ISRAELI SCUMBAG MOSHE KATSAV IN MANY WAYS WHO IS ALSO TIED TO THE ISLAMIC CHARITY MONEY LAUNDERING SCAM BY SUPPORTING HADID'S BRITISH AND ISRAELI ' JEWISH' PAL MICHAEL ZWEBNER IN THE FIRST PLACE,WHO USES SELF-RIGHTEOUS JUDAISM TO DENOUNCE ANY CRITICISM OF HIMSELF AND HIS ONGOING INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL FRAUDS,PARTICULARLY WITH U.S. PENNY STOCKS. </p> <p>OF INTEREST ALSO TO ISRAELIS AND OTHERS IS AN ARTICLE BY Mark G. Levey ON MPARENT BLOG THAT I HAVE ADDED WITH LINK.IT PROVDES MORE BACKGROUND INTO THE SALE OF LEUMI Bank of Israel to the Cerberus hedge fund with its links to the worst of Washington insiders John Snow,Dan Quayle,and even Dick Cheney's Kellogg Brown and Root war profiteers as well as some billionaire<br /> 'Jews' of equally questionable moral and ethical character.Prime Minister Olmert has a lot of ANSWERING TO DO TO ISRAELIS AND THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY RE LEUMI BANK SALE TO THIS MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL HEDGE FUND ! THE CIA AND JOHN SNOW AS EX TREASURY SECRETARY ACTUALLY SPIED ON INTERNATIIONAL FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS THROUGH SWIFT OF BRUSSELS,BELGIUM BEFORE LEAVING TO JOIN CERBERUS HEDGE FUND THAT PURCHASED BAWAG BANK OF AUSRIA SINCE THEN ! BAWAG BANK OF AUSTRIA HAS AIDED NUMEROUS U.S. PENNY STOCK FRAUDS AND MONEY LAUNDERING OPERATIONS INCLUDING THOSE OF THE ISRAELI OR UKRANIAN OR WHATEVER GRIN BROTHERS AND THEIR LAURUS CAPITAL,UNION BANK OF ISRAEL CONNECTIONS,Balmore Funds, Celeste Trust,etc.,etc.. </p> <p>While Michael Zwebner filed his frivolous suit to censor all criticism of himself and his penny stock frauds,including the ragingbull site,he no doubt set up to tout his worthless UCSY penny stock pump and dump operation that Israeli President Moshe Katsav helped to promote in a lieing press release,it must not be forgotten that Lycos' website ragingbull.con remains the same fraudulent site it was before Lycos sold to it to Signal, Inc.and Interactive Data Corporation. </p> <p>William Rees-Mogg's American co-author James Dale Davidson and his pals have used ragingbull for promoting their worthless penny stocks for years and scum like Michael Zwebner and so many other international criminals with friends in the Beltway or the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission or the SEC have done the same.Michael Zwebner's litigation with Lycos Ragingbull was a fight between con artists and internet and stock manipulation scam artists.It is usually the case that ragingbull under Lycos and now under new corp ownership has always aided penny stock con artists and deleted names and aliases there that have tried to expose frauds such as Michael Zwebner's UCSY or JAGH or Endovasc a Stanford University 'biotech' penny stock fraud or James Dale Davidson's Genemax penny stock pump and dump fraud and oh so many more(The Financial Times should be shamed by its association).JAGH or Jag Media Holdings is an ongoig fraud now connected to the questionable Cryptometrics company that would now after years of JAGH's criminal fraud would presume to run the New Zealand passport office's id technology in cooperation with its 'managment' and penny stock crime operation ! </p> <p>The ragingbull.con link below will take you to the sleazy Lycos Ragingbull.con,(now shamefully owned by Signal, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Interactive Data Corporation ,NYSE: IDC, who also own the Financial Times of London.Ragingbull can now claim ´legitimacy´ by way of its corporate connection to the London Financial Times to run its sleazy penny stock message boards ! </p> <p> </p> <p>It is humorous to note that the Lord Rees-Mogg was once editor of the Financial Times as well as Rupert Murdoch's London Times. </p> <p>William Rees-Mogg's American co-author James Dale Davidson and his pals have used ragingbull for promoting their worthless penny stocks for years and scum like Michael Zwebner and so many other international criminals with friends in the Beltway or the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission or the SEC have done the same. </p> <p>Or Endovasc a 'biotech' penny stock fraud that was promoted both by the infamous Grin brothers, David, Eugene, of the Ukraine or Israel or NY City as well as by Lord William Rees-Mogg's and Steve Forbes' pal James Dale Davidson wiyth worthjless shares promoted in Bellador Group boiler room of Kuala Lumpur and Dubai post 911! </p> <p>"International scam artist Michael J. Zwebner" </p> <p>Re: Chilling Effects...<br /> By: the_worm06<br /> Wed, 07 Mar 07 12:13 PM </p> <p>DD </p> <p>Yes, thank you. Everything has been vacated in that frivolous lawsuit by the international scam artist Michael J. Zwebner. </p> <p>His attorney Robert H. Cooper widely known as "The Unethical Attorney" together with Zwebner's other attorney John Faro (the one who got sanctioned severely in the CNN/Wolf Blitzer lawsuit) obtained the default, injunction and sanctions by making false statements to the court. </p> <p>They were caught red handed and everything was vacated. </p> <p>In talks with attorneys since the order to vacate all previous orders in the case, all of the attorneys mentioned that this is one of the most severe orders they had ever seen issued by a Judge, underlining the sleaziness of Zwebner's attorneys. You might want to read the extensive comments at the bottom: </p> <p>http ://theworm06.blogspot.c om/2006/06/legal-notice-ucsy-v-dembovich.html </p> <p>The Chilling Effects information will eventually be deleted. </p> <p>(Voluntary Disclosure: ST Rating- Strong Sell; LT Rating- Strong Sell) </p> <p>...............................................................................................................<br /> By: scumz<br /> 01 Mar 2007, 03:34 PM EST<br /> Msg. 60989 of 61022<br /> Jump to msg. #<br /> Zwebner (Executive) Faces Uphill Battle in His Suits Over Anonymous Web Attacks<br /> Jessica M. Walker<br /> Daily Business Review<br /> January 28, 2005 </p> <p>Like clockwork each day, someone who calls himself or herself Wolfblitzzer0 logs on to, a stock-talk Internet message board, and posts slurs about Michael J. Zwebner, the chief executive of Miami Beach-based Universal Communication Systems. </p> <p>Wolfblitzzer0's allegations have covered business practices, political conspiracies, and personal misdemeanors. In many posts, Wolfblitzzer0 accuses Zwebner of dirty business dealings and nefarious interactions with the Israeli government. One post accused Zwebner of claiming to keep kosher while secretly eating cheeseburgers, which are a Jewish dietary no-no because they combine meat and dairy. </p> <p>Zwebner, who holds joint British-Israeli citizenship and splits his time between Tel Aviv and Miami Beach, has shown no tolerance for such cybersmearing. Since September 2003, Zwebner has aggressively fought back, filing five lawsuits in U.S. District Court in Miami in retaliation for comments on, which is operated by Waltham, Mass.-based Internet network provider Lycos. </p> <p>The five suits include a class action trademark case and a class action defamation case against Lycos, and a fraud suit and a libel suit against a variety of individual posters. He also filed a defamation claim against CNN, Turner Broadcasting and the real Wolf Blitzer, CNN's high-profile newsman, for failing to stop Wolfblitzzer0 from misappropriating Blitzer's name. </p> <p>His latest suit, filed Jan. 19 in U.S. District Court in Miami, alleges that postings by Wolfblitzzer0 and other posters have damaged his reputation, driven down his company's share price and embarrassed him and his family. </p> <p>Universal Communications Systems was founded by Zwebner in 2001. It began as a telecommunications company and recently branched out into developing a technology that extracts water vapor from air to make drinking water. </p> <p>The lawsuit also accuses Lycos of an offense that could be criminally prosecuted -- cyberstalking. No criminal charges have been filed. </p> <p>Zwebner's latest suit seeks to have messages about him and his company deleted, and to enjoin Lycos from posting any messages about him or Universal Communication Systems in the future. </p> <p>Federal courts have been struggling to find a balance between a company's right to protect its reputation and the privacy and free speech rights of anonymous Internet posters since cybersmearing first became an issue in the late 1990s. Also at issue has been the liability of the Internet service provider in cases of online defamation. The courts have so far given Internet companies a great deal of protection. </p> <p>Zwebner might be fighting an uphill battle on both fronts. </p> <p>Zwebner's attorney, John H. Faro of Faro &amp; Associates in Miami, sharply criticizes Internet network providers for what he considers their failure to police postings. </p> <p>"My belief is these [providers] have done absolutely nothing," Faro said. "There is no control over these postings. They don't provide any means for enforcement of their registration policies." </p> <p>Larry Stumpf, attorney for Lycos and a partner at Black Srebnick Kornspan &amp; Stumpf in Miami, did not return calls seeking comment. </p> <p>Zwebner's new suits are his most recent legal counterattack against Internet posters who besmirch his name online. He has filed a number of suits across the country against posters, who have been making derogatory comments about him since about 2000. </p> <p>Faro acknowledged that Wolfblitzzer0's comments about Zwebner might go beyond a desire to manipulate the stock market. He said some of the posted hostility toward Zwebner could be related to "some business deals that didn't go forward." He didn't elaborate on those deals. </p> <p>Unless Lycos is forced by the court to disclose who Wolfblitzzer0 is, confirming the identity of the poster would be virtually impossible. </p> <p>Faro expects to uncover additional, similar causes of action against Lycos in the suit's discovery phase. He plans to eventually include other companies and chief executives who allegedly have been defamed on Lycos-operated Web sites. </p> <p>The issue of cybersmearing publicly traded companies first surfaced in the late 1990s. Some posters are small-time traders seeking to manipulate the market by driving the price of a certain stock down so they can buy while it's low. The practice also is known as poop and scoop, or trash and cash. </p> <p>The reverse of cybersmearing -- pump and dump -- occurs when Internet posters tout a certain stock in order to increase the price, then sell. </p> <p>The Securities and Exchange Commission recognizes both practices as Internet fraud and warns that the most vulnerable companies are microcap companies, whose stocks are traded in small volume. </p> <p> is linked to, a Lycos site that gives stock quotes and other objective data about publicly traded companies. RagingBull, however, is far from objective, and Lycos makes note of that in a disclaimer on the site. </p> <p>To post on RagingBull, a user must register -- giving a name, location and e-mail address. Posters also must agree to a list of terms and conditions, which state that users who harm others or who violate the law can be terminated. </p> <p>In Zwebner's defamation lawsuit filed this month, the cyberstalking claim is based on the allegation that Lycos has continually transmitted harassing communications about Zwebner and has allowed the practice to continue despite his repeated requests to stop them. </p> <p>The trademark lawsuit, filed in July 2004, alleges that Lycos is using Universal Communication Systems Inc.'s trademarked name and stock ticker symbol without authorization, and in a way that is damaging to the company. Universal Communication Systems Inc.'s ticker symbol is UCSY. </p> <p>Universal Communication System's net loss in its 2004 fiscal year was $3.5 million, compared with $2.3 million in 2003. </p> <p>The suits allege that the Internet bashing of Zwebner has had an impact on the company's stock price. The share price has ranged from a low of a penny to about 19 cents during the last 52 weeks. At the end of 2004, before Wolfblitzzer0 made his or her appearance on RagingBull, the stock was at about 9 cents. On Thursday, it traded at 5 cents. </p> <p>Wolfblitzzer0 -- or Wolfy, as he is called by his message board peers -- is the most recent in a string of posters spewing vitriol against Zwebner on RagingBull. </p> <p>When Wolfblitzzer0 popped up on the Internet message board late last year, Zwebner contacted CNN, informing the Atlanta-based cable network of the similarity to Wolf Blitzer's name. </p> <p>In the defamation suit against CNN, filed Jan. 7, Zwebner asserts that CNN and Wolf Blitzer should have acted to end the postings, since the name Wolf Blitzer was the proprietary interest of CNN and it therefore had an obligation to police its use. CNN has not yet filed a response to the allegations in the case, which is pending separately from the Lycos litigation. </p> <p>Faro said the actual Wolf Blitzer is not believed to be the culprit. The posters likely are a handful of people "in the business of smearing people in the Web, posting under a number of different aliases," he said. </p> <p>In at least four cases in other states, Zwebner has been able to track down the cybersmearers and has reached settlements with the individual posters. </p> <p>In 2003, Zwebner won a $50,000 default judgment in U.S. District Court in Oregon against the John Does Anonymous Foundation, an Oregon-based nonprofit devoted to protecting online anonymity. </p> <p>Zwebner had claimed that members of the organization were defaming him online. He filed the suit pro se, and requested $18 million in damages. </p> <p>But putting a face to an online alias has proven to be difficult for plaintiffs like Zwebner. Both the anonymous posters and the Internet network providers often strenuously resist the disclosure of private information. </p> <p>In Zwebner's first foray into federal court in Miami, Lycos' refusal to disclose its users' names and Internet service provider addresses led to the case being dismissed. In September 2003, Zwebner filed a pro se slander, libel and defamation suit against John Doe defendants, only identified by their online aliases. He then attempted to subpoena the John Does, filing a motion to compel Lycos to disclose the identities of about 85 of its message board posters. </p> <p>The John Does were represented by L. Van Stillman, a former Delray Beach attorney who was disbarred after pleading guilty in 2003 to SEC charges that he was involved in a pump-and-dump scheme. Stillman could not be reached for comment. </p> <p>Attorneys for Lycos and Stillman filed motions to quash the subpoenas, claiming privacy and First Amendment rights trumped any claim Zwebner may have against the defendants. </p> <p>Lycos cited numerous federal court decisions that came down on the side of the anonymous posters, including Doe v. Inc., a 2001 decision out of Washington state that allowed a pseudonymous message board poster to retain his or her anonymity. </p> <p>"The Internet is a truly democratic forum for communication," the court wrote in its opinion. "It allows for the free exchange of ideas at an unprecedented speed and scale. For this reason, the constitutional rights of Internet users, including the First Amendment right to speak anonymously, must be carefully safeguarded." </p> <p>The onus has been on the companies to prove that the harm they have suffered outweighs the posters' right to free speech and privacy. </p> <p>In McIntyre v. the Ohio Elections Commission, the U.S. Supreme Court gave anonymous free speech special protection, writing: "the right to remain anonymous may be abused when it shields fraudulent conduct. But ... our society accords greater weight to the value of free speech than to the dangers of its misuse." </p> <p>Zwebner learned that lesson the hard way, after filing a pro se defamation case against the John Does. U.S. District Judge K. Michael Moore in Miami ruled in favor of the defendants, quashing the subpoenas. Zwebner's case then was dismissed due to his inability to identify any of the posters. </p> <p>After the loss, Zwebner retained Faro and filed the four suits currently pending in federal court in Miami. </p> <p>Lycos is trying to have the trademark case moved to federal court in Massachusetts. It has not yet filed a response to the latest suit Zwebner filed against it. </p> <p>While the federal courts have tended to protect the confidential of John Does in cybersmearing cases, Florida's 3rd District Court of Appeal in Miami took a position against anonymous cybersmearing in a 2000 case, Hvide v. Doe. </p> <p>The 3rd DCA rejected the anonymous posters' claim to protection under the First Amendment. </p> <p>(Voluntary Disclosure: ST Rating- Strong Sell; LT Rating- Strong Sell) </p> <p>....................................................................................................................... </p> <p>By: scumz<br /> 01 Mar 2007, 03:35 PM EST<br /> Msg. 60990 of 61022<br /> (This msg. is a reply to 60989 by scumz.)<br /> Jump to msg. #<br /> Is Zwebner still eating cheeseburgers??? </p> <p>ROFLMAO </p> <p>(Voluntary Disclosure: ST Rating- Strong Sell; LT Rating- Strong Sell) </p> <p>...............................................................................................................By: scumz<br /> 01 Mar 2007, 03:39 PM EST<br /> Msg. 60991 of 61022<br /> Jump to msg. #<br /> 'Rip Off Reports dot com' has a lot of info on Zwebner and Cunningham in their search engine. </p> <p>interesting </p> <p>(Voluntary Disclosure: ST Rating- Strong Sell; LT Rating- Strong Sell) </p> <p>...................................................................................................................... </p> <p>By: pumpituphigh<br /> 02 Mar 2007, 01:14 PM EST<br /> Msg. 61001 of 61022<br /> Jump to msg. #<br /> Zwebner's business backer/partner Moshe Katsav is disgraced. <a href=""></a> </p> <p>....................................................................................................................... </p> <p>By: scumz<br /> 07 Mar 2007, 01:10 PM EST<br /> Msg. 61011 of 61023<br /> (This msg. is a reply to 60966 by Mighty_Mezz.)<br /> Jump to msg. #<br /> Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc. Announces the Signing of a Letter of Intent to Acquire "First Community Television Channel" of Paris France<br /> Market Wire, April, 2004 </p> <p>Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc (OTC BB: RDDI) CEO Michael J Zwebner announced today the signing of a Letter of Intent to acquire First Community Television Channel of Paris France in a transaction valued at $40 million. </p> <p>First Community Television Channel of Paris France are the operators of "CHAI TV," the world's first International Jewish TV station that is planned to broadcast on a world wide basis from Paris, France. Further details of the proposed transaction will be announced shortly. It is subject to SEC regulatory approval. </p> <p>Safe Harbor Statement </p> <p>Caution Concerning Forward-Looking Statements by Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc. This document includes certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are based on management's current expectations or beliefs, and are subject to uncertainty and changes in circumstances. Actual results may vary materially from those expressed or implied by the statements herein due to changes in economic, business, competitive, technological and/or regulatory factors, and factors affecting the integration of the businesses of Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc. More detailed information about these factors may be found in filings by Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc., with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including their most recent annual reports on Form 10-KSB and quarterly reports on Form 10-QSB. </p> <p>Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc is under no obligation to, and expressly disclaims any such obligation to, update or alter their forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. </p> <p>Contact: Reddi Brake Supply Company Inc 801-269-8535 </p> <p>(Voluntary Disclosure: ST Rating- Strong Sell; LT Rating- Strong Sell) </p> <p>By: scumz<br /> 08 Mar 2007, 03:24 PM EST<br /> Msg. 61022 of 61022<br /> Jump to msg. #<br /> Long time Zwebner associate Mark R. Tolner named as co-defendant of Lou Pearlman and Florida Governor Charlie Crist in Cover-up Lawsuit<br /> By: the_worm06 Thu, 08 Mar 07 2:44 PM<br /> Jump to msg. # </p> <p>IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT<br /> FOR THE MIDDLE DISTRICT OF FLORIDA </p> <p>TAMPA DIVISION. </p> <p>PLAINTIFFS, </p> <p>- Vs - </p> <p>LOUIS J. PEARLMAN;<br /> ROBERT FISCHETTI;<br /> MICHAEL CRUDELE;<br /> KRISTIN FINGER;<br /> SALMA BACCHUS;<br /> THEODORE WÜELLENKEMPER;<br /> GREGORY McDONALD;<br /> MARK TOLNER;RICHARD CARL JANS;<br /> RECA RENE CHAMBERLAIN;<br /> and<br /> CHARLES J. CRIST; </p> <p>Individual Defendants; </p> <p>---------------<br /> TRANS CONTINENTAL AIRLINES EMPLOYEE<br /> INVESTMENT SAVINGS ACCOUNT<br /> &amp; STOCK PROGRAMS;<br /> Enterprise Defendant;<br /> ----------------<br /> TRANS CONTINENTAL AIRLINES, INC.;<br /> TRANS CONTINENTAL AIRLINES TRAVEL<br /> SERVICES, INC.;<br /> TRANS CONTINENTAL ENTERPRISES, LLC;<br /> TRANS CONTINENTAL ENTERTAINMENT INC.;<br /> LOUIS J. PEARLMAN ENTERPRISES, INC.;<br /> TRANS CONTINENTAL RECORDS, INC.;<br /> TC LEASING, LLC;<br /> TRANS CONTINENTAL TALENT, INC.;<br /> FASHION ROCK, LLC;<br /> TRANS CONTINENTAL TRAVEL SERVICE, INC.;<br /> F.F. STATION, LLC;<br /> TRANS COUNTRY MUSIC GROUP, INC.;<br /> --------------------<br /> Clements et al v. Pearlman et al – Florida Federal Complaint March 2007 – Page 4<br /> TRANS CONTINENTAL STUDIOS, INC.;<br /> TRANS CONTINENTAL AVIATION, INC.;<br /> AEGIS CONSULTING, INC.; and<br /> GERMAN INVEST-UND FINANZBERATUNG GmbH<br /> Corporate Defendants;<br /> ------------------<br /> FISERV CORPORATION individually and as successor<br /> to RETIREMENTACCOUNTS INC.;<br /> BANK OF AMERICA;<br /> FIFTH THIRD BANK;<br /> WACHOVIA BANK; Corporate Defendants<br /> Trustees / Agents;<br /> ------------------<br /> DUN &amp; BRADSTREET CO.; Corporate Defendant;<br /> ------------------<br /> JOHN DOES # 1 – 10;<br /> (the names being fictitious and used<br /> solely for identification purposes, the<br /> actual names will be disclosed in<br /> future discovery);<br /> JOHN DOE COMPANIES # 1 – 10;<br /> (the names being fictitious and used<br /> solely for identification purposes, the<br /> actual names will be disclosed in<br /> future discovery);<br /> “John Doe†Defendants;<br /> ----------------<br /> STATE OF FLORIDA, Sovereign Entity Defendants; </p> <p>DEFENDANTS. </p> <p>(Voluntary Disclosure: ST Rating- Strong Sell; LT Rating- Strong Sell) </p> <p>So for Securities Exchange Commission Chairman Chris 'WMDs' Cox and his SEC internet fraud division side kick John Reed Stark to put out a press release as they did recently to claim they were cleaning up pink sheet penny stocks(that don't have to release any financial records)while they have allowed hundreds upon hundreds of NASDAQ and OTCBB stocks to lie about and fudge their financial and stock statements and run illegal pumps and dumps and probable money laundering operations,is the continuation of lies and hypocrisy from the SEC.: </p> <p>SEC Suspends Trading Of 35 Companies Touted In Spam Email Campaigns<br /> Investor Protection Agency Unveils "Operation Spamalot"<br /> FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE<br /> 2007-34<br /> Washington, D.C., March 8, 2007 - The Securities and Exchange Commission this morning suspended trading in the securities of 35 companies that have been the subject of recent and repeated spam email campaigns. The trading suspensions - the most ever aimed at spammed companies - were ordered because of questions regarding the adequacy and accuracy of information about the companies. </p> <p>The trading suspensions are part of a stepped-up SEC effort - code named "Operation Spamalot" - to protect investors from potentially fraudulent spam email hyping small company stocks with phrases like, "Ready to Explode," "Ride the Bull," and "Fast Money." It's estimated that 100 million of these spam messages are sent every week, triggering dramatic spikes in share price and trading volume before the spamming stops and investors lose their money. </p> <p>"When spam clogs our mailboxes, it's annoying. When it rips off investors, it's illegal and destructive," said SEC Chairman Christopher Cox. "Today's trading suspensions, and actions that will follow, should send a clear message to spammers: the SEC will hold you accountable." </p> <p>Linda Chatman Thomsen, Director of the SEC's Enforcement Division, said, "Many of these companies are no doubt familiar to anyone who reads their email, because each has been the subject of a spam email campaign. While the Commission cautions investors not to make investment decisions based on anonymous emails they receive, we are also committed to tracking down those who prey on investors with false or misleading information." </p> <p>Mark K. Schonfeld, Director of the Commission's Northeast Regional Office, said, "By halting trading in these stocks we are seeking to protect investors from further harm. But this is only the first step. Our investigation of the perpetrators - the people behind this misconduct - is continuing." </p> <p>The securities of each of the 35 companies have been quoted on the Pink Sheets quotations service. Recent trading clearly demonstrates how spam campaigns can affect stock prices and trading volume. For example: </p> <p>On Friday, Dec. 15, 2006, shares in Apparel Manufacturing Associates, Inc. (APPM) closed at $.06, with a trading volume of 3,500 shares. After a weekend spam campaign distributed emails proclaiming, "Huge news expected out on APPM, get in before the wire, We're taking it all the way to $1.00," trading volume on Monday, Dec. 18, 2006, hit 484,568 shares with the price spiking to over 19 cents a share. Two days later the price climbed to $.45. By Dec. 27, 2006, the price was back down to $.10 on trading volume of 65,350 shares. </p> <p>On Dec. 19, 2006, trading in Goldmark Industries, Inc. (GDKI), closed at $.17 on trading volume of 126,286 shares. On Dec. 20, 2006, the spam campaign started, with e-mail proclaiming "GDKI IS MAKING EVERYONE BANK!," and setting a 5-day price target of $2. By Dec. 28, 2006, spam emails boasted of the price spike that had already been achieved -- "$.28 (Up 152% in 2 days!!!)" -- and promised a 5-day price target of $1. That same day, GDKI closed at $.35 on a volume of more than 5 million shares. By January 9, 2007, the closing share price was back down to $.15. </p> <p>A spam campaign in Healtheuniverse, Inc. (HLUN) stock began on Sept. 4, 2006, with emails incorporating a Healtheuniverse press release proclaiming that HLUN was "focused on being the first to commercialize stem cell applications in the $15 billion worldwide plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery market." On Sept. 7, 2006, HLUN closed at $.12 per share on trading volume of 3,000 shares. The spam campaign accelerated, and HLUN shares spiked to $.22 per share on Sept. 11, 2006, with over 2.2 million shares trading hands. By Sept. 22, 2006, the closing price had dropped back down to $.11.<br /> The trading suspensions will last for ten business days. The trading suspensions commenced today at 9:30 a.m., EDT, and terminate at 11:59 p.m., EDT, on March 21, 2007. </p> <p>The 35 companies whose trading was suspended today are: Advanced Powerline Technologies Inc. (APWL), America Asia Petroleum Corp. (AAPM), Amerossi Int'l Group, Inc. (AMSN), Apparel Manufacturing Associates, Inc. (APPM), Asgard Holdings Inc. (AGHG), Biogenerics Ltd. (BIGN), China Gold Corp. (CGDC), CTR Investments &amp; Consulting, Inc. (CIVX), DC Brands International, Inc. (DCBI), Equal Trading, Inc. (EQTD), Equitable Mining Corp. (EQBM), Espion International, Inc. (EPLJ), Goldmark Industries, Inc. (GDKI), GroFeed Inc. (GFDI), Healtheuniverse, Inc. (HLUN), Interlink Global Corp. (ILKG), Investigative Services Agencies, Inc. (IVAY), iPackets International, Inc. (IPKL), Koko Petroleum Inc. (KKPT), Leatt Corporation (LEAT), LOM Logistics, Inc. (LOMJ), Modern Energy Corp. (MODR), National Healthcare Logistics, Inc. (NHLG), Presidents Financial Corp. (PZFC), Red Truck Entertainment Inc. (RTRK), Relay Capital Corp. (RLYC), Rodedawg International Industries, Inc. (RWGI), Rouchon Industries, Inc. (RCHN), Software Effective Solutions Corp. (SFWJ), Solucorp Industries Ltd. (SLUP), Inc. (SSUF), UBA Technology, Inc. (UBTG), Wataire Industries Inc. (WTAF), WayPoint Biomedical Holdings, Inc. (WYPH), and Wineco Productions Inc. (WNCP). </p> <p>The 35 suspensions concern companies that are not subject to the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Not listed on any exchange, or on the OTC Bulletin Board, the companies' securities have been quoted on the Pink Sheets quotation service on an unsolicited basis, meaning that the brokers posting quotations for the purchase and sale of the securities are not required to conduct due diligence regarding the issuers. </p> <p>The Commission cautions broker-dealers, shareholders, and prospective purchasers that they should carefully consider the foregoing information along with all other currently available information and any information subsequently issued by the companies. Further, broker-dealers should be alert to the fact that, pursuant to Rule 15c2-11 under the Exchange Act, at the termination of the trading suspensions, no quotation may be entered unless and until they have strictly complied with all of the provisions of the rule. If any broker-dealer enters any quotation that is in violation of the rule, the Commission will consider the need for prompt enforcement action. </p> <p>The Commission's Office of Investor Education and Assistance has information for investors and members of the general public on topics directly related to this action. See <a href=""></a>. </p> <p>Any broker-dealer, investor, or other person with information relating to this matter is invited to email the Securities and Exchange Commission at 35suspensions (at) </p> <p>The Commission appreciates the assistance and cooperation of the National Association of Securities Dealers, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the British Columbia Securities Commission, and the Ontario Securities Commission.<br /> ............................................................................................................ </p> <p>What crocodile tears they cry in the Beltway or Washington D.C. over the unending fraud they have unleashed over the internet through endless penny stock internet sites they allow to run rampant even including UCSY corrupting foreign politicians ! </p> <p>......................................... </p> <p>............................................................................................................ </p> <p> </p> <p>Saturday, March 10, 2007 </p> <p>Larger CIA and DoD Privatization Scandal Emerging from Walter Reed Story, US Attorneys Firing </p> <p>Mar 10, 2007<br /> by leveymg </p> <p>Rumsfeld and Top GOP Figures Profited from Privatization of VA Hospital, CIA Contractors<br /> A large global hedge fund, Cerberus Capital Management (dba, Cerberus-Gabriel), is at the center of an emerging Pentagon and CIA contracting scandal that has the attention of three Congressional Committees. </p> <p>In each case, the companies under investigation have links to prominent GOP figures, including Vice President Dick Cheney, former Vice President Dan Quayle, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and several Republican Congressmen indicted for corruption involving kickbacks from defense contractors. The Republican Congressional Campaign Commitee (RCCC) has also received substantial contributions from conservative fund managers running Cerberus, a virually unregulated $30 billion hedge fund, which owns the second largest bank in Israel. </p> <p>This scandal involves the mismanagement of VA hospital facilities privatized during the Bush-Cheney Administration, as well as intelligence abuses by private CIA contractors. </p> <p>The lastest Cerberus scandal involving its holding, International American Products (IAP) Worldwide Services, awarded a $120 million contract to manage facilities at Walter Reed, is only the latest in a long line of serious problems involving the company and its officers. IAP’s President, Alfred V. Neffgen, was formerly Chief Operating Officer for KBR's government operations group, which was forced to repay tens of millions of dollars to the Defense Department for food and fuel overcharges in Iraq. IAP has other contracting connections with Dick Cheney’s Halliburton/KBR. Most recently, IAP bid on part of the Iraq oil reconstruction project as a partner with Halliburton KBR. The Army Times reports about the Halliburton tie-in: </p> <p><a href=""></a>... </p> <p>............... </p> <p>Cerberus owns, or had a major interest in, a string of now-bankrupt companies that had contracts with U.S. defense and intelligence agencies that were found to have a common pattern of large-scale fraud, security problems, and financial scandals involving GOP lawmakers and lobbyists. </p> <p>IAP is also tied-in with Halliburton/KBR on multi-billion dollar Iraq contracts. Halliburton is a major defense contractor once headed by Vice President Cheney, that has had its own history of problems with fraud and overcharges related to its management of sole-source projects in Iraq, particularly the multi-billion dollar LOGCAP contract to repair and maintain Iraq’s oil fields and pipelines. </p> <p>Just months before the invasion, DoD designated Halliburton/KBR as the sole potential bidder for potential large-scale pipeline repair contracts. Four years after the initial invasion and occupation of those fields, Iraq is still not producing at its prewar levels, a threshold that would require termination of the LOGCAP contract. </p> <p>On October 16, 2006, IAP Worldwide Services issued this press release: "IAP Worldwide Services, Inc. Team Submits Bid For LOGCAP IV Contract," which included this quote from former Halliburton/KBR executive Dave Swindle: </p> <p>"The LOGCAP IV contract is a major challenge," said Dave Swindle, IAP President. "Supporting the warfighter and the Army is a responsibility that allows no compromise. IAP and its team members understand the magnitude of this program and the issues associated with its complexity. We place a high priority on using our proven Business Operating System (BOS) to provide effective oversight and tracking to responsibly meet the customer’s needs from Day One. Through BOS we will act as one team through a management and business system that is completely transparent to the customer." </p> <p><a href=""></a>... </p> <p>***<br /> Cerberis donated $100,000 at a single fundraiser to Rep. Jerry Lewis, fmr. Chair of the House Appropriations Comm., who served as intermediary to distribute money to fellow GOP lawmakers favored by Cerberus </p> <p><a href=""></a>... </p> <p>*** </p> <p>During testimony in the Scooter Libby trial, we learned that Valerie Plame was involved in the aluminum tube issue within the CIA’s Counter-Proliferation Division (CPD), where she worked before being "outed" by Libby and others in the White House and Vice President’s office. </p> <p>*** </p> <p>Dan Quayle is chair of new Leumi owner Cerberus-Gabriel, Interceded With SEC Head to Block Rules Governing Hedge Funds </p> <p><a href=""></a><br /> Dan Quayle is chair of new Leumi owner Cerberus-Gabriel<br /> Ha’aretz 11/16/2005<br /> Cerberus is chaired by former U.S. vice president Dan Quayle. — The Cerberus-Gabriel group was led by Gabriel president J. Ezra Merkin, assisted by CPA Avi Berger, the general manager of the Kesselman &amp; Kesselman accounting firm, and attorney Yaakov Ne’eman. Stephen Feinberg, 45, a Jew from New York and the wunderkind of the hedge funds world who, within 20 years, turned a $10 million fund into a holding company whose companies have combined sales of $30 billion a year, is the founder and manager of Cerberus Global Investment. </p> <p><a href=""></a>...<br /> Experts: Ultimate owners of Leumi unclear<br /> Globes 11/16/2005<br /> Banking sources: US investor disclosure regulations will cause Cerberus-Gabriel problems.— Ministry of Finance officials have declared a great victory in the Bank Leumi (TASE: LUMI) tender, but banking specialists are not so enthusiastic. They say that the victory wasn’t so great: the buyers (Cerberus Capital Management LP and Gabriel Capital Management) are too anonymous, their business isn’t transparent enough, and, most of all, the saga is far from over...these owners have specific problems in connection with operating a bank in the US, and they are looking for indirect ways to operate there, perhaps without a banking license. </p> <p>(Can't get that top link to work yet -- Globe link requires registration and installation of their software. Found these links from: ) </p> <p>In 2004,Met with then The SEC Chairman William Donaldson a month prior to Donaldson's vote on whether to open hedge funds to periodic inspections: </p> <p>~snip~<br /> Canary Scandal </p> <p>Former U.S. Vice President Dan Quayle, an adviser to Cerberus, met in June with Donaldson to discuss fund regulation. Craig Whitney, executive vice president of Quayle &amp; Associates, denied that Quayle was lobbying Donaldson to weaken the SEC's hedge fund plan. </p> <p>Hedge fund executives also say the SEC should focus its resources on better protecting the 91 million U.S. holders of mutual funds. The SEC's move to increase regulation of the private investment pools has gained pace since New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer alleged 10 months ago that ``illegal trading schemes'' enabled some hedge funds to buy mutual fund shares at prices not available to most investors. </p> <p>Canary Capital Partners LLC and its managing principal, Edward Stern, agreed on Sept. 3 to return $30 million in profits and pay a $10 million fine. Since then, regulators have imposed more than $2.3 billion in sanctions against about a dozen companies including Bank of America Corp. and Alliance Capital Management Holding LP. ~snip~ </p> <p> </p> <p>DONALD RUMSFELD - CERBERUS INVESTOR </p> <p>During the tenure of former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, the Pentagon awarded a large contract to the company at the center of the Walter Reed Army Hospital scandal. Rumsfeld may have financially benefited from it along with other major GOP figures, including former Vice President Dan Quaile also invested or were employed by, or received campaign contributions from the same Wall Street hedge fund that owns the company. </p> <p>In his last financial disclosure before becoming Defense Secretary, Rumsfeld revealed that he held shares in Cerberus, a large NY Hedge Fund that acquired International American Products, Inc., the company awarded a Pentagon contract to privatize facilities management services at Walter Reed. <a href=""></a>... </p> <p>2005 - CERBERUS PURCHASES SECOND-LARGEST BANK IN ISRAEL, COMPLETING THE PRIVATIZATION OF THE ISRAELI BANKING SYSTEM </p> <p>Cerberus group, which in 2005, acquired the second largest Israeli bank, Leumi Bank, completing a process of privatization of the Israeli financial sector pushed by the Right-wing Likud Party and its successor under the present Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert. </p> <p>Cerberus holding Leumi Bank privatized Israeli banks - IAP privatized VA hospitals </p> <p>Strange symmetry to this, isn't there? Perhaps, no coincidence to any of it. Here's why. </p> <p>You have to read a seminal neocon document written in 1997 for then-Israeli PM Netanyahu by the guys who went on to run the Office of Special Plans (OSP), Feith, Wurmser, and Perle. That paper, "A CLEAN BREAK: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm" -- <a href=""></a>... -- lays out a battle plan for conquering the Mid-East, starting with Iraq and Lebanon as means to undermine and discourage Syria, and then, finally, a forced reorientation of the region’s enormous Shi’a population away from Iran and the elevation of the Heshemite Kingdom of Morocco’s King Hussein. The point of all this isn't just military conquest, and the elimination of regional threats, it's actually to set the preconditions for a PRIVATIZED Israeli economy, and the "clean break" is with Israeli's social-democratic past. </p> <p>It is also meant to map out a profound shift in Israel’s relationship with the United States, away from a traditional client state that submits to bi-partsian Washington, with the an alliance with the ascendant GOP Right-wing, the authors planned to elevate Israel into a new regional Superpower.................. </p> <p>So, this is the Israeli state they ended up with, led by<br /> Kadima’s Ehud Olmert, a Tool of Oligarchs ... Cerberus-Gabriel </p> <p>Forbes Reinforces Claim That Kadima is Tool of Oligarchs </p> <p>by Ezra HaLevi </p> <p>(<br /> According to the report, the business groups are controlled by the following families: Sami Ofer, Nochi Dankner, Shari Arison, the Cerberus-Gabriel consortium, Charles Bronfman, Yitzchak Tshuva, the Saban group, Lev Leviev, Matthew Bronfman, Tzadik Bino, the Borovich family, and Eliezer Fishman. The 12 families own 60 percent of the aggregate market value of all Israeli public companies (excluding the even larger Teva Pharmaceutical Industries), Forbes reported. </p> <p>The report goes on to say that the families have constructed their empires, which consist of Israel's largest companies, using organizational structures that have long ago been done away with in the Western world. </p> <p>The report explains that the groups have an inordinate amount of control over Israel's economy, political leaders and media due to the structuring of their holdings as pyramids – meaning several layers of companies each own others beneath them but are all beholden to the leading families. Such a phenomenon was eliminated in the US in the early 20th century through restrictions on ownership and the double taxation of dividends a company paid its owner company. </p> <p>~snip~<br /> <a href=""></a>... </p> <p>In that light, consider the article about the conflict surrounding the Serberus-Leumi group privatizing the Israeli banking system. Bear in mind that Israel’s banks, including Leumi, had been bailed out by the government in the disastrous year of 1983, after Ariel Sharon led the IDF into an ill-fated and incompetently led invasion of Lebanon. An "optional" war that resulted in the massive withdrawal of international capital, and a steep recession in Israel’s reputation and fortunes: </p> <p><br /> Leumi on the way to going global </p> <p>By Nehemia Shtrasler </p> <p>A historic decision will be made next week. The Bank of Israel will announce whether it approves the sale of Bank Leumi to the Cerberus-Gabriel consortium. This would mark the end of the long process of privatizing Israel's banking system. </p> <p>As early as November 2005 a tender was issued for the bank's sale, and it was won by Cerberus-Gabriel. The consortium offered to pay NIS 4.62 billion for a controlling stake of 20 percent in the bank - a very high price indeed. But the consortium failed to close the deal because the Bank of Israel did not approve its becoming a controlling partner. </p> <p>The decision will now be made by the Bank of Israel Governor, Professor Stanley Fischer, who has said in internal meetings that this is one of the most difficult decisions he has been asked to make. At those same meetings, Rony Hizkiyahu, the new Supervisor of Banks, said that he wished the problem with the New York branch of Bank Leumi were resolved because then there would be no obstacle to selling the bank to the consortium. Indeed, this is the only problem that is keeping Cerberus-Gabriel from Bank Leumi, the subsidiary in New York. </p> <p>According to American law, the Cerberus-Gabriel consortium will not be able to hold the bank in New York because it is invested in non-financial sectors. According to American rules, it is not permitted to have industrial and real estate holdings and also a bank - out of concern for possible conflict of interest. </p> <p>During those same internal meetings at the Bank of Israel a number of proposals were put forth for a solution to the problem. For example, to sell Leumi New York, and in its place set up a financial entity that could offer business loans but not be able to accept deposits or offer retail banking services. The problem is that such a financial firm will not operate under the supervision of the Federal Reserve (because it is not a bank). As for Israeli supervision, it will not be easy to keep an eye on a company that is situated so far away. </p> <p>SNIP </p> <p>Indeed, the deal went through and the regulatory obstacles removed to the privatiziation that is pushed by Prime Minister Olmert, one of the leading proponents of the scheme, as this article makes clear: </p> <p><a href=""></a>...<br /> December 13, 2005 </p> <p>Cerberus-Gabriel hedge fund buys stake in Leumi Bank<br /> Israel is on its way to privatization. The banking sector is amongst the first ones to take a step in this direction. Bank Leumi was in the market recently and attracted bids from several players. Bidder names include strategic investors like Lev Leviev, IDB and Bill Davidson and also financial contenders like UBS, Deutsche Bank and Citibank. However the winner was an American Hedge fund, Cerberus-Gabriel. </p> <p>Cerberus-Gabriel has purchased 9.9% of the shares of the bank. The purchase of this stake was for approximately $500 million. The fund also has the option of buying an additional 10.01% in the bank. This will bring the total shares quantum to 20% and is roughly valued at $1 billion. This option of additional purchase has to be utilized with in the next one and a half years. </p> <p>Ehud Olmert, Finance Minister of Israel, is reportedly quite satisfied with the outcome. He feels that this is a positive development and will help the over all Israeli economy. He is amongst the top promoters of privatization move. In his statement he also mentioned that the purchase will ensure healthy competition between the banks and will definitely contribute a lot to the local market. </p> <p>Another person quite happy with the development is Yaron Zelekha, the treasury's accountant-general, who led the tender. He sees it as fulfillment of the promise made to the people of Israel about privatization of the entire banking system in 2005. </p> <p>CONCLUSION </p> <p>Both the MZM-Cunningham and Jerry Lewis cases involve the funneling of foreign money to the GOP through a neocon controlled global hedge fund, Cerberus Capital Management, that was dispersing money to a number of key GOP figures and organizations in various ways, including Bush, Rumsfeld, a number of GOP Congressmen, and the RNC. The case is also tied up with the Walter Reed scandal, and the effort to privatize many Pentagon and CIA functions, which resulted in catastrophic failures at both. <a href=""></a>... </p> <p>Let's recap: a corrupt Israeli PM - has a stake in a corrupt Israeli bank- owned by a corrupt Wall Street global hedge fund - which owns a corrupt US defense contractor - which contributes to corrupt GOP Congressmen - who also receive money from another corrupt defense contractor - that defense contractor produced faulty intel under contract to a corrupt CIA Assn't Director - that faulty intel was used to justify a corrupt US Administration's case for invading Iraq - that was planned and executed by corrupt neocons inside DoD who had written a proposal years earlier to wage wars to privatize the Israeli economy. </p> <p>What a tangled web. One wishes Chairman Waxman’s staff and other Congressional investigators the strength of Hercules in taking down the Three-headed Dog, Cerberus, that guards the gates to Hell. </p> <p>___________________________________________________________ </p> <p>Mark G. Levey. Fair use applies. Acknowledgement: Some material compiled from a research thread at Democratic, with particular thanks to "bobthedrummer" and "Emit", and other DU researchers: <a href=""></a>... </p> <p>.................................................................................................................. </p> <p>Cryptometrics:New Zealand Passport Office Used By U.S. Penny Stock Criminals ?</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>David Grin,Tel Aviv University,Laurus Capital Management and Union Bank of Israel </p> <p> </p> <p>FOIA,Alberto Gonzales and SEC'S Chris Cox Enron,Merrill Lych,Latham &amp; Watkins conflict </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Tim Mahoney,vFinance,Venus Methodist Church,Florida,Sayed Mustafa and Islamic Usury </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Charles Schwab:vFinance's Charles Patrick Garcia receives Henry B. Gonzalez award !? </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Democrats William Jefferson,Tim Mahoney, iGate,vFinance,DOBI, Endovasc penny stock frauds </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>James Dale Davidson,Charles Schwab,Tim Mahoney,VFIN, LOM and penny stock share money laundering </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Ireland Indymedia bans criticism of Lord Rees Mogg,James Dale Davidson </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Post to Lord Rees-Mogg's Weblog re NASDAQ,London Stock Exchange </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Virginia:Marvin Bush,Securacom,9/11,U.S. Senator George Allen,Bawag Austria,offshores... </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>U.S. Republican George Allen More Corrupt Than Utah Senators Bob Bennett,Orrin Hatch ? </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Asa Hutchinson,Charlie Crist,Jeb Bush,Republican stock fraud and drug trafficking,etc.... </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Why did Osama bin Laden choose Jeb Bush's Huffman Aviation terrorist flight school ? </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ? </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Utah Gov Jon Huntsman,Senator Bennett, Hatch call Republican Senator Shelby 'a gangster' </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Does NY Times censor 9/11 Venice,Florida connection ? </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>NY Rep.Peter King,CIA,Swift,NY Times,Republican stock fraud </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>NY WTC 'protected' by Kuwaiti company and Marvin Bush on 9/11 </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Asa Hutchinson,Richard Rainwater,George W Bush,Tom DeLay &amp; 5.6 Ton cocaine bust in Mexico </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton &amp; Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ? </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Cocaina,Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche, Abril 10,CIA,Republicanos Y PAN </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Did Israel President Moshe Katsav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ? </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Israel: Gal Lusky's 'IFA' Caught Up in Moshe Katsav,Mohamed Hadid, Zwebner 'UCSY' scam ? </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Israeli President Moshe Katsav aids massive penny stock fraud </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Did Israel President Moshe Katzav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ? </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton &amp; Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Chris Cox,SEC,Makram Majid Chams,Titan Corp,9/11,Abhu Ghraib,etc. </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>John Reed Stark UAE,SEC,Georgetown University Stock fraud Academic fraud Cyber fraud </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ? </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Porter Goss: CIA Cyber and stock fraud ops damaged by leaks ? </p> <p><a href=";">;</a> </p> <p>D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson,Don Nickles, ex-CIA Chief Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Asa Hutchinson,ex Congressman Tom McMillen, Fortress America,offshore money laundering </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>To CIA,In-Q-Tel,Amit Yoran re SRA International, Mantas Inc stock fraud money laundering </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Mantas Inc,Herndon, Va, Pro-Money Laundering Arm of International Bankers,Brokers... </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>CIA and Gilman Louie are less than honest </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering </p> <p><a href=""></a></p>
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0 (Array, 4 elements)
#type (String, 4 characters ) link | (Callback) link();
#title (String, 36 characters ) International Politics and Economics
#href (String, 16 characters ) taxonomy/term/21
#options (Array, 3 elements)
entity_type (String, 13 characters ) taxonomy_term
entity (Object) stdClass
∞ (Recursion)
attributes (Array, 3 elements)
#pre_render (Array, 1 element)
0 (String, 30 characters ) _field_extra_fields_pre_render | (Callback) _field_extra_fields_pre_render();
#entity_type (String, 4 characters ) node
#bundle (String, 17 characters ) drupalimc_article
links (Array, 5 elements)
#theme (String, 11 characters ) links__node
#pre_render (Array, 1 element)
0 (String, 23 characters ) drupal_pre_render_links | (Callback) drupal_pre_render_links();
#attributes (Array, 1 element)
node (Array, 3 elements)
#theme (String, 17 characters ) links__node__node
#links (Array, 9 elements)
service-links-facebook (Array, 5 elements)
title (String, 136 characters ) <img typeof="foaf:Image" src="http://rochester....
<img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" alt="Facebook logo" />
href (String, 35 characters )
query (Array, 2 elements)
attributes (Array, 3 elements)
html (Boolean) TRUE
service-links-google (Array, 5 elements)
title (String, 132 characters ) <img typeof="foaf:Image" src="http://rochester....
<img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" alt="Google logo" />
href (String, 37 characters )
query (Array, 3 elements)
attributes (Array, 3 elements)
html (Boolean) TRUE
service-links-identica (Array, 5 elements)
title (String, 137 characters ) <img typeof="foaf:Image" src="http://rochester....
<img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" alt=" logo" />
href (String, 18 characters )
query (Array, 2 elements)
action (String, 9 characters ) newnotice
status_textarea (String, 125 characters ) Israeli pResident Moshe Katsav Disgraced by Mic...
Israeli pResident Moshe Katsav Disgraced by Michael Zwebner,Mohamid Hadid fraud ties
attributes (Array, 3 elements)
html (Boolean) TRUE
service-links-twitter (Array, 5 elements)
title (String, 134 characters ) <img typeof="foaf:Image" src="http://rochester....
<img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" alt="Twitter logo" />
href (String, 25 characters )
query (Array, 2 elements)
attributes (Array, 3 elements)
html (Boolean) TRUE
service-links-digg (Array, 5 elements)
title (String, 128 characters ) <img typeof="foaf:Image" src="http://rochester....
<img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" alt="Digg logo" />
href (String, 22 characters )
query (Array, 3 elements)
attributes (Array, 3 elements)
html (Boolean) TRUE
service-links-delicious (Array, 5 elements)
title (String, 140 characters ) <img typeof="foaf:Image" src="http://rochester....
<img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" alt=" logo" />
href (String, 23 characters )
query (Array, 2 elements)
attributes (Array, 3 elements)
html (Boolean) TRUE
service-links-reddit (Array, 5 elements)
title (String, 132 characters ) <img typeof="foaf:Image" src="http://rochester....
<img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" alt="Reddit logo" />
href (String, 25 characters )
query (Array, 2 elements)
attributes (Array, 3 elements)
html (Boolean) TRUE
service-links-stumbleupon (Array, 5 elements)
title (String, 140 characters ) <img typeof="foaf:Image" src="http://rochester....
<img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" alt="StumbleUpon logo" />
href (String, 33 characters )
query (Array, 2 elements)
attributes (Array, 3 elements)
html (Boolean) TRUE
service-links-yahoo (Array, 5 elements)
title (String, 130 characters ) <img typeof="foaf:Image" src="http://rochester....
<img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" alt="Yahoo logo" />
href (String, 49 characters )
query (Array, 2 elements)
attributes (Array, 3 elements)
html (Boolean) TRUE
#attributes (Array, 1 element)
comment (Array, 3 elements)
#theme (String, 20 characters ) links__node__comment
#links (Array, 1 element)
comment_forbidden (Array, 2 elements)
#attributes (Array, 1 element)
comments (Array, 0 elements)
#view_mode (String, 4 characters ) full
#theme (String, 4 characters ) node
#node (Object) stdClass
∞ (Recursion)
#language (String, 2 characters ) en
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