portrait of evil
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corruption of America
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A portrait of evil
An editorial
By Murdock Todd
Evil, definition ugliness, uncaring, inhuman and pain, this is the poster of what evil is, he is a coward, a liar, and thief. If you look at the deeds of this administration, all you see is hate, mistrust, greed and fear to anyone different from them. They the ultra-right wing conservative government of the Bush administration and their carpet bag government of corruption, if you look at history you will see that starting with the Nixon presidency and every other Republican right wing ultra conservative, stole from the Social Security Administration to pay for useless weapons systems, and to fill their friends pockets, thus carpet bag government.
Look at other deeds they have done this past session in 2005 the Senate passed a house bill to cut education, medical care, medication, as they those before them have closed secure mental health facility’s and homeless shelters. They also got passed the democratic government of Billy Clinton a bill to tax social security benefits of the elderly, how dare you sir call these deeds fiscal responsibility. I saw people when I lived in
You and your friends have farmed out everyone’s jobs to every fracking country in Asia, the Middle East, to China and Taiwan, Central Asia and now with Katrina and tragedy of the gulf state not only caused harm to the people of the gulf states, but it also caused hardship to the people of New England. The price of gas now in New England is at $2.60 per gallon, heating oil at $2.40 per gallon and if you buy a hundred dollars worth you get if lucky 45 gallons and the gentlemen in Washington cut li-heap by 30% and now he cut food assistance I call that treason and a slap in the face to everyone trying to climb out of the hole they unfortunately you helped put in the hole.Â
Retraining program, social assistance, food stamps, heating and making sure people survive to give them hope that things can get better, but the ultra right wing RNC and those who support them rob peter to pay Paul and call it fiscal responsible. I call a total portrait of evil, President Bush could care less about the American people; there is a joke here in the boondocks, if the king of
Why are we there? I am tired of hearing the sea of lies by the Bush government and the carpet bagger who would steal the gold teeth out of a dead man. The right wing and the religious support they have are doing more harm then good. The domestic policy is a joke and the foreign policy is a death sentence for our soldiers.