SAOIRSE - Irish Freedom
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Keep informed on Irish Republican activism - Read SAOIRSE !
Saoirse - Irish Freedom is the voice of the Irish Republican Movement. The monthly newspaper of Republican Sinn Féin, it takes its name from Irish Freedom - Saoirse, a Fenian paper which first appeared in November 1910 and continued as a monthly publication until December 1914 when it was suppressed by the British authorities. Among the contributors to that paper were Bulmer Hobson, PS Hegerty, Terence McSwiney, Pádraig Pearse, Ernest Blythe, Piaras BeaslaÃ, Pat Devlin, Fred Cogley, JW Good and Roger Casement.
Saoirse - Irish Freedom grew out of the split in the Republican Movement in 1986 when a reformist majority at the Sinn Féin Ard-Fheis voted to recognise and, if elected, participate in, the institutions of the 26-County State. (Bearing in mind that Sinn Féin was formed in 1905 with the purpose of denying the British right to rule in Ireland by refusing to participate in British assemblies which exercised that right; and that, following the creation of the British-imposed six and 26 county partition parliaments in the 1920s, Republicans extended that principle to the partition assemblies, the move by Provisional Sinn Féin was such a break from the past as to make it a recognisably different organisation to any preceding organisation called Sinn Féin. The minority at the Ard-Fheis withdrew and re-organised themselves, maintaining the same constitution of Sinn Féin and advocating the same principle of abstentionism as Sinn Féin in 1905 and carried on the struggle as Republican Sinn Féin. Saoirse is the voice for authentic revolutionary Republicanism.
By subscribing to Saoirse, you will be enabling yourself to be informed on issues ignored by the mainstream press, such as enviromental issues, workers rights, sectarian/racist attacks, and the ongoing struggle for Irish freedom. Learn about:
*The EIRE NUA program, a comprehensive peace formula, that would as a basic requirement, reunite the British occupied six counties of Ireland with the rest of Ireland in an all-Ireland federation comprised of the four historic provinces of Ulster, Munster, Leinster and Connacht. Genuine People power, not just a slogan!
*The SAOL NUA, the Republican Movements Social and Economic Programme. Irish Republicans want to build a new society, that is rooted in the idea that the People come first.The welfare and well-being of all, meeting the real needs of human nature . . . not merely satisfying the wants created by the consumer society. A new society based community, with strong emphasis on enviromental concerns.
*The need to protect Irish neutrality. Saoirse was the first paper to speak out against the on going misuse of Shannon airport by US/Anglo forces in their illegal war on Iraq. Contributers to Saoirse have included renowned peace activist Mary Kelly, among others.
* Saoirse points out in articles that a key ingredient missing from the Stormont Agreement is justice for all the Irish people. The "solution", so-called, leaves the people in the 26 Counties stranded in a neo-colonial State, which by nature is heavily centralised (it is only now seeming to go contrary to its centralist nature at the behest of its European masters in order to receive maximum grant aid), with a political system contaminated beyond repair by an ethos of cronyism. In the Six Counties a new assembly is being set up; a successor to the old Stormont parliament which was overthrown by the peoples struggle in 1972. The added prop to the new British assembly, which was missing from the old parliament, is the active participation of nationalist parties. This agreement, if it runs its course, promises many more decades of working class alienation and institutionalisd sectarianism. The sooner it falls, the better.
Saoirse is published monthly, and an annual subscription is only $30.00.
Make out check or money order to "Saoirse".
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New Jersey