2007 NCOR Event Details & Call for Proposals
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The National Conference of Organized Resistance is an annual event that brings together people from all backgrounds for a weekend of learning and discussing local and international social justice issues through workshops, panel discussions, and skillshares.
We are currently seeking workshop proposals for the 10th Annual NCOR, held March 9-11, 2007 at American University in Washington, D.C.
Read on for more details. Thanks!
Mission Statement:
Organized resistance requires an acceptance of the basic idea that to resist is to accept one’s responsibility to act in the world. People all over the planet are using the tools of resistance to snatch a life of dignity from those who would take it away. The National Conference on Organized Resistance is about those causes and people that seek their own freedom and the freedom of others.
In the past year, Nepalese citizens toppled their monarch and Oaxacan teachers and peasants exiled their state government. In local struggles across the US, poor tenants organized against gentrification, workers of all kinds fought declining working conditions and benefits, and millions of immigrants used civil disobedience to go from the margins and shadows of society to the forefront of political debate.
The National Conference on Organized Resistance has for ten years now sought to bring people and groups from a wide array of causes together and facilitate an open discussion on actions, strategies and beliefs. Through workshops, presentations, tables, shows, and conversations, NCOR promotes and supports organized action against injustice and inequality. In this climate of turbulence and change, it has never been more important for us to unite in our struggles.
Call for Workshop Proposals:
The National Conference of Organized Resistance is an annual event that brings together people from all backgrounds for a weekend of learning and discussing local and international social justice issues through workshops, panel discussions, and skillshares.
We are currently seeking workshop proposals for the 10th Annual NCOR, held March 9-11, 2007 at American University in Washington, D.C. The 2006 conference was a tremendous success, with 80 workshops and almost 2,000 registered participants. We hope to make the 2007 conference an even more vibrant and stimulating experience.
NCOR is shaped as much by the people who attend as the people who run it. As volunteers, as workshop leaders, as discussion participants, you create NCOR. We hope you will join us to help make NCOR 2007 an inclusive and diverse forum for global resistance.
What Are the Workshops?
NCOR provides an open forum for discussion among people engaged in social movements everywhere. Workshops are generally facilitated by one person or a panel of people, and may be held in lecture or discussion format. Workshops are scheduled in blocks of approximately 1 1â„2 hours. We encourage active hands-on participation and allocation of ample time and space for questions and answers and discussion.
In past conferences, workshops have been broken down into three tracks: strategy/theory, case study, and skillshares. The purpose of these parameters is to provide a starting point for developing a workshop, but please feel free to get creative and propose something outside of these categories.
Strategy/theory workshops are intended to address broad, philosophical questions in our movements and allow a constructive critique of our actions. Some examples of workshops that were included in the strategy track from past years include Anti-Oppression Organizing Within Activist Movements, Radical Pedagogy and Community Education, and Techniques of Peace and Conflict Resolution.
The case study track is intended to explore the inner-workings of movements for social change – this usually means stories or lessons from a particular local or global struggle or issue or a comparison of several case studies. Some examples include Chiapas: 10 years of Resistance, Racism, Statehood and Democracy in our Nation’s Capitol, and Issues for Women Prisoners.
The third track of skillshares is geared toward sharing specific skills for better organizing and better living. Think of this as the ‘how-to’ portion of NCOR. Some past examples of skillshares include Fundraising for Radicals, Anti-Prison Organizing and Movement Building, and Building Student and Worker Coalitions.
How Do I Submit My Proposal?
To propose a workshop for NCOR 2007, a one to two page description of your workshop is needed by December 1, 2006. Please submit your name, the organization you are representing (if applicable), full contact information, one reference (professional or personal), and a short biography of yourself and/or your organization.
Please send in your proposals via email to ncorproposals@organizedresistance.org making sure to include the word “Proposal†in the subject line.
If electronic submission is not possible, please use the mailing address listed below. You will be notified of the status of your workshop by early January. Should your proposal be accepted, a confirmation of your availability is needed immediately thereafter, whereupon travel and housing accommodations will be made for you.
Snail Mail Address
c/o Elizabeth Sanders
1022 Fairmont St. NW
Washington, DC 20001
For additional information and workshop ideas, check out the NCOR website www.organizedresistance.org for a complete an archive of every conference since 1998!
Submit your proposal now and be a part of the 10th annual National Conference on Organized Resistance!
See you in March!
With peace and solidarity,
The 2007 NCOR Collective