Rochester Indymedia to Host Regional Convergence
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On the weekend of June 8th-10th, Rochester Indymedia will be hosting a regional convergence for independent media makers, grassroots activists, and community members. June 2012 completes Rochester Indymedia's first decade as an organization and to mark the occasion the group is inviting those interested in building independent media in our region to this dynamic convergence. The weekend promises to facilitate new directions for peoples’ media as well as facilitate collaborations between media makers and activist groups. Workshop, panels, and informal discussions will deal with questions involving the media landscape, developing practical skills for media creation, and building new relationships to build on.
The convergence will be held at the Flying Squirrel Community Space, a project started in 2009, which has served the activist, art, and music scene in Rochester. The Flying Squirrel is located oat 285 Clarissa Street, a stone’s throw from Downtown Rochester. Rochester has its own undercurrent of radical history. Frederick Douglass, Susan B Anthony, and Emma Goldman all worked and lived in Rochester at points in their lives.
Currently, confirmed presenters and participants include Dee Dee Halleck, co-founder of Deep Dish TV, Mike Burke a senior producer for Democracy Now!, Leslie James Pickering- former press spokesman for ELF and editor of a new book on the RNC 8, Yusef Shakur- Author and Community organizer from Detroit, members of the Santctuary for Indypendent media from Troy, NY, Buffalo's own musical act the Blood Thirsty Vegans, members of regional indymedia collectives, members of Take Back the Land Rochester, and many others. Check more Bios here.
Some Workshops / Talks / Discussions in the works (Those interested in presenting can propose sessions on the website). The full schedule will be posted on the convergence website on or before May 20th.
-The battle between mainstream and underground, socially conscious, hip-hop
- Regional Indymedia Caucus
- Media Strategies to Build Organizations
-Classified Government Documents versus Wikileaks
-The intersectionality between sports and radical politics
- Poverty and Media
- Radical Community Spaces and Face-to-Face media
-Livestream, Occupy Viral Media, Egypt, and Facebook
-Attacks on the Rights of Journalists and what to do about it
Skill Shares:
-Radio/ Podcast production
- Livestreaming
-Video production
-Conducting and Giving Great Interviews
The Final Stages of the Convergence are being planned now and we need you! What do you want to see happen during the weekend? Do you want to lead a session. Head over to the convergence website and register now.
Enjoyed the conference!