Northeast Anarchist Consulta: Last Update
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Final update from the Northeast Anarchist Consulta writing committee. (ps, we see Rochester folks will be coming up. See post before tis for carpooling!)
Greetings Friends and Comrades!
With the Northeast Anarchist Consulta fast approaching, we wanted to send out to you all a few last items. (Don't know about the Consulta? Find out more here: )
1. An updated version of the proposed agenda. Please read this and feel free to comment or suggest changes as it is not set in stone: it's a proposal!
2. We have also written up a proposal for the formation of a Northeast Anarchist Network. In our proposed schedule, we reserved a slot of time at the end of the Consulta for discussion about the proposed Network. We hope you will choose to stay for this, and to bring your ideas, proposals, criticisms, dreams, etc. Some concerns were raised that for out of town folks, the slot to talk about the Network is too late for people to get home (discussion begins at 3pm). If this is the case for you, let us know! We can rearrange the schedule. We have not included the proposal in this email, as it still needs some work. If you would like to see our draft, send us an email. We will be handing out our proposal Saturday the 24th, in the morning. Also, please consider writing up your own proposals or some ideas to bring.
3. Lastly, if you are planning to come to Boston for the Consulta, please RSVP. *Especially if you need housing,* email us at Also, we will be having a potluck, so bring some food if you can.
Proposed schedule and agenda (suggestions and comments welcome):
Day 1 (Saturday, February 24th)
10:00: Open the space, set up, socialize. *Hand out our proposals for a Northeast Anarchist network*
10:15: Opening speakers. (4 in total, 5-10 mins each)
-Brian Tokar on biotech
-Klare Allen on the history of local resistance to biotech and social implications
-Sergio Reyes on the history of May Day, recent Migrant Workers' Rights movement, and international solidarity
-Adrienne Naylor on security culture
11:00: Ice breakers: learn names, organizations, and goals through icebreaker games and do two go-arounds to talk about specific connections and goals we want to achieve. *Finalize agenda*
12:30: Discussion: overview of what pre-made plans people are already working on. If you would like to speak during this section, please email us to let us know. You can also sign up for time at the consulta
1:00: Discussion of Anarchist etiquette in organizing with others
1:30: Work out scheduling conflicts, bring up conflicts in timing
2:00: Lunch (Food Not Bombs + Potluck) socializing
3:00: Brainstorming what we would like to see happen, both large-scale and specific. Identify targets.
4:00: Decide on what working groups need to be formed, then form them and have brief working group discussions.
5:00: Go around the room twice to ask how the day went and what should go differently the next day. Leave an opportunity for relevant announcements.
Day 2 (Sunday, February 25th)
10:00: Breakfast and socializing.
10:30: Check in for people to vent/talk about hopes for the day
11:00: Break into working groups: identify priorities and needs, lay out basic goals, coordinate same-day actions in people's own regions, maximize effectiveness.
12:00: Large group: report back, discuss, work out scheduling
conflicts, bring up needs
2:00: Lunch
3:00: Read and discuss proposal for the Northeast Anarchist Network. Anyone interested in discussing our proposal, or bringing alternative proposals, and forming such a Network is invited to stay and do so.
6:00: Possible action: clean-up trash in Chinatown