lies and wars
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speech 31-1-6
Lies and Wars
Murdock Todd
“Only the dead know the end of Warâ€
In any system of government, for any leader war should be and always the last resort of any government. A leader should be a leader not bought and sold like so much cattle, we are now in our third year of War; but is the battle were it is suppose to be. September 11. 2001 a day that in President Roosevelt’s words will live in Infamy; we lost two thousand nine hundred men. The two thousand of the casualties were aboard the U.S.S BB Arizona pride of the Pacific fleet four hundred died at Hickam and wheeler field and at the Marine Air Station on
On our Pearl Harbor day, the slaughter of innocent civilians for a political message is a totally different story we lost in the World Trade Center two thousand nine hundred killed another three hundred consisting of flights 93, 77, 11 and another making it an even three thousand men and women, emergency services personal, law enforcement and many service members and civilians in the third target which was the headquarters of our military’s command and control. We as a nation stood tall that day and vowed to get those who sucker punched us using our own aircraft and innocent civilians, but one group vowed not to be used as a weapon and counter attacked the hijackers and hijackers drove the plane into the ground disintegrating leaving nothing but parts, forty-four men and women and six crewmen.
If they were in the military I would have awarded everyone the Congressional Medal of Honor for paying the ultimate sacrifice their live in the defense of their Nation we owe them a lot and will never forget united flight 93 and the hero’s within. The enemy thought we were down for the count, and we gave them a surprise only weeks later when inserted members of the Argosy Special operations forces and they went to work finding the El gaieda training centers, air fields; we began a sacred hunt for the dogs who murdered our people.
I must make it plain and truth that these men, these criminals have nothing to do with the religion of Islam; there are many Muslims in
As I write to day Muslim Americans are fighting in
To start this fight with
It to them and the War lord who controlled
In 2000, his vice president lost his bid to the white house to the Texas Governor George Walker Bush. He went to work with his pen by flushing two hundred billion and a shrinking deficit down the flush, to pay his friends, a buy allies. Then came that horrible day in September, we began to chase the Dog of war to ground in Afghanistan; Osama bin laden, we had him trapped at Torah Bora; but guess he got away because George Walker Bush took his eye of the ball.
He made accusations of weapons of mass destruction being made in
I ask why not? Did Secretary Powell stay on in the second term? I think he would not play the games of
Our soldiers and sailors, airmen, and Marines are fighting and dying on bloody killing fields. Yet they curtail the rights of those who serve in silence because of their private lives. I watched tonight the State of the Union, he said he mourned the civil rights leader Mr. King’s widow, yet this government denies the right because of orientation or private lives; because of religion and fear, hate, and mistrust of people who did nothing wrong boys like Mathew Shepard and many others murdered because of their private lives.
United States mean united, not divided and one nation regardless of race, culture, religion, sex and sexual orientation. He is no Roosevelt, Kennedy, Truman, Reagan he is just stupid a lousy businessmen and a fool. I have to go back to work just to survive thus gone is my medical care, gone is my disability, gone is SSI because of the world he created. I mean, he is cutting Medicare, he is cutting Medicaid, he is cutting education, he his cutting food stamps, and sending our warriors into harms way for what a lie.
A figment of George Walker Bush’s mind, yes we are facing a lot of evil in the World; we and
We must regain rationality, from irrationality and preserve the peace of this one tiny world in a universe we call home….unification in our own homeland is important to be a true leader of the world. Mr. Bush has stolen that from, by dividing us with fear, mistrust, and hate of anyone different I ask everyone to read the articles I have written and ask for you’re self has his leadership failed us as a country and as nation.
Domestically, foreign policy now there is something to laugh about, his speech tonight last about an hour and it was a sea of contradictions and lies. The Iraq war has cost us twenty seven hundred lives add that to the three thousand killed on our second Pearl Harbor; So far we have lost five thousand seven hundred and fifty soul with thousands more of our warriors wounded and changed forever because of it.
We are fighting and dying more in the ITO (Iraqi theater of operations) then we are; in the ATO (Afghanistan Theater of operations) we must defeat terror but there is a right and a wrong way to do it. It is one thing to fight and die for a just cause like the liberation of
 It is a war we can not win; yet we are fighting and dying at the hands of insurgents filtering through the strainer that is
If we lead, we obey the rules of law and rules regardless of who the enemy is. As I said lies and wars and all I see in our future wars of a thousand generations. Now we are about to repeat the bloody history of Europe all I ask is if I fight it be a just and noble cause not a new world order, or for the sake of friendship of a tiny country called Israel. We died on every battlefield on the earth let us now as a nation unite as one, and create a firestorm by voting the Ultra right conservatives of the Republican Party. He called a protectionist action I call it an act of freedom for all Americans. We need to defend ourselves, defend our borders, but unite as one nation; not dividing or paralyzing our people with fear of future, of each other of a person’s private life. I hope that everyone understands what I am trying to say and my message.