Brazil: Happy New Year!
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Reestablished the republic, we do not have doubt that 2007 will be a great year for all Brazilians and that we'll be able to be much more useful to the international community.
Brazil: Happy New Year!
May Brazilian Republic, usurped for 1964's international/military coup d'etat and taken to the agony of death and disintegration for the mandates of the party of bankers and money-lenders, be finally returned to its legitimate owner, the Brazilian people, and fully reestablished the rule of law, until today denied every day and in a thousand ways.
May the public money, very abundant in Brazil*, no longer feed the psychotic greed of bankers, money-lenders and of their servants at the press and at the government and come back to be invested in the happiness, the security and well-being of the citizenship that is its origin.
Coming back to abundantly invest our public money and correctly fulfilling the budget of the union approved for the National Congress, may the republic put again in its due and more modest place the private money and its bearers, who in recent years have attemped for all the forms to establish more rigid a dictatorship of ideas that the proper “military regimen†did, bribing for this to all the press, ashamed concessionaire of the state and of Brazilian republic.
May plus this totalitarian attempt not to be forgotten, and may the implicit or explicit privatizations, as Petrobra's one and Vale do Rio Doce one, both highly harmful to the public interest in its forms and its values, be reviewed.
May brazilian government no longer cogitate to privatize, not even in guarded forms, strategical sectors of the economy, as the highways and the transports in general, because it strangles both the economy and the society.
May important projects as “Calha Norteâ€, considered by Brazilian army to occupy and to protect Amazon be sped up, in order to restrain the orgie of misappropriation of Brazilian natural wealth.
May infamies as the perpetrated one for former ministers of the supreme federal court that had held back the unconstitutional MP of "interests on interests" per 6 years in their drawers, never happen again.
May infame, shameful and criminal ideas, as "primary surplus" and "private financing of the Brazilian state" be banished forever.
May Brazilian electronic ballot boxes have reestablished its credibility, in municipal elections of 2008, through the emission of vouchers to voters and to political parties, that will allow finally some public and partisan verification of the electoral processes.
Reestablished the republic, we do not have doubt that 2007 will be a great year for all Brazilians and that we'll be able to be much more useful to the international community.
Happines to you all!
Pedro Cesar Filibusti.
Brazilian Citizens for a Democratic Society.
* See and .