GPoMC Officer Nominations Being Accepted
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Included in the December monthly meeting of the Green Party of Monroe County will be the opportunity for registered Greens to be nominated to run for party officer positions for 2007.
If you would like to be involved in steering the local Green Party in terms of platform development, candidate recruitment, fundraising, party infrastructure and spreading our vision to the rest of the community, think about running for an officer position. All the officer seats are open - Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary & Treasurer.
Is it a time committment? Yes. But one of the most rewarding and educational ones you can ever invest yourself in. You can see what the responsibilities of each position at
Nominations for these will be taken at the December 11th meeting as well as right up to the election itself which occurs on January 8th. We use Preferred Voting and "None of the Above" is always a choice.
Anyone registered as a Green according to the Monroe County Board of Elections as of October 28, 2006 is eligible to run and vote in the election.
For more information call (585) 234-6470.
Note: The location for GPoMC monthly meetings has changed. They now take place at the Auditorium Building, 875 E. Main Street, 5th Floor. The building is handicap accessible and there is ample parking in the back.