John Brown Caucus of SDS/MDS Statement on the SF (Panther) 8
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Free the San Francisco 8! Free All Political Prisoners!!
We in the John Brown Caucus of Students for a Democratic Society and Movement for a Democratic Society, are outraged at the recent arrest
of eight former Black Panthers.
Charged with crimes allegedly committed in the 1970's, these charges are similar to one's originally thrown out because the confessions, the state's so-called evidence, were extracted under torture.
We condemn these indictments and demand the
United States government drop all charges and immediately free the San Francisco 8!
The FBI and CA police claim an alleged conspiracy to kill cops 35 years ago when the historical evidence is clear that the FBI and police
conspired to destroy the Black Panthers. The arrest of these former Panthers in light of
the growing push to re-open Congressional hearings into COINTELPRO, proves that the
government's relentless campaign to discredit the Panthers and silence radical black dissidents never really ended. In their drive to quash all revolutionary peoples but especially
revolutionary people of color, the government chose to wage an all-out war on what it called Black Nationalist Groups. A war that included false evidence, creating and exploiting "splits", torture, and murder.
The John Brown Caucus stands in solidarity with the San Francisco 8. We recognize this latest government manipulation as yet another in a long
line of repressive tactics aimed at those colonized peoples who choose freedom over
oppression and who would rather fight than become victims of America's racist system.