Elijah is Here 12/95 by B. Meade
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Transfered from old site <!--break--> Suppressed Messenger writings from the paper era. Why don't you check with Chicago and see what they done with Elijah. <BR> <BR>"Elijah" is Here! Get it in Gear! -12/5/95 <BR> <BR>Bobby Meade <BR>1269 Raum St. Ne #3 <BR>Washington, DC 20002 <BR> <BR>12/5/95 <BR> <BR>Dear -----------, <BR>Seasons Greetings! Wishing you a safe and happy holidays for you and yours. <BR> <BR>Sincerely, Bobby Meade <BR> <BR>"Elijah" is here! Get It in Gear! <BR> <BR>There's a good chance that the "prophet Elijah" (Mal. 4:5) arrived via immaculate conception on late Thursday, November 16, 1995. InterVarsity Press's New Dictionary of Theology contends that "prophecy purports to offer truths about God, man, and the world"; however Representative Newt Gingrich's premature condemnation of the "salivating media" nipped Elijah's story in the bud. Why? It would make great copy; plus universal exploitation of the Elijah story would do wonders for our country's image. Alfred Hitchcock would have grabbed that story! Maybe Elijah's "midwife" could do how-to shows on her(his) delivery methods. Why not? This country hasn't hit bottom yet! Go for it! That's our first assignment, uphold Elijah, the fruit of our culture; "you will know them by their fruit"(Matt. 7:26). U.S.A. does good work! <BR> <BR>Also on the to-do list is this computer chip issue, which must be brought to the forefront of the public's consciousness. The media would prefer that we sweat the small stuff like the F-word and the S-word while they pull a Big Fast One! Timothy McVeigh should be doing the talk-show circuit by now; he has got a story to tell! We also need a group of chip recipients on Oprah, or something like that. The "soldiers" must concentrate on those things of which we have firsthand knowledge, such as our Oklahoma bombing. All aspects of this bombing must be addressed, including the resulting beefed-up security nationwide. That's similar to how our security guards make work for themselves. They tear a place up so that they will end up getting paid to protect it. Would the Federal Government blow up one of their own buildings in order to get you to pity the poor pencil-pushers that perished? As for General Colin Powell and his "army", he is not going to do anything on my say-so. Set the "stage", and he will come. Just make sure that the role which he will assume and the justice that he will dispense are nothing that God wouldn't approve of. <BR> <BR>We should leave the foreign scene alone as much as possible, but our "hand" in Bosnia demands that we address the situation. This looks like a job for (Edit! Edit! Mouthy lingo of brass boy Bob has been deleted out of respect to President-On-Leaves?, Bill Clinton and His Venerable Holiness John Paul II.............. "Doesn't that feel better?".......) ....a job for wisdom, strength of spirit, and common sense. Senator Bob Dole and company would probably benefit from the same, for they seem to have forgotten it. Since there is a large Catholic population involve in the quagmire in Bosnia. Pope John Paul II is the right person to lead these wayward sheep to a garden of love and peace. Even with the Bosnians, a rather rambunctious bunch, as his raw material, his Holiness, the Pope, John Paul II will surely do a better job than Jerry Garcia and the counterculture did in establishinging a kingdom of love and peace. "Imagine!" "Just Give Peace a Chance!" John Lennon's (S)spirit lives on there. Just follow "ol Flat Top's" directions there. John's (S)spirit laid the foundation for this Peace that lasts and this Love that conquers all. He laid it on the line and paid the price. In the same way as John was the fourth Beatle from beyond the grave, you might regard John's (S)spirit and his "blueprint" for love and peace, playing an active role in shaping the future in Bosnia and throughout the world. John's (S)spirit "never wanna die"! Yes! Even the Bosnian Catholics can come to know this Love and Peace, but they "must hold fast to what "they" have until "He" comes"(Rev. 2:25). It is possible to find Him in the Catholic Church. How about that? <BR> <BR>Now you have your directions; thus you shouldn't get lost so people "start building a cross" or anything like that. "Elijah" is here! Get it in gear! Show this world the fruit of our labors. Show this world that when we go to "hell in a handbasket", we don't mess around! Elijah is proof of that! Did Elijah reveal a truth or two about God, man, and the world to us? Did Elijah "turn the hearts of parents to their children and the hearts of children to their parents"(Mal. 4:5)? He better have! Or God " will come and strike the land with a curse"(Mal. 4:5), and that be worse than Voo-Doo! Seek Him! Heed Him! Speed His coming! "Surely His salvation is at hand for those who fear Him, that His glory may dwell in our land"(Ps. 85). <BR> <BR>"Israel" - Deaf Messenger - Bobby Meade 12/5/95 <BR> <BR>"America Starts Here" <BR> <BR>Prelude to "America Starts Here" from the "Good News" of 11/24/97: "A woman clothed with the sun ..is the Queenof the Heavens of Jehovah's Witnesses, an overzealous people, wise to do evil...Jehovah's Witnesses apparently believe that they are doing God's will if they throw sulphur at smokers or others who they condemn. Although you will never see them in Kingdom Hall, a lot of the Witnesses are old geezers, as old as the religion itself. Old geezers, wise to do evil, skilled at making head-on collisions look like accidents, and at getting Mike Tyson to chew their "food" for them....Look! I gotta go! "George Bush" sounds like he needs an enema."(Jer. 7:18; Rev. 12:1; Jer. 4:22; Rom. 1:21; Is. 59:15; Jer. 4:22; Deut. 33:21) ("George Bush" is in quotation marks in these articles because, after weeks of trying to convince me that he was George Bush, he then started saying that he was not George Bush.) <BR> <BR>Bobby Meade <BR>Brooktondale NY <BR>January 22, 1998 <BR> <BR>Dear.-------------- <BR>I hope that you will distribute lots of copies of "America Starts Here" for those who wish to herald this New World Order. Sincerely, Bobby Meade <BR> <BR>AMERICA STARTS HERE <BR> <BR>There is no need to try to ensnare or capture Jehovah's Witnesses when they are adept at falling into their own traps. For example, last summer when I wrote of sulphur being injected into my water supply and shortly after I informed the locals that they had missed celebrating the last blue moon of this century(87001); I came home to find my spring extruding a thick greasy claylike mixture of calcium. The Witnesses had apparently convinced the locals that the way to change Bob's mind about the sulphur dumping was to use a suction pump to pump several hundred pounds of calcium; i.e. hydrated lime or something like that, into Bob's water supply. The Witnesses didn't tell these guys that it's not the same calcium that comes from cows milk; thus the towns residents find themselves pissing a lot as the body's equilibrium is disrupted, and convulsions and birth pains grab hold, for the triflers had poisoned the whole town water supply. Whether the Witnesses are now dumping calcium everywhere to make this calcium fiasco look like an everyday happening or they are in a race to fulfill the prophecy of the bitter waters of wormwood; the Witnesses themselves have promoted this calamity that will enable the ten thousands of Ephraim to drive Jehovah's professed witnesses to the ends of the earth. If the Witnesses have primed David Wolfe to dub Mir-Wormwood and use it to dash righteousness to the ground in Washington, D.C. that the Supreme Court may send forth even the minimal justice contained in the Heart of Israel; "George Bush" say he is not their King anymore. Seeing that his time as Jacob was also coming to an end, "George Bush" has called on the U.S.P.O. to replace Jehovah's Witnesses tending the watchfires; thus I was promptly evicted from Dryden for using my makeshift horn to announce the posting of the aforementioned postscript to "Just the News" when a guy from another town complained about my horn blowing. I retreated as the residents of Dryden questioned my accuser about his presence in Dryden, his mission on earth, etc. Thus the frog in my backyard leads the way by making known to "George Bush" a surefire way to get those watchfires tended; reward the U.S.P.O. for having jumped at the chance to dance with prophecy; and give his former subjects the chance to head for the hills. The kinder gentler side of "George Bush" claims that his former subjects can't even function anymore, so be sure to assure him that they never were functional (Prov. 5:22; Ps. 35:8; Mic. 4:9; Jer. 6:24; Is. 50:6; 2:4; Rev. 8:11; Ez. 38:2; Deut. 33:17; Amos 5:7; Is. 59:14; Mic. 1:5; Joel 2:1,15; Is. 52:1,7,8; Lev. 25:9; Is. 54:17; Rev. 16:13) <BR> <BR>The lighting of those watchfires will confirm that history ended and the end of all things drew close when Sarah and Jennifer died, for out of the town of Dryden will come a love that says that these two girls were worth the world and everything in it, even a Kingdom that cannot be shaken from now on even till time indefinite. America will start in Dryden, born of Israel, a nation within it. Those watchfires will herald the beginning of God's rule of the earth and result in the appearance of the Bear Lord, the club of His wrath, the true Jacob, Israel's watchman, and Sophia, the goddess of fortresses; and these five will launch the expedition that will carry the glory of the Kingdom of the Lord of Sarah and Jennifer to the ends of the earth and establish Israel of America's claim on Judah as God's portion in the holy land. Five on a mountaintop and the place is ours.(Is. 66:8; Heb. 12:28; 1 Peter 4:7; Dan. 7:5; Is. 10:5; Is. 44:5; Dan. 11:38; Ez. 39:26; Is. 49:6; Zech. 2:12; Mic. 7:4; Is. 30:17) <BR> <BR>Due to the way things are turning out, the Bear Lord will probably be pissed at everybody about everything; thus justice will roll on like a river as the righteousness of Sarah and Jennifer is made to shine like the stars. Thus from the east, He summons a bird of prey. From a far off land, a man to fulfill His purpose. If Dryden builds it, he will come, and the righteous one by his faithfulness will keep on living. And America will be left in the hands of "George Bush" after Dryden gets him to stand up and accept the Heart of Israel that he might send it to the ends of the earth. I could never get him to accept the Heart with or without the sexualized number and "Stop AIDS; Save the Gays" slogan. Frankly after the revolt of Jacob, I will leave it up to America to decide if "George Bush" is to be their Zionist King, ruling in righteousness. Since communication with the Queen of the Heavens of Judah is now impossible for me due to those who harass me, I will tell her here that Sarah and Jennifer are now becoming bigger than life; thus we are better off seeking refuge with Benjamin and answering questions with questions. Benjamin is a lot like my German Shepherd, Gigi. She never turned back, and nobody questioned her tribe.(Amos 5:24; Is. 59:19; Dan. 12:3; Hab. 2:4; Dan. 7:3,4;11:3; Gen. 49:27; Deut. 33:12; Is. 46:11) <BR> <BR>P.S. Makeshift Horn Assembley: 12" section of hula hoop; empty one gallon plastic milk or water container, 12" duct tape; 12" plastic electrical tape; 12" masking tape - Cut container cap and insert hoop section one inch into the container; cut bottom out of container; secure container cap with duct tape then electrical tape; enlargen the mouthpiece end of the hoop section and wrap with masking tape. Done! Wrap it tight! I am told that it is the loudest most versatile instrument ever made. (Since '98 the dummkopfs of BDT have changed the tubing of hula hoops, even putting a seam in the tubing! I have since found that various plumbing tubing works just as well. For best results, freeze the horn before each use.) <BR> <BR>"Israel" - Deaf Messenger - Bobby Meade 1/22/98 <BR> <BR>Update - 2/1/03 The dummkopf Nazis of Bush Daddy Tribe have always behaved like they were God on earth; thus it is safe to say that they are all Jehovah's Witnesses and not restrict it to the "toothless old geezers" that migrated here with Nicky and the Storm Troopers of Germany after World War II(62371 & 174299). Jehovah's Witnesses are opposed to war and refuse to accept the authority of any government in matters of religious conscience, and that certainly sounds like the murderous chemical-mongering Nazis that my Daddy has been talking about. I was able to spread the words in these articles to a very limited extent by mailing copies to 34 various "free" publications and leaving copies at ten places in DC and Ithaca(190292). It seems like Bush Daddy Tribe was controlling release of these articles, then targetting and eliminating anyone who talked of Elijah. When I started moving back to the Ithaca area 18 months after the Elijah article, my friend Norm was gone(29190), Charlie was gone(29650), and Sarah and Jennifer were butchered a few months after I had become established at Norm's house(93509). Although Norm was crucial as the "watchman of Ephraim", heralding the stupidity of the dummkopf Nazis; Sarah and Jennifer ensured that the Heart of Israel, with the "Bi-Gay Bi-Gay Symbol"(See PS 211500) would carry the glory and the salvation of Israel to the ends of the earth. <BR> <BR>Now the dummkopf Nazis continue to play God by throwing toxic amounts of calcium at people until "birth pains take hold", which is probably the beginning of acute renal failure, toxic shock, something like that. I've been through this "calcium onslaught" scenario several times before, and there will probably be several more. I shudder to think what happens when someone goes seeking medical help for the pains of toxic shock without understanding that the dry taste in their mouth is calcium. These "birth pains" are proof that brass young man, Bob is still behaving like that German Shepherd, Gigi. It looks like four of the six images on the "German Shepherd" Bradford Exchange plate, advertised two weeks ago, were of my German Shepherd, Gigi. Looks like they stretched her ears in a few of the images too! She was a powerhouse that would rule five miles in any directions whenever and wherever she could. She would pace the perimeter while carrying three litters. She was and is one of the most widely seen dogs on earth. Her parents, "Hoboes Benjamin" and "Phoebe Von Nector" were unquestionable German Shepherds. Anyway that dog had me behaving like a "brass Meade boy" on paper, didn't she(219952)? Then the dummkopf Nazis of Bush Daddy Country killed the frog in my backyard and said, "Ha! He has delusions!"(200807 &amp208762). Since then my Daddy has been assuming responsibility for what I write(231491). I pray that Elijah is safe and sound wherever he is. I'm also sure that "no body" understands that Elijah's "truth", which he revealed to the world, was the manner in which he was born and how we could go so low as to let dummkopf Nazis prey on people who tried to make known what happened to Elijah's mother in Wheaton, Illinois, 11/16/95. Elijah was probably ripped from his mother's womb by morons, urged on by "fedya guvmint thugs", because this woman had been so bold as to name her baby before he was born. BDT tried to make evisceration look like an everyday happening so they could do worse things than that. Birth pains? Toxic shock? Blame it on your beer for all I care! Israel was born here! The righteous have disappeared from the land(Mic. 7:2). Even from the grave, Israel can make manifest Israel's America, which will soon include the whole western hemisphere; but Israel will grow even bigger. I'm not making this up. <BR> <BR>PS -2/2/03: Sounds like someone hit the "detonation button" on the Columbia a la "Do Something! Quick!"(62855). If poopheads and dummkopf Nazis are everywhere on the ground, why would anyone trust anyone up there? There is a big hairy guy up on campus who goes by the name of Dennis Kolva. He used to sell bedding plants and Professor Emeritus Robert Mower caught him stealing specimen plants from Cornell's flower collection and booted him off campus. I worked on the brownstone of a FAA official with Dennis in Washington, DC; and I wonder if Dennis is the FAA's, "Dial a Disaster" connection at Cornell. Dennis is on that campus with the approval of "fedya guvmint thug" elite, Danny Gonzalez and Terry Garahan; but Bush Daddy claims that Danny Gonzalez is the "prize" because he is Hitler's kid. Communication glitches prevent any valid investigations into who interacts with the lowest of the lowdown fools up on the hill. Bush Daddy says that if you don't kill them, beat their faces; maybe the next person along will cut their heads off. "Mommy! That dog was smiling at me!" <BR> <BR>PPS: 2/3/03 This was removed from front page IMC Global within minutes yesterday at Id= 233476,and today from Id=233853. (2/5/03 Looks like Global IMC posting is under the control of dummkopf Nazis; thus I can't vouch for the trueness of the copy is now available. Dummkopf Nazi Subterfuge!? The Bear Lord could have sworn to Himself that Gigi epitomized the American Spirit, USSR and all. Heck! She was trained not to kill people on sight! What more could you ask for? If Gigi bit some dummkopf Nazi poophead who was committing an illegal or very very stupid act, DC Animal Control would back them up until they were aware that they had helped these dummkopfs kill a "celestial" being for a "pocketful of mumbles" from a pack of mangy poopheads. The dog was worth the city and everything in it. Animal control would not even reveal the circumstances of the bite to me. Gigi had no human contact without me. I probably could have sacrificed a couple of Congressmen to rescue Gigi from the dummkopfs, but Gigi would not have approved. If unwarranted restrictions were placed on me or the dog, she would not have been the same dog. She ruled! Her smile said, "You're my friend or you're meat!" No "ifs", "ands", or "buts" about it!! <BR> <BR>Referenced (numbers) are for articles on <A HREF="http://www.indymedia.org.;">http://www.indymedia.org.;</A> i.e. Global IMC Open Newswire. To access via Id#, access any article, change the Id=# in the address bar, and press "Enter". <BR> <BR>Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Israel" Deaf Messenger
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safe_value (String, 19010 characters ) <p>Transfered from old site</p> <!--break--><p>...
<p>Transfered from old site</p> <!--break--><p>Suppressed Messenger writings from the paper era. Why don't you check with Chicago and see what they done with Elijah.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />"Elijah" is Here! Get it in Gear! -12/5/95<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Bobby Meade<br /> <br />1269 Raum St. Ne #3<br /> <br />Washington, DC 20002<br /> <br /><br /> <br />12/5/95<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Dear -----------,<br /> <br />Seasons Greetings! Wishing you a safe and happy holidays for you and yours.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Sincerely, Bobby Meade<br /> <br /><br /> <br />"Elijah" is here! Get It in Gear!<br /> <br /><br /> <br />There's a good chance that the "prophet Elijah" (Mal. 4:5) arrived via immaculate conception on late Thursday, November 16, 1995. InterVarsity Press's New Dictionary of Theology contends that "prophecy purports to offer truths about God, man, and the world"; however Representative Newt Gingrich's premature condemnation of the "salivating media" nipped Elijah's story in the bud. Why? It would make great copy; plus universal exploitation of the Elijah story would do wonders for our country's image. Alfred Hitchcock would have grabbed that story! Maybe Elijah's "midwife" could do how-to shows on her(his) delivery methods. Why not? This country hasn't hit bottom yet! Go for it! That's our first assignment, uphold Elijah, the fruit of our culture; "you will know them by their fruit"(Matt. 7:26). U.S.A. does good work!<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Also on the to-do list is this computer chip issue, which must be brought to the forefront of the public's consciousness. The media would prefer that we sweat the small stuff like the F-word and the S-word while they pull a Big Fast One! Timothy McVeigh should be doing the talk-show circuit by now; he has got a story to tell! We also need a group of chip recipients on Oprah, or something like that. The "soldiers" must concentrate on those things of which we have firsthand knowledge, such as our Oklahoma bombing. All aspects of this bombing must be addressed, including the resulting beefed-up security nationwide. That's similar to how our security guards make work for themselves. They tear a place up so that they will end up getting paid to protect it. Would the Federal Government blow up one of their own buildings in order to get you to pity the poor pencil-pushers that perished? As for General Colin Powell and his "army", he is not going to do anything on my say-so. Set the "stage", and he will come. Just make sure that the role which he will assume and the justice that he will dispense are nothing that God wouldn't approve of.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />We should leave the foreign scene alone as much as possible, but our "hand" in Bosnia demands that we address the situation. This looks like a job for (Edit! Edit! Mouthy lingo of brass boy Bob has been deleted out of respect to President-On-Leaves?, Bill Clinton and His Venerable Holiness John Paul II.............. "Doesn't that feel better?".......) ....a job for wisdom, strength of spirit, and common sense. Senator Bob Dole and company would probably benefit from the same, for they seem to have forgotten it. Since there is a large Catholic population involve in the quagmire in Bosnia. Pope John Paul II is the right person to lead these wayward sheep to a garden of love and peace. Even with the Bosnians, a rather rambunctious bunch, as his raw material, his Holiness, the Pope, John Paul II will surely do a better job than Jerry Garcia and the counterculture did in establishinging a kingdom of love and peace. "Imagine!" "Just Give Peace a Chance!" John Lennon's (S)spirit lives on there. Just follow "ol Flat Top's" directions there. John's (S)spirit laid the foundation for this Peace that lasts and this Love that conquers all. He laid it on the line and paid the price. In the same way as John was the fourth Beatle from beyond the grave, you might regard John's (S)spirit and his "blueprint" for love and peace, playing an active role in shaping the future in Bosnia and throughout the world. John's (S)spirit "never wanna die"! Yes! Even the Bosnian Catholics can come to know this Love and Peace, but they "must hold fast to what "they" have until "He" comes"(Rev. 2:25). It is possible to find Him in the Catholic Church. How about that?<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Now you have your directions; thus you shouldn't get lost so people "start building a cross" or anything like that. "Elijah" is here! Get it in gear! Show this world the fruit of our labors. Show this world that when we go to "hell in a handbasket", we don't mess around! Elijah is proof of that! Did Elijah reveal a truth or two about God, man, and the world to us? Did Elijah "turn the hearts of parents to their children and the hearts of children to their parents"(Mal. 4:5)? He better have! Or God " will come and strike the land with a curse"(Mal. 4:5), and that be worse than Voo-Doo! Seek Him! Heed Him! Speed His coming! "Surely His salvation is at hand for those who fear Him, that His glory may dwell in our land"(Ps. 85).<br /> <br /><br /> <br />"Israel" - Deaf Messenger - Bobby Meade 12/5/95<br /> <br /><br /> <br />"America Starts Here"<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Prelude to "America Starts Here" from the "Good News" of 11/24/97: "A woman clothed with the sun ..is the Queenof the Heavens of Jehovah's Witnesses, an overzealous people, wise to do evil...Jehovah's Witnesses apparently believe that they are doing God's will if they throw sulphur at smokers or others who they condemn. Although you will never see them in Kingdom Hall, a lot of the Witnesses are old geezers, as old as the religion itself. Old geezers, wise to do evil, skilled at making head-on collisions look like accidents, and at getting Mike Tyson to chew their "food" for them....Look! I gotta go! "George Bush" sounds like he needs an enema."(Jer. 7:18; Rev. 12:1; Jer. 4:22; Rom. 1:21; Is. 59:15; Jer. 4:22; Deut. 33:21) ("George Bush" is in quotation marks in these articles because, after weeks of trying to convince me that he was George Bush, he then started saying that he was not George Bush.)<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Bobby Meade<br /> <br />Brooktondale NY<br /> <br />January 22, 1998<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Dear.--------------<br /> <br />I hope that you will distribute lots of copies of "America Starts Here" for those who wish to herald this New World Order. Sincerely, Bobby Meade<br /> <br /><br /> <br />AMERICA STARTS HERE<br /> <br /><br /> <br />There is no need to try to ensnare or capture Jehovah's Witnesses when they are adept at falling into their own traps. For example, last summer when I wrote of sulphur being injected into my water supply and shortly after I informed the locals that they had missed celebrating the last blue moon of this century(87001); I came home to find my spring extruding a thick greasy claylike mixture of calcium. The Witnesses had apparently convinced the locals that the way to change Bob's mind about the sulphur dumping was to use a suction pump to pump several hundred pounds of calcium; i.e. hydrated lime or something like that, into Bob's water supply. The Witnesses didn't tell these guys that it's not the same calcium that comes from cows milk; thus the towns residents find themselves pissing a lot as the body's equilibrium is disrupted, and convulsions and birth pains grab hold, for the triflers had poisoned the whole town water supply. Whether the Witnesses are now dumping calcium everywhere to make this calcium fiasco look like an everyday happening or they are in a race to fulfill the prophecy of the bitter waters of wormwood; the Witnesses themselves have promoted this calamity that will enable the ten thousands of Ephraim to drive Jehovah's professed witnesses to the ends of the earth. If the Witnesses have primed David Wolfe to dub Mir-Wormwood and use it to dash righteousness to the ground in Washington, D.C. that the Supreme Court may send forth even the minimal justice contained in the Heart of Israel; "George Bush" say he is not their King anymore. Seeing that his time as Jacob was also coming to an end, "George Bush" has called on the U.S.P.O. to replace Jehovah's Witnesses tending the watchfires; thus I was promptly evicted from Dryden for using my makeshift horn to announce the posting of the aforementioned postscript to "Just the News" when a guy from another town complained about my horn blowing. I retreated as the residents of Dryden questioned my accuser about his presence in Dryden, his mission on earth, etc. Thus the frog in my backyard leads the way by making known to "George Bush" a surefire way to get those watchfires tended; reward the U.S.P.O. for having jumped at the chance to dance with prophecy; and give his former subjects the chance to head for the hills. The kinder gentler side of "George Bush" claims that his former subjects can't even function anymore, so be sure to assure him that they never were functional (Prov. 5:22; Ps. 35:8; Mic. 4:9; Jer. 6:24; Is. 50:6; 2:4; Rev. 8:11; Ez. 38:2; Deut. 33:17; Amos 5:7; Is. 59:14; Mic. 1:5; Joel 2:1,15; Is. 52:1,7,8; Lev. 25:9; Is. 54:17; Rev. 16:13)<br /> <br /><br /> <br />The lighting of those watchfires will confirm that history ended and the end of all things drew close when Sarah and Jennifer died, for out of the town of Dryden will come a love that says that these two girls were worth the world and everything in it, even a Kingdom that cannot be shaken from now on even till time indefinite. America will start in Dryden, born of Israel, a nation within it. Those watchfires will herald the beginning of God's rule of the earth and result in the appearance of the Bear Lord, the club of His wrath, the true Jacob, Israel's watchman, and Sophia, the goddess of fortresses; and these five will launch the expedition that will carry the glory of the Kingdom of the Lord of Sarah and Jennifer to the ends of the earth and establish Israel of America's claim on Judah as God's portion in the holy land. Five on a mountaintop and the place is ours.(Is. 66:8; Heb. 12:28; 1 Peter 4:7; Dan. 7:5; Is. 10:5; Is. 44:5; Dan. 11:38; Ez. 39:26; Is. 49:6; Zech. 2:12; Mic. 7:4; Is. 30:17)<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Due to the way things are turning out, the Bear Lord will probably be pissed at everybody about everything; thus justice will roll on like a river as the righteousness of Sarah and Jennifer is made to shine like the stars. Thus from the east, He summons a bird of prey. From a far off land, a man to fulfill His purpose. If Dryden builds it, he will come, and the righteous one by his faithfulness will keep on living. And America will be left in the hands of "George Bush" after Dryden gets him to stand up and accept the Heart of Israel that he might send it to the ends of the earth. I could never get him to accept the Heart with or without the sexualized number and "Stop AIDS; Save the Gays" slogan. Frankly after the revolt of Jacob, I will leave it up to America to decide if "George Bush" is to be their Zionist King, ruling in righteousness. Since communication with the Queen of the Heavens of Judah is now impossible for me due to those who harass me, I will tell her here that Sarah and Jennifer are now becoming bigger than life; thus we are better off seeking refuge with Benjamin and answering questions with questions. Benjamin is a lot like my German Shepherd, Gigi. She never turned back, and nobody questioned her tribe.(Amos 5:24; Is. 59:19; Dan. 12:3; Hab. 2:4; Dan. 7:3,4;11:3; Gen. 49:27; Deut. 33:12; Is. 46:11)<br /> <br /><br /> <br />P.S. Makeshift Horn Assembley: 12" section of hula hoop; empty one gallon plastic milk or water container, 12" duct tape; 12" plastic electrical tape; 12" masking tape - Cut container cap and insert hoop section one inch into the container; cut bottom out of container; secure container cap with duct tape then electrical tape; enlargen the mouthpiece end of the hoop section and wrap with masking tape. Done! Wrap it tight! I am told that it is the loudest most versatile instrument ever made. (Since '98 the dummkopfs of BDT have changed the tubing of hula hoops, even putting a seam in the tubing! I have since found that various plumbing tubing works just as well. For best results, freeze the horn before each use.)<br /> <br /><br /> <br />"Israel" - Deaf Messenger - Bobby Meade 1/22/98<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Update - 2/1/03 The dummkopf Nazis of Bush Daddy Tribe have always behaved like they were God on earth; thus it is safe to say that they are all Jehovah's Witnesses and not restrict it to the "toothless old geezers" that migrated here with Nicky and the Storm Troopers of Germany after World War II(62371 & 174299). Jehovah's Witnesses are opposed to war and refuse to accept the authority of any government in matters of religious conscience, and that certainly sounds like the murderous chemical-mongering Nazis that my Daddy has been talking about. I was able to spread the words in these articles to a very limited extent by mailing copies to 34 various "free" publications and leaving copies at ten places in DC and Ithaca(190292). It seems like Bush Daddy Tribe was controlling release of these articles, then targetting and eliminating anyone who talked of Elijah. When I started moving back to the Ithaca area 18 months after the Elijah article, my friend Norm was gone(29190), Charlie was gone(29650), and Sarah and Jennifer were butchered a few months after I had become established at Norm's house(93509). Although Norm was crucial as the "watchman of Ephraim", heralding the stupidity of the dummkopf Nazis; Sarah and Jennifer ensured that the Heart of Israel, with the "Bi-Gay Bi-Gay Symbol"(See PS 211500) would carry the glory and the salvation of Israel to the ends of the earth.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Now the dummkopf Nazis continue to play God by throwing toxic amounts of calcium at people until "birth pains take hold", which is probably the beginning of acute renal failure, toxic shock, something like that. I've been through this "calcium onslaught" scenario several times before, and there will probably be several more. I shudder to think what happens when someone goes seeking medical help for the pains of toxic shock without understanding that the dry taste in their mouth is calcium. These "birth pains" are proof that brass young man, Bob is still behaving like that German Shepherd, Gigi. It looks like four of the six images on the "German Shepherd" Bradford Exchange plate, advertised two weeks ago, were of my German Shepherd, Gigi. Looks like they stretched her ears in a few of the images too! She was a powerhouse that would rule five miles in any directions whenever and wherever she could. She would pace the perimeter while carrying three litters. She was and is one of the most widely seen dogs on earth. Her parents, "Hoboes Benjamin" and "Phoebe Von Nector" were unquestionable German Shepherds. Anyway that dog had me behaving like a "brass Meade boy" on paper, didn't she(219952)? Then the dummkopf Nazis of Bush Daddy Country killed the frog in my backyard and said, "Ha! He has delusions!"(200807 &amp208762). Since then my Daddy has been assuming responsibility for what I write(231491). I pray that Elijah is safe and sound wherever he is. I'm also sure that "no body" understands that Elijah's "truth", which he revealed to the world, was the manner in which he was born and how we could go so low as to let dummkopf Nazis prey on people who tried to make known what happened to Elijah's mother in Wheaton, Illinois, 11/16/95. Elijah was probably ripped from his mother's womb by morons, urged on by "fedya guvmint thugs", because this woman had been so bold as to name her baby before he was born. BDT tried to make evisceration look like an everyday happening so they could do worse things than that. Birth pains? Toxic shock? Blame it on your beer for all I care! Israel was born here! The righteous have disappeared from the land(Mic. 7:2). Even from the grave, Israel can make manifest Israel's America, which will soon include the whole western hemisphere; but Israel will grow even bigger. I'm not making this up.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />PS -2/2/03: Sounds like someone hit the "detonation button" on the Columbia a la "Do Something! Quick!"(62855). If poopheads and dummkopf Nazis are everywhere on the ground, why would anyone trust anyone up there? There is a big hairy guy up on campus who goes by the name of Dennis Kolva. He used to sell bedding plants and Professor Emeritus Robert Mower caught him stealing specimen plants from Cornell's flower collection and booted him off campus. I worked on the brownstone of a FAA official with Dennis in Washington, DC; and I wonder if Dennis is the FAA's, "Dial a Disaster" connection at Cornell. Dennis is on that campus with the approval of "fedya guvmint thug" elite, Danny Gonzalez and Terry Garahan; but Bush Daddy claims that Danny Gonzalez is the "prize" because he is Hitler's kid. Communication glitches prevent any valid investigations into who interacts with the lowest of the lowdown fools up on the hill. Bush Daddy says that if you don't kill them, beat their faces; maybe the next person along will cut their heads off. "Mommy! That dog was smiling at me!"<br /> <br /><br /> <br />PPS: 2/3/03 This was removed from front page IMC Global within minutes yesterday at Id= 233476,and today from Id=233853. (2/5/03 Looks like Global IMC posting is under the control of dummkopf Nazis; thus I can't vouch for the trueness of the copy is now available. Dummkopf Nazi Subterfuge!? The Bear Lord could have sworn to Himself that Gigi epitomized the American Spirit, USSR and all. Heck! She was trained not to kill people on sight! What more could you ask for? If Gigi bit some dummkopf Nazi poophead who was committing an illegal or very very stupid act, DC Animal Control would back them up until they were aware that they had helped these dummkopfs kill a "celestial" being for a "pocketful of mumbles" from a pack of mangy poopheads. The dog was worth the city and everything in it. Animal control would not even reveal the circumstances of the bite to me. Gigi had no human contact without me. I probably could have sacrificed a couple of Congressmen to rescue Gigi from the dummkopfs, but Gigi would not have approved. If unwarranted restrictions were placed on me or the dog, she would not have been the same dog. She ruled! Her smile said, "You're my friend or you're meat!" No "ifs", "ands", or "buts" about it!!<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Referenced (numbers) are for articles on <a href="http://www.indymedia.org.;">http://www.indymedia.org.;</a> i.e. Global IMC Open Newswire. To access via Id#, access any article, change the Id=# in the address bar, and press "Enter".<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Israel" Deaf Messenger</p>
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Transfered from old site <!--break--> Suppressed Messenger writings from the paper era. Why don't you check with Chicago and see what they done with Elijah. <BR> <BR>"Elijah" is Here! Get it in Gear! -12/5/95 <BR> <BR>Bobby Meade <BR>1269 Raum St. Ne #3 <BR>Washington, DC 20002 <BR> <BR>12/5/95 <BR> <BR>Dear -----------, <BR>Seasons Greetings! Wishing you a safe and happy holidays for you and yours. <BR> <BR>Sincerely, Bobby Meade <BR> <BR>"Elijah" is here! Get It in Gear! <BR> <BR>There's a good chance that the "prophet Elijah" (Mal. 4:5) arrived via immaculate conception on late Thursday, November 16, 1995. InterVarsity Press's New Dictionary of Theology contends that "prophecy purports to offer truths about God, man, and the world"; however Representative Newt Gingrich's premature condemnation of the "salivating media" nipped Elijah's story in the bud. Why? It would make great copy; plus universal exploitation of the Elijah story would do wonders for our country's image. Alfred Hitchcock would have grabbed that story! Maybe Elijah's "midwife" could do how-to shows on her(his) delivery methods. Why not? This country hasn't hit bottom yet! Go for it! That's our first assignment, uphold Elijah, the fruit of our culture; "you will know them by their fruit"(Matt. 7:26). U.S.A. does good work! <BR> <BR>Also on the to-do list is this computer chip issue, which must be brought to the forefront of the public's consciousness. The media would prefer that we sweat the small stuff like the F-word and the S-word while they pull a Big Fast One! Timothy McVeigh should be doing the talk-show circuit by now; he has got a story to tell! We also need a group of chip recipients on Oprah, or something like that. The "soldiers" must concentrate on those things of which we have firsthand knowledge, such as our Oklahoma bombing. All aspects of this bombing must be addressed, including the resulting beefed-up security nationwide. That's similar to how our security guards make work for themselves. They tear a place up so that they will end up getting paid to protect it. Would the Federal Government blow up one of their own buildings in order to get you to pity the poor pencil-pushers that perished? As for General Colin Powell and his "army", he is not going to do anything on my say-so. Set the "stage", and he will come. Just make sure that the role which he will assume and the justice that he will dispense are nothing that God wouldn't approve of. <BR> <BR>We should leave the foreign scene alone as much as possible, but our "hand" in Bosnia demands that we address the situation. This looks like a job for (Edit! Edit! Mouthy lingo of brass boy Bob has been deleted out of respect to President-On-Leaves?, Bill Clinton and His Venerable Holiness John Paul II.............. "Doesn't that feel better?".......) ....a job for wisdom, strength of spirit, and common sense. Senator Bob Dole and company would probably benefit from the same, for they seem to have forgotten it. Since there is a large Catholic population involve in the quagmire in Bosnia. Pope John Paul II is the right person to lead these wayward sheep to a garden of love and peace. Even with the Bosnians, a rather rambunctious bunch, as his raw material, his Holiness, the Pope, John Paul II will surely do a better job than Jerry Garcia and the counterculture did in establishinging a kingdom of love and peace. "Imagine!" "Just Give Peace a Chance!" John Lennon's (S)spirit lives on there. Just follow "ol Flat Top's" directions there. John's (S)spirit laid the foundation for this Peace that lasts and this Love that conquers all. He laid it on the line and paid the price. In the same way as John was the fourth Beatle from beyond the grave, you might regard John's (S)spirit and his "blueprint" for love and peace, playing an active role in shaping the future in Bosnia and throughout the world. John's (S)spirit "never wanna die"! Yes! Even the Bosnian Catholics can come to know this Love and Peace, but they "must hold fast to what "they" have until "He" comes"(Rev. 2:25). It is possible to find Him in the Catholic Church. How about that? <BR> <BR>Now you have your directions; thus you shouldn't get lost so people "start building a cross" or anything like that. "Elijah" is here! Get it in gear! Show this world the fruit of our labors. Show this world that when we go to "hell in a handbasket", we don't mess around! Elijah is proof of that! Did Elijah reveal a truth or two about God, man, and the world to us? Did Elijah "turn the hearts of parents to their children and the hearts of children to their parents"(Mal. 4:5)? He better have! Or God " will come and strike the land with a curse"(Mal. 4:5), and that be worse than Voo-Doo! Seek Him! Heed Him! Speed His coming! "Surely His salvation is at hand for those who fear Him, that His glory may dwell in our land"(Ps. 85). <BR> <BR>"Israel" - Deaf Messenger - Bobby Meade 12/5/95 <BR> <BR>"America Starts Here" <BR> <BR>Prelude to "America Starts Here" from the "Good News" of 11/24/97: "A woman clothed with the sun ..is the Queenof the Heavens of Jehovah's Witnesses, an overzealous people, wise to do evil...Jehovah's Witnesses apparently believe that they are doing God's will if they throw sulphur at smokers or others who they condemn. Although you will never see them in Kingdom Hall, a lot of the Witnesses are old geezers, as old as the religion itself. Old geezers, wise to do evil, skilled at making head-on collisions look like accidents, and at getting Mike Tyson to chew their "food" for them....Look! I gotta go! "George Bush" sounds like he needs an enema."(Jer. 7:18; Rev. 12:1; Jer. 4:22; Rom. 1:21; Is. 59:15; Jer. 4:22; Deut. 33:21) ("George Bush" is in quotation marks in these articles because, after weeks of trying to convince me that he was George Bush, he then started saying that he was not George Bush.) <BR> <BR>Bobby Meade <BR>Brooktondale NY <BR>January 22, 1998 <BR> <BR>Dear.-------------- <BR>I hope that you will distribute lots of copies of "America Starts Here" for those who wish to herald this New World Order. Sincerely, Bobby Meade <BR> <BR>AMERICA STARTS HERE <BR> <BR>There is no need to try to ensnare or capture Jehovah's Witnesses when they are adept at falling into their own traps. For example, last summer when I wrote of sulphur being injected into my water supply and shortly after I informed the locals that they had missed celebrating the last blue moon of this century(87001); I came home to find my spring extruding a thick greasy claylike mixture of calcium. The Witnesses had apparently convinced the locals that the way to change Bob's mind about the sulphur dumping was to use a suction pump to pump several hundred pounds of calcium; i.e. hydrated lime or something like that, into Bob's water supply. The Witnesses didn't tell these guys that it's not the same calcium that comes from cows milk; thus the towns residents find themselves pissing a lot as the body's equilibrium is disrupted, and convulsions and birth pains grab hold, for the triflers had poisoned the whole town water supply. Whether the Witnesses are now dumping calcium everywhere to make this calcium fiasco look like an everyday happening or they are in a race to fulfill the prophecy of the bitter waters of wormwood; the Witnesses themselves have promoted this calamity that will enable the ten thousands of Ephraim to drive Jehovah's professed witnesses to the ends of the earth. If the Witnesses have primed David Wolfe to dub Mir-Wormwood and use it to dash righteousness to the ground in Washington, D.C. that the Supreme Court may send forth even the minimal justice contained in the Heart of Israel; "George Bush" say he is not their King anymore. Seeing that his time as Jacob was also coming to an end, "George Bush" has called on the U.S.P.O. to replace Jehovah's Witnesses tending the watchfires; thus I was promptly evicted from Dryden for using my makeshift horn to announce the posting of the aforementioned postscript to "Just the News" when a guy from another town complained about my horn blowing. I retreated as the residents of Dryden questioned my accuser about his presence in Dryden, his mission on earth, etc. Thus the frog in my backyard leads the way by making known to "George Bush" a surefire way to get those watchfires tended; reward the U.S.P.O. for having jumped at the chance to dance with prophecy; and give his former subjects the chance to head for the hills. The kinder gentler side of "George Bush" claims that his former subjects can't even function anymore, so be sure to assure him that they never were functional (Prov. 5:22; Ps. 35:8; Mic. 4:9; Jer. 6:24; Is. 50:6; 2:4; Rev. 8:11; Ez. 38:2; Deut. 33:17; Amos 5:7; Is. 59:14; Mic. 1:5; Joel 2:1,15; Is. 52:1,7,8; Lev. 25:9; Is. 54:17; Rev. 16:13) <BR> <BR>The lighting of those watchfires will confirm that history ended and the end of all things drew close when Sarah and Jennifer died, for out of the town of Dryden will come a love that says that these two girls were worth the world and everything in it, even a Kingdom that cannot be shaken from now on even till time indefinite. America will start in Dryden, born of Israel, a nation within it. Those watchfires will herald the beginning of God's rule of the earth and result in the appearance of the Bear Lord, the club of His wrath, the true Jacob, Israel's watchman, and Sophia, the goddess of fortresses; and these five will launch the expedition that will carry the glory of the Kingdom of the Lord of Sarah and Jennifer to the ends of the earth and establish Israel of America's claim on Judah as God's portion in the holy land. Five on a mountaintop and the place is ours.(Is. 66:8; Heb. 12:28; 1 Peter 4:7; Dan. 7:5; Is. 10:5; Is. 44:5; Dan. 11:38; Ez. 39:26; Is. 49:6; Zech. 2:12; Mic. 7:4; Is. 30:17) <BR> <BR>Due to the way things are turning out, the Bear Lord will probably be pissed at everybody about everything; thus justice will roll on like a river as the righteousness of Sarah and Jennifer is made to shine like the stars. Thus from the east, He summons a bird of prey. From a far off land, a man to fulfill His purpose. If Dryden builds it, he will come, and the righteous one by his faithfulness will keep on living. And America will be left in the hands of "George Bush" after Dryden gets him to stand up and accept the Heart of Israel that he might send it to the ends of the earth. I could never get him to accept the Heart with or without the sexualized number and "Stop AIDS; Save the Gays" slogan. Frankly after the revolt of Jacob, I will leave it up to America to decide if "George Bush" is to be their Zionist King, ruling in righteousness. Since communication with the Queen of the Heavens of Judah is now impossible for me due to those who harass me, I will tell her here that Sarah and Jennifer are now becoming bigger than life; thus we are better off seeking refuge with Benjamin and answering questions with questions. Benjamin is a lot like my German Shepherd, Gigi. She never turned back, and nobody questioned her tribe.(Amos 5:24; Is. 59:19; Dan. 12:3; Hab. 2:4; Dan. 7:3,4;11:3; Gen. 49:27; Deut. 33:12; Is. 46:11) <BR> <BR>P.S. Makeshift Horn Assembley: 12" section of hula hoop; empty one gallon plastic milk or water container, 12" duct tape; 12" plastic electrical tape; 12" masking tape - Cut container cap and insert hoop section one inch into the container; cut bottom out of container; secure container cap with duct tape then electrical tape; enlargen the mouthpiece end of the hoop section and wrap with masking tape. Done! Wrap it tight! I am told that it is the loudest most versatile instrument ever made. (Since '98 the dummkopfs of BDT have changed the tubing of hula hoops, even putting a seam in the tubing! I have since found that various plumbing tubing works just as well. For best results, freeze the horn before each use.) <BR> <BR>"Israel" - Deaf Messenger - Bobby Meade 1/22/98 <BR> <BR>Update - 2/1/03 The dummkopf Nazis of Bush Daddy Tribe have always behaved like they were God on earth; thus it is safe to say that they are all Jehovah's Witnesses and not restrict it to the "toothless old geezers" that migrated here with Nicky and the Storm Troopers of Germany after World War II(62371 & 174299). Jehovah's Witnesses are opposed to war and refuse to accept the authority of any government in matters of religious conscience, and that certainly sounds like the murderous chemical-mongering Nazis that my Daddy has been talking about. I was able to spread the words in these articles to a very limited extent by mailing copies to 34 various "free" publications and leaving copies at ten places in DC and Ithaca(190292). It seems like Bush Daddy Tribe was controlling release of these articles, then targetting and eliminating anyone who talked of Elijah. When I started moving back to the Ithaca area 18 months after the Elijah article, my friend Norm was gone(29190), Charlie was gone(29650), and Sarah and Jennifer were butchered a few months after I had become established at Norm's house(93509). Although Norm was crucial as the "watchman of Ephraim", heralding the stupidity of the dummkopf Nazis; Sarah and Jennifer ensured that the Heart of Israel, with the "Bi-Gay Bi-Gay Symbol"(See PS 211500) would carry the glory and the salvation of Israel to the ends of the earth. <BR> <BR>Now the dummkopf Nazis continue to play God by throwing toxic amounts of calcium at people until "birth pains take hold", which is probably the beginning of acute renal failure, toxic shock, something like that. I've been through this "calcium onslaught" scenario several times before, and there will probably be several more. I shudder to think what happens when someone goes seeking medical help for the pains of toxic shock without understanding that the dry taste in their mouth is calcium. These "birth pains" are proof that brass young man, Bob is still behaving like that German Shepherd, Gigi. It looks like four of the six images on the "German Shepherd" Bradford Exchange plate, advertised two weeks ago, were of my German Shepherd, Gigi. Looks like they stretched her ears in a few of the images too! She was a powerhouse that would rule five miles in any directions whenever and wherever she could. She would pace the perimeter while carrying three litters. She was and is one of the most widely seen dogs on earth. Her parents, "Hoboes Benjamin" and "Phoebe Von Nector" were unquestionable German Shepherds. Anyway that dog had me behaving like a "brass Meade boy" on paper, didn't she(219952)? Then the dummkopf Nazis of Bush Daddy Country killed the frog in my backyard and said, "Ha! He has delusions!"(200807 &amp208762). Since then my Daddy has been assuming responsibility for what I write(231491). I pray that Elijah is safe and sound wherever he is. I'm also sure that "no body" understands that Elijah's "truth", which he revealed to the world, was the manner in which he was born and how we could go so low as to let dummkopf Nazis prey on people who tried to make known what happened to Elijah's mother in Wheaton, Illinois, 11/16/95. Elijah was probably ripped from his mother's womb by morons, urged on by "fedya guvmint thugs", because this woman had been so bold as to name her baby before he was born. BDT tried to make evisceration look like an everyday happening so they could do worse things than that. Birth pains? Toxic shock? Blame it on your beer for all I care! Israel was born here! The righteous have disappeared from the land(Mic. 7:2). Even from the grave, Israel can make manifest Israel's America, which will soon include the whole western hemisphere; but Israel will grow even bigger. I'm not making this up. <BR> <BR>PS -2/2/03: Sounds like someone hit the "detonation button" on the Columbia a la "Do Something! Quick!"(62855). If poopheads and dummkopf Nazis are everywhere on the ground, why would anyone trust anyone up there? There is a big hairy guy up on campus who goes by the name of Dennis Kolva. He used to sell bedding plants and Professor Emeritus Robert Mower caught him stealing specimen plants from Cornell's flower collection and booted him off campus. I worked on the brownstone of a FAA official with Dennis in Washington, DC; and I wonder if Dennis is the FAA's, "Dial a Disaster" connection at Cornell. Dennis is on that campus with the approval of "fedya guvmint thug" elite, Danny Gonzalez and Terry Garahan; but Bush Daddy claims that Danny Gonzalez is the "prize" because he is Hitler's kid. Communication glitches prevent any valid investigations into who interacts with the lowest of the lowdown fools up on the hill. Bush Daddy says that if you don't kill them, beat their faces; maybe the next person along will cut their heads off. "Mommy! That dog was smiling at me!" <BR> <BR>PPS: 2/3/03 This was removed from front page IMC Global within minutes yesterday at Id= 233476,and today from Id=233853. (2/5/03 Looks like Global IMC posting is under the control of dummkopf Nazis; thus I can't vouch for the trueness of the copy is now available. Dummkopf Nazi Subterfuge!? The Bear Lord could have sworn to Himself that Gigi epitomized the American Spirit, USSR and all. Heck! She was trained not to kill people on sight! What more could you ask for? If Gigi bit some dummkopf Nazi poophead who was committing an illegal or very very stupid act, DC Animal Control would back them up until they were aware that they had helped these dummkopfs kill a "celestial" being for a "pocketful of mumbles" from a pack of mangy poopheads. The dog was worth the city and everything in it. Animal control would not even reveal the circumstances of the bite to me. Gigi had no human contact without me. I probably could have sacrificed a couple of Congressmen to rescue Gigi from the dummkopfs, but Gigi would not have approved. If unwarranted restrictions were placed on me or the dog, she would not have been the same dog. She ruled! Her smile said, "You're my friend or you're meat!" No "ifs", "ands", or "buts" about it!! <BR> <BR>Referenced (numbers) are for articles on <A HREF="http://www.indymedia.org.;">http://www.indymedia.org.;</A> i.e. Global IMC Open Newswire. To access via Id#, access any article, change the Id=# in the address bar, and press "Enter". <BR> <BR>Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Israel" Deaf Messenger
summary (NULL)
format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 19010 characters ) <p>Transfered from old site</p> <!--break--><p>...
<p>Transfered from old site</p> <!--break--><p>Suppressed Messenger writings from the paper era. Why don't you check with Chicago and see what they done with Elijah.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />"Elijah" is Here! Get it in Gear! -12/5/95<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Bobby Meade<br /> <br />1269 Raum St. Ne #3<br /> <br />Washington, DC 20002<br /> <br /><br /> <br />12/5/95<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Dear -----------,<br /> <br />Seasons Greetings! Wishing you a safe and happy holidays for you and yours.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Sincerely, Bobby Meade<br /> <br /><br /> <br />"Elijah" is here! Get It in Gear!<br /> <br /><br /> <br />There's a good chance that the "prophet Elijah" (Mal. 4:5) arrived via immaculate conception on late Thursday, November 16, 1995. InterVarsity Press's New Dictionary of Theology contends that "prophecy purports to offer truths about God, man, and the world"; however Representative Newt Gingrich's premature condemnation of the "salivating media" nipped Elijah's story in the bud. Why? It would make great copy; plus universal exploitation of the Elijah story would do wonders for our country's image. Alfred Hitchcock would have grabbed that story! Maybe Elijah's "midwife" could do how-to shows on her(his) delivery methods. Why not? This country hasn't hit bottom yet! Go for it! That's our first assignment, uphold Elijah, the fruit of our culture; "you will know them by their fruit"(Matt. 7:26). U.S.A. does good work!<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Also on the to-do list is this computer chip issue, which must be brought to the forefront of the public's consciousness. The media would prefer that we sweat the small stuff like the F-word and the S-word while they pull a Big Fast One! Timothy McVeigh should be doing the talk-show circuit by now; he has got a story to tell! We also need a group of chip recipients on Oprah, or something like that. The "soldiers" must concentrate on those things of which we have firsthand knowledge, such as our Oklahoma bombing. All aspects of this bombing must be addressed, including the resulting beefed-up security nationwide. That's similar to how our security guards make work for themselves. They tear a place up so that they will end up getting paid to protect it. Would the Federal Government blow up one of their own buildings in order to get you to pity the poor pencil-pushers that perished? As for General Colin Powell and his "army", he is not going to do anything on my say-so. Set the "stage", and he will come. Just make sure that the role which he will assume and the justice that he will dispense are nothing that God wouldn't approve of.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />We should leave the foreign scene alone as much as possible, but our "hand" in Bosnia demands that we address the situation. This looks like a job for (Edit! Edit! Mouthy lingo of brass boy Bob has been deleted out of respect to President-On-Leaves?, Bill Clinton and His Venerable Holiness John Paul II.............. "Doesn't that feel better?".......) ....a job for wisdom, strength of spirit, and common sense. Senator Bob Dole and company would probably benefit from the same, for they seem to have forgotten it. Since there is a large Catholic population involve in the quagmire in Bosnia. Pope John Paul II is the right person to lead these wayward sheep to a garden of love and peace. Even with the Bosnians, a rather rambunctious bunch, as his raw material, his Holiness, the Pope, John Paul II will surely do a better job than Jerry Garcia and the counterculture did in establishinging a kingdom of love and peace. "Imagine!" "Just Give Peace a Chance!" John Lennon's (S)spirit lives on there. Just follow "ol Flat Top's" directions there. John's (S)spirit laid the foundation for this Peace that lasts and this Love that conquers all. He laid it on the line and paid the price. In the same way as John was the fourth Beatle from beyond the grave, you might regard John's (S)spirit and his "blueprint" for love and peace, playing an active role in shaping the future in Bosnia and throughout the world. John's (S)spirit "never wanna die"! Yes! Even the Bosnian Catholics can come to know this Love and Peace, but they "must hold fast to what "they" have until "He" comes"(Rev. 2:25). It is possible to find Him in the Catholic Church. How about that?<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Now you have your directions; thus you shouldn't get lost so people "start building a cross" or anything like that. "Elijah" is here! Get it in gear! Show this world the fruit of our labors. Show this world that when we go to "hell in a handbasket", we don't mess around! Elijah is proof of that! Did Elijah reveal a truth or two about God, man, and the world to us? Did Elijah "turn the hearts of parents to their children and the hearts of children to their parents"(Mal. 4:5)? He better have! Or God " will come and strike the land with a curse"(Mal. 4:5), and that be worse than Voo-Doo! Seek Him! Heed Him! Speed His coming! "Surely His salvation is at hand for those who fear Him, that His glory may dwell in our land"(Ps. 85).<br /> <br /><br /> <br />"Israel" - Deaf Messenger - Bobby Meade 12/5/95<br /> <br /><br /> <br />"America Starts Here"<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Prelude to "America Starts Here" from the "Good News" of 11/24/97: "A woman clothed with the sun ..is the Queenof the Heavens of Jehovah's Witnesses, an overzealous people, wise to do evil...Jehovah's Witnesses apparently believe that they are doing God's will if they throw sulphur at smokers or others who they condemn. Although you will never see them in Kingdom Hall, a lot of the Witnesses are old geezers, as old as the religion itself. Old geezers, wise to do evil, skilled at making head-on collisions look like accidents, and at getting Mike Tyson to chew their "food" for them....Look! I gotta go! "George Bush" sounds like he needs an enema."(Jer. 7:18; Rev. 12:1; Jer. 4:22; Rom. 1:21; Is. 59:15; Jer. 4:22; Deut. 33:21) ("George Bush" is in quotation marks in these articles because, after weeks of trying to convince me that he was George Bush, he then started saying that he was not George Bush.)<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Bobby Meade<br /> <br />Brooktondale NY<br /> <br />January 22, 1998<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Dear.--------------<br /> <br />I hope that you will distribute lots of copies of "America Starts Here" for those who wish to herald this New World Order. Sincerely, Bobby Meade<br /> <br /><br /> <br />AMERICA STARTS HERE<br /> <br /><br /> <br />There is no need to try to ensnare or capture Jehovah's Witnesses when they are adept at falling into their own traps. For example, last summer when I wrote of sulphur being injected into my water supply and shortly after I informed the locals that they had missed celebrating the last blue moon of this century(87001); I came home to find my spring extruding a thick greasy claylike mixture of calcium. The Witnesses had apparently convinced the locals that the way to change Bob's mind about the sulphur dumping was to use a suction pump to pump several hundred pounds of calcium; i.e. hydrated lime or something like that, into Bob's water supply. The Witnesses didn't tell these guys that it's not the same calcium that comes from cows milk; thus the towns residents find themselves pissing a lot as the body's equilibrium is disrupted, and convulsions and birth pains grab hold, for the triflers had poisoned the whole town water supply. Whether the Witnesses are now dumping calcium everywhere to make this calcium fiasco look like an everyday happening or they are in a race to fulfill the prophecy of the bitter waters of wormwood; the Witnesses themselves have promoted this calamity that will enable the ten thousands of Ephraim to drive Jehovah's professed witnesses to the ends of the earth. If the Witnesses have primed David Wolfe to dub Mir-Wormwood and use it to dash righteousness to the ground in Washington, D.C. that the Supreme Court may send forth even the minimal justice contained in the Heart of Israel; "George Bush" say he is not their King anymore. Seeing that his time as Jacob was also coming to an end, "George Bush" has called on the U.S.P.O. to replace Jehovah's Witnesses tending the watchfires; thus I was promptly evicted from Dryden for using my makeshift horn to announce the posting of the aforementioned postscript to "Just the News" when a guy from another town complained about my horn blowing. I retreated as the residents of Dryden questioned my accuser about his presence in Dryden, his mission on earth, etc. Thus the frog in my backyard leads the way by making known to "George Bush" a surefire way to get those watchfires tended; reward the U.S.P.O. for having jumped at the chance to dance with prophecy; and give his former subjects the chance to head for the hills. The kinder gentler side of "George Bush" claims that his former subjects can't even function anymore, so be sure to assure him that they never were functional (Prov. 5:22; Ps. 35:8; Mic. 4:9; Jer. 6:24; Is. 50:6; 2:4; Rev. 8:11; Ez. 38:2; Deut. 33:17; Amos 5:7; Is. 59:14; Mic. 1:5; Joel 2:1,15; Is. 52:1,7,8; Lev. 25:9; Is. 54:17; Rev. 16:13)<br /> <br /><br /> <br />The lighting of those watchfires will confirm that history ended and the end of all things drew close when Sarah and Jennifer died, for out of the town of Dryden will come a love that says that these two girls were worth the world and everything in it, even a Kingdom that cannot be shaken from now on even till time indefinite. America will start in Dryden, born of Israel, a nation within it. Those watchfires will herald the beginning of God's rule of the earth and result in the appearance of the Bear Lord, the club of His wrath, the true Jacob, Israel's watchman, and Sophia, the goddess of fortresses; and these five will launch the expedition that will carry the glory of the Kingdom of the Lord of Sarah and Jennifer to the ends of the earth and establish Israel of America's claim on Judah as God's portion in the holy land. Five on a mountaintop and the place is ours.(Is. 66:8; Heb. 12:28; 1 Peter 4:7; Dan. 7:5; Is. 10:5; Is. 44:5; Dan. 11:38; Ez. 39:26; Is. 49:6; Zech. 2:12; Mic. 7:4; Is. 30:17)<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Due to the way things are turning out, the Bear Lord will probably be pissed at everybody about everything; thus justice will roll on like a river as the righteousness of Sarah and Jennifer is made to shine like the stars. Thus from the east, He summons a bird of prey. From a far off land, a man to fulfill His purpose. If Dryden builds it, he will come, and the righteous one by his faithfulness will keep on living. And America will be left in the hands of "George Bush" after Dryden gets him to stand up and accept the Heart of Israel that he might send it to the ends of the earth. I could never get him to accept the Heart with or without the sexualized number and "Stop AIDS; Save the Gays" slogan. Frankly after the revolt of Jacob, I will leave it up to America to decide if "George Bush" is to be their Zionist King, ruling in righteousness. Since communication with the Queen of the Heavens of Judah is now impossible for me due to those who harass me, I will tell her here that Sarah and Jennifer are now becoming bigger than life; thus we are better off seeking refuge with Benjamin and answering questions with questions. Benjamin is a lot like my German Shepherd, Gigi. She never turned back, and nobody questioned her tribe.(Amos 5:24; Is. 59:19; Dan. 12:3; Hab. 2:4; Dan. 7:3,4;11:3; Gen. 49:27; Deut. 33:12; Is. 46:11)<br /> <br /><br /> <br />P.S. Makeshift Horn Assembley: 12" section of hula hoop; empty one gallon plastic milk or water container, 12" duct tape; 12" plastic electrical tape; 12" masking tape - Cut container cap and insert hoop section one inch into the container; cut bottom out of container; secure container cap with duct tape then electrical tape; enlargen the mouthpiece end of the hoop section and wrap with masking tape. Done! Wrap it tight! I am told that it is the loudest most versatile instrument ever made. (Since '98 the dummkopfs of BDT have changed the tubing of hula hoops, even putting a seam in the tubing! I have since found that various plumbing tubing works just as well. For best results, freeze the horn before each use.)<br /> <br /><br /> <br />"Israel" - Deaf Messenger - Bobby Meade 1/22/98<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Update - 2/1/03 The dummkopf Nazis of Bush Daddy Tribe have always behaved like they were God on earth; thus it is safe to say that they are all Jehovah's Witnesses and not restrict it to the "toothless old geezers" that migrated here with Nicky and the Storm Troopers of Germany after World War II(62371 & 174299). Jehovah's Witnesses are opposed to war and refuse to accept the authority of any government in matters of religious conscience, and that certainly sounds like the murderous chemical-mongering Nazis that my Daddy has been talking about. I was able to spread the words in these articles to a very limited extent by mailing copies to 34 various "free" publications and leaving copies at ten places in DC and Ithaca(190292). It seems like Bush Daddy Tribe was controlling release of these articles, then targetting and eliminating anyone who talked of Elijah. When I started moving back to the Ithaca area 18 months after the Elijah article, my friend Norm was gone(29190), Charlie was gone(29650), and Sarah and Jennifer were butchered a few months after I had become established at Norm's house(93509). Although Norm was crucial as the "watchman of Ephraim", heralding the stupidity of the dummkopf Nazis; Sarah and Jennifer ensured that the Heart of Israel, with the "Bi-Gay Bi-Gay Symbol"(See PS 211500) would carry the glory and the salvation of Israel to the ends of the earth.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Now the dummkopf Nazis continue to play God by throwing toxic amounts of calcium at people until "birth pains take hold", which is probably the beginning of acute renal failure, toxic shock, something like that. I've been through this "calcium onslaught" scenario several times before, and there will probably be several more. I shudder to think what happens when someone goes seeking medical help for the pains of toxic shock without understanding that the dry taste in their mouth is calcium. These "birth pains" are proof that brass young man, Bob is still behaving like that German Shepherd, Gigi. It looks like four of the six images on the "German Shepherd" Bradford Exchange plate, advertised two weeks ago, were of my German Shepherd, Gigi. Looks like they stretched her ears in a few of the images too! She was a powerhouse that would rule five miles in any directions whenever and wherever she could. She would pace the perimeter while carrying three litters. She was and is one of the most widely seen dogs on earth. Her parents, "Hoboes Benjamin" and "Phoebe Von Nector" were unquestionable German Shepherds. Anyway that dog had me behaving like a "brass Meade boy" on paper, didn't she(219952)? Then the dummkopf Nazis of Bush Daddy Country killed the frog in my backyard and said, "Ha! He has delusions!"(200807 &amp208762). Since then my Daddy has been assuming responsibility for what I write(231491). I pray that Elijah is safe and sound wherever he is. I'm also sure that "no body" understands that Elijah's "truth", which he revealed to the world, was the manner in which he was born and how we could go so low as to let dummkopf Nazis prey on people who tried to make known what happened to Elijah's mother in Wheaton, Illinois, 11/16/95. Elijah was probably ripped from his mother's womb by morons, urged on by "fedya guvmint thugs", because this woman had been so bold as to name her baby before he was born. BDT tried to make evisceration look like an everyday happening so they could do worse things than that. Birth pains? Toxic shock? Blame it on your beer for all I care! Israel was born here! The righteous have disappeared from the land(Mic. 7:2). Even from the grave, Israel can make manifest Israel's America, which will soon include the whole western hemisphere; but Israel will grow even bigger. I'm not making this up.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />PS -2/2/03: Sounds like someone hit the "detonation button" on the Columbia a la "Do Something! Quick!"(62855). If poopheads and dummkopf Nazis are everywhere on the ground, why would anyone trust anyone up there? There is a big hairy guy up on campus who goes by the name of Dennis Kolva. He used to sell bedding plants and Professor Emeritus Robert Mower caught him stealing specimen plants from Cornell's flower collection and booted him off campus. I worked on the brownstone of a FAA official with Dennis in Washington, DC; and I wonder if Dennis is the FAA's, "Dial a Disaster" connection at Cornell. Dennis is on that campus with the approval of "fedya guvmint thug" elite, Danny Gonzalez and Terry Garahan; but Bush Daddy claims that Danny Gonzalez is the "prize" because he is Hitler's kid. Communication glitches prevent any valid investigations into who interacts with the lowest of the lowdown fools up on the hill. Bush Daddy says that if you don't kill them, beat their faces; maybe the next person along will cut their heads off. "Mommy! That dog was smiling at me!"<br /> <br /><br /> <br />PPS: 2/3/03 This was removed from front page IMC Global within minutes yesterday at Id= 233476,and today from Id=233853. (2/5/03 Looks like Global IMC posting is under the control of dummkopf Nazis; thus I can't vouch for the trueness of the copy is now available. Dummkopf Nazi Subterfuge!? The Bear Lord could have sworn to Himself that Gigi epitomized the American Spirit, USSR and all. Heck! She was trained not to kill people on sight! What more could you ask for? If Gigi bit some dummkopf Nazi poophead who was committing an illegal or very very stupid act, DC Animal Control would back them up until they were aware that they had helped these dummkopfs kill a "celestial" being for a "pocketful of mumbles" from a pack of mangy poopheads. The dog was worth the city and everything in it. Animal control would not even reveal the circumstances of the bite to me. Gigi had no human contact without me. I probably could have sacrificed a couple of Congressmen to rescue Gigi from the dummkopfs, but Gigi would not have approved. If unwarranted restrictions were placed on me or the dog, she would not have been the same dog. She ruled! Her smile said, "You're my friend or you're meat!" No "ifs", "ands", or "buts" about it!!<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Referenced (numbers) are for articles on <a href="http://www.indymedia.org.;">http://www.indymedia.org.;</a> i.e. Global IMC Open Newswire. To access via Id#, access any article, change the Id=# in the address bar, and press "Enter".<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Israel" Deaf Messenger</p>
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#markup (String, 19010 characters ) <p>Transfered from old site</p> <!--break--><p>...
<p>Transfered from old site</p> <!--break--><p>Suppressed Messenger writings from the paper era. Why don't you check with Chicago and see what they done with Elijah.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />"Elijah" is Here! Get it in Gear! -12/5/95<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Bobby Meade<br /> <br />1269 Raum St. Ne #3<br /> <br />Washington, DC 20002<br /> <br /><br /> <br />12/5/95<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Dear -----------,<br /> <br />Seasons Greetings! Wishing you a safe and happy holidays for you and yours.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Sincerely, Bobby Meade<br /> <br /><br /> <br />"Elijah" is here! Get It in Gear!<br /> <br /><br /> <br />There's a good chance that the "prophet Elijah" (Mal. 4:5) arrived via immaculate conception on late Thursday, November 16, 1995. InterVarsity Press's New Dictionary of Theology contends that "prophecy purports to offer truths about God, man, and the world"; however Representative Newt Gingrich's premature condemnation of the "salivating media" nipped Elijah's story in the bud. Why? It would make great copy; plus universal exploitation of the Elijah story would do wonders for our country's image. Alfred Hitchcock would have grabbed that story! Maybe Elijah's "midwife" could do how-to shows on her(his) delivery methods. Why not? This country hasn't hit bottom yet! Go for it! That's our first assignment, uphold Elijah, the fruit of our culture; "you will know them by their fruit"(Matt. 7:26). U.S.A. does good work!<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Also on the to-do list is this computer chip issue, which must be brought to the forefront of the public's consciousness. The media would prefer that we sweat the small stuff like the F-word and the S-word while they pull a Big Fast One! Timothy McVeigh should be doing the talk-show circuit by now; he has got a story to tell! We also need a group of chip recipients on Oprah, or something like that. The "soldiers" must concentrate on those things of which we have firsthand knowledge, such as our Oklahoma bombing. All aspects of this bombing must be addressed, including the resulting beefed-up security nationwide. That's similar to how our security guards make work for themselves. They tear a place up so that they will end up getting paid to protect it. Would the Federal Government blow up one of their own buildings in order to get you to pity the poor pencil-pushers that perished? As for General Colin Powell and his "army", he is not going to do anything on my say-so. Set the "stage", and he will come. Just make sure that the role which he will assume and the justice that he will dispense are nothing that God wouldn't approve of.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />We should leave the foreign scene alone as much as possible, but our "hand" in Bosnia demands that we address the situation. This looks like a job for (Edit! Edit! Mouthy lingo of brass boy Bob has been deleted out of respect to President-On-Leaves?, Bill Clinton and His Venerable Holiness John Paul II.............. "Doesn't that feel better?".......) ....a job for wisdom, strength of spirit, and common sense. Senator Bob Dole and company would probably benefit from the same, for they seem to have forgotten it. Since there is a large Catholic population involve in the quagmire in Bosnia. Pope John Paul II is the right person to lead these wayward sheep to a garden of love and peace. Even with the Bosnians, a rather rambunctious bunch, as his raw material, his Holiness, the Pope, John Paul II will surely do a better job than Jerry Garcia and the counterculture did in establishinging a kingdom of love and peace. "Imagine!" "Just Give Peace a Chance!" John Lennon's (S)spirit lives on there. Just follow "ol Flat Top's" directions there. John's (S)spirit laid the foundation for this Peace that lasts and this Love that conquers all. He laid it on the line and paid the price. In the same way as John was the fourth Beatle from beyond the grave, you might regard John's (S)spirit and his "blueprint" for love and peace, playing an active role in shaping the future in Bosnia and throughout the world. John's (S)spirit "never wanna die"! Yes! Even the Bosnian Catholics can come to know this Love and Peace, but they "must hold fast to what "they" have until "He" comes"(Rev. 2:25). It is possible to find Him in the Catholic Church. How about that?<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Now you have your directions; thus you shouldn't get lost so people "start building a cross" or anything like that. "Elijah" is here! Get it in gear! Show this world the fruit of our labors. Show this world that when we go to "hell in a handbasket", we don't mess around! Elijah is proof of that! Did Elijah reveal a truth or two about God, man, and the world to us? Did Elijah "turn the hearts of parents to their children and the hearts of children to their parents"(Mal. 4:5)? He better have! Or God " will come and strike the land with a curse"(Mal. 4:5), and that be worse than Voo-Doo! Seek Him! Heed Him! Speed His coming! "Surely His salvation is at hand for those who fear Him, that His glory may dwell in our land"(Ps. 85).<br /> <br /><br /> <br />"Israel" - Deaf Messenger - Bobby Meade 12/5/95<br /> <br /><br /> <br />"America Starts Here"<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Prelude to "America Starts Here" from the "Good News" of 11/24/97: "A woman clothed with the sun ..is the Queenof the Heavens of Jehovah's Witnesses, an overzealous people, wise to do evil...Jehovah's Witnesses apparently believe that they are doing God's will if they throw sulphur at smokers or others who they condemn. Although you will never see them in Kingdom Hall, a lot of the Witnesses are old geezers, as old as the religion itself. Old geezers, wise to do evil, skilled at making head-on collisions look like accidents, and at getting Mike Tyson to chew their "food" for them....Look! I gotta go! "George Bush" sounds like he needs an enema."(Jer. 7:18; Rev. 12:1; Jer. 4:22; Rom. 1:21; Is. 59:15; Jer. 4:22; Deut. 33:21) ("George Bush" is in quotation marks in these articles because, after weeks of trying to convince me that he was George Bush, he then started saying that he was not George Bush.)<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Bobby Meade<br /> <br />Brooktondale NY<br /> <br />January 22, 1998<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Dear.--------------<br /> <br />I hope that you will distribute lots of copies of "America Starts Here" for those who wish to herald this New World Order. Sincerely, Bobby Meade<br /> <br /><br /> <br />AMERICA STARTS HERE<br /> <br /><br /> <br />There is no need to try to ensnare or capture Jehovah's Witnesses when they are adept at falling into their own traps. For example, last summer when I wrote of sulphur being injected into my water supply and shortly after I informed the locals that they had missed celebrating the last blue moon of this century(87001); I came home to find my spring extruding a thick greasy claylike mixture of calcium. The Witnesses had apparently convinced the locals that the way to change Bob's mind about the sulphur dumping was to use a suction pump to pump several hundred pounds of calcium; i.e. hydrated lime or something like that, into Bob's water supply. The Witnesses didn't tell these guys that it's not the same calcium that comes from cows milk; thus the towns residents find themselves pissing a lot as the body's equilibrium is disrupted, and convulsions and birth pains grab hold, for the triflers had poisoned the whole town water supply. Whether the Witnesses are now dumping calcium everywhere to make this calcium fiasco look like an everyday happening or they are in a race to fulfill the prophecy of the bitter waters of wormwood; the Witnesses themselves have promoted this calamity that will enable the ten thousands of Ephraim to drive Jehovah's professed witnesses to the ends of the earth. If the Witnesses have primed David Wolfe to dub Mir-Wormwood and use it to dash righteousness to the ground in Washington, D.C. that the Supreme Court may send forth even the minimal justice contained in the Heart of Israel; "George Bush" say he is not their King anymore. Seeing that his time as Jacob was also coming to an end, "George Bush" has called on the U.S.P.O. to replace Jehovah's Witnesses tending the watchfires; thus I was promptly evicted from Dryden for using my makeshift horn to announce the posting of the aforementioned postscript to "Just the News" when a guy from another town complained about my horn blowing. I retreated as the residents of Dryden questioned my accuser about his presence in Dryden, his mission on earth, etc. Thus the frog in my backyard leads the way by making known to "George Bush" a surefire way to get those watchfires tended; reward the U.S.P.O. for having jumped at the chance to dance with prophecy; and give his former subjects the chance to head for the hills. The kinder gentler side of "George Bush" claims that his former subjects can't even function anymore, so be sure to assure him that they never were functional (Prov. 5:22; Ps. 35:8; Mic. 4:9; Jer. 6:24; Is. 50:6; 2:4; Rev. 8:11; Ez. 38:2; Deut. 33:17; Amos 5:7; Is. 59:14; Mic. 1:5; Joel 2:1,15; Is. 52:1,7,8; Lev. 25:9; Is. 54:17; Rev. 16:13)<br /> <br /><br /> <br />The lighting of those watchfires will confirm that history ended and the end of all things drew close when Sarah and Jennifer died, for out of the town of Dryden will come a love that says that these two girls were worth the world and everything in it, even a Kingdom that cannot be shaken from now on even till time indefinite. America will start in Dryden, born of Israel, a nation within it. Those watchfires will herald the beginning of God's rule of the earth and result in the appearance of the Bear Lord, the club of His wrath, the true Jacob, Israel's watchman, and Sophia, the goddess of fortresses; and these five will launch the expedition that will carry the glory of the Kingdom of the Lord of Sarah and Jennifer to the ends of the earth and establish Israel of America's claim on Judah as God's portion in the holy land. Five on a mountaintop and the place is ours.(Is. 66:8; Heb. 12:28; 1 Peter 4:7; Dan. 7:5; Is. 10:5; Is. 44:5; Dan. 11:38; Ez. 39:26; Is. 49:6; Zech. 2:12; Mic. 7:4; Is. 30:17)<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Due to the way things are turning out, the Bear Lord will probably be pissed at everybody about everything; thus justice will roll on like a river as the righteousness of Sarah and Jennifer is made to shine like the stars. Thus from the east, He summons a bird of prey. From a far off land, a man to fulfill His purpose. If Dryden builds it, he will come, and the righteous one by his faithfulness will keep on living. And America will be left in the hands of "George Bush" after Dryden gets him to stand up and accept the Heart of Israel that he might send it to the ends of the earth. I could never get him to accept the Heart with or without the sexualized number and "Stop AIDS; Save the Gays" slogan. Frankly after the revolt of Jacob, I will leave it up to America to decide if "George Bush" is to be their Zionist King, ruling in righteousness. Since communication with the Queen of the Heavens of Judah is now impossible for me due to those who harass me, I will tell her here that Sarah and Jennifer are now becoming bigger than life; thus we are better off seeking refuge with Benjamin and answering questions with questions. Benjamin is a lot like my German Shepherd, Gigi. She never turned back, and nobody questioned her tribe.(Amos 5:24; Is. 59:19; Dan. 12:3; Hab. 2:4; Dan. 7:3,4;11:3; Gen. 49:27; Deut. 33:12; Is. 46:11)<br /> <br /><br /> <br />P.S. Makeshift Horn Assembley: 12" section of hula hoop; empty one gallon plastic milk or water container, 12" duct tape; 12" plastic electrical tape; 12" masking tape - Cut container cap and insert hoop section one inch into the container; cut bottom out of container; secure container cap with duct tape then electrical tape; enlargen the mouthpiece end of the hoop section and wrap with masking tape. Done! Wrap it tight! I am told that it is the loudest most versatile instrument ever made. (Since '98 the dummkopfs of BDT have changed the tubing of hula hoops, even putting a seam in the tubing! I have since found that various plumbing tubing works just as well. For best results, freeze the horn before each use.)<br /> <br /><br /> <br />"Israel" - Deaf Messenger - Bobby Meade 1/22/98<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Update - 2/1/03 The dummkopf Nazis of Bush Daddy Tribe have always behaved like they were God on earth; thus it is safe to say that they are all Jehovah's Witnesses and not restrict it to the "toothless old geezers" that migrated here with Nicky and the Storm Troopers of Germany after World War II(62371 & 174299). Jehovah's Witnesses are opposed to war and refuse to accept the authority of any government in matters of religious conscience, and that certainly sounds like the murderous chemical-mongering Nazis that my Daddy has been talking about. I was able to spread the words in these articles to a very limited extent by mailing copies to 34 various "free" publications and leaving copies at ten places in DC and Ithaca(190292). It seems like Bush Daddy Tribe was controlling release of these articles, then targetting and eliminating anyone who talked of Elijah. When I started moving back to the Ithaca area 18 months after the Elijah article, my friend Norm was gone(29190), Charlie was gone(29650), and Sarah and Jennifer were butchered a few months after I had become established at Norm's house(93509). Although Norm was crucial as the "watchman of Ephraim", heralding the stupidity of the dummkopf Nazis; Sarah and Jennifer ensured that the Heart of Israel, with the "Bi-Gay Bi-Gay Symbol"(See PS 211500) would carry the glory and the salvation of Israel to the ends of the earth.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Now the dummkopf Nazis continue to play God by throwing toxic amounts of calcium at people until "birth pains take hold", which is probably the beginning of acute renal failure, toxic shock, something like that. I've been through this "calcium onslaught" scenario several times before, and there will probably be several more. I shudder to think what happens when someone goes seeking medical help for the pains of toxic shock without understanding that the dry taste in their mouth is calcium. These "birth pains" are proof that brass young man, Bob is still behaving like that German Shepherd, Gigi. It looks like four of the six images on the "German Shepherd" Bradford Exchange plate, advertised two weeks ago, were of my German Shepherd, Gigi. Looks like they stretched her ears in a few of the images too! She was a powerhouse that would rule five miles in any directions whenever and wherever she could. She would pace the perimeter while carrying three litters. She was and is one of the most widely seen dogs on earth. Her parents, "Hoboes Benjamin" and "Phoebe Von Nector" were unquestionable German Shepherds. Anyway that dog had me behaving like a "brass Meade boy" on paper, didn't she(219952)? Then the dummkopf Nazis of Bush Daddy Country killed the frog in my backyard and said, "Ha! He has delusions!"(200807 &amp208762). Since then my Daddy has been assuming responsibility for what I write(231491). I pray that Elijah is safe and sound wherever he is. I'm also sure that "no body" understands that Elijah's "truth", which he revealed to the world, was the manner in which he was born and how we could go so low as to let dummkopf Nazis prey on people who tried to make known what happened to Elijah's mother in Wheaton, Illinois, 11/16/95. Elijah was probably ripped from his mother's womb by morons, urged on by "fedya guvmint thugs", because this woman had been so bold as to name her baby before he was born. BDT tried to make evisceration look like an everyday happening so they could do worse things than that. Birth pains? Toxic shock? Blame it on your beer for all I care! Israel was born here! The righteous have disappeared from the land(Mic. 7:2). Even from the grave, Israel can make manifest Israel's America, which will soon include the whole western hemisphere; but Israel will grow even bigger. I'm not making this up.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />PS -2/2/03: Sounds like someone hit the "detonation button" on the Columbia a la "Do Something! Quick!"(62855). If poopheads and dummkopf Nazis are everywhere on the ground, why would anyone trust anyone up there? There is a big hairy guy up on campus who goes by the name of Dennis Kolva. He used to sell bedding plants and Professor Emeritus Robert Mower caught him stealing specimen plants from Cornell's flower collection and booted him off campus. I worked on the brownstone of a FAA official with Dennis in Washington, DC; and I wonder if Dennis is the FAA's, "Dial a Disaster" connection at Cornell. Dennis is on that campus with the approval of "fedya guvmint thug" elite, Danny Gonzalez and Terry Garahan; but Bush Daddy claims that Danny Gonzalez is the "prize" because he is Hitler's kid. Communication glitches prevent any valid investigations into who interacts with the lowest of the lowdown fools up on the hill. Bush Daddy says that if you don't kill them, beat their faces; maybe the next person along will cut their heads off. "Mommy! That dog was smiling at me!"<br /> <br /><br /> <br />PPS: 2/3/03 This was removed from front page IMC Global within minutes yesterday at Id= 233476,and today from Id=233853. (2/5/03 Looks like Global IMC posting is under the control of dummkopf Nazis; thus I can't vouch for the trueness of the copy is now available. Dummkopf Nazi Subterfuge!? The Bear Lord could have sworn to Himself that Gigi epitomized the American Spirit, USSR and all. Heck! She was trained not to kill people on sight! What more could you ask for? If Gigi bit some dummkopf Nazi poophead who was committing an illegal or very very stupid act, DC Animal Control would back them up until they were aware that they had helped these dummkopfs kill a "celestial" being for a "pocketful of mumbles" from a pack of mangy poopheads. The dog was worth the city and everything in it. Animal control would not even reveal the circumstances of the bite to me. Gigi had no human contact without me. I probably could have sacrificed a couple of Congressmen to rescue Gigi from the dummkopfs, but Gigi would not have approved. If unwarranted restrictions were placed on me or the dog, she would not have been the same dog. She ruled! Her smile said, "You're my friend or you're meat!" No "ifs", "ands", or "buts" about it!!<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Referenced (numbers) are for articles on <a href="http://www.indymedia.org.;">http://www.indymedia.org.;</a> i.e. Global IMC Open Newswire. To access via Id#, access any article, change the Id=# in the address bar, and press "Enter".<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Israel" Deaf Messenger</p>
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