future shock
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america, controlled by the futures markets and fear
Future Shock
An editorial
By Murdock Todd
What future is coming for our children and our elderly, our poor our low income middle class? Our economy is growing some, but at what cost; futures market see milk at 4.00 per gallon, what is next to rise egg’s, bread, meat vegetables every day essentials. The power get stronger and the weaker get fracked. Oil, gas, petrol is going up with each passing day; along with that food is going through the roof. This winter the disabled, the poor, the elderly and the low income level homes (people who earn minimum wage) will they chose between freezing and starving.
The President and the Republican Party have chosen to cut social welfare programs, liheap and would you believe food stamps; they have given the upper class and the wealthy an across the board tax cut. I was scanning the news on the net they say quarterly job expenses are down hum, that could be because they have cut jobs in the United States by god knows what percent in the car industry, manufacturing. We import more then we sell, now we are allowing a mass invasion of Latino’s from South, and
They are not destroying our way of life; they are not attacking children or raping them. If we were to walk down the street in
 “You are not given us anything; we don’t already have; what we did in the court before Chief Justice Earl Warren and the others of court. It was plain simple justice†closed quote. The problem with this government and the president it’s controlled by the rich and powerful and the religious right wing zealots. Who would have you believe in fear of anyone different, culturally, racially, religiously, and gender and gender orientation. We started a war in
War is the some of all evil. It is one thing as I have said to hunt down the dogs who murdered our people on that sad September day in two thousand and one. Now with the disasters of Katrina and Rita the RNC and it carpet bagger who back they are making money hand over fist. Oil futures are through the roof and along with that food, medicine, shelter. As I have mentioned above he has given his friends and allies an across the board tax cut, quarterly job expenditures are down, well that’s because his friends have cut jobs in the United States by twenty to thirty percent. They are over in
The poor, disabled, the low income and the elderly with the way things are going and the cut in many programs, like Liheap, Food stamps. We are on fixed incomes some get a thousand a month, some get six hundred a month and the basic budget for us the disabled, the elderly, the poor and low in come is listed below…..
- Heating : $200.00 per month at an average rate of 2.37 to 2.59 per gallon for # 2 Heating oil
- Gas: so you can go to doctors now at 3.06 per gallon a person with a 16.5 gallon tank it cost about $50.50 per month.
- Power: between $70-$80 per month twice that during the summer if you turn on fans, especially if you have a hot summer
- Car Maintenance: $50.00 to 100.00 per month not withstanding major repairs in a shop which would bring their debit even higher
- Medicine
This is just the average persons budget, nothing left for food after that I get an allotment of sixty-two dollars per month in food stamps which is still not enough, a single man on disability get a hundred and sixty-two and with petrol rising with each passing day, food is going up. I think that SUV be waved and all persons on disability and the elderly and poor are given the full allotment and I also ask that the house and Senate immediately double the Liheap budget to assist those in need this winter.
I also ask the House and Senate to immediately nullify all of President George Walker Bush’s agenda before it’s too late. It may be too late, as the economy is simply is growing but not for the poor, low income, elderly and the disabled. The present government could care less and its supporters are paying them to look the other way, while they rob the Federal Reserve so to speak.
The futures market and the oil industry are working to make a stink load of money and not pay their fair share in Taxes. They get richer and
"Here is the price of freedom:
Your every drop of courage,
ounce of pain, pint of blood.
Paid in advance"
--Sebastian Lee,
"The Rising Tide" AFC 271
Today we start taking back our nation one seat at a time in the House. I ask every American to vote their conches and remove the Bush cartel from power and restore our liberty and freedom
"Absolute power
corrupts absolutely.
Which is a problem?
If you're powerless"
--Drago Museveni,
"Manifesto" CY 8433
It’s time for the powerless to take power from those who have usurped it. As the progenitor said once which is above? It is time
Were being different does not matter, only that we are free to be who we are and no one can take those right, the rights of freedom choice to worship god and to love who ever we choose to love an no one is to judge us but god, and heaven for too many angel have given up their lives on the earth to ensure freedom, justice and the rule of law is for every one.
Guinevere a Brittan princess said to Artorious Castes commander of the Samation knights. Arthur you bloodied evil men for no reason when you could have run your deeds speak for whom you really are a Britton. He quoted a man that he loved as a father a christen father Pelagius once told me the meaningless of all deaths is the end of hope. Well it’s time America to return hope to those who have lost hope with a serious drug enforcement policy, a domestic policy and economic policy that actually works and a foreign policy that is real, not make believe.
The gift of Freedom is yours by right
But the home that we seek is not in a far off land
But within side of us all
And if what we do to day be our destiny
Let history remember that as free men we chose to make it so
Arthur Castes, Centurion (King Arthur)
Commander of the Samation Knight