Video: Two Speakers From Power Past Coal Event and a SHOUT OUT!
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Video: Two Speakers From Power Past Coal Event and a SHOUT OUT!
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Lauren Goldberg warned of the health and other consequences of "150 millions tons of coal per year being strip mined in Wyoming and Montana and coming through Washington and Oregon at 30 coal trains per day. These are uncovered coal trains, spewing coal dust and diesel pollution, a mile and a half long, every single day, 365 days of the year." <br /><br />Speaking next, Jeff Cogen states that the proposals for six coal export terminals in Washington and Oregon would "turn the Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area into the largest coal chute in the nation [...] Cogan goes on to address the issue of global warming, citing the great strides Oregon has been making in reducing our dependency on fossil fuels, most specifically, "in just 10 years, we will be rid of our only coal fired power plant in Oregon." <br /><br /><strong>As several other people were there with video cameras taping the event, I'm giving a shout out, hoping that someone can provide me a copy of just that speech to air on Public Access television. This message needs to get out to the widest possible audience.</strong><br /><br /> <strong><a href="">READ MORE</a> | <a href="">VIDEO</a> | <a href="">Robert Kennedy Jr. on the threat of coal in the Columbia basin</a></strong> <strong>RELATED: <a href="">Mountaintop activists in West Virginia under attack -- need support!</a></strong>
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safe_value (String, 1585 characters ) <p>Lauren Goldberg warned of the health and oth...
<p>Lauren Goldberg warned of the health and other consequences of "150 millions tons of coal per year being strip mined in Wyoming and Montana and coming through Washington and Oregon at 30 coal trains per day. These are uncovered coal trains, spewing coal dust and diesel pollution, a mile and a half long, every single day, 365 days of the year." </p> <p>Speaking next, Jeff Cogen states that the proposals for six coal export terminals in Washington and Oregon would "turn the Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area into the largest coal chute in the nation [...] Cogan goes on to address the issue of global warming, citing the great strides Oregon has been making in reducing our dependency on fossil fuels, most specifically, "in just 10 years, we will be rid of our only coal fired power plant in Oregon." </p> <p><strong>As several other people were there with video cameras taping the event, I'm giving a shout out, hoping that someone can provide me a copy of just that speech to air on Public Access television. This message needs to get out to the widest possible audience.</strong></p> <p> <strong><a href="">READ MORE</a> | <a href="">VIDEO</a> | <a href="">Robert Kennedy Jr. on the threat of coal in the Columbia basin</a></strong> <strong>RELATED: <a href="">Mountaintop activists in West Virginia under attack -- need support!</a></strong></p>
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Lauren Goldberg warned of the health and other consequences of "150 millions tons of coal per year being strip mined in Wyoming and Montana and coming through Washington and Oregon at 30 coal trains per day. These are uncovered coal trains, spewing coal dust and diesel pollution, a mile and a half long, every single day, 365 days of the year." <br /><br />Speaking next, Jeff Cogen states that the proposals for six coal export terminals in Washington and Oregon would "turn the Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area into the largest coal chute in the nation [...] Cogan goes on to address the issue of global warming, citing the great strides Oregon has been making in reducing our dependency on fossil fuels, most specifically, "in just 10 years, we will be rid of our only coal fired power plant in Oregon." <br /><br /><strong>As several other people were there with video cameras taping the event, I'm giving a shout out, hoping that someone can provide me a copy of just that speech to air on Public Access television. This message needs to get out to the widest possible audience.</strong><br /><br /> <strong><a href="">READ MORE</a> | <a href="">VIDEO</a> | <a href="">Robert Kennedy Jr. on the threat of coal in the Columbia basin</a></strong> <strong>RELATED: <a href="">Mountaintop activists in West Virginia under attack -- need support!</a></strong>
summary (NULL)
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safe_value (String, 1585 characters ) <p>Lauren Goldberg warned of the health and oth...
<p>Lauren Goldberg warned of the health and other consequences of "150 millions tons of coal per year being strip mined in Wyoming and Montana and coming through Washington and Oregon at 30 coal trains per day. These are uncovered coal trains, spewing coal dust and diesel pollution, a mile and a half long, every single day, 365 days of the year." </p> <p>Speaking next, Jeff Cogen states that the proposals for six coal export terminals in Washington and Oregon would "turn the Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area into the largest coal chute in the nation [...] Cogan goes on to address the issue of global warming, citing the great strides Oregon has been making in reducing our dependency on fossil fuels, most specifically, "in just 10 years, we will be rid of our only coal fired power plant in Oregon." </p> <p><strong>As several other people were there with video cameras taping the event, I'm giving a shout out, hoping that someone can provide me a copy of just that speech to air on Public Access television. This message needs to get out to the widest possible audience.</strong></p> <p> <strong><a href="">READ MORE</a> | <a href="">VIDEO</a> | <a href="">Robert Kennedy Jr. on the threat of coal in the Columbia basin</a></strong> <strong>RELATED: <a href="">Mountaintop activists in West Virginia under attack -- need support!</a></strong></p>
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<p>Lauren Goldberg warned of the health and other consequences of "150 millions tons of coal per year being strip mined in Wyoming and Montana and coming through Washington and Oregon at 30 coal trains per day. These are uncovered coal trains, spewing coal dust and diesel pollution, a mile and a half long, every single day, 365 days of the year." </p> <p>Speaking next, Jeff Cogen states that the proposals for six coal export terminals in Washington and Oregon would "turn the Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area into the largest coal chute in the nation [...] Cogan goes on to address the issue of global warming, citing the great strides Oregon has been making in reducing our dependency on fossil fuels, most specifically, "in just 10 years, we will be rid of our only coal fired power plant in Oregon." </p> <p><strong>As several other people were there with video cameras taping the event, I'm giving a shout out, hoping that someone can provide me a copy of just that speech to air on Public Access television. This message needs to get out to the widest possible audience.</strong></p> <p> <strong><a href="">READ MORE</a> | <a href="">VIDEO</a> | <a href="">Robert Kennedy Jr. on the threat of coal in the Columbia basin</a></strong> <strong>RELATED: <a href="">Mountaintop activists in West Virginia under attack -- need support!</a></strong></p>
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Krumo version 0.2.1a
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